Princess Kate had another private meeting at Windsor Castle on Tuesday

Last weekend, Prince William and Kate apparently enjoyed a “kids-free” holiday at Balmoral, with King Charles and Queen Camilla. Yesterday, I asked you guys why would William and Kate go, especially considering that their kids are back in school. Many of us believed that the Waleses were summoned and that plans were hatched. My theory was that the plan was specifically about how to deal with Prince Harry’s New York trip and upcoming visit to London (Harry will likely arrive in London this coming weekend). I also think Charles, Camilla, William and Kate hatched some kind of plan for how they would try to get attention this week. Speaking of, the Princess of Wales had another private meeting at Windsor Castle, a meeting which was dutifully added to the Court Circular. Pics or it didn’t happen.

The Princess of Wales has begun planning her Christmas carol concert, it is understood, as she appears in the Court Circular for the second time during her recovery from chemotherapy. The Princess is listed in the official record of Royal family engagements as having held a meeting at Windsor Castle on Tuesday morning.

It is understood to have been a discussion about planning for her fourth annual Westminster Abbey carol concert, hosted personally by the Princess for children and their families. The event has become part of the royal calendar, with the Princess joined annually by her husband, the Prince of Wales, and their children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, for the televised event.

It is one of two public events that the Princess has signalled she hopes to attend this year, health permitting. The other is an appearance to observe the Remembrance service at the Cenotaph in November.

The Court Circular for Tuesday Sept 24 states: “The Princess of Wales, Joint Patron, the Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales, this morning held a Meeting at Windsor Castle.”

[From The Telegraph]

While I predict that Kate will make it to the Remembrance Day balcony AND the Christmas piano recital, it’s interesting to me that no one is saying that Kate will also appear with her family on Christmas Day at Sandringham. I have no doubt she’ll be there as well, but I guess no one likes to remind the public that Kate considers that a work event too, walking to church on Christmas. Anyway, as I said, pics or it didn’t happen. Kate has very little to do with organizing the concert, it’s all done by staff and it was just something given to Kate to make her look busy. She probably won’t even prerecord her own piano recital this year, boooo.

Photos courtesy of Instar, Cover Images, Avalon Red, Kensington Palace.

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41 Responses to “Princess Kate had another private meeting at Windsor Castle on Tuesday”

  1. Tessa says:

    She’ll fake piano playing and grin at cameras William can give a speech on the importance of school runs

    • Yes that’s what they will do. Fake fake fake. It’s one of their middle names along with lazy, dim, self serving, jealous, dull and overpriced for what the people get from them.

      • Megan says:

        It seems more likely she was meeting with her interior designer. No way she is content living in that cottage.

    • Nic919 says:

      I think she only did the recorded piano tinkling the first year and she hasn’t since she was called out for the background piano doing the real work and how anyone who plays piano could tell she was playing very basic stuff.

      But again narcissism 101 because instead of centering herself she should have highlighted someone with actual talent.

      • Ramona says:

        That’s what I thought too. I’ve never paid attention to stories of the Christmas Carol service that she does now. But I did not realize that Khate plays the piano! I’m sitting here gobsmacked! Imagine the outrage if Meghan did this! This is just wrong. Self serving and self aggrandizing – not in the brief of the PoW.

  2. Digital Unicorn says:

    We’re going to get bombarded with these ‘private’ meeting stories from now on as a way to make it look like she’s ‘working’ to combat the criticism she’s been getting.

    Also, given that her family seem back in the royal fold wanna bet they get to go up to the big house this Christmas along with pap stroll of them walking out of the church with the King and QC. I still remember the Temu church visit and shooting party that Ma organised to compete with the main Royal one that they did not get invited to. I wonder if Carole will start up the Middleton shadow court again now that she has Peggy by the balls.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Yeah, I wonder how far Carole will go now that she has obvious leverage.

    • BeanieBean says:

      And if we do get more of these stupid court circular notifications of meetings (the lamest of lame, does anybody else add meetings to their list of accomplishments for their annual review?), it rather highlights the lack of such during that first six months or so after her surgery, when they were saying she was working from bed & reading reports. ‘Cause heaven knows, had she been, those would have been added to the CC.

    • Eurydice says:

      The Court Circular has Anne going to several events in a day, Sophie returning from 5 days in Tanzania, even Camilla visiting this place and that for various charities. And the most important thing for the Telegraph is that Kate took a 3-minute ride to Winsor Castle help plan a Christmas party.

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    Oh she is so busy not being photographed doing all this work, come October when Prince Harry is back in California I’m sure she will relapse and need the next three months as a holiday to recover. What a waste of half a billion dollars.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      The meeting was held at windsor yes, but she was the only one in zoom most probably, from her bed. Because it wasnt a good day and the light couldn’t shine bright enough through the darkness that day.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I was thinking, why make everybody schlep to Windsor, just do a zoom or Teams meetings or something.

  4. Lady Digby says:

    The campaign group Republic, which promotes republicanism in the United Kingdom, says that the full annual cost of the British monarchy is £510 million a year, when including lost revenue from the two duchies and potential commercial use of the royal palaces, security costs, and costs born by local councils during royal visits. RF is skating on thin ice here: excessive cost and much reduced “service” is not value for money! Big push back for Sir Keir and his team using donations to pay for his glasses and his wife’s clothing. Now SG is supposed to cover “work expenses” for RF: Kate and co should be earning their keep.

  5. equality says:

    I’m beginning to wonder if she saw how much attention Meghan got while not being out and about and how people were watching for her and thought, “I can do that also”.

  6. Walking the Walk says:

    i will never understand what the UK pays for this family. Baffling to me.

  7. Nanea says:

    “has begun planning… it is understood”

    So what gives? Did she or didn’t she — and if yes, they should stop using this passive phrasing.

    And I refuse to believe that people on the Island of Left-Behinds are so gullible that they’re willing to accept that Ms Mumblina McButtons of Wails is personally putting together the order of service, a list of musical numbers and calling the musicians who would potentially be interested in taking part.

    So she’s clearly not working.

    • BeanieBean says:

      These people cannot write a straight declarative sentence to save their lives! Does the Royal Foundation have any connection to the concert, other than Kate? It could have been a meeting for anything! And she ‘signalled’ she may be doing another couple of events this calendar year? How’d she do that? Wave her hands around & blink twice? Why not, I dunno, actually get your press secretary to make a statement?

  8. Pinkosaurus says:

    If W&K and C&C were just strategizing their anti-Harry campaign, I don’t think W&K would be dragged to Scotland in person. This feels more disciplinary like “knock it off” and “get it together”. Coordination of effort would have just been staff-to-staff, I think.

    I wonder if BP is back in charge like they were last spring and Kate is meeting with her new handlers.

  9. ML says:

    We just heard that Melania gets 6-figure sums of money for her campaign appearances. My expectations of Melania were already in the basement, but now they’ve sunk even lower—every single person in that family probably only does stuff if there’s literally something in it for them each and every time they do.

    The RF seems similar in that sense: it’s definitely how they deal with the RR (you rub my back and I’ll rub yours). KC and QCC were low-key supportive of K (from about February/March on) and going sort of against W to do so.
    If this is truly about K’s appearances and the Xmas concert, they might have been negotiating deals with each other where they play a happy family in public.

  10. Libra says:

    “If health permits”. What does that mean? She is 9 months out from abdominal surgery, she has completed chemo and the Irish Spring video shows her energetic and involved with her children, rolling in the sand and laughing with an unengaged husband. She appears to be sending a ” all is good here ” message. What health issues now make it necessary to say ” if health permits “. What are they hiding?

    • Giddy says:

      But….one must rest. Doing nothing is so exhausting.

    • Nic919 says:

      She is gaslighting the public at this point with her reenactment of Victorian ladies with the vapours but in those cases they were having mental health issues and didn’t know how to properly explain it.

    • kelleybelle says:

      They’re hiding the fact that Kate was never sick but rather negotiating a divorce.

    • Jaded says:

      Two months after a bowel resectioning, urostomy and removal of several other organs, I was back on the exercise bike. I’ve completed 2 rounds of grueling chemo (the 3rd and final was postponed as my side effects were brutal) but I’m getting out and about, shopping for groceries, doing light housework, cooking, visiting with friends. What’s her excuse? Oh right, silly me I forgot, it’s terminal laziness and working out a separation agreement.

  11. Jais says:

    There’s usually some charities or community organizations invited to the Christmas concert right? I have to imagine Kate’s staff will realize they need to include some cancer charities or orgs this year. Maybe she can give some thanks for Christmas to her medical team?

    • Chrissy says:

      Yes, her not publicly thanking her medical team, including the nurses who do the vast majority of the “caring”, is Royal Duty 101, isn’t it? She doesn’t have to name names but her refusing to do the bare minimum is so glaring given her position and privilege. Also, not bringing any attention to some cancer charities is also unforgivable here IMO.

  12. Kingston says:

    A lazy worthless lying incompetent over-privileged racist and imposterous beyotch.

    That’s it and that’s all.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Ummm … what? “It is one of two public events that the Princess has signalled she hopes to attend this year, health permitting.” Two events in a year?? Spare me with the “health permitting” BS, please.

  13. aquarius64 says:

    Keep stalling with Kate going back to work. Someone is going to be fwd and bust the Windsors once and for all.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    So was the press lying when they said Kate was working from home during her treatment? Because how is she just now starting the planning for the Christmas concert?

    • Nic919 says:

      Yes they were. Kate never held a meeting that wasn’t in the Court Circular from 2011 on which means she did nothing despite the lies from the media.

      Other royals don’t post all their meetings to the Court Circular because they have actual events to attend.

      Even William doesn’t post his meetings to the Court Circular as much as Kate has.

  15. Beverley says:

    Since they make up lies to cover for KKKhate, why don’t the rota rats just create a full schedule of bogus meetings she’s “doing from home”. If you’re going to lie to protect Keen, go big or go home. The derangers would eat that up!

  16. chatter says:

    Can you imagine living like this?
    Everyone always trying to win the game, backstabbing, plotting endlessly.

    She is up to something. But divorce?
    Kate and Carole have over 2 decades of plotting to get Kate The Crown.
    She wants to be Queen for the $$ and attention. She has no interest in doing anything other than jewelry, fashion, met Tom Cruise style events. Worthless.

    PC and W can not let another divorce happen.
    That is why Kate is claiming poor health.
    They live apart, she gets the title, shows up 2-3x a year. At least until poor George hits 18.

  17. GraveyardGrace says:

    She really does look much healthier in that older, red sweater photo.

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