Marlon Wayans slams Elon Musk for disowning his trans daughter Vivian

Marlon Wayans is an outspoken ally to the LGBTQ+ community. More importantly, he’s an incredibly supportive father to his son, Kai. Kai came out as transgender last year and goes by he/they pronouns. During Kai’s coming out process, Marlon has spoken out about the importance of healthily processing, then accepting and supporting and LGBTQ+ children. He’s gone to Pride events with him and done photo shoots and given interviews about his experiences.

What Marlon doesn’t do is tolerate bigoted parents who openly abandon their children. Marlon recently appeared on Shannon Sharpe’s Club Shay Shay podcast and he did not mince his words when the subject of Elon Musk came up. Back in July, Elon went on Jordan Peterson’s podcast to spout some hateful rhetoric about his trans daughter, Vivian Wilson. Elon’s abhorrent remarks included misgendering and disowning her. Marlon told Shannon that he was so enraged by what Elon said that he wanted to drive his Tesla “over a cliff.”

The White Chicks and Scary Movie actor said on a recent episode of the Club Shay Shay podcast that he is “about to drive over a cliff” in the car after hearing CEO Elon Musk’s comments about his transgender daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson.

“I don’t like what he be saying about his trans child,” Wayans said. “You don’t treat them babies like that, you don’t disown your baby. Love your child!”

Wilson is one of six children (five living) Musk had with his first wife, model Justine Wilson. She filed a petition in Los Angeles County Superior Court in April 2022 to legally change her name and gender, citing the reason as “Gender identity and the fact that I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.”

Musk claimed in a July interview with conspiracy theorist Jordan Peterson that gender-affirming care “killed” his daughter while repeatedly misgendering her. Wilson then publicly debunked many of his claims about her childhood and transition, revealing that Musk “was constantly yelling at me viciously because my voice was too high” and that “he was there maybe 10 percent of the time.”

Wayans, whose son, Kai, is trans, then connected Musk’s comments to his loved ones’ reactions when Kai came out. While being “the last to know” was “hard on me,” and that the initial surprise wasn’t easy to navigate, he quickly changed his attitude to show support.

“But as hard as it was, I think that it’s not important. It’s important what you went through; the five steps of grief, but I think it’s important that you get to acceptance,” he said. “And I’m proud to say it took me a week – but it felt like forever.”

“l’m sad to say some parents, some family members, and some people it’ll take them a lifetime,” Wayans continued. “They’ll never get to that magical place that I’m at which is just acceptance. Still my child. That’s my baby.”

[From The Advocate]

A tale of two fathers. “You don’t treat them babies like that, you don’t disown your baby. Love your child!” Hell yes, Marlon! Kudos to him for calling that piece of trash out. You know he’d say that to Elon’s weaselly little face, too. It’s kinda awesome seeing how many people see through Elon’s bullsh-t and are calling him out. He’s an awful person and I hate how many people still think that he’s some brilliant businessman that deserves any credence whatsoever.

I think Marlon speaks about Kai’s transition in a very thoughtful, eloquent way. I like that he acknowledges the sometimes uncomfortable truth that there can be complicated feelings all around, but in the end, it’s a parent’s job to “get to acceptance.” There are so many parents that can learn from Marlon and I hope he’s reaching some of their hearts when they hear what he has to say. At the end of the day, I’m an optimist, so I’d really like to believe that Marlon is the rule and Space Karen is the exception. I also think that justice burns frustratingly slowly and that someday, Elon will get what’s coming to him. History will not look kindly upon him.

Photos via Instagram and credit: Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / Avalon

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15 Responses to “Marlon Wayans slams Elon Musk for disowning his trans daughter Vivian”

  1. StellainNH says:

    Marlon is an incredible family man. He has such love for all the people in his life. I enjoy his instagram page.

  2. NJGR says:

    It makes me tear up a little to read about someone like Marlon who really loves their kid and wants to take of them,
    no matter what.

  3. Jane says:

    Actually tearing up. Wow.

  4. TN Democrat says:

    This made me tear up when I saw it online. Beautiful sentiment and statement in these troubled times by a good man/father. Muskrat’s empire is a pyramid scheme and house of cards. His bizarre behavior should have resulted him being ousted from Tesla already and he should not be allowed to have government contracts while promoting anarchy on twitter. How he funded his purchase of twitter should be the lead headline everytime the evil nepo baby opens his sorry mouth. The creeper used to be bald. He should have to cover the security costs of every person he has caused to be targeted by the magat lunatics.

  5. Megan says:

    Reminds me of a PFLAG meeting I went to with a friend in the 1980’s and a father stood up and shouted “I love my gay son and you should love yours,” at another parent who was unwilling to accept his son was gay.

  6. bisynaptic says:


  7. Jais says:

    Really appreciate him❤️

  8. DeeSea says:

    🏳️‍🌈❤️❤️❤️🏳️‍⚧️ MARLON!!! Thank you thank you thank you, wonderful Marlon.

  9. Erica says:

    Good for Marlon for being a stand up man/father and calling out the BS.

  10. BIG YAY for Marlon. Also, the audacity of Elon to be the worst father and human ever and say that people (women) need to have more children. You’re not even raising the ones you have!

  11. Elo says:

    Marlon has always been my favorite of the Wayne’s brothers. I love the fact that he spoke publicly about this.

  12. Brynne says:

    I hadn’t kept up with Marlon Wayans in years. What a pleasant surprise to see him being a loving father and stand up guy.

  13. Valerie says:

    I loved him in The Heat. Good for him! You shouldn’t have to be told to stand up for your children!

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