“Lana del Rey apparently married an alligator tour guide??” links

Lana del Rey apparently got married to Jeremy Dufrene, an alligator tour guide she has likely only been dating for two months, tops. [Just Jared]
Analysis of the Sussexes’ media strategy in recent weeks. [LaineyGossip]
Jeremy Allen White is now dating Molly Gordon? [Hollywood Life]
Spotlight on male model Franky Cammarata. [Socialite Life]
Malcolm Gladwell enjoys Joe Rogan’s podcast. Huh. [Pajiba]
Katy Perry is in Australia, for reasons. [Go Fug Yourself]
Don’t do this to your brows. [OMG Blog]
OMG, Oprah’s tie situation is bonkers! [RCFA]
Christina Aguilera & JC Chasez reunited (and both look great). [Seriously OMG]
A feud among Southern Charm stars. [Starcasm]
What is a “shut up ring” and how can we avoid it? [Buzzfeed]

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35 Responses to ““Lana del Rey apparently married an alligator tour guide??” links”

  1. Bean says:

    Said alligator tour guide is supposedly hard core MAGA too.

    • sevenblue says:

      Also, there is a post from him about how he is gonna beat up a trans person using public restroom. I guess, she finally found her toxic man that she sings about.

      • lucy2 says:

        Yikes. I like her music a lot, but she does not strike me as someone who makes good decisions.

      • Pink tutu says:

        Is there a reference to that post? I did a search and can’t find anything.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Pink tutu, Google: “Jeremy dufrene alluding to beating up trans people”, you are gonna get the screenshot of his SM post he shared. It is a NSFW pic, I am not sure I can link here. Her fans went through his SM posts when they were first linked. So, he made his account private now. The fans took some screenshots from what I saw.

      • Pink tutu says:

        Thanks Seven blue, I’ll search that. I tried a bunch of searches but nothing came up.

    • Chanteloup says:

      yah, i have no problem if someone is a swamp boat captain but this dude promotes proTrump anti-vax and violent transphobia
      Hard pass.

    • girl_ninja says:

      I’m sure that’s part of the reason that she’s chosen him as her husband. DT finally has his maga pop star girlie. I wonder if she’ll let him use her music at his rallies?

  2. Lucía says:

    Dame Maggie Smith has passed 🙁

  3. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    There are pictures of Lana Del Rey and her new husband on her Instagram from I think 2019 ( I could be wrong on the exact year, I’m not gonna go look it up again lol). Perhaps they’ve been friends for a while?

    • BeanieBean says:

      Didn’t she record an album in Muscle Shoals somewhat recently? I know that’s not exactly near cajun/gator country, but close-ish.

      • Sass says:

        Oh there’s definitely gators there. Google Sevenmile Island, AL, it’s located in Muscle Shoals. Lots of swampland.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m thrilled for Lana Del Rey! She’s married for love, in a low-key ceremony. She’s known Jeremy for a while, they were friends first—that’s the way to do it. He and her brother (who lives here in Louisiana) are running buddies. She’s really down to earth, this shows us just how much. I wish them all the happiness in the world!

    • girl_ninja says:

      Lana is that you or Jeremy? 👀

    • Kitten says:

      Yes yes she married a regular ol’ trans-hating MAGA guy. Go get ’em, gurl! Slay!

    • Sass says:

      So does he call her Lana or Elizabeth? Since she’s so down to earth 🤣

    • julie jules says:

      Honestly, same.

      whatever that he’s a so called nobody. Whatever if he voted for trump.

      When you see someone, stranger or friend, who has struggled getting happily married and the first thing you can think or say is “ewwwww his politics” you really need to sit down and reconsider your life approach.

  5. Aud says:

    That air boat tour company feeds and interacts with the alligators, which is a terrible practice. It encourages the gators to associate people with food and is discouraged by all responsible tours. So am I shocked that they’re MAGA? Nope.

    • Bumblebee says:

      So dangerous. Thanks for making us all gator bait. What jerks.

    • Sass says:

      Exactly this. In Colorado where I’m at it’s taken very seriously to NEVER feed the wildlife. Where I was raised in the south it was common knowledge that you stay tf away from gators – let alone feed them?! Miss me with that shit while I zig zag run away.

      I’m still appalled at the open, blatant, willful ignorant takes on this Florida man nonsense. I know a woman who told me they did one of these tours and they were letting them feed the gators marshmallows. When she found out we went to see the feral ponies on Assateague this summer, she asked if I touched them! I told her no, it’s a federal crime to feed or touch them. She was offended because she had friends who had gone to the Maryland side of the island (we went to the VA side) and had touched them! She then asked “what’s the fine for that?” I don’t know but I’m not interested in risking finding out. They’re not pretty little pony ride ponies, they are wild animals just as likely to kill you with a kick as a moose or bison in Yellowstone. Just unbelievable to me. It’s not hard to appreciate nature respectfully. Gator tours are not that.

  6. Juno says:

    Gee, Lainey has something snarky and negative to say about the Sussexes, under the guise of analysing their “strategy”? What a shocking turn of events!

    • Christina says:

      After reading it, I don’t see it as snarky. I see it as a pro commenting on how other pros might see it. I wonder if the Sussex PR approached People? Maybe they went to Us because People didn’t want to make it a cover story, and the Sussex PR valued a cover over the established reputation of People Mag? Perhaps a cover gets the word out faster? We have to remember that the Duchess is repped by the biggest agent in Hollywood, and Emmanuel personally handles this kind of stuff. Their strategy isn’t out of thin air. I’m surprised that Lainey didn’t discuss that part of it.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Christina, I have read that People’s former editor is there now. Maybe, they have established a relationship with that guy, so they trust him. It would make sense for them to give exclusive to the reporter they can trust with their story. There are many people who want them to fail even in American media.

      • GoodWitchGlenda says:

        I didn’t think it was snarky at all, and honestly pretty in line with Kaisers commentary.

      • Juno says:

        It’s definitely snarky and negative, but as I said– under the guise of PR commentary. There is absolutely no mention or basic investigation into the reasoning behind the THR story and why it came out just as Harry was set to embark on his NY trip. Squaddies were able to uncover the Penske ownership of THR and other industry rags, and his connection to Murdoch. Why wasn’t this mentioned by Lainey?

        It was only criticism, as usual, of the Sussexes’ choices without any investigation of larger powers at play to see them smeared.

        I stand by my original comment.

    • Camomile says:

      Not surprising. Lainey is a hard core Kate Stan these days and always disses the Sussexes. Maybe she’s got princess dreams or something

      • wolfmamma says:

        Yep she is now. I’ve picked up on it too. She has some useful things to say but the lip curl is there. And then she wanted to Squawk about it too.
        After years of reading I’ve stopped now for the turn of things I’m feeling.

      • Camomile says:

        Well she’s not mean to Kate. Quite the opposite.

      • AC says:

        Haven’t read Lainey’s column in years after her transition to being pro-WK. I missed the old Lainey when she can actually speak her mind.

  7. Brynne says:

    Lana’s last bf (the cop) was also a MAGA guy too. This was when she mocked wearing masks during the pandemic and had a few controversial incidents making comments about black artists in the industry.

  8. María from Tercer Mundo says:

    Pampita’s vibres

  9. lorasnob says:

    Jeremy Allen White strikes me as being messy.

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