“Saoirse Ronan has a pair of awards-bait dramas coming out this fall” links

Saoirse Ronan has a pair of awards-bait films out this year. [LaineyGossip]
Taylor Swift skipped the Chiefs game on Sunday! [Just Jared]
I love a leopard print, but Ciara’s ensemble is too much of a good thing (I would wear the hell out of the coat though). [RCFA]
Kim Kardashian visited the Menendez brothers in prison. [Socialite Life]
I enjoyed Challengers & it’s definitely worth watching on Prime! [Pajiba]
Joshua Jackson is a fine wine. [Go Fug Yourself]
Would you wear “hairy toe charms” on your Crocs? [OMG Blog]
Henry Winkler is so lovely. [Seriously OMG]
Do you think Kim Porter’s family will ever get justice? [Hollywood Life]
It’s really cool to me that Sylvie (and not Emily) is the best-dressed character on Emily in Paris. Sylvie is so great, I love her. [Buzzfeed]

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15 Responses to ““Saoirse Ronan has a pair of awards-bait dramas coming out this fall” links”

  1. NJGR says:

    Kim Kardashian helping victims of our justice system is pretty great. I don’t know a ton about the Menendez brothers, but if they were indeed abuse victims, they shouldn’t be in prison.

    • Bumblebee says:

      What the father did was horrific. And the mother just let it happen. The first trial ended in a hung jury. The second trial the judge didn’t allow any of the abuse in as evidence. So they ended up with life without parole! I really hope there is some way for a governor to change it so they have the opportunity for parole.

      • Peanut Butter says:

        The more I’ve read over time about their history and how their cases were handled, the more I’ve come to believe that every aspect of the “justice system” let down those then-young men terribly and only compounded the tragedy of the awful, brutal, traumatic parenting they got 😢

      • mightymolly says:

        I was a student when this all went down and never really knew the full story until recently. It sounds like the judge was allowed run wild with his own homophobic biases, even in L.A.

  2. mightymolly says:

    I was getting my nails done on Saturday, and a woman across the salon who was maybe 60ish was saying how she’s become a Chiefs fan because she’s a Swifty, and then was gushing about how much she loves hearing about fathers and daughters watching football together thanks to the Swifty influence. So, I was actually kinda sad to hear that Swifty missed a game. I mean, sad for the people who were probably disappointed.

    • S says:

      It was an away game and Taylor did not go to away games last year outside of the two playoff games and the NYC one where she has a home. I did find it interesting that she made sure to be seen out the night before the game (I mostly like her but come on, we know a pap call when we see one) because TMZ immediately used that to push a “trouble in paradise” narrative. They are running with “Travis looked dejected at the game and missing his “biggest fan” who was out having a great time and without a thought in the world for his troubles” lol. You would think that Taylor/Tree Paine would try to head off that kind of bad press but maybe they don’t care anymore.

      • mightymolly says:

        Thanks for the clarification. Sounds like it’s an absolute non story (but still a story because Tay). I’m obviously not following the relationship or football very closely, but is there ever a day we don’t see Tay out doing something? Quite often without her also very busy boyfriend. Doesn’t feel like a sign of anything. Also, right now, she can do no wrong in my eyes. Plus, if I had her money and energy levels, I’d be out every night too.

  3. Get Real says:

    Unpopular opinion: I tried watching Challengers last night and it was AWFUL.
    What a waste of Zendaya.

  4. SpankyB says:

    I love Sylvie and the way she dresses. I don’t love it when she walks with T-Rex arms.

    I also love Mindy and the way she dresses. And she doesn’t have T-Rex arms.

  5. MaisiesMom says:

    It looks like “Blitz” is going to be a good watch. Saoirse always kills it and it’s visually impressive. Cute kid too.

  6. girl_ninja says:

    It seems to me that every film Saoirse does is Oscar bait. Ciara’s coat is dope, and I too would only wear it. Kim is still using other people notoriety and pain for her good. Josh Jackson is fine as hell.

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