Prince Harry apparently flew out of London this morning, after 24 hours in the UK

It’s honestly been difficult to keep up with Prince Harry’s movements in the past week and a half. Two weekends ago, he arrived in New York. He had a blitz of events front-loaded on Monday and Tuesday last week. I still do not know whether Harry stayed in New York throughout the week, nor does anyone know when Harry flew into London for Monday evening’s WellChild Awards. Don’t get me wrong, I love that he’s able to move around like a shark. I love that his travel itinerary is locked down tight and there are no leaks. But I also want to be able to laugh about how quickly Harry got the hell out of the UK!! That man did his big charity event, got all the headlines and then dipped. Well, the Daily Mail claims that Harry did spend Monday night at a hotel and that he flew out of the UK this morning.

Prince Harry is expected to leave Britain today after around 24 hours in the country of his birth – and without seeing any of his family, MailOnline can reveal today. The Duke of Sussex turned out at the WellChild Awards in London yesterday to recognise some of Britain’s bravest children and support a charity close to his heart. But despite more than a week away from Meghan, Archie and Lilibet, his pseudo-royal tour of the world will head to a third continent in the coming days – apparently without seeing any of his family in the UK.

Harry, who is not likely to have stayed in a royal property, is expected to fly from London to South Africa for events in support of his charity Sentebale. The royal will travel to Lesotho for a gathering of business leaders, philanthropists and local stakeholders, aimed at driving forward the work of his youth-focused charity, supporting the digital and economic inclusion of the next generation in Africa.

It is unlikely that Meghan will join him on the trip, despite not having seen him for ten days after he spent a week in New York with a series of engagements, including an event in honour of his mother Princess Diana.

But despite jetting into the UK, there appears to have been no meeting with his father, who is in Scotland, and William, who is in Windsor.

Yesterday the Duke of Sussex, who turned 40 earlier this month, was at a central London hotel just two miles from Buckingham Palace and less than an hour’s drive from his older brother’s home. A spokesman for Harry today declined to comment on whether any family meetings were planned. But MailOnline understands that no such rapprochement has happened on this trip, his third to Britain since May.

[From The Daily Mail]

They’re just so mad and they can’t even decide the “worst part” of all of this – that Harry hasn’t seen Meghan in more than a week, that he’s doing statesman things by traveling around and getting business done, or that he absolutely refuses to play the Windsors’ stupid games. Honestly, I believed that Harry had a week’s worth of events in New York last week, but I’d still like to know what he was doing from Thursday through Sunday. Where was he? I feel like we’ll find out at some point, like a month from now, it will be “oh by the way, Harry stopped by NATO headquarters” or something.

Here’s that Mail headline change everyone is talking about. I’m going to be bold and say that Prince William wasn’t the only one raging down the phone at the Mail’s editors. I imagine King Charles was severely peeved.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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44 Responses to “Prince Harry apparently flew out of London this morning, after 24 hours in the UK”

  1. girl_ninja says:

    Harry is the only one who looks in all of this. By a million miles. That lazy brother of his with his raggedy beard desperately seeking attend with David Beckham and Charles doing God knows what with his Mistress Queen.

    Even with his eventful couple of weeks, I know that Harry can’t wait to be in the arms of his Meghan.

  2. Harla says:

    I’d like to think that Meghan flew into NY for a few days of mommy/daddy time. 🙂

  3. Julia says:

    Victoria Ward at the Telegraph said that Harry went back home on Thursday last week and stayed there until he flew to the UK at the weekend. We know that she does speak to members of the Sussex team so I believe this to be true. Why would he have stayed in NY after his events finished?

    • equality says:

      Probably true. He had a few days to see Meghan, Archie and Lili. I bet he did.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Ok well that makes sense but I don’t understand why they keep harping on the fact that Meghan hasn’t joined him on this trip. Why would two parents want to be gone from their 5-year-old and 3-year-old for 10 to 12 days if they could control that? I think that being trapped in the country after the queen died made them both realize that they don’t want to be away from their kids or in a situation where they have to be away from their kids for two to three weeks at a time. I know WHY they run with this narrative but it’s a stupid one on its face.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Anything to stir things up and pretend the marriage is on the rocks sells advertising space in the DM.

      • Embee says:

        Agreed. Plus it’s early in the school year. I would imagine Meghan is keeping things very regimented at home to help the kiddos transition into the school year.

    • sevenblue says:

      Sussex Team is speaking to Victoria Ward? That is news to me. As far as I know, Victoria is close to BP. She was the one who wrote about Meghan’s letter to Charles. Meghan had to threaten her with a lawsuit because of that. I don’t believe H&M’s team would talk anyone from Telegraph. Otherwise, they would get the same treatment as Omid and shunned from the royal reporter world.

      • Becks1 says:

        Harry and Meghan’s team does still contact (or at least respond to) the Telegraph. They’re not on the “no contact” list for British media.

        That doesn’t mean this particular story is true though.

      • Julia says:

        @sevenblue Well she was one of the journalists that got the Sussex Christmas card last year. The Telegraph is a broadsheet so any sensible comms team would speak to them. You might not like it but she has had info from the Sussexes before that has turned out to be true.

      • sevenblue says:

        I am not talking about the mass emailing list that Sussex’s team of course would have and send the press notifications. Is Victory personally close to Sussex team, direct communication like Omid? I don’t believe that. She may be right about somethings, but she also wrote lots of lies.

    • swaz says:

      It’s quite possible, all the pilots I know love flying. William is the only so call pilot that’s always on land 🤣🤣🤣he just wants to seat in cockpits and take pictures 😎lazy, lazy, lazy.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Chris Ship also said that he arrived in the UK from California so I believe he went home for a few days after NY.

  4. He didn’t need to be there longer because there wasn’t anything else on his schedule so he was in and out quickly.

  5. equality says:

    That’s okay. He saw closer adopted family members in NY and will see them again in Lesotho. Who needs the Windsors?

  6. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Shades of Princess Di! Someone’s day was ruined (C&C).

    It’s always amusing to me that they (perhaps) know where he stays, but still can’t track his movements. Harry’s got moves.

    • Deborah says:

      I love that Harry dips in and out of the UK, leaving media carnage and gnashing of teeth behind him with a “See ya” just about the time they discover he is in the country.

  7. Eurydice says:

    So interesting. The more they say “pseudo-royal” and “quasi-royal,” the more it highlights the deficiencies of the leftovers.

  8. Beverley says:

    The Duke’s hasty exit from the UK speaks volumes. He visited with the charity close to his heart and then hightailed it back home to his American family. Who’s “snubbing” who?

    • sunnyside up says:

      I can see no reason for his wanting to see William, but I understand him wanting to see his dad, but I don’t think his dad deserves it. Of course both his father and his paternal grandmother could have helped the situation by roundly condemning all the racist abuse of Meghan and Archie, before they left the country. If he had known they were on Meghan’s side things might have been different.

  9. chatter says:

    Harry rises above his scummy relatives again! 👍

  10. s808 says:

    Yeah, the last thing Charles wants is the son who’s no longer doing his bidding being connected to his mother and Charles’ still very much beloved ex-wife in a positive light in any way. I’m sure W was pissed but I imagine Charles was shouting at an aide to call up the DM.

    His behavior with the IG 10th anniversary, the Spencer funeral and now this shows he’s not playing the “will he won’t he” games about meeting with his father. He’s been firmly business only since he flew out to talk to Charles and the meeting barely last 30 minutes. Man oh man to be a fly on the wall during THAT conversation. Harry’s had “done” energy ever since.

    • Jais says:

      Yes, none of them were happy with that headline. The speed at which it came down makes me laugh though. So they can react quickly when properly motivated. And I’m actually surprised that details of that 30m convo have not leaked at all from Charles.

      • Becks1 says:

        Agree with both of you…..the speed at which that headline came down is both hilarious and revealing. Someone was triggered by it – Charles, William, or both.

        and whatever happened during that meeting in February – I agree that he’s had “done” energy since, and I’m surprised that the details haven’t leaked. That tells me that the details don’t look for the Windsors – it was not about Harry begging to come back, or whatever – but may have been about Charles begging him to return.

      • Dilettante says:

        @Becks1 and begging him to return without Meghan

    • Jay says:

      When your demand to change a positive headline about your brother’s event makes more news than your sad attempt at one-upmanship…😂

    • Amy Bee says:

      @S808: Yeah, I said on another post that his statement in May was his final word on this matter. I agree that Harry said what he had to say in February which included that he’s not returning to royal life. He’s done with the Windsors. I think the press knows this and they’ve been putting out different pieces about him wanting to return to make him disclose the truth.

  11. EasternViolet says:

    I’m guessing Harry can arrive like a ninja – but once he is at an event with publicity, he has to get out of dodge before the press gets too intrusive.

  12. Ana Maria says:

    …He is not the prince of hearts, he is the King of Hearts

  13. Jais says:

    Just a 2-week rewind of Harry’s activities would put the Wales’ monthly rewind to absolute shame. I’m tired just reading about Harry’s travels. And I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing more of just Meghan in the months ahead. Fingers crossed anyways.

    • Nanea says:

      These two weeks of activities by Harry — NYC, London, and Lesotho — would put their yearly output to shame.

      Even any yearly rewind of a *regular* year, when they’re not afflicted by mysterious illnesses and sidelined by having to do the school run, but are just being their lazy, refusenik selves.

      • Lady D says:

        I wish so badly that Harry would put out a this is what I accomplished this year list, just once. It might open a few eyes in the British public, or have them questioning the cost of the RF. If Harry can do everything he did in a year without royal backing, just imagine how much Cain and Unable should be doing with the weight of the Crown behind them.

  14. Becks1 says:

    I think its hilarious he’s going to South Africa right before William’s trip there. You know he must be incandescent with rage over it.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Harry stayed in New York and had private meetings with various political and charitable figures. It seems like a lot of flying to go from CA to NYC back to CA then to London and then to South Africa in the span of 10 days, but rich people are different lol and first class or private is not the same as economy. So basically who knows.

    I said yesterday that my guess is Harry is super busy and traveling a lot right now because the launch of ARO is coming and then Meghan will be super busy and traveling. I imagine besides joint trips like Colombia, they probably try to schedule their work travel so that one is always home with the kids – at least that’s how it seems on the outside.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Only the British press doesn’t think it’s sensible when possible for one parent to stay home with the children while the other is on a business trip. When Meghan’s goes out to promote her show and ARO, they will say that she’s abandoned her children. Meghan was supposed to be in NY in 2022 but had to cancel because the Queen had died and she and Harry just spend 2 weeks away from the children because of the funeral.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    The DM is seething. I love it.

    • Deborah1 says:

      To be fair there is a lengthy article in the Fail buried under the Royal News section which fully covers Prince Harry’s participation at the WellChild Awards in a factual (hopefully) way. It was posted late yesterday and updated in the early hours of this morning. No mention of the Prince of Hearts though.

  16. Laura D says:

    If they’re mad at the headline #PrinceOfHearts; which has been trending on X for most of the day. They’re gonna be damn right fuming when they switch on the Sky News and hear a member of the audience telling Harry “We got you too.” Incandescence will most definitely be the mood of the day at both KP and CH when the audience clapped and cheered the line. 😆

  17. Nanea says:

    Seems the Fail is failing again, and Harry really did leave last night.

    Princess Senate Seeiso posted on her Insta stories that she had lunch with PH today.

    A flight from Heathrow to Maseru (Lesotho) is ~ 16 hours, and Lesotho and South Africa are in my time zone, CEST, making it 5:22 pm there right now.

  18. wolfmamma says:

    So Harry is busy. And fully professional. And glowing wherever he goes. A good man showing his work. How wonderful to see !
    Unfortunately the Windsors show their petty jealousy daily. How they cannot see themselves is truly sad.

  19. Jordan says:

    That’s how to roll. Cut ‘em off, don’t look back, keep on moving.

  20. tamsin says:

    It makes perfect sense for Harry to fly to Lesotho and RSA from London and its the most efficient and environmentally sound thing to do. It seems that all the Sussex humanitarian tours are planned with efficiency and with the least damage to the environment done through travel. After all, Harry is the founder of Travelyst. Harry is not only maintaining his chief projects from his tenure as a working royal, but they are all adapting and expanding in response to current real world needs. Interesting that Harry is in South Africa a month (?) before Prince William is flying in for his project. It’s also interesting to note that Harry played took the Sentebale Cup to Singapore long before William showed up. Where little brother goes, big brother is sure to follow.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Well, Huevo is going to have difficulty making the same impact following his brother to Africa since he hasn’t started anything on his own like Sentebale or Invictus, or made friends among the locals since his only buddies are white colonialists. Maybe he can show up and tell the indigenous people to stop having children so he and his rich white friends can hunt on the lands they live on.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The rotten rota should put their heads every morning into a toilet and flush it down to get more talking points because they’re always regurgitating decade old lies. Like eating their own vomit.

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