Olivia Nuzzi filed a complaint with the FBI against her ex-fiance Ryan Lizza

To recap, New York Mag’s Olivia Nuzzi was engaged to Ryan Lizza (a Politico reporter & editor) when she began an affair with Robert Kennedy Jr. earlier this year. Kennedy and Nuzzi’s affair was mostly digital, and it sounds like it was very passionate on Nuzzi’s side. She was carrying on with Kennedy as she reported on the election and as she failed to disclose the affair to her editors. Even when she was caught by her bosses, she continued to lie about it until she was put on leave. Apparently, Lizza discovered Nuzzi’s affair in July or August. This week, Nuzzi went to court to get a restraining order against Lizza, because she claims Lizza had been blackmailing her, threatening her and hacking into her devices. Well, now she’s getting the FBI involved:

Olivia Nuzzi has escalated her claims against her ex-fiancé Ryan Lizza, filing a complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation that accused him of hacking her devices, threatening her with violence, and sabotaging her career as her relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. went public.

Nuzzi first unveiled her claims against Politico’s Lizza on Tuesday in a filing in Washington, D.C.’s Superior Court. She accused Lizza of threatening to publicize “personal information about me to destroy my life, career, and reputation—a threat he has since carried out,” according to CNN.

Those claims, Nuzzi told The New York Times on Tuesday, were elevated to the FBI last week. The FBI declined to comment, saying it doesn’t comment on public complaints, though it typically limits its investigations to federal crimes—including hacking.

“I will not comment on an active criminal investigation,” Nuzzi said in a statement to the Daily Beast Wednesday.

[From The Daily Beast]

As I said yesterday, it may very well be that Lizza is guilty of everything Nuzzi has accused him of. I think the strongest accusation is that Lizza was the one leaking the story of Nuzzi’s affair to other media outlets and journalists, although I’m sure Kennedy was insanely indiscreet too. Now, that being said… I have mixed feelings about a guy trying to ruin his ex-fiancee’s career when she was literally banging a married, 70-year-old, batsh-t crazy presidential candidate. Like, her career *should* be ruined. Lizza sounds awful too, don’t get me wrong, and his ethics are in the toilet too. Is this a case for the FBI? I don’t know. We’ll see.

Additionally, three women have now come out and said that they were having affairs with Kennedy in the past year. All three women are connected to the Children’s Health Defense, the anti-vaxx non-profit founded by Kennedy. Nuzzi probably thought she was the only one.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instagram.

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18 Responses to “Olivia Nuzzi filed a complaint with the FBI against her ex-fiance Ryan Lizza”

  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    Guys like RFK Jr ALWAYS have a secret harem and I’m sure they all thought they were special. He’s just playing the numbers,, hitting on everyone to see who will respond. There was an article about how she knew he did the arm/hand grab with a different female reporter who thought it was gross. Nuzzi knew and still thought she was the special one.

    All of Lizza’s behavior is terrible except telling NY Mag about her relationship with RFK Jr (if he did). Don’t do explicitly prohibited unethical things if you don’t want to be exposed as unethical. That’s just a natural consequence of her choices no matter how her bosses found out, and I’m sure there was plenty of gossip.

  2. Proud Mary says:

    Looks like our dear Livia has a new boyfriend who’s well versed in all things lawsuits and such. I have no sympathy for either of them. Let the good times roll.

  3. Mimi says:

    I’m of two minds. One, if the allegations are true, that’s a form of abuse (hacking, undermining and trying to ruin her because she rejected hime). And two, his horrible ethics exposed something that needed to be exposed.

    • SarahLee says:

      I agree with you. I also think that me personally – if I found out my husband was cheating, I would blow it all up. If Lizza was the source that led to this coming out, I can’t really fault him there. Now, did he take it too far with hacking, stalking, etc? I don’t know – that’s what the investigation will tell us. But he owes her no confidentiality on this and reporting her to her employer? Shady, but likely not illegal. It’s not like he slandered her.

      • Not a Subject says:

        But come on y’all… Olivia Nuzzi is so gross.

        This is just fake victimism and ; wasting FBI resources. Who does that with an old *MARRIED* crazer and expects it to not to leak or not ruin her career?

    • Adriana says:

      Why is it okay for Lizza to go after her through her employer? Conflict of interest aside, that seems juvenile. Running to an employer like it’s the parental figure. Neither health insurance nor relationships should have anything to do with your job.

      • Mimi says:

        Because her “employer” is a media outlet that is supposed to be unbiased in its reporting and she clearly was not. It was a blatant conflict of interest and unethical for her to be cavorting with a candidate and not disclose it to her employer, who was allowing her to write about the election as if she did not have a dog in the fight. if she loses her insurance as a result, so be it.

    • MissMarirose says:

      Yeah, sounds like a case of a horrible human accidentally doing the public a service by outing another horrible person.

  4. K.T says:

    Two sleazy self absorbed fabulists inform on each other with the most amount of over dramatic hubris.

    Olivia Nuzzi is a fangirl besties around white hot fascists Ann Coulter, Milo, Kellyanne Conway…while cruising the beltway journos and dumbo lefties. She writes like she’s the main character in a her own psychodrama. Ivanka Nuzzi is angry that she cheated on her toxic husband and wants the pity and more attention.

  5. K.T says:

    I’ve been watching her for ten years and it’s been obvious she’s slanted, privileged, manipulative and self aggrandising:

    “I have a very strong sense of what I think is right and wrong that I bring to all of my writing. But it’s not so much Democratic or Republican. It’s more just the way that I look at the world and thus the administration. I’m not worried about how I’m going to put my opinion into my work and if that’s going to compromise my work. I’m more looking at things through [the lens of] this is ethical or this is unethical and I’m never worried about being censored.”

    She wrote this in 2017 for CJR… after already many issues. Sure, Amy Dunne

    • Maida says:

      What’s especially damning is that she doesn’t see how damning her own words are: “I’m not worried about how I’m going to put my opinion into my work and if that’s going to compromise my work.” Yeah, no kidding.
      Everyone in this saga seems sleazy; truly a situation where there is no one to root for.

  6. Walking the Walk says:

    She and her terrible fiancée can pound sand. I don’t believe her and I am wondering why she still has a job.

  7. Matthew says:

    They’re ALL extremely awful. Leave the FBI out of it. We should not have to pay for whatever the f is happening in the NuzzI/Lizza household. NOT OUR PROBLEM

  8. K.T says:

    Exactly, in that article her FIRST statement she says her role is being a chronicler of the ‘psychodrama of the beltway.’ She really thinks she’s Truman Capote! (she’s closer to Mark Robinson lol)

    She chose Lizza, world renowned sex pest because she is also a double-dealing f*cker. And she’ll milk it for more drama and she’s already getting Caitlin Flanagan/Chris Cillizza garbage etc ppl to put her in a poor sad journoprincess role. Delusionals.

  9. lucy2 says:

    Ugh. No winners in this lot, they’re all awful. I’ll say this – 1 – illegal activities should be exposed and dealt with properly. 2 – if you choose to be with someone who was fired for sexual misconduct, don’t be surprised when they turn on you too.

  10. KC says:

    I always find it ironic as well as hypocritical when fallout happens to journalists who use similar tricks to expose others. Sucks when it’s turned on you, isn;t? I have little sympathy for this woman, or any of the bottom dwellers in this scenario.

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