Express: Princess Kate’s schedule probably won’t go back to normal until March

The Princess of Wales was seen and photographed at Balmoral over the weekend. Prince William and Kate went to Crathie Kirk Church at Balmoral on Sunday, with William driving and Kate riding shotgun. William was in Aberdeen last week, so I guess he went from Aberdeen to Balmoral. I wonder if Kate took the kids for the weekend? The kids are back in school, so this was probably just a weekend trip specifically for the photo-op. And the senior royals probably had meetings and made some plans for what the hell they were going to do about Prince Harry’s work in New York this week too – trust that the left-behinds have hatched some scheme to try to impose themselves on Harry’s trip. It wouldn’t surprise me if they announced some new “private meeting” for Kate to try to grab some headlines, but it’s clear that Kate will no longer agree to being sent out to try to steal Harry’s thunder. Speaking of, the Express did a longer piece about how the timeline for “Kate can’t work” will extend into 2025. Naturally.

Sources have been keen to stress that the meeting about the Princess of Wales’s early years project this week does not signal a full-time resumption of duties – and that won’t come for some time. The road ahead still needs to be carefully navigated, as her recovery is expected to extend into the new year even though her treatment has stopped.

Over the coming weeks and months, Kate will work closely with her top team, namely her private secretary Tom White and assistant private secretary Natalie Burrows to meticulously plan her gradual return to public life. She is set to slowly ease herself back into work and has her sights set on attending some public engagements over the coming months.

Key events in the royal diary are set to be prioritised, including Remembrance Sunday on November 10, at which Kate is keen to support the King and the rest of the Royal Family. However, sources stressed that a final decision will only be made in the days before the event.

“Her physical and mental recovery will take some time, and although she wants to return to work she is mindful to prioritise her health, for her family’s sake as much as hers,” one said.

Mr Arbiter noted that the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall the night before could also be a possibility. The Princess is hopeful that she can attend her “Together at Christmas” carol service at Westminster Abbey in December and join the family for the traditional walkabout on Christmas Day.

The new year is set to follow a similar gradual return to royal duties, with aides mindful not to rush a resumption of a fuller diary. Some have suggested that the six-month mark – which would suggest March – is a likely timescale of when the public can expect to see Kate attending more day-to-day engagements.

One well-placed source said the couple haven’t ruled out rescheduling their visit to Rome, which was initially planned for spring 2024 but was postponed following the Princess’s cancer diagnosis, to a similar time next year.

[From The Daily Express]

Y’all already know what I think – I think negotiations were afoot for months and a deal was worked out. The sudden reemergence of Carole and Michael Middleton into society was part of the deal, as was Kate’s new schedule. All of the offices are on the same page though, except for Kate and William’s “cancer-free” video. That wasn’t part of Buckingham Palace’s script and BP was disgusted by it. But everything else is part of the plan, including the new timeline where Kate will still be barely seen through March. Ten bucks says that in January, we’ll be told that she still needs more recovery time and we shouldn’t expect to see her much until Trooping. And on and on. While I think Kate had legitimate health concerns/issues, there’s something else happening alongside those issues.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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50 Responses to “Express: Princess Kate’s schedule probably won’t go back to normal until March”

  1. vs says:

    There are still people who care about her “work”? She is so useless that I don’t know why she isn’t left alone to raise her kids … W is the one who should work more

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Her “work” is useless and she serves no point. She’s gonna resurface when the king will dead, thats whatKC is prepping now, his funerals, and of course she’s gonna take this opportunity for more vacation.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Honestly these “teasers” about when Huesa will ‘return to work’ are utterly ridiculous. Girlie doesn’t work. She hasn’t achieved a single thing of worth in all her years as a “working royal”… wiglet collecting, setting Botox injection records, and spray tanning herself to cosplay her royal SIL don’t qualify as achievements.

      The British gutter press needs to face up to the fact that Huesa, and Huevo, are both about as useful as a pair of chocolate teapots.

      People like WanK who spend their resources being petty, putting down their peers and punching down are not aspirational examples of leadership.

      When it comes to actions? They ain’t royal.

    • Peanut Butter says:

      Honestly, who even cares anymore about these meaningless, empty declarations about when Kate will “work” again? All of the royals, most especially some of them, are expensive, out-of-touch parasites. I don’t see how they have as much support as they still have from less privileged “regular” people.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    Kate doesn’t like to work but she loves attention and photographers. I’m sure William refuses to let her come along on his celebrity bootlicking and junior intern statesman gigs because she can’t act right, so she’s very much hoping KP/BP will let her raid the jewel closet and buy some new buttons and dresses for her Christmas photoshoot “events”. Carole will keep scheming to keep her in the headlines so she can’t be dumped before being coronated.

    • curious says:

      You cannot buy class, this is totally evident with the midds. K has learned virtually nothing in 20 or so years , other than to spend more money on herself. She has made no effort to learn, she makes sure she knows where every camera lens is, so she can dominate every event, she has had huge amounts of plastic surgery over the years barely resembling what she used to look like.. She lost a lot of weight, she was average size for her height, not thin, her face has completed changed from very ordinary to fairly attractive, her teeth have gone from small to large. Her fashion sense for the most part is boring bland stepford or prairie wife style, she has no idea how to dress for her body shape, she cosplays the famous, very badly. Her behavior is questionable , still flashing her naked butt or crotch, or high slit in a dress, flowy dress for windy days, none of this is sexy, it is trashy and totally inappropriate. William at some stage realized how low class she is and how she wants and demands all the benefits but is unwilling to make any effort to learn anything productive. She wants titles, money and all the benefits, including multiple luxury holidays every year but is too self-centered and selfish to learn how to do the job or any type of job. She demands attention but she does not appear to support William as next in line and all that is involved in him becoming the next King. William does not need an extreme narcissist as a wife. Kate wants and demands to be the next Queen and does not care who or what she destroys to get the title. She refuses to do any of the work. She has never been a victim or a doormat , Kate does what she wants and when she wants. Stalking William like a predator for more than 10 years proves this, a very determined predator, she was never letting go.

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    I guess their subjects are happy with a wave here and there from their saint. How the subjects put up with this nonsense is beyond my comprehension.

    • HellNah! says:

      Completely agree, Maxine. She’s so completely useless I can only shake my head at the continued willingness of the loyal subjects to pay for this RF fraudery. I can imagine there is a long, long list of better uses for the money they waste on these royal parasites.

  4. Miranda says:

    “…a final decision will only be made in the days before the event.”

    In other words, this is going to be another version of “will or won’t Harry show up”, because the left-behinds and the RR are officially out of ideas.

  5. sunnyside up says:

    OK for those who don’t have to earn a living.

  6. Kittenmom says:

    Giving big “Miss Gulch”/wicked witch vibes in that outfit.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I think she’s got to keep covering up that eyebrow/forehead scar with a low brimmed hat unless she’s getting major prosthetic-level makeup done. She’s gone through so many phases, the Jecca phase, the coatdress phase, the Meghan phase… I think we would all enjoy if the next is her Miss Gulch phase 🧙

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I do suspect prosthetic makeup. Her face at Wimbledon was particularly different to the ‘other Kates’. This ‘recent Kate’ has a greater resemblance to her mother and doesn’t look at all like ‘Trooping Kate’.

        That she looks so physically different each time suggests makeup rather than her face being made puffy from strong medicines.

  7. Cassie says:

    Gosh she looks thrilled to be there .

  8. Tessa says:

    She’ll want to be at Wimbledon to be center of attention.

  9. Eurydice says:

    Easter is April 20th – I’m betting on then.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I doubt it because wasn’t that what we were told about for this year? That, originally, she’d arise like Jesus at Easter? And she never did.

      I don’t think she’s ever coming back but what’s puzzling to me is why they believe the best move is to keep shifting the goalposts. Why not just give no date? Why not just say nothing? And then let her appear whenever she’s going to appear. Or just let her fade away into the divorce.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      March 2036.

  10. equality says:

    She is giving herself an out for Remembrance Day since it isn’t a glamorous event. She needs to skip that one and let it be about those being honored and not make it all about her anyway. Why is it pictures that are clear can be taken of H&M in vehicles, but all pix of Kate end up blurry?

    • Becks1 says:

      But she might make an appearance at the Festival of Remembrance the night before which is more glamorous and where she might receive another standing ovation 🙄🙄

      • Jais says:

        Ooh. Good call. Iirc, remembrance was where she had an unflattering pic that ended up on the papers. I was surprised they put it on the covers. I could see her doing either really but both no.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    I think after this year she won’t be seen until the Easter church service.

  12. Over it says:

    If lazy Mcbuttons doesn’t want to work, then that’s fine under one condition. She must not take a penny from the tax payers money. No security, no houses no salary . After all if a blood Prince like Harry who did nothing wrong all he wanted to do was protect his family and his mental health can be stripped of his security because he was deemed a non working royal, then buttons should not get to enjoy the benefits of not working either. I wonder if we will ever find out what the middle bums used as a bargaining chip for Their status in society to be reinstated and buttons to not work

  13. Becks1 says:

    oh lordy. Is this the new “will Harry go to Balmoral/Sandringham”?

    Are we just going to hear every few months or weeks about how Kate is really keen to return to work but you know, chemo and cancer, so don’t expect anything besides the major events in the royal calendar. Maybe in March they’ll re-evaluate. Rinse and repeat.

    A few things in this article are revealing – “physical and mental recovery” (which plays into the theory that there was a significant mental component to this), she’s discussing this with her private secretary or whoever, NOT her doctors (so her return is being stage managed for maximum PR, its not health related at this point), and even in September they are able to predict that she will be able to attend Remembrance, especially the festival of remembrance (where I think the presumption is she will be greeted with enormous cheers as opposed to Remembrance Sunday that is much more somber), her christmas concert, and the Christmas walk.

    Then we’ll see her at Easter, Trooping, Wimbledon, and a few Balmoral car pics.

    I agree with Kaiser and others – I think its clear a deal was made between the Windsors and the Middletons.

    • Gabby says:

      Yes, Becks1, that “and mental recovery” jumped out at me too. If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time a RR tabloid acknowledged that. VERY interesting. What gives?

    • Nic919 says:

      I think they were called in to Balmoral this weekend because of the video. Normally they are not in Scotland besides the end of August. Including the Middletons and excluding Charles did not sit well plus the video itself was tacky.

  14. Tessa says:

    The coat looks bad with those pockets.

  15. Lolo86lf says:

    I am at a loss here. What kind of work is Kate trying to avoid doing? If she likes being the center of attention then she would not miss an opportunity to show off her ball gowns and jewelry at state dinners and what have you. What kind of events that she not want to do?

    • Tessa says:

      She likes the showy events like when she fakes piano playing. She does not appear that much and has neglected some patronage s.

    • Tina says:

      She won’t do the bread and butter stuff…the visits to schools, community centres or charities etc. I think they are just setting the new normal. I think she will appear at the Commonwealth service which I think is typically in Feb/March. Then Easter in April. Then Trooping, Wimbledon and maybe an appearance at Ascot or a garden party. Then summer break. Rinse and repeat. A few appearances in the fall and then Christmas events.

    • Becks1 says:

      At state dinners and the like she is expected to make intelligent small talk. I imagine she cant’ really do that.

      • vs says:

        She is a dumb woman…. Just hear her small talks during her visits to whatever charity she decides to inflict herself upon and you can see it is like her brain is empty!

      • Nic919 says:

        It is interesting how they have never mentioned her potentially attending the diplomatic reception or any potential state dinner. She’s not against tiara events.

      • Lisa says:

        She is an airhead and is incapable of having an adult conversation with educated people unless it is about her children

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Anything related to her patronages/causes, the day to day work and anything where she will be outshone by a lamp. Its clear the deal was that she would get to pick and choose what ‘events’ she does which includes the mens Wimbledon final and the big family events.

      She will milk the sh!t out of the cancer story and then some. Its clear she doesn’t want to work for her supper and that is, ultimately, what will get used to divorce her. He is going to need someone who is going to step up and take on those duties i.e. small talk with heads of state etc.. She is much worse at that than he is.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      I think they want to display her in situations where close scrutiny of her by the general public is difficult, seen from a distance as much as possible and utilizing a double at public events, not just for security’s sake but to give the illusion she was out and about.

  16. Hannah says:

    Barring state dinners, trooping the colour & wimbledon. I genuinely do not expect to see her in public till Williams con-a-nation

    • Hypocrisy says:

      She never planned to work, she was pretty much forced to when the Sussex’s were working Royals and after to justify running them out of the country with the targeted hate campaign they used to get them to leave. If I had to guess she always wanted to just be a photo op Princess.. she will show up for balcony and gold carriages but nothing else.

  17. aquarius64 says:

    This goalpost moving has me convinced there is no cancer. An official statement from Kate’s medical team (and a thank you to them) would have tamp down suspicion of massive fraud. Tin foil tiara: Kate’s reputation took a massive hit in Oprah and Spare; and Piers Morgan outing her in Skin-Color gate was the last straw. Kate became a liability to the Crown so she had to go. Charles gave William the green light for a divorce and William gave the bad news to Kate after Xmas 2023. Kate didn’t take it well, had a breakdown, and threw Rose and the mystery blonde in William’s face. She made have gone too far and implied she had the late Thomas Kingston on her roster. William goes incandescent and Kate goes to the hospital. A lot of covering up ensues; including making sure the true hospital records don’t get leaked. (The breach is the cover story.) So cancer is the official ailment for Kate so no reputable news agency doesn’t pry (and to clean up KP’s PR messes for handling the situation.) Kate and the Middletons have the Windsors in a chokehold threatening to reveal all if there is a divorce; but I think they created a situation where William can be free of her as a widower grieving over a wife who succumbed to cancer. Harry and William were used to clean up the BRF image when Diana died; they’ll do the same to George, Charlotte and Louis. Tin foil tiara off.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      I buy into this theory however if the cancer story is fake it mean that both sides have massive dirt on each other – my money is on the Windsors winning regardless of what the Mids think they have. The press will side the with Firm every time.

      The moving goalposts are part of the plan – the plan to shove her into the background before a quiet divorce in announced. A divorce based on her ongoing ill health that makes her unfit for the job ahead. The only blip in the plan is these PR stunts (the trooping photoshoot and the Temu Boden ad) – things that show Kate still wants to be seen and are a blatant rebranding attempt.

      Whatever was negotiated won’t last long as the Kate and Ma are already pushing their luck. Thats their biggest issue – they don’t know when to stop pushing.

      • sevenblue says:

        There is no way Will is gonna able to divorce his wife with cancer. No good PR would clean this up.

      • Becks1 says:

        @sevenblue he could if it was spun a certain way and looked like it was Kate’s decision. I don’t completely buy into @aquarius64’s theory above (too many moving parts, Kate faking cancer would hurt her, not help her because all William has to do is indicate that she was/is faking and that he was manipulated and lied to and that’s that).

        But, for the divorce – I can see it going something like this. Maybe in a year, there is a separation/divorce announcement and the spin is something like Kate has completely recovered from cancer but still does not feel she can return to full time royal work and William needs someone who can support him, OR Kate has realized that time with her children is her priority and again she does not want to return to royal work and again William needs someone who can support him when king etc.

        I think the announcement will come from KP or BP and it will be spun to look like Kate’s decision but we all know it will be William’s. Kate will get a nice settlement and in time might be treated like Anne of Cleves was. Still invited to the major events such as the coronation and funerals, still in the royal box at Ascot, still living at Adelaide and maybe even Anmer, still getting a nice stipend, but officially no longer a royal.

      • Nic919 says:

        I agree with Becks on the timeline. Before the surgery announcement I thought they were aiming to say something over the summer, but that has been pushed back.

        But the one thing the video exposed that they didn’t realize is that Kate can put some effort into things when she feels like it, because that was not a ten minute effort. And being able to backpack and run around the beach also confirms she’s physically fine especially for the work she used to do, which is not that taxing. Kate showed her cards too much in the video and this will be used against her when William believes it will help him.

  18. M&gan says:

    So the gaslighting of the British public will continue indefinitely, then. She can film a video where she takes her kids to the beach and is out and about running through fields, but she can’t turn up to a charity event for 1 hour, shake hands with a few people, and leave? Righto. What she and William do could never be described as ‘work’ in the first place, but this is expert-level chipping away at expectations. She is a porcelain doll and must be kept in a glass cabinet. But still keep paying your taxes, peasants!

  19. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    I hope Kate remains in remission, but all this babying is over the top. I have a friend who has multiple myeloma and had a stem cell transplant early this year, and she’s done more than Kate has done in the past six months.

  20. Fastgran50 says:

    They are trying to hid something bad in that family. Kate looks like a Stepford wife no life in her . She definitely doesn’t look like any cancer sufferer I have have experience of.She hasn’t engaged with any cancer charities.William and her are probably still smarting about the bad publicity they got from their melodrama video. Anyway 46% of the younger generation in the uk would rather have Harry back. A kick in the teeth for W&K who are supposed to appeal to the younger generation 😂😂😂😂

  21. Merely Me says:

    Their “work” is just PR for themselves, so if they think they don’t need it… good luck to them! As an anti-royalist, I say let them take the money and skip the PR “work” assignments and see how that works out! Maybe in the 21st century the PR they get through traditional and social media is enough. But the queen, who was actually good at her job, didn’t think it was.

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