Janet Jackson ‘listens’ to her MAGA brother Randy & ‘does peddle in conspiracy theories’

Janet Jackson’s QAnon chaos dominated the weekend gossip. The whole thing was bizarre. It started when the Guardian released their interview with Janet, the bulk of which was about her career’s ups and downs. The Guardian journalist then tagged on some political questions at the end, and that’s when Janet beclowned herself. She started saying crazy sh-t about human trafficking and then said that she “was told” that “they discovered” Kamala Harris’s father and he’s white. Kamala Harris’s father is a Black man from Jamaica. It was also like Janet could not comprehend how Harris could be biracial, Black and Indian. Weird considering Janet is the mother of a biracial child. But I digress. After the Guardian piece dropped, a guy named Mo Elmasri claimed to be Janet’s manager and issued a few apologies for the interview on Janet’s behalf. A short time later, Janet and her manager-brother Randy disputed the apologies and said Elmasri does not represent Janet and she’s not apologizing. You can always count on the Jackson family to be messy as hell. Well, there’s more.

Janet Jackson sings about control. But some people in her circle worry she’s handing it over to someone else. Amid the fallout from her comments about Kamala Harris’ race and her camp’s chaotic attempts to manage the situation, insiders are pointing fingers at her brother and manager, Randy Jackson. Sources say that the PR disaster proves that Randy is too inexperienced to handle her affairs and has become too loud a voice in her ear.

The criticism on social media was swift and devastating, while comedian DL Hughley blasted the interview as sounding like a “Trump rally” and even took a shot at the singer’s plastic surgery. “It’s a little ironic to question whether someone is black while you’re breathing through the nose of a white woman!,” he wrote on X.

We’re told that her inner circle was perplexed by the interview, and fear that the fallout could be more severe than that of “N–plegate” after her infamous Super Bowl performance 20 years ago — because her comments could tarnish her sterling reputation as a champion of marginalized groups.

“How can she sing about ‘Rhythm Nation’ and make comments like that?,” said an insider, “It doesn’t even sound like her. She’s so methodical. I don’t know what made her do this.” The source adds that Jackson, who lives in London, “doesn’t really watch the news anymore. She does live in a bubble,” they added.

We’re told Janet learned of the outrage while partying with her crew, including designer Christian Siriano, in Paris. “Janet and Randy’s attitude was to just let it blow over. They weren’t planning to address it,” another source told us.

Meanwhile, a man named Mo Elmasri, claiming to be her manager, issued an apology on her behalf to Buzzfeed — only for her publicist to walk it back in Variety, and declare Elmasri doesn’t work for Janet. They further said the Jackson siblings would not be commenting on the interview as they are mourning their older brother, Tito, who passed away last week. Things got even more confusing after People magazine published another apology, which it updated after the rep told them he does not represent Janet in any capacity, according to the article. Elmasri later alleged Janet and Randy fired him “after attempts to improve her image in front of public opinion and her fans, and this is something I do not deserve.”

This isn’t the first time Elmasri has claimed he managed Janet. In August, he announced the singer’s upcoming Las Vegas residency as her manager. Janet’s publicity team later sent out an official announcement, but curiously didn’t address Elmasri speaking on the singer’s behalf then. But multiple sources insists, “No one [in her camp] knows who he is!” Another source told us they’ve “never heard of this guy’s name in my life,” and believes, “Randy brought him on.”

“[Randy’s] sabotaging her legacy because he’s not saavy. She’s giving Randy control, and no one understands how he’s managing her, when he’s never had a career. She pays for everything,” they claimed.

They further told us Janet listens to Randy, who is a “Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist. Janet’s bubble is small, and she listens to Randy. She does peddle in conspiracy theories,” they added.

[From Page Six]

“Janet’s bubble is small, and she listens to Randy. She does peddle in conspiracy theories.” Then why are you letting Janet sit down with the Guardian?? Like, what is she doing in London? She’s been isolated by Randy, who keeps spewing MAGA conspiracies at her, and then he puts her in front of a journalist? I also worry that we’re infantilizing Janet – she’s a grown woman, she’s responsible for being an informed citizen. She’s 58 years old, she absolutely knows better than to spew lies and conspiracies in general and in an interview.


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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64 Responses to “Janet Jackson ‘listens’ to her MAGA brother Randy & ‘does peddle in conspiracy theories’”

  1. MichaelaCat says:

    Lost all respect.


    • I agree. She should be criticized for her peddling of some stupid conspiracy. Her bubble she lives in needs to be popped and she needs to get new management not someone who does her no good but looks out for himself and takes from her. It’s time for little Janet to grow up.

  2. Mimi says:

    It’s too bad. Was planning on going to her concert. Not anymore.

    P.S. She is in London because she shares custody with her ex, who I believe is based there.

  3. SarahLee says:

    None of this is surprising. The Jackson family is messy as hell and always has been.

  4. Clove says:

    Well, I’m done. I know we all have a right to our own political opinions, however I don’t understand people that will vote for someone that told you he doesn’t like you because of your race. It sounds like she has some internal dislike for who she is..

    • Amy Bee says:

      The entire Jackson family suffers from self-hatred.

      • Mimi says:

        Can we finally say this? People wield Michael’s vitiligo like it explains what he did to his entire face. What they all did to their faces.

      • Janet says:

        Exactly. It is the reason for the drastic plastic surgery.

      • Mtl.ex.pat says:

        @amy bee – this! Exactly this

      • Megan says:

        What they did to their faces was conform to white beauty standards, for which the media and the public rewarded them. Don’t blame them for their response to racism.

      • Mel says:

        THIS!!! I don’t expect any wisdom from that group considering they knew that something was up with MJ and those boys and turned a blind eye. Girl, shut your mouth before you blow up your career again behind another white man.

      • Kitten says:

        @ Megan–I don’ think you can use our society’s perception of beauty standards as the sole reason to explain the drastic plastic surgery, although I’m sure it plays a part on a much smaller scale. After all, the standard back then was the same that every non-white person dealt with and most didn’t get full face transplants. There is unequivocally some very strong self-hatred happening here combined with parents that mocked their natural features, particularly Michael’s nose. Kids internalize that stuff and when your own parents are calling you ugly, it’s pretty difficult to just shrug it off.

    • MsIam says:

      According to Michael, he wanted a nose job so he wouldn’t look like his abusive father Joe Jackson. He just wouldn’t leave well enough alone. They say plastic surgery can become an addiction. Why the rest of them messed with their faces, who knows, but I’ve always hated what Janet did to her face.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    The whole thing is just crazy. Plus if they’re mourning their brother why is she partying in Paris?

    • Steph says:

      Mourning looks different for everybody. I can’t knock her for how she’s dealing with the loss. Her comments though….

  6. Beana says:

    Many members of the Jackson family are renowned for their musical talents, not their intellect. However, what she said wasn’t just dumb, it was hateful. Hope that money lasts her a while, because I think many of us are done giving any more to a MAGA puppet.

    • SIde Eye says:

      I agree with you Beana! I stopped going to a restaurant around the corner from me because of a Trump post by the owner. Give my hard earned money to the Trump grift? The hell I will!

  7. seraphina says:

    I agree, let’s stop making excuses for her. Grown woman who can make her decisions – she even wrote a song about it. Shame on her.

  8. girl_ninja says:

    For all the talk of I was told she was white, I really do think that Randy and the Jackson’s see themselves as other than Black. It’s a shame, I won’t be supporting their movie about Michael when it comes out.

    • terra says:

      There’s no chance that it will portray the true story anyway, so it’s not like we’ll be missing anything when we skip it.

  9. Nano says:

    I’m always surprised when I see black people and gay people who are maga. Don’t they realize they’re the people magas are trying to erase and destroy? I don’t get it. It’s like they hate themselves.

    • Megan says:

      Or not everyone is defined by their race and sexuality.

      • Kitten says:

        The word you’re looking for is privilege. Glad I could help!

      • Megan says:

        The correct word is money. Trump’s tax cuts were highly beneficial to all businesses (small business seldom enjoy tax breaks) and people earning $500k+. You’re welcome.

      • Nano says:

        It just seems stupid to side with someone who wants to take away your rights and marginalize you.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Nano, exactly.

      • Henny Penny says:

        My brother is married to a woman of Mexican descent. They were MAGA to the hilt. That is, until they went to a party where my sister-in-law, who has never lived in Mexico, was told that “her kind” were the ones ruining the country and why couldn’t “her people” just go back to Mexico where they belong. And I guess that was one of the nicer things said to her.

        Suddenly my brother and his wife realized that when MAGA talked about Mexicans they meant her too.

  10. Amy T says:

    Waiting to hear “What Have You Done For Me Lately” at the next Trump rally…. He

  11. ZoeM says:

    She s in Londpn because she has to be as part of the terms for her divorce.

    Randy has had a career. Part of the music group The Jacksons (post J5) and had a solo career and albums, and managed MJ’s csreer in the end. He has spent his life in the industry and has more experience than most.

    That said, this was a major gaffe. The dude they fired made a great statement they could have just gone with but clearly they are on the maga train. Sad

    • Mimi says:

      “Managed MJ’s career in the end” kinda says it all. Randy has never achieved the level of fame of the original Jackson 5, nor MJ or Janet. Name a single Randy Jackson song. Okay. Having had a marginal career in the industry does not a manager make.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      The end of Michael Jackson’s career saw him over-committing himself to concerts that he was not physically able to perform because he was in so much debt. That is not a good reference on his résumé.

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    DL Hughley. I am deceased. ⚰️🪦

  13. SIde Eye says:

    The Jackson family has always been self hating. Michael discussed how his dad used to say his nose was ugly, etc. It really bothered me to see Joe hailed as some sort of hero when Michael died. He was abusive period.

    That family is living proof that the black sheep is usually the one telling the damn truth. LaToya may be “eccentric” but the entire family turned on her when she discussed their father’s abuse of them because she was affecting their bottom line and that’s what they care about. And that’s exactly how an abuser works – they turn siblings against one another.

    These African-Americans,,Cubans, Mexicans, Jewish people and Gays who are MAGA are going to find out the hard way that they are not, in fact, special unicorns whose wealth, status, good looks and good standing in the community will insulate them when they round up people for the camps. They start with the most vulnerable first then move down the list. The Cubans are on that list, just further down – they are just stroking their egos right now telling them they are better than the Mexicans and the Haitians cause they need that vote. But soon they won’t need it. This is what they don’t get. White Supremacy is a hellah of a drug.

    And now we’re finding out (via the Haitian community in Springfield) even being here legally won’t matter. The Janets and the Candace Owens are damn fools to think the leopard won’t literally eat their faces and then ask for seconds.

  14. Pinkosaurus says:

    Page Six has to censor the word “nipple”? What random style guide are they following?

    • SIde Eye says:

      Noticed that too. It’s page 6 so my mind immediately went to the N word – and I wouldn’t put it past them to do that as an inside joke between themselves since “nipple” is not a word that should be abbreviated. They’ve been calling it nipple gate forever.

      I’m so sick of these kinds of tactics like the my pillow guy and his dumb ass pillow that costs 14.88 (1488 is a popular nazi number) and I always make sure in sports my Black kid is never given the number 14 or 88. He also runs so we’d refuse 1488 as a bib number luckily no one has tried us yet. He’s 16 and knows to reject those numbers and ask for another number.

      Anyway, it’s page 6 – I would not put it past them.

  15. sevenblue says:

    It sounds like Janet doesn’t care. If someone said to me, I was wrong about a fact, I would at least google it. I suspect she was being misinformed by her brother, but she still has a phone on her pocket. She made a choice to believe in a lie.

  16. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    No, not you too, Janet! What happened to the woman who wrote “Control”?

  17. Steph says:

    What is going on with Janet? We need Detective LaToya on the case! (RIP DListed)

  18. Maddy says:

    As a grown woman, mother and person with a very large and influential platform, it’s her responsibility to be informed.

    And if she still chooses to remain ignorant, the very least she should is is keep her mouth closed.

  19. twoz says:

    Cookers gonna cook.

  20. MsIam says:

    Well what did Katt Williams say about 2024 being the year of truth telling? Its like who is next to have the veil ripped away and the ugly truth revealed?

  21. Sue says:

    Ugh, and Janet was always the normal one in that family in my head. Sad and disappointed.
    Edit to add: actually, I forgot that LaToya wasn’t afraid to speak out about some of the things that went down in that family. So maybe she’s the normal one.

  22. Elsa says:

    I’m done with her. She is supporting hatred and damage to real people. Just another rich selfish person.

  23. Colleen says:

    The whole Jackson family is gross and a joke. Bye Janet. You tarnished your legacy with one ignorant statement.

  24. Aerie says:

    It’s sad but not surprising to see people celebrating the downfall of yet another successful Black woman. I disagree with Janet’s pov but I’m not going to delete her music and erase her existence because of it.

    • Traveller says:

      Personally, it’s never a cause of celebration when I hear these dangerous comments come out of any person’s mouth – quite the opposite.

    • MsIam says:

      Nobody is erasing her existence. And I’m sure she will have plenty of new MAGA fans now to buy her music. But I’m not supporting someone who is promoting bigotry and racism which is where the whole “She’s not black and her father is white” lie comes from. I don’t care if they are black, white, pink or purple f*ck ’em if they believe that “opinion/lie”.

    • Mimi says:

      Maybe the racists she’s parroting can buy her music…

  25. Aurora says:

    There is a sad irony in the fact that the woman who sang Scream – a song about media lies – now peddles in conspiracy theories.

  26. Grant says:

    Oh barf. I used to love her. Don’t meet your heroes, man!

  27. Ayy says:

    Some of these comments are disgusting…
    You can make your point without attacking someone for their looks.

    And I wonder who is self hating when you’re the ones attributing anything positive to white people and “white beauty standards” (lol) because I have yet to see one white woman who has a natural Barbie nose. Most white women in the public eye have had their noses done, even the ones you would never suspect (saiorse r, margot r, emma w etc). Ain’t nothing eurocentric about full lips, a short heart shaped FULL face, big round eyes ( most white people have hooded eyes according to statistics, thin lips and angular long faces with either bulbous nose tips, sharp hooked noses), button nose and golden brown skin but do go off.

  28. TN Democrat says:

    The mind fuck of the magat movement is how many people who are directly vilified by everything the mango menace parrots and promotes vehemently support him while swearing he isn’t racist, sexist, etc. The Democrats have to start directly combating the conspiracy theories and stop assuming that their traditional base (women, poc, LBGTQ, people with/parents of children with IDD, people dependent on SSI/SS/the Affordable Care Act) haven’t been poached by the mango cult.

  29. Arhus says:

    It’s so weird I actually heard this conspiracy that Kamala wasn’t black from a co-worker whose wife is half-black. Is this misinformation being spread on black social media to hurt Kamala’s credibility?
    Very wild to me- her father is not some unknown person who a conspiracist can claim is doubted. He is a known professor and hasn’t exactly been silent.
    Such a dumb conspiracy.

    Even if Mo didn’t work for her- she should have just let his apology for her stand. People would have moved on. She is making it so much worse.

  30. Meredith says:

    She’s in London because she has to be there because she shares custody of her child with her crazy ex husband who is an extreme religious conservative.

  31. Fig says:

    She’s not going to comment on this because of the death of her brother but she made sure everyone knew she did not apologize. Girl, that says it all

  32. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I am tired of people saying we shouldn’t be criticizing her because she’s entitled to her own opinions, or beacuse she’s a successful black woman. It is easy for ANY rich person to support racists, misogynists, and other bigots, because their wealth insulates then from much of the damage. Janet doesn’t give a cr@p about the harm MAGAs will do to “regular” black women, because she has a billion dollars from her ex (for producing a son right before she divorced him). So SHE is fine, that’s all that matters, I guess? Screw all other women of color?

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