Duchess Meghan shrugs off ‘routine & expected’ ARO trademark situation

Last week, several British outlets threw a party because the Duchess of Sussex’s American Riviera Orchard trademarks had been “rejected” by the US Patent and Trademarks Office. I found the story to be mundane and only newsworthy because it involved Meghan, but obviously, the British media believes that this is some kind of huge scandal. Here in America, trademarks are a tricky thing and many people have to go back and forth several rounds with the US Patent and Trademarks Office. There are also a million workarounds even if the ARO trademark remains “rejected.” In any case, sources close to Meghan tamped down the ginned-up scandal:

Meghan Markle is going forward with her plans for her new lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, which began sending out samples to select influencers earlier this spring. According to a trademark filing, the process is still ongoing, with representatives at the US Patent and Trademarks Office objecting to a few aspects of the name and a previous application’s description of the brand’s calligraphic logo. Despite reports claiming otherwise, the news doesn’t necessarily represent a setback for the brand, which is reportedly preparing for a wider launch later this year.

A source close to the duchess said that the process is still ongoing. “American Riviera Orchard, as part of its on-going Trademark Application, has received several office actions,” they told Vanity Fair. “These are routine and expected when filing for trademarks.”

According to the Daily Mail, Markle’s legal representation has already gone through two rounds of back and forth about the logo, name, and company’s intended products. In a “non-final” action document, the PTO mentions trademark law related to the patent of geographic locations and the wording of other aspects of the application.

[From Vanity Fair]

In the previous story, I mentioned that Taylor Swift has several file cabinets full of rejected trademarks. Another situation I just remembered was Jennifer Aniston’s first attempt at a perfume. She tried to call it Lolavie and even had the Lolavie print ads out and then she had to change the name to Jennifer Aniston: The Perfume or whatever because someone else had trademarked the name Lolavie. My point is that trademark issues and celebrities go hand-in-hand. The Daily Mail and the Telegraph need to calm down.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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13 Responses to “Duchess Meghan shrugs off ‘routine & expected’ ARO trademark situation”

  1. goofpuff says:

    Well at least this explains why its taking so long to get ARO to the market. They need to resolve the trademark annoyance first.

    Only the British media can make a boring everyday trademark interaction seem like international news or scandal. I guess Meghan must be a global icon and global celebrity with massive historical importance to warrant this kind of in-depth coverage by the British media despite their claims that she’s “irrelevant”.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I actually think you’re wrong. The trademark issue need not be resolved for ARO to get going. Burger King, and other multinational corporations are functioned with unresolved trademark issues. But you’re right, this is a nothing burger, pardon the pun. Getting a business up and running, on the other hand, is major, if you’re serious. For example, sourcing, can create unexpected set backs. People just need to stop setting extreme expectations of Harry and Meghan that far exceed the norm.

  2. Elle says:

    It could be as simple as the color of the text needs to be changed from Pantone 741-1 to Pantone 742-3. Trademark rules are tedious.

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    Geez those gutter rats in the UK are shook by the Sussexes. The amount of column inches they give to this couple.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Those gutter rats wouldn’t make any money if it weren’t for the Sussexes! Who else will those rags write about…the remaining left behind “royals?”

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    I do believe even WanK were denied a trademark here… it’s beyond time to leave Meghan and her family alone.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    Didn’t Archewell encounter the same issues before it was accepted by the trademark office? The British press are just desperate for any news about Meghan and eager to see her fail.

  6. B says:

    Lol tell the people who wrote articles about if the Sussex lawn can be watered to calm down? Not likely. These people have no access and have resorted to discussing the weather in Montecito, copy wright filings, water restrictions for lawns, and just showing up in the town to ask people about Harry and Meghan. They remain extra pressed and obsessed.

    Fortunately they no longer have any impact on Harry and Meghan’s life.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    I think it’s two fold they are not used to covering people that actually work so very mundane corporate stuff seems like a scandal to them, and also they eternally are obsessed with telling their domestic audience that everyone in America hates Harry and Meghan and they totally didn’t make a mistake shunning them so they try to blow up simple stuff like this as some sort of ” evidence” that they are hated. And when Americans try to explain to them that they are not daily conversation and that obsession like the way that they show is super bizarre to most of us they try to twist it into they’ve lost popularity. Because of course being popular is all that matters and how people measure their life when they don’t have any actual accomplishments.

  8. Jais says:

    It’s becoming tedious noise in the background. A gnat buzzing around. The BM so constantly criticizes that the criticism barely lands anymore. And this is just another example of blah blah blah. Everyone has issues with this but yeah let’s write about the Sussexes some more.

  9. Saucy&Sassy says:

    It’s popcorn time. I enjoy it when the bm comes out with outlandish articles and then an article in the US comes out negating what they’ve written. How they must hate that.

  10. WaterDragon says:

    Love, love, love Meghan’s radiance in that gorgeous coral color blouse/dress. Also in the vee-neck mulberry or whatever color top and skirt. She always looks great but I especially think she shines in colors.

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