Prince Harry & Meghan went to a charity tennis event & Tyler Perry’s b-day party

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been outside in recent days! Prince Harry turned 40 on Sunday, and we didn’t know if we would even see him on or around his birthday. We were told that he was planning a small birthday party in Montecito and then heading out on a trip with some friends. But the day before his birthday, Harry and Meghan were in LA for a charity tennis tournament.

Prince Harry is celebrating his 40th birthday weekend by showing up for a cause that matters. On Saturday, Sept. 14, the day before his birthday, Harry and wife Meghan Markle made a special appearance at the George Zajfen Tennis Tournament in Los Angeles. The event benefited the Alliance for Children’s Rights in honor of Kelly McKee Zajfen’s late son.

As Zajfen and her family wrote on Instagram on Sunday, Sept 15, Harry and Meghan, 43, showed their support during an “incredible day” that ultimately raised “funds that will go directly to supporting children in foster care, ensuring they have the legal protections, resources and opportunities they deserve in honor of our beautiful son Georgie.”

“To our Presenting Sponsors, The Archewell Foundation. Harry and Meghan, you have been such a guiding light for our family not just in the way you have shown up in friendship but how you have shown up through the incredible work The Archewell Foundation does everyday,” read the Instagram caption from Zajfen, her husband Julian and daughter Lily.

“I’m in awe of your commitment to community and to friendship. On behalf of the Alliance for Children’s Rights, we thank you,” the caption continued. “On behalf of our family, we love you. Extra special day too…HAPPY 40th Birthday H! ✨ May this trip around the sun be the best yet.”

[From People]

As you can see from the photos, it seems that Meghan likes a tennis aesthetic, but she did not actually play tennis. Not in those shoes! Harry probably didn’t play either. They were just there for the vibes, and because Archewell has stepped in as a sponsor for Alliance for Children’s Rights event.

Meanwhile, on Saturday evening, Harry and Meghan also attended Tyler Perry’s big birthday bash. I didn’t know that Tyler is a Virgo too! His birthday was the 13th (Harry’s was the 15th). Tyler threw a big bash which was also attended by Oprah and other A-listers. Don’t worry, the British media will go back to screaming about how the Sussexes are Hollywood pariahs and no one likes them soon enough.

Photos courtesy of Kelly McKee Zajfen’s Instagram.

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33 Responses to “Prince Harry & Meghan went to a charity tennis event & Tyler Perry’s b-day party”

  1. Good for the Sussexes. Happy to see them out and about. Busy with their charity going to fundraising events and celebrating birthdays with lots of A listers which I love for the gutter press to read about lol.

    • Megan says:

      This also shows how deeply involved they are with their community. No matter how much the gutter press wants them to come crawling back, they clearly have a very full life in CA and they are never leaving.

      • Christine says:

        All we can do at this point is laugh. Meghan and Harry are superstars, and they bullied them to another continent within 18 months of their marriage. They are delusional if they think anyone but them is mad at Harry and Meghan for getting the fuck out of England.

        Of course they found a new community and family in Montecito. They are both people who openly care and love.

  2. EvaW says:

    The Palace simply cant keep up! At this rate, they will implode or explode! Harry and Meghan keep DOING the damn thing, and doing it well. Next week Harry will be here in NYC at UNGA events and will dominate the news cycle. Then, in October, the SPARE paperback edition comes out. The Royal family needs to own that Harry/Meghan will ALWAYS outshine them. No wonder William has aged 100 years and looks like he has 10 stomach ulcers!!

  3. Where'sMyTiara says:

    LOL. I absolutely love this. Wimbledon who?
    And they honored the birthday of their rescuer, Tyler Perry. Sounds like a much better use of time than waiting around for a supposed (grasping for clout) HBD phone call from the parent who put them in mortal peril in the first damn place.

  4. Jais says:

    I saw a clip of one of those itv chat shows and some woman said something like well we rarely see Harry with a smile anymore. Not like he used to do all the time. But now we never see it. And I just wanted to be like b-tch what are you talking about. There are so many recent pics of Harry smiling. Y’all just choose to ignore them. Anyways good to see both Harry and Meghan smiling with their friends. As they do. All the time. Regardless of what delusions the BM spout out.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The press refuse to accept that Harry was unhappy as working royal and that most of times they saw him smiling he was actually having mental health issues due to his mother’s death and his father’s and brother’s neglect. That after his second tour of Afghanistan he was suffering from PSTD. Perhaps that woman should read his book and then she would realise that when she saw him smiling he was putting on an act for the public.

      • Kingston says:

        @Amy Bee says:
        “Perhaps that woman should read his book and then she would realise…….”

        But thats just it, @Amy Bee. They DONT want to “realize” anything if it doesnt align with their delusions.

        Those sick twisted freaks on Shithole Isle who prey upon the Sussexes have an epidemic-level of mental defect that is frightening. Theyre all stochastic terrorists.

    • sevenblue says:

      It is the most obvious media manipulation. At any event, they are getting hundreds of photos and they choose the photos they are using by the propaganda they want to push. For Harry, they are making sure to publicize the photos where he isn’t smiling (no one is gonna smile all the time like a lifeless mannequin), for W&K they are choosing the photos where he isn’t ignoring his wife or looking at her with an angry face or refusing to hold her hand. Harry gave multiple interviews while he was young about how unhappy he was living in UK, getting harassed by the media for no reason.

      • Nerd says:

        That is very true about the photos they choose for any articles about Harry and Meghan, they do however choose even the most unflattering and revealing photos about William and Kate while writing articles that contradict what our eyes are showing us. There was the article they wrote about the first Earthcrap where William was looking at something past Kate and Kate was looking behind William with a very unhappy look on her face yet the headline and article was about how they were adoringly looking at each other, lol. There was the polo photo where they are both obviously kissing each other on the cheek with William’s hands keeping Kate at bay, yet the headline and article referred to their kiss on the lips being their loving display of affection. They even used that polo photo in a recent article to highlight the many times they have lovingly kissed in public, even though the video of that peck on the cheeks shows Kate trying to take in this rare moment and William quickly running away, leaving Kate with a look of disappointment. They use whatever photos they want of them because the media lie to our faces even when our eyes never do.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Nerd, it is because they don’t have better photos for K&W 😭😭 What you are describing is the best ones they can push as “loving”. I remember the headline “festive looks”, because the royal reporter couldn’t bring himself to say “loving looks” between K&W.

    • Becks1 says:

      Harry smiles almost nonstop now in public, especially when he’s around Meghan. The times he’s not smiling are almost clearly cherrypicking the photos (no one smiles 100% of the time) or when he’s listening to someone else and isn’t posing like a hyena for the cameras while listening.

      • Nic919 says:

        The people who don’t smile much are William and Kate but they will never admit that. Hyena laughs don’t count.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    The British press look at pictures like these and think Harry wants to come back to royal fold to be controlled by the Palace and the press. The delusion and desperation.

  6. Maxine Branch says:

    This is always the best answer for the gutter press narrative. Living your best lives while keeping them spinning until they implode.

  7. girl_ninja says:

    Uh oh! Harry didn’t stand next to Meghan is those photos! Trouble in Montecito paradise!

    The British tabloids probably.

  8. Jay says:

    But, but… tennis is Kate’s thing! It’s ALL she HAS!

  9. swaz says:

    It’s nice to see them out and about living their lives 😍 all over the world people are turning 40, I have no idea why the British media would turn Harry’s birthday into a family/UK feud, so boring and too much 🙄😎

  10. Interested Gawker says:

    What a happy run up to Harry’s birthday and their foundation going from strength to strength. Good for H&M!

  11. Chanteloup says:

    Thank you Harry & Meghan for introducing me to an organization I didn’t know of, the alliance for children’s rights! You bring a light to this world, keep shining

  12. JJ says:

    What I love is that there is so much backlash from the email that was allegedly evidence of Meghan bullying which could not be more polite. It’s all over Twitter and people are now pro-Meghan. Keep shining queen!

  13. meredith says:

    Meghan’s friend Kelly has been grieving the horrific and sudden loss of her young son and still manages to get out of bed every day and devote her life’s work to helping pregnant foster youth.

    These are the types of people Meghan and Harry surround themselves with. People who use their privilege to help the most vulnerable among us, even when they themselves are suffering from unthinkable tragedy.

    Meghan would have been a boon for the royal family because she wants to show up and do the work to help others. They screwed this up so badly forcing her to flee.

    • kirk says:

      Ooh. Boo-hoo. Poor, poor, poor royal [British] family. Sorry, not sorry. If I never hear somebody talking sorrowfully about the UK left behinds in connection with Meghan and Harry, it will still be too soon. Sympathy expressed for the grifting, tax-supported BRFCo says more about the people expressing it than BRFCo, doncha think?

  14. Wendy says:

    Ooohhh weee I see my girl Tracy and her hubby Brian in the car. Damn I wish i said something to her about supporting Meghan when I saw her last week on Toronto at TIFF.. LOL NOT My sister would have Killed me. SO Happy for Harry and Meghan.

  15. Mina_Esq says:

    Not loving that outfit though.

  16. Millie says:

    Lotsa buttons on that dress. Hmmmm.

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