Netflix’s ‘Polo’ series, produced by the Sussexes, will premiere in December

Back in April, Netflix announced two upcoming projects from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Archewell Productions. The announcement about Meghan’s cooking/entertaining show has obviously gotten more attention in recent months, but I was also interested in the planned docuseries about polo. Prince Harry has played polo for much of his life, and he was immediately embraced by the American polo community once he left the UK. So much so that Harry was allowed to produce the docuseries which focuses primarily on the US Open Polo Championship in Wellington, Florida. Netflix promised that the series would not only showcase the sport, but the glamorous aesthetic of polo and the social scene around it. Personally, I hope they talk about how the horses travel and how the horses prepare! But I digress.

Well, it looks like the polo series, called Polo, has finished filming and it will premiere in December. Netflix announced that news alongside other conformations of their fall lineup. Netflix also released some images, but as of this writing, we still don’t have a trailer:

I’ve already seen some British outlets claim that Netflix “snubbed” Harry by not including him in the promotional images. To that I say: God, these people are monumentally stupid. Harry pitched this series to Netflix, and he and Meghan produced it. Plus, I think that is Harry in the third photo. I imagine it will be a lot like Heart of Invictus, where Harry is used more of a framing device for the narratives of polo players and the polo life.

And yes, it’s also really funny that this Netflix announcement came out a few hours after Kate’s big announcement. Even the Daily Mail had to begrudgingly admit: “There is no evidence to suggest the timing of the Netflix announcement was planned around Kate’s video.” Ya think? Netflix dropped the announcements for a dozen shows yesterday. Not everything revolves around the left-behinds.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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31 Responses to “Netflix’s ‘Polo’ series, produced by the Sussexes, will premiere in December”

  1. Maxine Branch says:

    My introduction to actually watching Polo was seeing Harry compete. Looking forward to learning more and seeing those good looking men compete. Will be watching.

    • Chloe says:

      Literally cannot wait to watch! I hope they also dive in a bit on the whole financial aspect of polo. How do players make their money and how do polo clubs make their money? Can’t imagine it’s a cheap operation.

    • swaz says:

      I got into it because of Harry as well 😍 Polo is such a sexy sport, I mean all the guys look good controlling that horse 😍 I’m all in.

  2. Shoegirl77 says:

    Kaiser, come on. We all know how horses travel. They’re nasty, cranky, rude, soaked in gin and stay in the car for fear of contact with a person of colour.

  3. Eurydice says:

    December? How dare they steal Kate’s Christmas concert thunder!

  4. Dee(2) says:

    The sheer self importance of these people I swear! Of course there’s no evidence that Netflix did it deliberately, why would a billion dollar company even care? Also, who even knew that video was coming out? Their obsession with harassing the Sussexes make them think that everyone else shares that same obsession. If it’s coming out in December they’ll probably release the trailer in late October early November and maybe it’ll be tied to another event around Polo that Harry and Nacho are doing.

  5. Audrey says:

    THE LEFT-BEHINDS. My day is perfected.

  6. Becks1 says:

    I’m excited! I think this is a good project for Harry, as someone who grew up on the polo pitch (pitch? grounds?) Polo is such an elite sport and I think a lot of people will enjoy the glimpse into polo society. I expect it to be more fun and glitzy than HoI (which obviously was not fun or glitzy due to the subject matter.)

  7. UnstrungPearl says:

    Hoping for some Jilly Cooper style drama in the documentary 😉 her books were my first intro to Polo though not sure how realistic they were!

  8. Jais says:

    Wow, that’s sooner than I thought. Wasn’t one of the royal reporters just writing about how all their Netflix stuff had flopped or was dead in the water? Guess they were super wrong🤡. Bc this show produced by Harry and Meghan’s on schedule to drop.

  9. Kelly says:

    I wonder if the show will address the animal welfare issues in polo or the obvious financial barriers that stop most people from playing.

    • windyriver says:

      Nacho has been interviewed locally the past few years when the Veuve Cliquot Polo Classic is held in the NYC area. He’s talked about wanting to see the sport grow, about the possibility of a docuseries (Gotham Magazine) and about his association with Work to Ride, a long time Philly program working with urban youth. WTR is supported by the Philly Polo Classic (9/21/24) which is expecting 4,000 people in it’s third year. GA ticket prices are reasonable, boxed picnic lunches available to pre-order, food trucks, exhibitors, etc. So I expect the series will at least cover more than just the elite aspect of the sport. Beyond that, we’ll see.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    I’ll be watching this when it comes out.

  11. Afken says:

    This is going to be interesting. I’m so intrigued as to how it’s going to be filmed. I wouldn’t be surprised if a big chunk of it was filmed in Argentina because so many top players are from there. I will be so happy if Harry pops up in Argentina.

  12. Lau says:

    Watch as William suddenly becomes REALLY interested in polo again around the release date and starts going to like two polo events (let’s not overwork the poor guy).

    • Beverley says:

      Lil Willy should be careful. He’s older than Harry and doesn’t appear to be fit, unlike Harry who clearly works out. Willy could get hurt if he over-extends himself. That would be a pity.

  13. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    Nacho co-wrote 3 romances set against the backdrop of polo. If this series does well, I would love to see Harry & Meghan adapt those novels for the screen through Archewell.

  14. horselover says:

    My kiddo plays college polo (she’s ridden horses since she was 8). For many, it’s less of an equestrian sport – more about the social scene and showing up for the matches. As she said, “In the US, you can play polo with a hangover.” That being said, she’s played in Argentina and said those players and the cambiasos in the doc are serious athletes and love their horses. It’s crazy how expensive it is – teams sometimes funded by uber wealthy behind-the-scenes sponsors. She’s only had to pay for gear, but maybe because guys like having her on their team because she is strategic and fierce.

  15. tamsin says:

    I thought Polo was going to be a documentary movie but it sounds like it is a series? If it is a series, they could still be filming episodes all over the world. Maybe just the first part is filmed in Florida and it’s just an introduction. All the other sports shows debuting seem to be multiple episodes as well. Anyway, I’m not quite clear on whether it will be multiple episodes like Harry and Meghan, or just a single documentary movie.

  16. Chrawi says:

    Obvi the Sussex’s/Netflix aren’t trolling the Windsor announcements. But maybe it’s the opposite, W&K have a new communications team, they may have more inroads to what’s going on over in Cali. Perhaps the latest Kate/cancer/Fam video was filmed in response to/anticipating and getting ahead of the Netflix announcement

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