King Charles’s courtiers feel like the ‘stand-off’ with Prince Harry cannot continue

King Charles is a horrible father, a terrible brother and a lousy husband. But no one can say any of that to him directly because he’s the king, right? So they have to talk around it, they have to treat him like he’s too delicate to hear that he f–king sucks at interpersonal relationships. Not only that, but his courtiers prefer for Charles to be so toxic towards his family members because that makes him more dependent on staff, on courtiers and on people with competing agendas. That makes Charles more malleable as a king. It also makes him look and act weak, petty, oblivious and out of touch. So here we are – Charles made Prince Harry’s birthday all about Charles. With some help from the courtiers. From Roya Nikkhah’s latest in the Times:

Charles is more concerned about Harry than Andrew: Despite reports of friction between Charles and Andrew over the prince’s apparent reluctance to move from Royal Lodge to the more modest Frogmore Cottage, those in royal circles say Andrew is less of a headache for the King than the unresolved tensions with Harry. A source close to Charles says: “I don’t doubt the film will be popular, but it is unlikely to change public opinion or the status quo.”

The Harry Issue: Another royal source says: “The Harry issue is more important. Although he [Harry] has lost a huge amount of support here, there would undoubtedly be great satisfaction if a resolution was reached, which would be of major benefit to the institution. I think the public has made up its mind about Andrew, and isn’t that exercised about him. It’s just embarrassing because it still makes the headlines.”

The status quo cannot go on much longer: Some royal insiders feel that the status quo of shattered family ties cannot and should not continue for the sake of the monarchy. A royal source said: “They have to reach an accommodation. This standoff can’t go on and on. People will get impatient with the fact that nobody’s trying to mend this.”

Why Charles wished Harry a happy birthday on social media: One step in the right direction could be as simple as an Instagram post. Among royal watchers, all eyes will turn to the royal family’s social media channels to see what birthday wishes will — or won’t — be extended to Harry. There was radio silence across the royal social media channels last year — when he celebrated his 39th birthday with Meghan in Dusseldorf, Germany, at the Invictus Games — which until 2021 marked Harry’s birthdays with photographs, balloon emojis and birthday messages. Courtiers note that “by convention” under Charles’s reign, the royal social media channels flag the birthdays only of working members of the family, but exceptions can sometimes be made for “special birthdays”. It leaves the door open for the King, who is in Scotland this weekend, to break with convention for his younger son’s milestone and authorise a post, should Charles be in the frame of mind to offer an olive branch.

The Anchor King: As a source close to him has observed: “It frustrates him that personal issues intrude on the public duty. He’d much rather the focus was on his work, not the soap opera of the private life. It is always frustrating when family dynamics overshadow the public role.” A source who knows Charles says: “He’s very conscious of being seen to be active, particularly with the other problems in the royal family. He needs to feel he’s being some kind of anchor.”

[From The Times]

My eyes glazed over when they started talking about the “conventions” for wishing family members a happy birthday. It’s like no one is capable of saying to Charles: this is your son, speak to him, be a father, acknowledge him publicly and privately. Weeks ago, Team Sussex told People Mag that Charles wasn’t even taking Harry’s phone calls, and y’all remember the way Charles spent weeks throwing a tantrum about Harry’s visit to London in May. Charles refused to see Harry during that visit too. Now Charles wants to pretend that he’s the anchor of the family, that he is the real keen peacemaker. It’s all lies. Charles is a weak, petty and childish man and a dogsh-t father. Incidentally, none of these people can handle the fact that Harry was the linchpin, he was the anchor, he was the peacemaker of the family.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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44 Responses to “King Charles’s courtiers feel like the ‘stand-off’ with Prince Harry cannot continue”

  1. If he wants to be the peace maker then give Harry his protection back and pick up the phone and call Harry. This won’t happen but he will continue to complain about it with his woe is me stories.

    • Anonymous says:

      And be nice to Harry’s wife and children not just Harry

      • Sunnyside up says:

        It would have saved the King much woe if only he had publicly condemned the racial abuse of Meghan and Archie when it was happening. How could anyone look the other way when their grandchild was being abused because of his racial background.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        LOL @Sunnyside you made me ROTFALMBO. Charles condemn the racism towards Meghan, Archie and Lilli? Are you serious? How can he condemn himself? He was the chief and head racist. Him and Kate Middletonedeaf. Weren’t they the ones that questioned how the monarchy would look with dark skinned kids on the balcony? C’mon now, Charles and William and Kate Middleton were and still are the chief instigators of the smear campaign towards the Sussesex family and the never-ending racism towards Meghan, Archie and Lilli; through their minions of course. Racists can’t condemn themselves.

  2. seaflower says:

    Harry was and is the heart and soul of that family.

  3. equality says:

    “Exceptions can sometimes be made for “special birthdays””. All birthdays are special in signifying that you have come through another year. You would think that someone who is older and battling cancer would get that. You never know when anyone won’t be around the next year or month or day.

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    If they weren’t discussing Prince Harry or his family would these people have anything else to discuss at all?

    • JanetDR says:

      It doesn’t seem so! I don’t know how they can continue to sell papers based on that when there is so much going on with the left behind royals that might be worth looking into.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The only reason Cluck is making such a huge deal about calling (or saying he will call) Harry on his birthday is because Cluck got outed by Harry for not taking Harry’s calls.

      This is all meant to be Cluck/BP clapback to Harry speaking truths will his full chest.

      It’s the same cycle with Cluck we keep seeing: Harry does/says something, Cluck jumps right to narcissistic injury, narcissistic rage, and he self-soothes by running to the tabloids to triangulate his abuse of the Sussexes, which keeps the family feud running to the delight of the press who keep making money off this toxic merry go round.

    • Eurydice says:

      That’s the thing. Charles wants the focus to be on his work, but what work? That’s not to say Charles hasn’t been active in the past, but right now his health is forcing him to do the minimum. He had to cancel the New Zealand trip, which would have had a lot of press, and there’s nothing else major on the horizon.

      Charles knows he has to feed the media, but until he decides to change the H&M narrative, the story will be the same, day after day after day. Harry’s already made his decision – it’s up to Charles, now.

      • Smices says:

        He’s still going to Australia, hence the complaints about Harry’s trip overlapping with it. Or was it the paperback release overlapping? Something Harry related is overlapping his Australia trip.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Smices – yes, thank you. The paperback release will be in the middle of of the trip.

  5. Tessa says:

    I think Harry gained support for protecting his wife and family and not “obeying” William. Charles did not learn a thing since the way he treated Diana. First thing Charles needs to do is stop the media from the daily trashing of Harry and Meghan

    • Unblinkered says:

      And that is well within Charles’s powers to do so, ignore any protestations to the contrary.

      Imagine if Spanish or Dutch newspapers continually smeared one of their living-abroad princes (just saying) in this way, it’s childish beyond words and ultimately diminishes the country’s standing.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        The Danish Royal Fam has their spare living in the US as well – we don’t see him getting trashed by the press on the daily. And he was pretty much driven out by his mother & brother as well.

      • Christine says:


  6. JENNIFER says:

    Honestly, if I were Harry, the fact that Charles’s life is not his own, but that of courtiers, would’ve made the break easier for me.
    Just don’t engage with anything royal, just honour and interact with the Spencers. Eventually, the message will be come clear that you’ve moved on.
    When he eventually passes, just go to the funeral, don’t participate in the processions.

  7. Izzy says:

    The palaces and their lackeys started this war, they are the ones continuing it, and they certainly can end it if they choose to. They are actively choosing to continue this nonsense, and more and more, people are starting to see through it and question why they are continuing to pay for these freeloaders.

  8. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    My eyes glazed over as well. Aren’t the bored of this handwringing over nothing? Truly the media and the British readers have to be tiring of this?

    • Agnes says:

      Right? And it can’t be a “stand off” if one person is not playing the game. Harry disengaged from those fools a long time ago, but no one left behind seems to have gotten that memo.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    All I’m getting from this is the Royal Family needs Harry more than he needs them. They are desperate for him to return but Harry has said no. It wouldn’t surprise me if Charles offered to give him security if he dropped all of his lawsuits.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, I can see this. The next case is supposed to start in January? Is that the one with mUrdoch or the dm?

      • Tina says:

        It’s the Murdoch one and I think it’s going to be messssyyyyy.

      • Jais says:

        Ah got it, thank u. Something I’ve been wondering, and the reemergence of Dan Whooten has had me wondering this, and I don’t know if anyone will have an answer. But the Murdoch case is about past stuff right? Or current stuff also? So will the Christian Jones/Dan Whooten connection come out in the trial?

    • “It wouldn’t surprise me if Charles offered to give him security if he dropped all of his lawsuits.”

      LOL his “word” has no meaning, his promises have no meaning, only a fool would accept an offer from him.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Pretty sure that was the crux of the “brief conversation” Cluck had with Harry back in February after Hazza rushed across the Atlantic following the “cancer announcement”.

      The tell: Cluck granted Harry security *to* Clarence House from Heathrow, but not *from* Clarence House to Heathrow.

      So petty he can turn on a dime and pull RPO. But Cluck wants everyone to believe the LIE that “he can’t tell Ravec what to do”.
      Cluck fears Harry’s new hearing on the Ravec matter. Three guesses why.

  10. Maxine Branch says:

    Alone with his grandmother, Harry was the face of that institution for years, the good bad and ugly. With Harry gone, what we see only is how badly he is missed and the gapping hole he left. There is no one left to fill that hole, this is why they constantly keep his name in their mouths and why they hate Meghan, because she provided the platform for him to grow into his best self. Now he is fully self actualized and those folks cannot accept his growth.

    • Christine says:

      It really is this simple.

    • windyriver says:

      Don’t agree with this, that Harry was the face along with Liz. That was still Charles, though Harry was being noticed more and more. It’s clear now Harry’s always been the best of the bunch. But as POW Charles had a high profile, and deserved respect for his programs (Prince’s Trust, etc.), ideas (environment) and work ethic. It’s ironic he seems so much less as a king than he was as POW, but Diana, years before, predicted the transition would be hard for him.

      Harry’s problem when Meghan entered was it coincided with Philip’s retirement and the start of Charles’ power play edging Liz out of the way BTS. Despite military service and the IG, Harry had the lingering reputation as the dumb party boy. Charles still needed him as scapegoat to deflect various questionable activities (shopping bags of money, honors for sale). But Charles also expected increasing public respect as he took over duties from his aging mother. Then came the dynamo of Harry and – especially – Meghan together, knocking everyone else off the coveted front pages. The knives came out. The miscalculation was that there was anyone of sufficient interest left in the RF to replace them, and that the spotlight wouldn’t follow Harry and Meghan wherever they went.

      It isn’t so much that Charles, Will, the institution and the media can’t accept Harry’s growth, it’s that they can’t accept they have no control over them. That’s what they all can’t believe, when so often in the past they’ve each been able to bend circumstances to their will. It’s taking time, but five years down the road, it’s more and more clear TPTB are losing the battle

      • JT says:

        I disagree that Harry was not the face of the RF. Harry was consistently voted as the most popular member of the RF, behind the queen, and at times he was even more popular than she was. Harry was more than just a scapegoat, which is even more clear now. If all they wanted was a whipping boy, they absolutely would not have been sending him on all of those tours or had him take over so many patronages from Philip. He may have had some uncouth moments, like the Vegas thing, but that just endeared him to the public even more. They wouldn’t be whining this much about Harry leaving if all they needed was deflection. It’s the British Media, they can deflect with anyone, for anything.

      • Tessa says:

        William pulled some stunts himself. Like the “dad’s weekend” leaving his wife and children, taking a military copter to a stag party and his commander took the blame. But these of course were “OK” for the media and royalists Harry did apologize for these stunts. William never did or had to. Philip really said some offensive things and never apologized.

      • Christine says:

        I agree, JT. Charles was never a beloved public figure in my lifetime (GenX), I can’t speak to the older generations, maybe he was once a Harry to them? He was solidly a Disney villain for all of mine that I remember.

        William was sucking up all of the public adoration after Diana died, and he apparently decided to have a sit-in for the rest of his life, and Harry has run with the baton ever since. Once he joined the Army, he was far and away the most popular, other than QEII, and I think they were stan’d by completely different generations. Hers are dying off, Harry’s are GenX and younger.

  11. Over it says:

    Dog -sh-t chuck to the end

  12. Lili says:

    There is a big/small picture the firm are missing, Harry has been away from the institution for 5 years and in that time he has learned a lot of things and about his own independence. Charles having never had independence hasnt learned what it al means to a man to be able to support and sustain a family, He was in a constant holding pattern all his life, maybe Camilia’s kids can tell him what that is like

  13. One of the marys says:

    But it’s not all up to Charles. Harry is not passive. He will publicly call out any bs that Charles puts out. If it’s not real and meaningful Harry is not going to play along

  14. Angelica Schuyler says:

    @Lili. This is a great point you make. Charles has never worried about anyone but himself and his own desires. He’s part of a system that supports that since he is the heir. Whereas Harry has grown into the man he is by protecting his wife and kids and not just kowtowing to his most base whims and desires. Charles doesn’t understand Harry putting something other than the institution first. He and William really believe that everyone should put them, as the heirs, ahead their own wellbeing because the monarchy is the most important thing to them. Elizabeth always put the institution ahead of Charles. So that’s all he knows. Charles really can’t understand why Harry isn’t chomping at the bit to be the scapegoat.

  15. kittydeluxe says:

    Charles really has never learned a thing, has he? No one on earth cares about the work. The only reason England still has a royal family is that people care about the private lives of the family. It’s soap opera, the original reality show. He has never understood that in his entire life. It’s why he resented Diana, and to this day, he still does not understand.

    • Blujfly says:

      And it’s largely Charles’ fault. His public failures and dithering, his surrounding himself with sycophants and catty courtiers, his brazen public affairs. He created the appetite for the soap opera. Even now, the fact that there is a labored over “convention” over something as simply as birthday wishes, all because they have lumped Harry in with Andrew on the Exile scale.

    • Sunnyside up says:

      Getting Andrew into Frogmore Cottage will be the ultimate insult to Harry. The tabs will revel in it.

  16. Kingston says:

    “The status quo cannot go on much longer: Some royal insiders feel that the status quo of shattered family ties cannot and should not continue for the sake of the monarchy.”
    (Roya Nikkhah)

    Family, Schmamily. Dont be fooled. Its not about “the family.” Its:

    This article is coming directly from the Grey Suits and roya nikkah is only the chambermaid charged with the task of emptying this particular spittoon.

    The Grey Suits are the Machiavellians who are, in actuality, the prison warders of the Windsors who, in turn, are the face of The Institution/The Firm – which is Supreme.

    Back in time, when the BRITISH EMPIRE (BE) was being created, up to and including the period of its heyday, the royal family actually had a say. In fact, they ran things. And then the monster they created (i:e the BE) eventually became bigger than its creator, as monsters usually do. And for over 100 years, the Monster has been puppeteering its human surrogates, such that the former has become THE Most Important Thing while its human surrogates (the windsors) became the trapped ones (as Harry, being the only one to come from the inside and survive, told the world.)

    Never, in living memory, has The Monster (The institution/The Firm) felt as threatened by exposure as it does at this time, because of the escape of one of its former trapped ones. And the longer the former trapped one remains not only free but successful, thereby causing more inquisitive eyes to turn in the direction of The Monster and look more closely to see whats really going on, the more of an existential threat the Machiavellians feel that things are becoming.

    And this sense of feeling threatened is not because the Machiavellians believes that the Institution (The Monster) is in danger of being destroyed from the exterior. The Machiavellians have done a good job of ensuring that there are enough serfs (in high and low places) to believe in the Monster and to sustain it for the foreseeable future.

    No, the Machiavellians are concerned about the loss of the 5th, 6th and 7th in line and, as a result, the shaky ground on which they stand, regarding the 2nd, 3rd and 4th in line.

    Not to mention, the unpredictability of the m0r0n they have as the 1st in line.

  17. chatter says:

    Charles and William need to face facts.
    The Firm is collapsing and the world has changed, they are figureheads at best, tourist attractions.
    Charles had 45 years to figure out his plans.

    Charles, Kate and William all look unwell.
    IMO, William is the real concern. He is not willing or prepared to take over as King.
    Where are the diplomats and therapists? Much needed.

  18. Henny Penny says:

    Charles is a small man whose greatest wish in life is to be a used tampon. Adjust all expectations accordingly.

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