The Hollywood Reporter’s editor stands by their ‘Duchess Difficult’ reporting

The Hollywood Reporter published their “Why Hollywood Keeps Quitting on Harry and Meghan” piece on September 12. The NY Post picked up the story quickly, but it took a week for the British media to really start circulating it. In THR’s piece, it felt like some very misogynoir smears were being recycled from the 2018-19 era, when Meghan and Harry were living in the UK and being subjected to a full hate campaign from the palace and press. There were mentions, in the Hollywood Reporter piece, of “5 am emails” and “Duchess Difficult” and “the Sussex Survivors Club” of former staff members. One source told THR: “She’s absolutely relentless. She marches around like a dictator in high heels, fuming and barking orders. I’ve watched her reduce grown men to tears.”

I was really concerned that the Sussexes would do the same thing they did last year about Spotify and Bill Simmons: absolutely nothing. I worried that they would stick their heads in the sand and ignore the festering wound to their professional reputations in America. Thankfully, they’re pushing back – Us Weekly’s cover story this week is full of first-person accounts of named former staffers, all talking about how the Sussexes are lovely, considerate and thoughtful bosses. Unfortunately, this week, suddenly people are talking about an Access Hollywood interview. Access Hollywood did an interview with Maer Roshan, co-editor-in-chief of THR. The Mail picked up the interview:

A US report claiming Meghan Markle is a ‘dictator in high heels’ came from someone ‘very high up’ still working for the couple, a senior journalist has claimed. The source said that Meghan ‘doesn’t take advice’ and has reduced ‘grown men to tears’, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Maer Roshan, Co-Editor in Chief of the publication, has said he stands by the story after a backlash amongst supporters and friends including one Sussex source who said the claims were ‘fabricated’. Meghan herself has also always denied claims of bullying staff.

Mr Roshan believes that their insider has revealed that it ‘probably isn’t true’ that claims Meghan is ‘difficult’ to work with and the nickname ‘Duchess Difficult’ were ‘manufactured’ by the Palace after Megxit. The allegations about her behaviour emerged in a piece on the exodus of staff who have worked for the Sussexes, including the couple’s chief of staff Josh Kettler who resigned from his role in August after just three months.

Mr Roshan told Access Hollywood: ‘Our reporter talked to a very high up source who works for the couple and said: “Everyone is terrified of Meghan”.

‘Duchess Difficult is a nickname that has trailed Meghan Markle for quite a few years. What is new is that this notion, since coming to America, that a lot of these rumours were manufactured by the Palace and the reporting that we did suggests that probably isn’t true and there is still this undercurrent of fear’.

Mr Roshan told Access Hollywood: ‘Two things can be possible at once. The couple does help a lot of people. Meghan and Harry declined to comment on our story. I think Meghan would have said that barking around orders is something that we expect from men and it would never raise an eyebrow’.

[From The Daily Mail]

I think it’s notable that THR is standing by their reporting and the EIC is saying no, we have a source here in America who currently works for Harry and Meghan. A lot of people wanted to believe that this was “commissioned” or manufactured by the British media (I saw that a lot in the comments), but THR doesn’t work like that. They’re not, like, Fox News. I’m not saying that I believe THR’s story or anything, but I believe something else is going on here. For the EIC to back up their reporting and stand by their source? It’s really strange. I’m also reminded of that weirdness around Archewell’s “delinquent” status because of a missing check, which was bizarrely publicized too, remember that? My Spidey sense is telling me that there’s a mole in Archewell.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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88 Responses to “The Hollywood Reporter’s editor stands by their ‘Duchess Difficult’ reporting”

  1. Mei says:

    The mole theory would be right up the DM’s street. If the phone hacking scandal by Murdoch press outlets told them anything it’s that they have to be even more covert in their attempts to sabotage anyone they can’t control.

    • Janet says:

      I think this is just an attempt to create paranoia at Archewell and after reading the US Weekly article I believe that the Archewll employees are aware of this tactic. I believe the mole is a disgruntled ex staffer who was getting info from those who still work there (I don’t think the current employees were aware what the mole was doing). Leaks seem to have stopped now. I think the staffers have realised what was going on after the Josh Kettler news was leaked. I have my theories who the mole is but I won’t disclose that here.

  2. Brit says:

    That’s an interesting phrase the HR editor uses, saying that the story the rumours were made up by the Palace ‘probably isn’t true’ .
    A whole hit piece rides on a ‘probably’ rather than the solid facts of the named Archwell staffers, past and present

    • Jais says:

      It’s a wild thing to say. It probably isn’t true that the rumors were made up. The rumors started based on an email between Jason Knauf and Simon Case. Jason Knauf later cut and paste his emails and omitted details about Meghan to make her look bad in her court case against the DM and was called out by the judge and forced to show the emails in full. Simon Case. Well Simon Case is currently having articles written about his smear campaigns and leaking and planting of stories at No10 as we speak, basically the exact same tactics he used against Meghan. That’s where the rumors came from. So saying it probably isn’t true that the rumors were made up is some twisted ass covering, leaving wiggle room. Bc I think even this writer knows what they’re saying is in fact part of something sketchy. Valentine Low, the originator of the UK bullying stories, also did interviews defending his sourcing. Which was JK and Case. They are well aware of what is being done here.

  3. Befuddled says:

    I doubt any of it is true but I would pay good money to watch Meghan make a man cry.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      I would pay for lessons from Meghan teaching how to make grown men cry.

      I could use that skill in my job.

      • Befuddled says:

        QuiteContrary, if it’s British men apparently the only thing it takes is a beautiful biracial woman in heels! 😂

  4. Dee(2) says:

    The fact that it’s a ” high up source” is their accounting, and there’s no way to negate that because they are anonymous. Meanwhile the US magazine article has at least five named staffers including several who were high up, and importantly someone the BM was using as a stick just a week ago( Josh Kettler). They may not be Fox News but a lot of these legacy media titles are trading on their former reputation to make people feel that their work is legit. It took a few months for people to figure that out about Newsweek too. This line though ” Meghan and Harry declined to comment on our story. I think Meghan would have said that barking around orders is something that we expect from men and it would never raise an eyebrow”. This makes me think he just wanted to get an on the record interview with them and couldn’t. Because this speculating as to what they should/ could have said is classic British media commentator, American Media does not do that.

    • MrsCope says:

      Right?! That’s a crazy line to just be like, “if she had opened her mouth, this is what she would have said.”

    • Square2 says:

      “THR doesn’t work like that. They’re not, like, Fox News. ”

      Unfortunately THR is exactly like that. It’s not just the hit pieces on Meghan, there were other (questionable) articles targeted other famous people read like hit pieces (with dubious unnamed sources) in the past several years. THR is a tabloid nowadays & Deadline is heading that way too.

      The “higher up source” sounded to me like a person from KP (former or present). In the US, you can see U-S Weekly in supermarkets, drug stores & newsstands, while how many people really see the physical copy of THR except big bookstores?

      BTW, THR should worry about its firing spree of editorial staffers past several months. Here’s what “The Wrap” reported in an August 2024 article:

      ‘Ellis previously wrote that thanks to new co-editor-in-chief Maer Roshan, THR is shifting into a “more entertainment lifestyle” direction and is shifting to focus less on the entertainment industry itself.

      In July, Ellis quoted a brand manager who said, “Just from watching THR in recent months, it feels as if the stories billed as ‘new’ are often things [that] are fairly lightweight. Interviews done days in advance, articles promoting new trailers and casting information. It’s not that the journalism is bad. But it certainly makes THR a less vital daily read for me.”’

    • Angel says:

      Roger Penske & his son Jay own the Hollywood Reporter, Variety & Deadline for a near monopoly on reporting within the entertainment industry. He endorsed Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election after receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2019. He contributed $45,000 to Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign.. I think it’s the continuation of The Daily Mail – Murdoch prejudice against the black royal – heinous. They do hit pieces over and over again. Glad Meghan is pushing back. Her new representatiion is not taking this lying down. Love that!

  5. sevenblue says:

    Ok, if there is a mole, how come the media finds out H&M’s moves at the same time with us? I don’t believe there is a mole inside Archewell. The stories they used aren’t new, there is not one solid example about what Meghan did. The check was sent on time, it wasn’t processed by the government employee. Archewell found out the “missing” check when the article was published. So, someone in the governor office probably leaked that info.

  6. NG_76 says:

    It’s all racism plain and simple. There’s a video of a woman shaking her hand during QEII’s funeral – when Meghan turns around the woman looks at her friend and makes a face and rolls her eyes. They’re mad that a WOC married into the Royal Family.

    • Kokiri says:

      Racism, sexism, all of it.

      There’s a reason Harry isn’t mentioned: from a man all this is a sign of strength.

      But for a woman, a Black woman, to know her mind & her worth & to run a business, that’s inconceivable. And must be stamped out.

      I don’t believe any of this nonsense.

  7. Em says:

    If she’s that bad that it warrants an article why is the “high up” source still working for such a toxic person?

    Also Hollywood reporter is trash and them saying they’re standing by their reporting is probably because they know the Sussexes won’t take legal action, they got multiple parts of that article wrong especially claiming Samantha cohen quit in 2021

    • Ginger says:

      Exactly. THR are going through some things and are laying off staff. There was an article on it. They are also focusing more on entertainment lifestyle and less on the entertainment industry. Also, they are posting more positive royal stories when they didn’t before.

      Let’s not forget that Camilla Tominey stood behind her source for the crying story when we all knew it was untrue.

  8. MrsCope says:

    Are they a big enough organization to have a mole and not be able to sniff the person out?

    Either way, if I’m terrified of my boss, I find a new job. This is a niche enough industry that the PR, nonprofit, comms roles… all of those jobs exist outside of the Archewell bubble. I’m in the industry and I’ve made the move before. I’m not an apologist for a hostile work environment, but I also still think that article reeks of hysterics and hyperbole.

  9. Jan says:

    The HR have new owners that own other rags.

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    So if it’s so horrible why not file a complaint or lawsuit? If it’s so horrific why are they not employed elsewhere or looking for other employment opportunities 🤨.. because running to a tabloid paper isn’t something normal people do. Definitely a hit piece and no I don’t believe someone who hides their identity while trying to ruin someone’s reputation and destroy their work.

    • Emiky says:

      Completely unbelievable that the mole is still working there and leaking. You wouldn’t stay if it was so awful. I do believe a disgruntled ex staffer is leaking though. I agree with the other poster who said that Archewll probably realised what was going on after the Josh Kettler news leaked.

  11. Sunshine says:

    A quick Google search of Maer Roshan shows us his career began with Tina Brown Talk magazine.
    He then went on to find Radar online with Dylan Howard. Yea the Dylan Howard who enlisted Thomas Markle to stop the wedding.
    So, no. There is no mole. This is Knauf and KP.

  12. aquarius64 says:

    If the EIC is talking, they are afraid of two things: THR’s reputation is going to take a hit and it would hurt circulation and it may be sued for defamation. Damaging a charity’s reputation is a no go. And if the EIC is so confident, why not name the source and the reporter?

  13. Lavendel says:

    They certainly want to distract from Prince Harry’s outstanding successes by going after his wife. And this source, whatever this bastard is, if it’s even true that there is a source, is trying to destroy Prince Harry by trying to sow suspicion against those closest to him. Just like they did with his mother, only to call her paranoid. It is criminal what is happening here, a communist method of calculated decomposition with a right wing agenda of destroying people. I don’t believe in this source, I believe in a right wing agenda.

  14. Angelica Schuyler says:

    They’re really trying to make this stick. And whomever is behind this smear campaign really doesn’t understand American culture. We Americans are not consumed with hierarchy. We are not going to dislike Meghan for ‘not knowing her place’ and having the audacity to expect her employees to perform well. The misogynoir is blatant and obvious and we will not be swayed by it. We have a Black, female Vice President. Those tricks don’t work against her either, in spite of some people’s efforts.

    People on Twitter were actually commenting that, if it was true that Meghan was reducing grown men to tears, could she give some lessons? People respect the fact that as a female boss one may have to put the hammer down in the workplace to get stuff done. Many didn’t believe the allegations about Meghan, but could understand and respect if she did indeed need to be tough in the workplace.
    So the smear is more of a flex that the British authors just don’t understand.

  15. Afken says:

    The whole thing felt like a trap. THR story sound like something from 2019, the Sussexes respond and now the daily beast has piled on too. I don’t even think the mole story is true but guess what it does? Sows distrust. Now a company that looks tight will be wondering who is not on board. True sabotage.

    • Julia says:

      No one cares about the Daily Beast’s royal reporting. It was the right thing to respond on the record. That carries more weight than sources. They have not fallen into a trap. No need to be so dramatic..,

  16. Julie says:

    A mole maybe. But, I believe they are trying to create distrust between the employees and between the Sussexes and their employees. This approach worked in the UK. The Sussexes should investigate, then sue them.

  17. Izzy says:

    A mole that doesn’t leak information about the whereabouts of the Sussexes and their travel plans? Either the mole doesn’t exist, or the Sussexes are aware of the mole and are deliberately withholding information from that person. I find it more likely that this mole doesn’t exist.

    Ari Emanuel has the chance to do something spectacular to THR now. I’m sure they love their access to the celebrities they cover, and I’m sure WME can mess that a little.

    • Jay says:

      Exactly – I don’t think they have a huge staff at Archwell, and many of the previous employees went on the record with US Weekly – with their names – to refute the allegations.

      I also think the phrase “working for the couple” may be a stretch.

      • Christine says:

        I agree, they never say the well-placed source works at Archewell, or any of their other organizations. Technically speaking, Harry and Meghan are still members of the royal family, they’ve still got their titles and HRH (they just agreed not to use it), so it’s not a lie if whoever this asshole is (Hi, Will and Kate’s office!) is still in whatever position they were in when Harry and Meghan were “full-time royals” in England. It’s a gigantic stretch, but these people are hardly above outright lying about Meghan being a bully, so a stretch is an improvement.

        I worded all of that badly, congratulations if you get my point!

  18. Jais says:

    Camilla Tominey had sources that Meghan made Kate cry but it wasn’t true. The way the reporter words this is just a lot of supposition. I’m pretty sure the reporter is aware that whoever the source is they’re coming from a place of bad faith. One unnamed source to write a whole hit piece about Meghan stomping around in high heels. Like come on.

  19. beff says:

    Look closely at who owns The Hollywood Reporter, Rolling Stone, Variety etc. It all leads back to Penske Media Corporation. Who do they throw money at politically??? One guess. I suspect that if we looked at a Venn diagram of MAGA/Heritage/Penske board members there would be quite the overlap.

  20. Interested Gawker says:

    Murdoch+Penske=Shenanigans. Full stop.

    A ‘person high up’ but is repeating accusations for the old days? The eic can defend this piece all they like but the fact remains the BM fingerprints are still all over this thing.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “A quick Google search of Maer Roshan shows us his career began with Tina Brown Talk magazine.
      He then went on to find Radar online with Dylan Howard. Yea the Dylan Howard who enlisted Thomas Markle to stop the wedding.
      So, no. There is no mole. This is Knauf and KP.”

      @Sunshine (8:54AM) smoked out all the THR’s BM BS.

      This is all rubbish coordinated by the usual suspects.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I always wondered about the 5 o’clock email, surely people close their computers before they go to bed and use the timer on their phones to stop notifications during the night. It was the fault of the recipient that they were disturbed.

  21. Eurydice says:

    Isn’t this the usual response? Everyone always backs up their story at first, until the time they have to back down.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, it feels like someone who has their back up. The whole story was vague, old details, wrong details and a lot of unnamed sources. And now the writer is like no really I had one source willing to say something and based a whole misogynistic article based on it.

  22. Tina says:

    Someone I follow on Twitter listed all of the THR staff who have left in the past 6 months or so. Very high up people and respected individuals who had been with the organization for many years. I think that THR is going on the Newsweek route and will cash in on the old reputation for as long as possible while just pumping out click bait. I hope that this blows up in their face long term. They got lots of clicks I’m sure but I have to think it will make actual industry people pay attention to what is happening to something that used to be a pretty trusted industry paper.

  23. Nanea says:

    So we learned that 10 people work at Archewell, despite THR insisting they spoke to 11 people there. And they have a mole? Totally believable.

    And while THR still has a reputation (undeserved) as being primarily a trade paper, I read somewhere that Janice Min started remaking it into a weekly glossy when she took over ~ 10 years ago. All Penske media have a strange slant to their reporting ever since Penske took over. Nikki Finke of Deadline wouldn’t have dreamed of employing Baz Bamigboye from the Fail to spruce up the gossip section, which, back in her time, existed only on the fringes.

    I really, really hope they sue. It’s time to stop these harmful misogynoir lies.

  24. Jane Blake says:

    You know what we’re not talking about when we speculate about Meg? A Very Royal Scandal on Prime about p3do Andrew out late last week.

    • sunnyside up says:

      But Andrew is white as white! But he can’t go to the US for fear of being arrested, ironic after all that fuss about Harry and his visa.

  25. s808 says:

    Tominey also stood by her reporting and sources and was wrong as well. I’ll never believe unnamed sources and vague details over people who go on the record and put their name to their testimonies.

  26. MsIam says:

    All of the accusations about bullying, the nickname “Duchess Difficult” all come from the palace. Even the term “Sussex Survivors Club” is from articles in the UK tabloids, Valentine Lowe I think. Remember, they were the bunch who was supposed to “testify” against Meghan during the Mail trial. So this is a hit piece straight from KP. It’s got to be killing them that Harry is looking like the global statesman and Willnot is looking like a stumblebum trying to sober up.

  27. Anonymous says:

    The making grown men cry quote sounds like it could have easily been lifted, like the duchess difficult and 5am emails, from a story about her supposed behaviour during her time in the UK.

    The positive article provided detailed acts of kindness and consideration, like the skin products and baby supplies, yet the HR source could not be bothered to provide any detailed acts of making grown men cry.

  28. Beth says:

    I think Roshan said work WITH, not ‘for’? That could mean someone adjacent re: recent filming. And anyone with a grudge would have no problem using old UK smears from 2018/19 (vicious stuff). After all, the GB News debunk flagged up that this ‘source’ didn’t understand how Archewell operates. And Roshan also admitted that some of the ‘sources’ were UK – some folk suspect he could have KP industry links, eg Lee Thompson. So THR may have been had. Suckers.

    • MsIam says:

      I’ve always suspected Lee Thompson. If he was in communications with NBC Universal then he probably knows lots of folks at the trade papers. But then a lot of the tabloid writers probably know people in LA too. But yeah, the fact that this stuff is old is a big clue. Even the parts about Archewell staffers that left just says “they left”. The article is implying that the people were not happy but don’t provide any proof. No one is suing Archewell like they are Lizzo or the Kardashians right?

  29. Cam says:

    Same right wing management as British tabloids. Same sexist, racist coverage. Garbage in, garbage out.

  30. Walking the Walk says:

    What BS, and I don’t blame them for not commenting on it. Also, apparently where is Harry? That’s why I don’t believe this source at all. She’s the difficult and terrible one and the poor white man is powerless to stop her. Whatever. I don’t think they have a mole and I think they were right to ignore this story because once again the RR is now demanding the Palace release the bullying report. Ugh.

  31. tamsin says:

    “Making grown men cry” is a cliche used by misogynists against strong or powerful women. The whole article is ludicrous but it is insidiously harmful. This seems like the beginning of a new period of smearing using old lies. I hope I live long enough to see a huge take down of this whole tabloid culture.

  32. Amy Bee says:

    I believe there’s either a DM plant in Archewell or the DM commissioned the story. But it still doesn’t explain how the Hollywood Reporter got so many of the dates and details wrong and basically just regurgitated old British media narratives. That Access Hollywood interview took place a few days after the report came out and it was clear that he was trying to clean up some the mistakes in the article. Somebody on tiktok said that the piece may have been written by AI. I think that’s possible as well.

    • s808 says:

      It looked AI written so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was. So much of it was wrong + no details.

    • Jais says:

      Interesting. So the access Hollywood interview where the writer said this came out before the usweekly rebuttal?

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Jais: Yes it did.

      • Jais says:

        Thx @amybee. I didn’t realize that. Doing an interview after writing an article does feel like defensive mode. I had thought it was a defense in reaction to the us weekly article but it was before that. So they were already in defense mode which tells me even the writer knew it was sketchy.

  33. ML says:

    The NYPost is part of Murdoch’s media empire. If this story ran in a NY Murdoch publication and took a bit of time to get published in his British (Times, Sun) ones, then perhaps he was leery of the libel laws over there? If that’s the case, then Murdoch feels confident enough in this source. Or at least Murdoch feels confident that he can’t get sued for this.

    • sevenblue says:

      Murdoch media has been publishing lots of lies on Meghan almost daily. They don’t care if she sues them. I think, they want her to sue them, so they can demand info on unrelated subjects during the discovery process. It took years for Meghan to win the copyright case even though the law is very clear and the media published thousands of articles on what they got from Meghan during the discovery. Royal reporters are doing the same thing writing books with very obvious lies. They were giggling during the interviews, when they were asked if they thought Meghan was gonna sue them.

    • MsIam says:

      But the negative “sources” all repeat information that has already been published, so that is their cover. And it’s all UK information. There are no quotes from any current employees in the THR article. And the information isn’t really anything the Sussexes could sue about. How would Meghan know if people called her names behind her back? And she did send an early morning email, how would she know how the person felt? She apologized for it but if someone is determined to be in a snit then oh well. There is an agenda from these people to be bullies but the Sussexes don’t have to let it stop them. They’ve been here long enough to have built contacts and a reputation and the longer it’s been since they have lived in the UK, the less impact those old stories will have. I think that is a big part of why Meghan will not go back there, those people hate her so there is nothing to gain from associating with them. If Harry still wants to go, then I guess Meghan is fine with that.

      • sunnyside up says:

        The person who had that email at five should have had their phone on sleep mode and their computer shut, then they wouldn’t have known about it until later.

  34. ABritGuest says:

    Sorry but is it meant to be a surprise that THR stood by their report? He’s not exactly going to say “oops my bad” because named Archewell ex & current staff have pushed back. So whilst acknowledging she’s had problematic issues, THR reported that leticia wright had spread anti vaccine info on set of Black panther 2 which she, Winston Duke & a producer denied but they stood by that too. They then included Leticia in article about people who may face Oscar nom challenges that included people like Brad Pitt facing domestic violence & sexual assault claims. They aren’t above being problematic

    the Hollywood reporter piece on Meghan had a lot of basic details wrong in that article like on staff exit timelines & referring to Meghan discussing stereotypes on a recent episode of archetypes so it was like an article a bot had created using uk tabloid headlines. Plus who really believes that US staff in California were also using the same name (duchess difficult) that palace staff were???

    I don’t think it’s a mole I think THR heard some gossip from someone disgruntled & filled it in with uk tabloids stuff

  35. Jay says:

    So, just to parse this out, a “senior reporter” (who works for the DM) has “claimed” that the Hollywood Reporter story about H and M (which contained several of the same phrases used to describe Meghan’s alleged “bullying” as in the British media) was actually sourced by someone who works for Archwell? But the Hollywood Reporter isn’t publishing this rebuttal themselves – they went to the Fail? Anyone else find that suspicious?

    Also, what is this wording? “Mr Roshan believes that their insider has revealed that it ‘probably isn’t true’ …”

  36. Polo says:

    None of this makes sense because the gist of it is that she’s barking orders? I mean what?!? Isn’t they what a boss does. It feels very petty and small. It feels like men especially are intimated by her and this is the reaction. Smh

    If this wasn’t Meghan I don’t think any of this story would be a big deal. But because there’s a target on her by the British media and royals they’ve blown this up into something more

  37. Dora says:

    Meghan should pull a Jlo. Years ago when she had a leak she couldn’t figure out how to stop it so she decided to lay a trap. She knew the leak has to be from one of four people. So, she made up a story about her being in love with an actor, then she told a variation of their vacation plans to those people And when the variation of one got out she had her mole. A makeup person I think

  38. Wryly amused says:

    What if we took the interview on face value? There are some clues – someone high up, Meghan doesn’t take advice, Meghan sees the staff in high heels.

    Since the Archewell staff says they love her, and she works from home in casual wear, it’s improbable that it’s one of them. Also…. how high up can they be in Archewell? There’s only 16 people.

    What if it’s some other organization that represents Meghan? An organization with hierarchy. An organization that expects Meghan to take their advice. An organization that Meghan might visit in heels.

    I can only think of one place that might think its opinions represent Hollywood or that it can influence Hollywood. One place that big enough and diverse enough to have Meghan-haters on staff with connections to THR. One place where the people who work there are competitive enough to undermine each other’s clients.

    Just saying.

    • sevenblue says:

      Are you implying that a WME employee is the mole? Meghan isn’t visiting WME office to give orders to the employees there. The talent talks to their representative directly. Also, still, it doesn’t explain why this imaginary mole doesn’t have one solid example about their experience, but full with examples from the time Meghan lived in UK. It shows the source is former BRF employee, no?

      • Wryly amused says:

        I’m trying to imagine why an editor-in-chief of THR would stand by the reporting.

        The only thing I can think of is that their source is actually someone from WME who is recycling old claims the British tabloids and pretending similar things are happening currently.

        I don’t believe a word of it, but someone is working overtime to make these allegations stick.

        As for the high heels, there would have been pitches for her shows and ARO that she would have needed to attend. So, it’s possible that she would have met staff in these circumstances. And the BS could be made up from there.

        I’m guessing THR has a dishonest source.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Wryly amused, there is a new business relationship between Murdoch and the owner of THR. Go check it out. I have no doubt this is written by Murdoch & BRF. A lot of people mentioned the new editor’s British media connection as well. The media is always lying about Meghan. You need to accept that instead of playing devil’s advocate. It is always the same lies, there is no new account.

        I remember people believing the lie “Meghan made Kate cry” here too, because there is a tendency to think the media wouldn’t publish a complete lie. They did and they still do.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “I’m trying to imagine why an editor-in-chief of THR would stand by the reporting.”

        Cause it didn’t hit the way they intended and are scrambling to make their original concept be seen to be legitimate while crossing their fingers people don’t join up the obvious dots as to why they tried it.

        Why should the supposed source be from WME? There’s KP/BM fingerprints all over this business.

      • Dee(2) says:

        Yeah I’m not understanding the push to disconnect this from the British media and KP. It’s clearly their modus operandi right down to the exact same smears. Of course the editor in chief of Hollywood Reporter is going to stand by the reporting. Unless they are under threat of a defamation lawsuit can you think of any newspaper or magazine that immediately will come out days after publishing a story saying oh sorry we got everything wrong? It would put there already damaged reputation completely in the gutter no one would take anything they wrote seriously even if it was legitimately sourced. That’s a way more likely scenario than for some reason someone at WME having it out for Meghan. I think a lot of people don’t understand how these agencies work. They get work for Meghan, they are not a PR agency, their job is to secure jobs for her. They get a fee when they do that, and they come to her because she’s the client. She’s not just hanging out at their headquarters seeing what’s going on.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Murdoch media was driving ‘Kategate’ in lockstep with William from the moment they announced ‘Kate’s abdominal surgery’ and has been trying to get all the lawsuit claimants to settle out of court to evade the case against The Sun newspaper from going to trial.

        The Sun’s editor said, on the record, that fake farm shop video was directly linked to William and KP, a clear situation of a false story being pushed forward as true with no retraction, explanation or accountability after the fact. We still have no clarification as to it being William or a lookalike walking with that girl who is 100% NOT PRINCESS CATHERINE.

        Getting American outlets to push old talking points with such obvious links between the entities in question should be laughably simple to point to as BRF/BMW’s desperation and malfeasance. It isn’t rocket science.

  39. bisynaptic says:

    She’s making grown men CRY?? Where do I get ME some of that??? 😂

  40. equality says:

    So this is someone higher up who STILL is employed with them, but is unable to find employment elsewhere since the job is so stressful? Doesn’t even make logical sense. If someone complained that much about a job, wouldn’t your first question as a journalist be “why are you still there?” And where is it written that an employer has to take whatever advice an employee offers?

  41. L Williams says:

    Meghan is fighting back one of her best friends of 17 years just gave interview with the Jeremy Vine show this morning. Stating that members of the RF knew about her mental health state and that a palace staff member was dismissed for gross misconduct to Meghan. They also stated that Meghan has all the receipts.

    • Joanne says:

      I want to kiss you for that information! I’m so tired of the trash they get away with spouting about Meghan. I know she’s a better person than I am because I’d be spilling every last thing they did.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Here’s why I find it hard to believe: In the U.S., people are quick to sue for damages, and the payouts can be massive. If Meghan is really bullying her employees or reducing them to tears, wouldn’t they jump at the chance to take legal action against her? Why would they go to a gossip mag instead of getting legal representation? At this point THR is probably in panic mode because they realize the source is unreliable.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Good point. That’s a cultural clash of US based work/business practices and norms in that wouldn’t even occur to these KP jackels.

  43. Over it says:

    F THR and its editors. Meghan might not be that angry black woman , but I definitely am on her behalf and she doesn’t even know I exist. I am tired . So tired of these people always coming for this woman. I can’t think of one person dead or alive who has done truly evil things that has gotten more hate and vitriol level against them and she isn’t even a criminal. Unless marrying your white husband is a crime. The level of abuse she gets daily is insane. We are told show Kate grace , feel sorry for Kate but I would like to remind people that this Meghan is a bully bs started from Kate and willy and their staff. So no , you can miss me with the compassion for Kate because I am fresh out of it . My black self can no longer stand here and let this stuff go. I am tired and it’s not even happening to me but it very well could because I am black .

    • sunnyside up says:

      I first started to notice the abuse of Meghan when she announced her first pregnancy, I suspect the real offence was to be about to produce a mixed race heir to the British throne, secondly, being better than Kate at the job, more charisma, more confident meeting people, a first class work ethic and being too pretty was just too much, she had to go.

  44. Lavendel says:

    This right-wing media has waited until Prince Harry is in New York to inflict violence on his wife. This right-wing foundation has lost out on publishing his visa details, and now his wife is being subjected to even more and worse violence in revenge. We as consumers can only publicly boycott this media.

  45. 80sMercedes says:

    So what I’m hearing is that someone is cranky that they offered advice that wasn’t taken – which is totally Meghan’s prerogative – and that some man pulled some mess and she held him accountable. It’s her company. She’s the boss. Period.

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