Prince William ‘really loves how he looks with a beard, he always has’

I was going to say something about how Prince William’s new beard seems universally despised, but I honestly don’t think most people are paying attention to William or his struggle beard. William soft-launched his beard in August, in a video at the end of the Olympics. Then he shaved in time for a visit to Balmoral, but in September, he seems to be trying to grow out the ugly beard. It’s so blatantly about copying his brother, it’s sort of embarrassing. But here we are. It doesn’t even feel like William is making any secret about trying to one-up Harry (by copying him). But according to In Touch’s sources, William is simply enjoying the newly loosened beard protocols AND he’s on a self-improvement kick.

Prince William is getting rave reviews from fans for his smooth new beard, but that’s just the start of his midlife makeover that’s been masterminded by Princess Kate Middleton and left him feeling younger and sexier than ever.

“William really loves how he looks with a beard, he always has,” a source exclusively tells In Touch. “He’d have been wearing one for years now if it weren’t for royal protocol. It might sound silly, but [Prince] Harry wasn’t lying in his memoir when he wrote that he and William fought about his wedding day beard. Harry had to get special permission for his beard, and that did aggravate William since he’s always followed royal protocol out of respect for the Queen.”

However, In Touch’s insider points out that “certain protocols are loosening” since King Charles was crowned after Queen Elizabeth II’s death in 2022. “William is taking full advantage and growing out his beard,” the source adds. “It’s looking like he’ll probably keep it there for a while. He might even grow it out thicker.”

“He’s been on a bit of a self-improvement kick lately,” In Touch’s source says. “With Kate doing so much better health-wise, he’s had a little more time to focus on things like fitness and his overall appearance. He’s lost a little weight and had a whole new set of custom suits made. You can see how smart he looks these days and that’s very intentional.”

Kate, 42, was diagnosed with cancer this year and announced earlier this month that she finished her chemotherapy treatments and would be returning to work. Amid her health issues, William took on a lot of public-facing work by himself while also being there for the pair’s three children at home.

“The stress this past year took a huge toll on William,” the insider explains. “He looked haggard for a while, but he’s now turning that around by seeing a dermatologist. For the first time in his life, he’s got an actual skincare routine. He’s very pleased that people are taking notice because he’s certainly putting in effort.”

[From In Touch Weekly]

“He looked haggard for a while” suggesting, perhaps, that he no longer looks haggard? LOL. This is one of the few mentions I’ve seen of William’s weight loss as well – in recent photos, it’s extremely noticeable. Keep in mind, William is pretty tall, he’s like 6’3” – meaning, he has to have lost a lot of weight to see it on his frame and face. Which you can, the beard is trying to hide how gaunt his face looks now. Also: it feels like people are saying to William “oh, you’re growing a beard” and William says “thank you, I do look great!” I guarantee that’s happening. He surrounds himself with sycophants, so of course they’re not going to tell him that he still looks haggard as hell and the copykeen beard isn’t helping. Last thing… can the dermatologist somehow convince him to moisturize his dry-ass skin and perhaps use a good overnight eye cream?

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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99 Responses to “Prince William ‘really loves how he looks with a beard, he always has’”

  1. Tessa says:

    William is so not sexy. I doubt keen spends that much time with him.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      Truth be told, he needs to lay off the drink and his skin will improve. The broken veins in his face and his purply lips tell a story. He should also ditch the struggle beard. It looks like fungus.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        The “fungus” comment made me laugh! It does look like lichen, which has gotten too much sun and is waiting for it to rain. And, yes, ditching the booze (or getting help for that because swaying at public events was telling on himself) would do wonders for himself and his children. Watching your parents self-destruct is a terrible way to grow up.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      William is selfish, it’s always me me me me me. What global statesman says I always thought I looked really good with my beard? So vain. Would Harry ever say I always loved the way I look with my beard? 😆 the stories about Willie is never substantial. Same ol same ol

    • Advisor2U says:

      This reads like In Touch is making fun of Willy’s beard and appearance.
      In he same week that they have a frontgage story and pic about him and Kate divorcing (again). Lol.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    A beard on a man is usually what make up is to a woman. But I really don’t think it works for him, and that’s probably because he’s lost weight, and it shows. He’s already very, very unattractive so add that he looks gaunt with a struggle beard is very unfortunate for him.

    • SquiddusMaximus says:

      Y’know, I don’t hate the beard. Certainly I loath the man, but the beard itself isn’t awful.

      As for the alleged glow-up, could it be he took cue from Momma Camilla and went to rehab? He’s had the time and space and privacy… maybe Charles insisted.

  3. Chica says:

    He looks like a hush puppy.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    There’s just….nothing there. I know it’s in In Touch but I just can’t imagine a story about a beard and skincare routine being written about any serious political or diplomatic heavy weight. This man is 42 years old, has had the opportunity for the best schooling in the world, is the direct heir of a thousand-year-old institution, a military veteran and this is what people write about him. Compare this article to Senator Coons’ speech. Just an empty suit eternally chasing after someone else.

    • jemmy says:

      In the first instance , I “blame” Meghan & Harry – they have shown the heir what it means to be well moisturised not to mention of having a healthy wholesome relationship with themselves.

      There are men who may not necessarily be considered good looking but make up for it with their lovely personality

      No amount of dermatology or skin care / growth of a beard can fix the internal toxicity brought about by a bad character and personality. William is cruel. He needs a personality transplant

    • ShazBot says:

      I can’t imagine people even talking about Charles’, King Felipe or King Frederick’s physique or skin care like that in an article? It’s ridiculous and embarrassing.

      • Worktowander says:

        It is. It’s like he’s being treated just like a woman in the public eye. /s

      • swaz says:

        It tells you how self conscious William really is, he’s trying everything to look better 😶 he is no Harry that’s for sure 😍😍

  5. Caitlin says:

    Prince William is getting rave reviews from fans for his smooth new beard
    Receipts please

  6. Karmaflower says:

    Perhaps they polled the crowd in Aberdeen for this take?

  7. Roo says:

    Thank you, Kaiser! It always bothers me how dry his face looks. He needs serums and moisturizers! It’s not even winter yet!

    And it couldn’t be more obvious that he’s copying his brother with the beard and “new smart suits” that he’s ordered. It’s just sad that a 40-year old man with all the resources at his disposal shrinks his life down to copying his brother.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      It’s probably considered gauche in toff circles to spend time and money on a man’s skin or general appearance. And as much as he wants to emulate his brother, he also wants to be cool with the toffs.

  8. lady digby says:

    It is said that your character is reflected in your face and he certainly has the face he deserves for being consumed with bitterness and anger. Intensive therapy leading to self reflection and remorse and making amends could lighten the load and free him up to become a better person.

    • nutella toast says:

      @lady digby I think that’s often true. On my computer, Harry’s pic shows up side by side with William’s and the contrast is striking for so few years between them. I actually think the beard improves his looks, but that doesn’t mean I think he looks good – just better. No matter how I feel about his actions (and I have a whole lotta feelings about them), he probably has had a difficult year, and it shows; however, it didn’t have to be as lonely as it has been. He chose to shove Harry away. Friendships are one of the most important things you can have to navigate difficult times and he chose to dismiss those connections.

  9. Cel2495 says:

    Lol who lied to this man? He looks like he is 60 yrs old not 42. With all the money in the world and he has terrible skin, terrible posture and terrible fitting clothes. Again terrible skin for a 42 yr old. We are the same age and my ski doesn’t look like that.

  10. PinkOrchid says:

    I may be in the minority, but I agree the facial hair is a good look on William. It balances out the shape of his head, notably his dome. With the hat, even better.

  11. Zut Alors says:

    Did he have some kind of procedure done and the beard is a distraction?

  12. Izzy says:

    LOL this article isn’t the flex they think it is. It basically admits that yes, he is competing with his younger brother, and yes, he picked a fight with Harry because he didn’t get to wear a beard at his own wedding. Immature and unstable, what wonderful qualities in a leader.

    • jemmy says:

      Trying to cosplay Harry in getting a beard as well as the positive rave on n Social Media about Harry looking hot , well moisturised not to mention stately.

      One wonders why he didn’t have a skin care routine prior to now as Kate was known in her younger days to be into the serious skin care routine. Maybe Keen is no longer in the picture to provide advice

      He could visit the best dermatologist in the world- it still would not make him look good until he gets rid of the bitterness & jealously he has towards Harry

    • Chloe says:

      It’s also a blatant lie to state that he wasn’t allowed to grow a beard because of royal protocol. It isn’t and has never been royal protocol. King George V had a beard. Prince Michael of Kent has has a beard for years. It wasn’t royal protocol that prohibited him from having a beard. It is however a rule in the military. Which is why Harry didn’t grow his beard out until he officially quit the military and started his life as a full time working royal.

      The only reason why willy wasn’t allowed a beard is because the Queen probably thought it didn’t suit him. And she was right.

      • Christine says:

        Of course this baby got mad at Harry, instead of taking it up with the queen. William is a grotesque caricature of a prince at this point.

        JFC, get a lot of therapy immediately.

  13. Alexandria says:

    I’ll encourage the beard cos he looks so ridiculous.

    He probably also wants to look as ‘regal’ as Felipe and Frederik. My theory is he is growing his beard now so that he has a full one for the next big royal event – which should be Chuck’s funeral.

    • Jais says:

      He probably does think the beard will help him be seen as more serious and stately. As opposed to you know just being those things.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      I suspect you’re right. There was an unpleasant article saying WanK were ‘quietly waiting’ to show the US and H&M ‘what real royalty looks like’ and all I could think was they believe they will be king and consort soon. CIII might be in a worse condition that we are being told and WanK unapologetic vultures.

      • Lady D says:

        …and the new queen will still take 12 years off to raise children and recuperate. There will be nothing new or different or better when they get to rule.

  14. Tessa says:

    Does he gawk in mirrors and admires how he thinks he looks good in a beard. Odd.

  15. Colleen says:

    I guess we’re calling anything a beard these days.

  16. Interested Gawker says:

    If you replace WanK with H&M this article makes proper sense.

  17. TQ says:

    Again with his team trying to push this narrative that Peg is some sexy AF DILF! What a clown. So out of touch.

  18. Lusaka Mom says:

    I want to know the people who are lying to this guy 😩

  19. Jensa says:

    “ … left him feeling younger and sexier than ever”.
    Good lord. This is the message they want to put out there?
    He’s a middle-aged man who looks every one of his 42 years, and then some, and the beard is not doing him any favours.

  20. Afken says:

    This article is full of lies. It’s not against protocol to wear a beard, it was about military specifically, as only the navy were allowed to grow beards. If it was anti protocol Harry would not have worn a beard ALL those YEARS before and after he got married. The beard is just another step in turning themselves into Harry and Meghan. Kate dresses like Meghan, so now it’s William’s turn to transform into Harry. Simple as.

  21. aquarius64 says:

    Maybe William grew the beard to replace Kate?

  22. Hypocrisy says:

    He is “Single White Male” ing his brother and it is just creepy to see.

  23. Jay says:

    This article weirdly chooses to make it seem like this “midlife makeover” was both a result of Kate’s illness and her intervention(?), and now that he’s finally got a skincare routine and beard, TOB is “feeling younger and sexier than ever”.

    Ah yes, those who have gone through a serious illness can attest that the one thing you are thinking about constantly is: is my significant other looking good enough to get back on the market, just in case? Nothing inspires your recovery more!

  24. Becks1 says:

    So this article is interesting to me….mentioning his weight loss, his haggard appearance, how he’s seeing a dermatologist as a result of looking haggard, etc.

    William has always been relatively fit, so the weight loss IS very noticeable. In the pictures of him from the side in this article you can really tell.

    Something is going on. he doesnt look healthy, he looks sick.

    • ML says:

      He does look unhealthy, and I agree with what you’ve written.

      There are people who either eat more than usual or absolutely cannot eat when faced with stress. So, given the family situation, this could be a factor in his weight loss and haggard appearance. In addition, he swayed noticeably in a few appearances early 2024, and we just had a story where they linked W to cocaine in Scotland.

    • Katy says:

      If you told me that Kate’s illness is a cover for Will being the sick one (because if the King and Heir were both gravely ill it would actually be a *real crisis* and they can’t navigate it), I’d believe you.

      The man has looked unwell all year and has barely worked. The panic over everything changing too fast and soon that the Wales have been projecting could be about George’s childhood more than Will’s adulthood..

      The Wales have been weird all year. Incompetence explains it mostly, but incompetently administering a coverup explains it better.

      • MsDoe says:

        You raise good points… maybe Will *is* sick.
        He looked horrible in the notorious video — a stick figure. His muscles have wasted away. In the above photo, he has the posture of a 70+ year old. He needs physio even more than he needs a skincare routine. He’s aging rapidly.
        PR is on overdrive — yesterday I came across a discussion of a poll of the sexiest men in the UK: #1 was Jeremy Clarkson and #2 was Will.

      • Becks1 says:

        Honestly it makes a lot of sense if William is the one who is sick. I have said that I don’t think they are lying about Kate’s cancer (not telling the whole truth but not out and out lying) because I think a blatant lie about it would make William complicit and that would be very problematic.

        But someone at KP or BP may have decided that it would be better for William to participate in a lie about Kate’s cancer to cover up whatever is going on with him. We know they actively covered up his COVID diagnosis.

        Maybe William is the one who’s sick, and all the stuff about wanting to spend time with the children relates to William, especially if they know things are about to change significantly for George. And it could also involve a significant mental health issue for Kate.

      • Christine says:

        I can’t believe no one has thought of this before now! What an excellent point!

    • bisynaptic says:

      The man is wasting away. It’s alarming.

    • Jay says:

      Right? I have mistaken him and Edward for each other in photos multiple times recently.
      The thing is, Kate was also not looking well last year. Basically, ever since they were given the POW titles. Which is weird, right? You would expect that if it was stress, we would have noted it soon after the Sussexes left. Or during the Oprah interview. The first round of Rose rumours. The humiliating Carribean tour. None of these made a dent in their facades.

      It really wasn’t until after the Queen’s death (*coinciding with Harry’s memoir coming out) that, at least for me, both of them started to really look poorly. Now, that’s subjective, of course – it’s perfectly possible for someone to appear well and be suffering. But it must be said that even during QEII’s funeral, W and K seemed… fine. A bit stiff and awkward, but normal for them. So, what changed? And when?

  25. Proud Mary says:

    Dang, I hope for his sake that the weight loss is intentional. Otherwise, he’s so pathetic. I just love this for the future of the British Monarchy.

  26. equality says:

    Has he been looking at videos on SM comparing his fitness to Harry’s? People tend to change up their looks in prep for a new single life also.

    • Jay says:

      Yep – who among us has never responded to the serious illness of their spouse by immediately getting a sexy makeover? Never mind being supportive, taking care of the children, or trying to ease the physical and mental stress on your partner. No, the most important thing in William’s mind is that the public will see he could be back on the market any day now! And oh la la, he’s got some new suits (and presumably some fancy new slippers)!

      Helllllllllo ladies!

  27. Amy Bee says:

    Most likely the Royal insider is a member of the Royal rota who’s taking In Touch for a ride. If he’s seeing a dermatologist, he needs to go by somebody else.

  28. Tessa says:

    William’s face looks dirty. It does not even resemble a beard.

  29. Over it says:

    Oh really Willy , people keep saying how moisturize and tan and healthy Harry looks and guess what, now we have Willy seeing a dermatologist and taking care of his skin. Well I guess the dermatologist took one look at Willy and said I can’t treat a rhino, I specialize in humans. And what fans thinks this man looks sexy and are gushing over him? Must be Stevie wonder vision impaired type fans

  30. Anonymous says:

    He looks sad and pathetic, old and homeless. Time to retire invisible Kate and marry his pegging partner if he’s closely following his father’s footsteps.

  31. Aimee says:

    He’s got Chia Beard.

  32. Pink tutu says:

    I just want to know do eye creams really help? If they do (big if, surely it’s too late). Changing his habits (I think we can guess at this stage) would improve his skin and health more than a cream, I think. But if that cream exists, please share!

    • Mayp says:

      Eye creams absolutely can improve the appearance of wrinkles, i.e., not get rid of them but make them less noticeable. Also, I think that they help stave off deeper wrinkles for a longer period of time than going without an eye cream. The trick is to find one that works well for you. My Holy Grail of eye creams (a Borghese gel/ cream formulation) has long been discontinued and I’ve never really found one I liked to replace it. I say don’t look for fancy stuff just a good plain one that is moisturizing (hyaluronic acid, anyone?). Good luck in your quest!

  33. Thelma says:

    That beard is I got. Neds to fill out. But his looks have degenerated so badly…it’s amazing. Anyway, since he does little to no work, we’re reduced to discussing his looks. Sad for a grown ass 40 year plus man.

  34. Kelsey says:

    Like Harry said in his book “Bish you BALD, bish you TIRED, you need a nap and to visit mum’s grave and beg for some of her looks back while you tryna hop on my dack ho!”

    (I am paraphrasing)

  35. Chaine says:

    He has never done anything of note, nor does it seem that he will at this late stage. Therefore, there is nothing to focus on except his facial hair, and the press predictively treats his beard as if it is some kind of laudable accomplishment.

  36. Angelica+Schuyler says:

    “William really loves how he looks with a beard, he always has,”

    Ok William. As the saying goes, “If you like it, I love it”.

    Translated into layperson’s terms, that means: It looks terrible, but if you want to go out there looking that badly, I’m not going to stop you…You do you.

  37. therese says:

    I do think he is beginning to look bad, and I had wondered if Kate was covering for his illness. Who even knows any more.

  38. T says:

    He looks sick. Based on the picture of him in Aberdeen and his new look, he seems like he’s on the struggle bus to hell. The shape of his bald head does not favor the bead. His suit choices don’t work with his body and allows looks like he’s slouching even when he is standing tall.

  39. Tina says:

    The juxtaposition of Harry in New York moving around like a VIP and William in the UK talking about his beard and skincare regime. Damn.

    • Chrissy says:

      Yup, Statesman Harry – confident, respected, friendly and industrious VS. Future King William – bad beard grower, lazy, entitled, unserious and a cheating spouse. I know who I respect more!

    • Christine says:

      It’s striking! Someone should really tell William to lay low when Harry is on one of his bursts of accomplishments. There is absolutely nothing that man can do that is going to take the shine off of Harry.

  40. KC says:

    They are so middle school.

  41. Grant says:

    I think the beard is the least of his problems. I actually think he looks quite nice with a beard–maybe it’s because I’m a gay man and different things appeal to me. He needs to shave his head. I don’t know what he’s clinging to, but the hair on the sides really needs to go. He should look to Stanley Tucci, because I think they have very similar head shapes.

    • paintybox says:

      @Grant – That’s good advice for him to shave his head if he’s going to have a beard. The hair on the sides elongates his head too much or makes his face look too narrow. – something is off.

  42. Nadia says:

    Loves to stroke his own ego….so checks out.

  43. Beverley says:

    Yikes! That’s a big nope from me, dawg.

  44. Fig says:

    Project Easter egg gone bad.

  45. Anonymous says:

    “masterminded by Princess Kate Middleton” — she should stop this masterminding 🤣😅

  46. Andrea says:

    Why are they trying to sell us on him being sexy when he is SO not? Have you seen him up against Justin Trudeau? There is NO comparison on who is sexy and who is not.

  47. paintybox says:

    He looks like he forgot to take off part of his scarecrow costume.

  48. Ennie says:

    He’s wearing contacts, right?

  49. chatter says:

    If he grows the beard until it is thick, and keeps it well groomed that might help his looks.
    He looks really rough in these pics.
    Of course, if he keeps the full beard, by 5 years into it, if he decides to shave it then he will truly look aged.
    William should het some truly excellent hats made. Bring back sharp dressed men in good suits and hats.

    Famous men with beards that improve the mans look. #1. Liam Gallagher. That man can grow a beard!

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