Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton rescued a little kitten & named him Corn Shelton

The Cat Distribution System keeps chugging away. It looks like a sad, sickly little kitten found its way to Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani’s Oklahoma ranch, and they nursed the kitten back to health. They named the boy kitten Corn Shelton. I cannot!!! Gwen posted a little video of her latest fur baby with the message: “the day he showed up to our home, he was hardly alive + so sick, but with a lot of love + nurturing, he became a healthy kitten. We’re so grateful that he’s a part of our family.” Apparently, Gwen already introduced Corn Shelton to her friends at The Voice – she took the kitten to the studio!

That’s Blake’s voice saying that Corn is getting fat. What’s your opinion on telling your cat that he or she is fat? I do it to my orange kitty all the time because he actually is quite round and always demanding more food. I tell him, “you can’t have more food, you’re too fat.” And I think he understands me. Like, am I hurting his feelings? Anyway, Corn is a cutie and it looks like they have at least one other kitty on the ranch? Reportedly, Gwen and her sons have a few dogs too. I know Blake has other animals out on the ranch as well.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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7 Responses to “Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton rescued a little kitten & named him Corn Shelton”

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  1. Basi says:

    Awwww. Cat people have a part of my heart. That is all.

  2. Mandy says:

    Corn Shelton is the best name ever! Ridiculously cute!!! 😹❤️😹❤️😹

  3. chatter says:

    When will those awful fake claw nails go out of fashion? I have always hated them.
    Germ collectors, IMO.

    Corn is looking well cared for = nice. He is adorable.

  4. Kitten says:

    Awwww Corn is a good name for that kitten!

    IDK what happened with our boy kitty–if we should fat-shamed him into weight loss or what–but he’s lost over 3 lbs and looks amazing. AFAIK he’s not on Ozempic and lost the extra pounds the old-fashioned way through diet and exercise. He’s still incredibly food-focused, like his entire existence revolves around silently-meowing for food every 10 minutes or so. He is now mute after years of screaming like a banshee at 4AM and while I’m not a religious person, I do thank the universe for this recent development.

  5. Kittenmom says:

    My chunk of a tom cat went from 18.5 to 12 pounds in about 2 years time. We still call him our fat b*stard. And he (and his 2 brothers) are 100% food obsessed, gotta keep them all on a strict diet and make sure they don’t steal from each other, the little rats 😹

    On topic? Baby Corn is adorable & so these people have earned an automatic like from me.

  6. olliesmom says:

    Oh, these two are going to worm their way into my heart if they keep it up. Corn Shelton! What a great name. That little sweetie went to the right farm for help that is for sure.

    One of my cats had a major weight problem and he was very food obsessed. Food was his life! I think that it was because he was living outside and starving when he was rescued and he was afraid that he wouldn’t have food again. I don’t think that they forget.