King Charles is ‘upbeat’ & ‘very positive’ about his health these days

This past Sunday was the second anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s passing and the accession of King Charles. As they did on the first anniversary, the British media tried to do some “state of Charles’s reign” pieces, but this time, everything feels a bit in the air. The elephant in the room is that Charles still has cancer, he’s still receiving treatment and he does not look well at all. He’s lost a lot of weight and he’s aged a lot over the course of the year. So Buckingham Palace used the anniversary to spread some good cheer and try to convince everyone that Charles is doing just fine:

The King’s health is heading in a ‘very positive’ direction after his cancer diagnosis earlier this year, a royal source has said. The source said King Charles has coped with the past year with a ‘determination to be as public as he was able’ to reassure the nation about his capabilities.

The King and Queen are gearing up for an important tour to Australia and Samoa in the autumn – their first major overseas trip since news of Charles’s cancer was announced.

‘Health has to remain the number one priority, albeit heading in a very positive trajectory,’ the source said. The King has been buoyed on this year by Queen Camilla’s support. ‘Her natural warmth, resilience and sense of humour, as I’m sure any patient will tell you, is a wonderful thing to have,’ the source said. ‘Of course it’s been a stressful year for Her Majesty, too, but there was never a sense of despondency, only a determination that they would get through this, as with so many other challenging issues in the past.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Here’s the thing… I don’t even believe that Chalres has a positive disposition about his health. That man is Eeyore in human form. I think he probably wallows and makes everyone miserable. I think Camilla is probably sick of him too. Anyway, here’s a different-but-similar briefing:

A source told the Daily Mirror: ‘There has been a lot going on, but the King has always been upbeat. Not once has he allowed himself to question the future – he’s dealt with everything head on. Now he is back in business. There is a spring in his step and a renewed vigour with it too. Everything is looking positive, which is welcome.’

A source added: ‘The King very much feels this is the second chapter of his reign and he is very positive about the future.’

The King’s so-called first chapter of his refine has been defined by growing rifts within the between Charles and his son, Harry, and brother Andrew. A palace insider claimed that the King wanted a better relationship with his youngest son but they said Charles was ‘focussed on things he believes are more important right now.’

[From The Daily Mail]

“A palace insider claimed that the King wanted a better relationship with his youngest son but they said Charles was ‘focussed on things he believes are more important right now.’” If they’re lying about that, then one could argue that they’re lying about his health too, correct? Because the entire royal institution is almost singularly focused on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Not so much a possible reconciliation, but focused on what Harry and Meghan are doing and saying and where they’re going. The palace still issues talking points to counter the Sussexes’ activities and uses the Sussexes as scapegoats whenever possible. So… the palace is lying about Charles’s health.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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37 Responses to “King Charles is ‘upbeat’ & ‘very positive’ about his health these days”

  1. equality says:

    So he is ‘focussed on things he believes are more important right now.’? Because the safety of his son and family isn’t an important issue at all? Charles may have treatments from now on. My mom will be doing infusions every 3 weeks from now on. It doesn’t necessarily mean that he has been given a time limit. Funny how he can announce things and do work while not “cancer free”.

    • Eurydice says:

      If the top photo is anything go go by, the “more important” issue would be putting his affairs in order.

      • equality says:

        Is there much to putting his affairs in order though? I imagine that Cam already has her cash and house all set up. Unless he is going to defy the leaving everything to the next monarch tradition, what’s left? Making sure his funeral will be stylish?

      • Eurydice says:

        @equality – I imagine there are procedures for preparing the heir for a transfer of power. Charles had a long time to prepare with Elizabeth, but William’s only had 2 years and most of that’s been taken up with his own transition, Kate’s illness and his overwhelming laziness. He couldn’t seem to get through a single investiture.

      • equality says:

        Charles tried to get PW tutoring in Welsh when he was young and PW didn’t learn anything. He tried to get him courses and to teach him about the duchy and failed because PW wouldn’t cooperate. What purpose would trying to prepare him now serve?

      • Tara says:

        I agree. Based upon that top photo he’s got some serious things to focus on.

      • Eurydice says:

        @equality – I feel that Charles takes his position as king seriously (never mind whether or not he’s effective) and would do whatever he thinks is necessary from his end. If William chooses not to listen or learn or even care, that’s his problem.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Tweaking the funeral arrangements to make sure the Sussexes are left off the guest list?

        If he truly wanted to get his affairs in order, he’d wind his neck in and start mending fences with the members of his family he’s been wantonly attacking in the press. And he’d do something to bring his rottweiler to heel.

        The man is as stubborn and cruel as he is self-pitying. He has a pile of life choices to regret. He will always be known as the man who hated his wife and youngest child and tried to destroy them, as well as his DIL and grandchildren.

  2. Em says:

    Is he going to release his own video playing with horses and also try to keep himself cancer free.

  3. CatMum says:

    I agree that, given what we know about how the BM operates, it’s not looking good for Charles.

    As to the second excerpt, hasn’t Charles always had things to work on that were more important than Harry (and even William?)

  4. Amy Bee says:

    How is he going into the his second chapter of his reign when it only started two years ago?

  5. Eleonor says:

    The statement came out today ?
    Because if this came out after Kate video my inner b!tc# thinks that he felt upstaged. And we all know that Charles is such a drama queen…

    • Lau says:

      And all of that so close to the anniversary of QEII’s death *sad face emoji*. Somehow this is all Meghan’s fault.

    • SarahCS says:

      I love that they always fight with each other, none of them have the slightest sense of actual strategy and what could help the regime strengthen its position.


  6. A says:

    Yea, we’ve openly seen this guy be angry at everyone from his staff to random page boys. He’s 75 and any illness at that age rather it be the flu or even a broken bone is considered more serious due to age alone. Honestly, at this point Charles is coasting on the fact that he’s slightly less dumb and incompetent than his heir, but it’s only slightly. If he were smart he would actually spend his time coming to some kinda of truce with Harry, and not just for the sake of the monarchy’s image but his own. Instead of enlisting the David Beckhams of the world to help you with your foundation, you could be utilizing your younger son and maybe even having him absorb some of your pet projects into his own foundation carrying them on after you die, especially the ones related to the arts which would be easier to do given his location. But, I guess less ego and common sense is just not the Windsor way.

  7. Mads says:

    Charles has always been a self-entitled, tetchy bore and his health issues would exacerbate all of his negative personality traits.

    Camilla had to escape to Ray Mill to have breaks from him when he was not ill, so I imagine the poor dear is struggling with the “in sickness” part of the marriage vows.

    • SarahCS says:

      The references to Camilla did not ring true to me and read like PR approved language.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      I love how Camilla ruined her own “dutiful wife” narrative by flocking back to her ex and parading about with him and their son like she’s the Merry Widow of Windsor already.

      Millions of pounds Cluck spent on rehabbing her image in the public eye and then almost immediately after the check is written oops, Camilla reveals her true colours yet again. It’s almost pathological with her.

  8. Becks1 says:

    I actually can believe he’s doing okay, especially considering his age. He doesn’t look great these days but I think he looks better than he looked 6 months ago. And honestly I can even believe that Charles wants a better relationship with Harry. The issue there is that for Charles, that means Harry apologizing and coming crawling back to the Firm. For Harry, it means something very different because he will never come crawling back.

    • Mayp says:

      That is because Harry wants a “family”and not a “firm.”. I am afraid there is no such thing as the “Royal Family”

  9. Proud Mary says:

    The two people accused of racism, both have cancer, the emperor of all maladies, that engenders the world’s greatest level of sympathies. They both announce that their cancers were discovered in the exact same manner. Now they are both announcing their positive prognosis at the same time. I’m not saying that neither of them are ill, but cancer is a special diagnosis. BTW, will we ever know what forms of cancer they both have? Why did Carolyn Molone’s claim that Charles does not have cancer get buried by the media?

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      How far back did Carolyn Molone make that assertion? Because the cancer dx always did smack of game playing – though initially I believed Cluck was announcing (faked or not) a dx of Cancer to cover up the story about “Kate in a Coma” that had broken out in Spain the previous week.

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    I think it’s fair to say that they have all been lying about the prognosis of Chuck and 🦴… they won’t even name the type of cancer they have/had/or might have. I think Chuck will have a very short reign and I believe they all (the firm and rota) know it.

  11. Kaye says:

    Charles’ skin has that pale, translucent color seen in seriously ill cancer patients. I can’t believe he’ll be well enough to go to Australia.

  12. Lady Digby says:

    @Kaye if KC is too unwell then maybe FK and his step mummy could do the tour as a new, super duper double act?

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Huevo will dip like a dippy egg.

      Oh lord, lmao, what if they send the Edinburghs? Will Australia’s PM fire them on camera?

  13. Lady Digby says:

    KC has an obligation to his heir and eldest son as both king and father. Will and he are in the king business and need to agree on the best way forward in terms of mutual support and co operation to smooth the transition from one reign to another. First big question ; does Will actually want to do the king thing ? If Will wants to opt out, now is the time to be honest with himself and then his father and then they only have to break to the Daily Fail. Or they continue to do nothing constructive in the time left to KC and continue to leak, brief, snark, release syrupy videos and gaslight the public that they really are value for money!

    • SpankyB says:

      Will would never opt out unless George was already of legal age. If George was underage it would leave Harry as interim King. Will would be afraid of retaliation from King Harry. It would be awesome. And fun to watch. (Although I do believe Harry is above all that, and apparently I’m not).

  14. Gabby says:

    At this point, I think the ‘more important things’ are convincing Camilla to join him on the Aussie/Samoa tour. I’ll bet she threatens not to accompany him on a daily basis, especially when he’s being an ass. He’s walking on eggshells right now as he’s played all his sympathy cards with her and she’s just done.

  15. Dylan says:

    Serous papillary carcinoma (the most dangerous kind of uterine) patient here, NED since 2020 and with a sister who is dying from Stage IV metastatic breast cancer. Nowadays everything is about “immunotherapy” treatments after chemo/radiation and sometimes during. Each of these drugs has a more or less known time horizon. When they quit working you are switched to another that fits your cancer type, it’s enormously complicated. My sister is terminal but has floated around taking various immunotherapy drugs for the last two years going from treatment to treatment. The drugs have terrible side effects. It’s possible Charles is in this netherworld. My sister now has months to live with almost no hope of survival, there are no other therapies for her to try and she is too ill for any hail Mary clinicals.

    • Mayp says:

      Oh @dylan, your post really touched my heart; and, I wish you and your sister all my best for peace, health and happiness in what sounds like your very complicated journeys. 🤗

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