Jennifer Lopez is ‘very close’ with Matt Damon & enjoyed talking to him in Toronto

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Over the weekend, we discussed Jennifer Lopez’s appearance at TIFF, to promote her supporting role in Unstoppable. Unstoppable was produced by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon’s Artists Equity, and Matt also attended the TIFF premiere (but Ben did not). J.Lo went all out, wearing a sexy Tamara Ralph gown and no underwear. She also made a point of attending the afterparties. It was at one of the afterparties where Jennifer was seen deep in conversation with Matty D. There have always been rumors about Matt and Jennifer possibly not getting along. Matt has not publicly shared his thoughts on the latest Bennifer split, but the fact that he and Jennifer were the ones to show up to support this film, well… it feels like a shift. There were also some fan photos/videos of Matt and Jennifer deep in conversation:

My body language analysis is that Matt is not comforting Jennifer per se. She’s the one who sat with him, she reached for his hand, she’s telling HIM something important about her marriage or Ben. Matt is just… listening. Now, Jennifer definitely wants people to know that she’s cool with Matt and that “Ben’s friends hate J.Lo” was also not a reason for this divorce.

Jennifer Lopez and Matt Damon remain good friends amid her divorce from Ben Affleck. After posing for group pictures together at the Unstoppable premiere on Friday, Sept. 6, at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), a source tells PEOPLE that the singer is “very close with Matt [Damon]” and “enjoyed spending time” with him.

The two friends were spotted at an Unstoppable afterparty engaged in a “deep conversation” following the movie’s premiere, a source previously told PEOPLE. Lopez and Damon, 53, chatted for over 20 minutes at the afterparty, held at EPOCH Bar & Kitchen Terrace at The Ritz-Carlton.

The insider told PEOPLE that Lopez sat at a table outside with the actor’s wife Luciana Damon and costar Don Cheadle when Damon joined them.

“Jen and Matt began talking and had a long, deep conversation,” the source previously said, noting that the two friends laughed and spoke more seriously, and for several minutes, they clasped hands as they spoke.

Affleck, who is a co-producer on Unstoppable, was noticeably absent. The film was produced by Affleck and Damon’s production company, Artists Equity.

[From People]

Yeah, it’s fine. I don’t think Matt and Jennifer are particularly close, but I also don’t think they have any particular beef. At this point, now that everyone is middle-aged, Matt isn’t “choosing sides.” He’s been friends with Ben for decades and he loves Ben, but probably sees Ben’s faults as well. This is more positioning from Jennifer, she’s fighting back and refusing to allow “Innocent” Ben’s narratives sit out there, unchallenged.

Photos courtesy of Jennifer’s IG, Getty.

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25 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez is ‘very close’ with Matt Damon & enjoyed talking to him in Toronto”

  1. ML says:

    If the message is that family and friends are interacting with JLo instead of shunning her like many did last time, and that they like her well enough to get along with her, then message received.

    • Lauren says:

      I admire J-Lo’s strength & perseverance.
      Ben has humiliated and rejected her twice in different decades, yet she shows up at TIFF and looks incredible.

      Ben shouldn’t be married to anybody, and when there is trouble he suddenly remembers Jen Garner & she rushes in every time to save him. That dynamic alone is unhealthy, and unfair to J-Lo. She deserves better.

  2. Neeve says:

    This looks like one of those scenarios where you see and corner your Exs best buddy to offload and the friend cant quite say anything back but cant be rude either.

    • LeonsMomma says:

      Exactly! With Matt’s look meaning “Yeah, I know my friend was (is) a sh**.” Then probably spend most of the time nodding and apologizing. Surprised there are no photos of the “what could any of us do” shoulder shrug/hands up in air. Then once free, a beeline to the bar. (Yes, I have been in Matt’s position before; not w/JLo, of course!)

      • Lens says:

        ‘ Matt Damon shut down any attempt that JLo made to discuss Ben at the premiere,’ an insider told exclusively. ‘It was her timing that was so awkward because she would have known that pulling Matt aside at the event to have an intimate talk was going to get picked up and go viral. Her whole hand on his hand was a nice touch – but he was not having any of it.
        ‘He told her he is glad she is doing well and is thankful for her participation in the film – but he made it clear he was not there to talk about Ben at all.’ I know daily mail we all hate but I’m sure they get exclusive sources more than a lot of these other sources because of their reach. And they are one of the few that have called out how Both sides have been briefing against the other since their spl

  3. Whalesnark says:

    I never want to work this hard to create, maintain or reform my image. The amount of effort is staggering; it must be that starts find that it’s worthwhile.

    I couldn’t do the “I’ve moved on, I’m fine” preening. When I’m done, I’m done, and I don’t care what the ex thinks, or others think about the relationship or its demise. My life becomes about going forward (like a shark, yes? Perhaps even – a whalesnark).

  4. Kirsten says:

    Walk away from the PR dumps. Go be on your own for awhile. The end.

  5. Kitten says:

    She looks so cute in the last two photos and I WANT that entire outfit! I’ve been loving her non-red carpet looks so much lately–it’s a very lux yet mature yet sexy vibe with the neutrals and different fabric textures. Anyway, no comment beyond *she looks fantastic* and I like that she’s not hiding away post-breakup although no one would blame her if she was. It’s overall a great press strategy to be out there and unbothered.

    • huckle says:

      I agree, She looks great.

    • Becks1 says:

      i hate that I’m about to say this – I wish she smiled more on red carpets. I think she has such a pretty smile – she looks gorgeous in that picture in the green outfit where she is laughing – and I think on the red carpet she often tries to look sexy or sultry or serious and when she smiles it transforms her whole face.

    • Jais says:

      The green outfit is v v cute.

    • TRex says:

      Came to the comments to say the same thing. Those last two photo’s of her are amazing. The fit and fall are just perfect.

  6. Carolnr says:

    I think Matt was stuck between” a rock & a hard place” ( like my grandfather used to say). The cameras were on him or we the public would not be seeing this pic.
    Matt ‘s loyalty will always be with Ben.
    ( regardless who Ben dates or marries again)

    • Rapunzel says:

      This. Matt and Ben are lifelong buds. J-Lo ain’t getting Matt in the divorce.

      Matt probably called up Ben later or texted telling him how J-Lo tried to get him on her side…and they both had a laugh.

  7. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    He looks like every man I know who’s trying to be empathetic lol…all while patiently listening and trying to be a good friend.

  8. Unicorn Leprechaun says:

    JLo knows how to play the game and direct a positive narrative. She made a point to be papped holding his hand in convo for these talking points.
    But, good for her to hussle. Ben is a POS, and I’m sad they didn’t last.

  9. Chrawi says:

    My vibe from these pics from Matt are…..Crap! You grabbed my hand , the paps are watching us, and the head bowed is defeat and resignation that she bested him at this moment and he dare not snatch his hand away or he would look bad. She won this public perception battle. Doubt we will ever see the 2 of them in this type of situation again, Mat will make sure of it

  10. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Matt doesnt care. I dont believe they re close at all. They just speak and are polite and have known each other since a long time. Matt and ben are like soldiers who went through several rounds of war together. These 2 are the greatest love story of all time. He’s pro ben forever and ever and not.going.anywhere

  11. therese says:

    I saw these pictures yesterday and it pleased me that he comforted JLo and was sweet and held her hand. The other stuff I don’t believe. I believe he was a mature man who has known her for years and worked with her and they had a tete a tete, and I was pleased with him that he was sweet to her. I can’t deny that she loved Ben, and Matt has to know that, and I can’t deny that JLo must be hurting, and Matt knows that. He certainly knows more than we do, and over the years I’ve seen that producers and directors are VERY appreciative when actors show up to help promote. And she did. I was very pleased with these pictures. Good man Matt.

  12. Polly says:

    I just want that green sweater!

  13. Carolnr says:

    I just noticed under Quick facts for both JL & Ben, there is listed an end date for their marriage. I guess the divorce has been finalized & there was no announcement..

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