Jude Law on royalty: ‘I don’t know that I want to bow down to anyone, personally’

Jude Law is currently promoting Firebrand, where he plays late-in-life Henry VIII. They cast a former pretty-boy to play the former pretty-boy king. Thankfully, Jude has aged better than Henry VIII although I still wince whenever I see Jude’s current hairline. Still, I understand why he has so many babies (seven at last count). Jude recently chatted about Firebrand, British royalty, Hollywood and the 1990s with the Times. Some highlights:

On Hollywood: “Hollywood’s a hungry machine. Always looking for the new kid on the block. The attention cools off if your movies are not making a ton of money. There is a definite tier system as to who is offered what first, and if the work is not coming in as freely you have to consider what you want to do.”

On Firebrand. He thinks the film is about “surviving domestic abuse” and Law speaks of Henry as “a gangster — a former golden boy who’s rotting”. And as he continues speaking of “fear”, “despicable behaviour”, “physical ownership” and “sheer brutality.”

The comparison to Harvey Weinstein: “Yeah. Honestly, I never thought of him specifically — I didn’t focus in on Harvey’s life and downfall. But I was very aware that Henry symbolises the downfall of many men who soared through life with great success and got drunk on power, abused it and fell. And so Harvey must have crossed my mind. That disregard …”

Whether he’s a royalist? “I don’t know that I am. I’m intrigued by their history. But I’ve never been a great believer in treating someone a certain way because they are born under a title. And I don’t know that I want to bow down to anyone, personally.”

Why he does studio films: “Indie films don’t pay, so sometimes you get a franchise and go, ‘Fantastic, I can put that extension on my house.’”

The ‘90s revival: “I’ve been thinking about that. We always talked about the phone being the downfall of that era, that way of living. But, that said, we were all 20 then and now we’re all 50. It was a good time to be 20. I’ve got such fond memories, I don’t know that I want to try and relive them.”

He’s enthusiastic: “Enthusiasm doesn’t seem very palatable in the UK. But then I’ve always felt like I don’t really fit in.”

[From The Times]

“But I’ve never been a great believer in treating someone a certain way because they are born under a title. And I don’t know that I want to bow down to anyone, personally.” It honestly just struck me that Jude isn’t one of those British actors who play the game with the Windsors – he’s not looking to socialize with the Windsors, he rarely attends events with them and he’s not cozying up to any charities or patronages associated with them. That’s interesting. He just does his own thing and moves around in Hollywood and British productions. He’s the quiet small-r republican. Good for him.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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31 Responses to “Jude Law on royalty: ‘I don’t know that I want to bow down to anyone, personally’”

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  1. the Robinsons says:

    You tell ’em, Jude!!!

  2. the Robinsons says:

    Welcome to America, Jude.

  3. Latte says:

    He was excellent in Firebrand!! 🔥

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      He’s getting more and more interesting as he gets older. Hopefully he continues to work because I enjoy him in all sorts of roles onscreen.

  4. Sienna says:

    I think he’s aged like fine wine and love his hairline. He’d obviously had a hair transplant earlier in his career but I love that he’s now aging softly and leaning into maturity rather than tweaking himself to plastic like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt.

  5. TN Democrat says:

    Good for him. Beckham’s not so quiet desperation for a knighthood is unsettling. Jude’s attitude seems much more sensible and forward thinking. Eventually all the Windsor shenanigans are going to be public and the public figures who have not bent the knee will be more higly regarded ghan those who have.

  6. wolfmamma says:

    There is something very real and likable about Jude Law as an actor, as a person.

    • MF says:

      Yes, part of it is he comes off as authentic. He also seems very smart. His answer about the royals is actually quite clever. It doesn’t sound like a PR-scripted answer, but it’s an excellent response to avoid controversy.

  7. Lightpurplei says:

    Damn, pregnant just by looking at him!

  8. chatter says:

    Royalty is outdated nonsense. Chosen by God to rule, my fat arse!
    Basic polite manners to everyone, is fine.
    Go ahead and get dressed up for a charity event, that is the very least they could do.
    Meet the other leaders, have the traditional dinner and photo, etc.
    But this bowing and scraping is nonsense.

    I have more respect for working people vs. any so called royalty.
    Btw, if I was in charge of things, I would ban yachts and certainly the so called super yachts.
    Help others! Not just the yacht sellers!

    I loved Michael Caine all these years, and he was very upfront about some roles he took bc of the $$. Jude seems to be so too.

    He does look much better vs. Cruise, Pitt, fillers, etc.

  9. Digital Unicorn says:

    I wanna watch this but its only on Apple TV in the UK at the moment 🙁

    I love him as an actor and will watch whatever he’s in – he’s such a talented actor and he’s a good interviewee (I esp love him when he’s on Graham Norton). His personal life has been very messy which at times has over shadowed his work – he seems to have finally settled down.

    And I really hope we see more of him as hot young Dumbeldore.

  10. chatter says:

    Graham Norton show is on youtube, I just discovered it.
    Very funny, have seen many actors on it who are very entertaining vs. US late night chat shows. 👍

    I wish I could afford all the streaming apps to see many of the new shows.
    I just can not.

    • Gail Hirst says:

      Right there with you, chatter. I choose to spend my money on food and rent and stuff. I have one streaming service, Netflix, because my son loves it. When we started w/Netflix it was $7.99 per month…a really good deal. It’s still under $20.00 per month and is pretty much my entire entertainment budget. I don’t see it changing anytime soon, either.

  11. chatter says:

    Re: Link above for What kind of dog is Snoopy?
    Fellow CBers, please click and follow thru for the photo of the real life dog who is called a Snoopy lookalike. ADORABLE! 😁

  12. Amy Bee says:

    I like his honesty.

  13. girl_ninja says:

    “Indie films don’t pay, so sometimes you get a franchise and go, ‘Fantastic, I can put that extension on my house.”

    The realness tho …he does have a lot of babies to keep clothed and fed.

    That hairline is unfortunate and he a cheater, but he is still so fucking HOT. I can’t believe how attractive I still find him! 😮‍💨And I hate cheaters.

  14. Jegede says:

    No one is required to bow any longer. Not even to the monarch.
    Thought Jude would know that.
    Especially as his pals, Kate M & Naomi C, are Charles’ friendly.

    • Becks1 says:

      People aren’t required to but they often still do bow and curtsy when meeting one of the senior royals.

    • Jaded says:

      I think he was speaking metaphorically, as in referring to Chuck as “your Majesty” and “Sir” and all the ridiculous protocol you have to go through when you meet senior royals. Such a lot of useless pomp for useless people.

    • Eurydice says:

      I think this might also be metaphorical because he says he doesn’t want to bow down to anyone.

  15. Becks1 says:

    Agree with others….hate the cheating but lordy he’s still so hot, LOL.

  16. QuiteContrary says:

    I truly cannot understand why anyone would bow down to a royal. Or allow themselves to be called a subject.

    I could never. So good for Jude, a still very handsome dude.

  17. ChickieBaby says:

    He’s kind of growing into that combination of leading man/character actor in the same vein as Cary Grant or Gregory Peck (both of whom were great, always), and is sexy as all get out. He takes on a variety of different roles and totally Brings It every time he’s on screen, without being hungry for notice. I like him more and more as his career progresses

  18. erica says:

    I have always loved Jude Law. He is promoting his new movie “The Order”
    The Zurich Film Festival Opening will be Justin Kurzel’s neo-Nazi thriller “The Order,” starring Law, who will receive the festival’s Golden Eye career achievement award.
    I hope this get more award love.