“Brad Pitt impostors scammed women out of $350K” links

Brad Pitt impostors scammed women out of $350K. [Socialite Life]
Mariska Hargitay said that Law & Order: SVU has given her secondary trauma. I believe it, some of those storylines are deeply upsetting. [Pajiba]
People are hyped for Joshua Jackson’s new show, Doctor Odyssey. [LaineyGossip]
Florida voters better turn out for the abortion ballot. [Jezebel]
Samuel L. Jackson talks about his nine-picture Marvel deal. [JustJared]
Hurricane Helene is a doozy, stay safe! [Hollywood Life]
Rihanna sang in her high school talent show! [Seriously OMG]
Saoirse Ronan looks amazing here. [RCFA]
Horoscopes for Libra Season! [OMG Blog]

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23 Responses to ““Brad Pitt impostors scammed women out of $350K” links”

  1. Libra says:

    As a Libra I object to being called the Carrie Bradshaw of the Zodiac . Not tru. Not me.

  2. Eden75 says:

    In the Featured Links section, the picture of the nun is Sister Catherine from The Keepers, the true crime documentary. It is an extremely good one, if you are looking for a fall watcher. Disturbing and it will make you angry but very well done.

  3. Kirsten says:

    Saoirse does indeed look amazing, but Louis Vuitton continues to make clothes that are only *almost* good and only some people can sort of pull them off. Idk why they don’t just stick with the high-end accessories.

  4. Clove says:

    I hate that for those people. It’s not too far off from what he did in New Orleans. He scam the people that purchased those homes that were poorly built and ended up with black mold.

    I hope they can recover their money or find the real people that hustled them.

  5. lucy2 says:

    I can’t stand scammers. I’m on a FB fan page for a different actor, who does not have a public FB, and constantly there are people making profiles of them, impersonating them, telling people they can message and chat. I repeatedly have warned others it’s not for real, and usually my comments get deleted by the scammers.
    It’s hard to imagine anyone believing that Brad Pitt was contacting them and asking for money, but there are some incredibly gullible people out there.

    • mightymolly says:

      I don’t think gullible covers it. Engaging in extended communication online with someone you think is a celebrity to the point of some thinking they were in a romantic relationship with a celebrity . . . I think there are also people who are very lonely and isolated or who are looking for something they aren’t finding in their own lives. I’ve been through some really dark times in life, and I can see how it might happen. My saving grace, if one could call it that, was extreme cynicism.

      • mimi says:

        most celebrities are too busy with their own lives and business issues to spend time with these chargse ,but there maybe one sick individual?

  6. mightymolly says:

    I’ve always avoided SVU, but Hulu was like c’mon watch it! So I’m a few seasons in now. I actually get why it’s lasted so long. Some of the plots are really outlandish, some are the realistic scenarios that SVU handles, and some are the classic L & O ripped from the headlines. But they all take unexpected turns. No doubt putting yourself in character for those plots for 25 years will have an impact.

    • JanetDR says:

      It’s a well written show, but traumatizing to watch. I quit a very long time ago.

      • Bumblebee says:

        I’m the same JanetDR. I really liked the 2 main actors and enjoy the Law & Order format. But the SVU stories were just too disturbing for me. I wonder how real detectives deal with it?

  7. JEM says:

    At this point isn’t Brasd Pitt his own impersonator?

  8. Nanea says:

    BP now looks like a smug, self-centered caricature of the person he seemed to be before the bloat caused by alcohol, the DV and subsequent slandering of his family aided and supported by his lawyers, the badly executed New Orleans housing project.

  9. Lauren says:

    Are we sure it wasn’t the real BP because he did scam those people in New Orleans🤔 Never blindly give money to random people online, even if they’re claiming to be if a celebrity or influencer.

  10. chatter says:

    Miserable scammers. Work an actual job instead of stealing and lying.

    Keanu Reeves has been openly saying for over a decade that he has no SM.
    Anyone claiming to be him is lying, avoid them.
    Surprised more A listers don’t do the same.

    Course Brad pulled an awfully rotten scam himself on those houses in New Orleans that he loved to brag about. For a man w/$80M+ you would think he’d do right by them.
    And Brad looks lousy in these photos, no?
    His star power is fading quickly.

  11. Lisa says:

    How do we know it was an imposter? He’s strapped for cash!

  12. Bumblebee says:

    Anyone in the hurricane zone, or getting intense weather because of it, I hope you stay safe. We’re getting buckets of rain in WV, no wind yet.

  13. JC says:

    I’m sick and tired of the brad hating. You guys are assholes.

    • Brit says:

      Why? Because we don’t blindly believe everything he and his PR put in the tabloids? Because we don’t gush over his supposed youthful looks? Because we believe Angelina and her kids? Because so many people spend their time and money obtaining court documents and debunking his lies about his supposed victories? Because we call him out on what he’s doing to his ex-wife and kids? Because we bring up his tax fraud and MIR? I’d rather be called an asshole for reasons like that than for reasons he’s called an asshole for. Thank you very much!

    • IFoxi says:

      Brad’s the asshole. The airplane assault is an undisputed fact, but you still cape for him. Plus the New Orleans fiasco. Fck Brad Pitt.

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