Royalist: Prince Harry needs a ‘peace deal’ with the Windsors, royal sources claim

There’s a new story from the Royalist column in the Daily Beast. Tom Sykes, the “Royalist,” recently wrote that ridiculous piece in the Times, which was all about how HIS sources insist that the Duchess of Sussex “screamed” at a florist for 30 minutes in 2018. The other part to Sykes’ Times piece was that Prince Harry is apparently desperate to reconcile with the Windsors because the Windsors alone hold the keys to the charitable and philanthropic world. This is the bizarre equation Sykes and other royal reporters keep fiddling with: that while Harry has no interest in “coming back” to the UK, HE is the one who wants to make peace with the Windsors, solely because he will never be taken seriously as an activist and advocate without the left-behinds’ blessing. Nevermind that a still-estranged-from-his-family Harry just spoke at the Clinton Global Initiative, or that he had a busy schedule of meetings and events in New York with his charities and patronages, nevermind that he’s currently in Lesotho and South Africa on business and charity work. Well, Sykes has decided to expound on this bizarre talking point in his new Daily Beast column: “How Charles’ Cancer, and ‘King William,’ Are Rewiring the Royal Family.” Would you believe that this piece is mostly about Harry? Weird.

Charles’s cancer spurred the courtiers to prepare for a “change of reign.” The planning and positioning for the reign of King William V, necessarily and behind the scenes, began—and it will be very hard to put that genie back in the bottle. Charles’ family were told the truth: that it was serious. That, of course, is why Prince Harry flew over from California three days later, and that is why the king agreed to meet him.

Harry needs the left-behinds!! For Harry, the changed potential timeframe for the reign of his father poses particular problems, because for Harry there can be no meaningful rehabilitation, allowing him to maximize his impact as a global social activist, “showing up and doing good,” as he and his team like to say, without a peace deal being hammered out with the institution of his family. And the truth is Harry is much more likely to be able to make a deal with King Charles III than King William V. The change of reign won’t really affect wife Meghan Markle, who seems quite happy being implacably at war with the British royal family.

Harry is tired of being a “bit part” in the Windsors: But speak to sources close to Harry, and it’s quite clear that, his successful monetization of it aside, he is tired of playing a bit part in a narrative of family drama and conflict and would like nothing more than to recover his reputation—and perhaps even become known, in time, as a serious player in the philanthropic world. One royal source told me that some insiders believe Harry went about cashing in on his family’s secrets in the expectation that he would be able to work his way back into the royal fold because of his father’s affection for his “darling boy.” “He thought he might have 20 years with his father as the ultimate authority to mend those broken bridges,” the source said. The source added that if a settlement were made with his father, William would not want to waste time or political capital trying to rewrite it when he became king.

The royalists still believe Harry regrets writing Spare?? When asked if they thought Harry would have written the book he wrote, or have publicly accused members of the family—one of whom was later revealed to be Kate Middleton—of being racist if he suspected Kate might be queen alongside his ‘nemesis,’ King William, a few short years later, the source said, “Exactly the point. I doubt it.”

The dumbass cancer-free video: Executive power and influence is already flowing William’s way. Anyone who doubts that only has to look at the glossy Instagram video William and Kate published last month to announce her recovery from cancer. It wasn’t signed off by the king, and featured not Charles, but Kate’s parents, Mike and Carole. To get away with such cheek showed William and Kate have an instinctive understanding—even though they would never acknowledge it and their office did not dignify The Daily Beast’s enquiries on the matter with a response—of how the power dynamic has shifted since the king’s diagnosis.

Charles’s staff didn’t want him to announce his cancer diagnosis: Intriguingly, The Daily Beast has been told that some of Charles’ advisers, instinctively preferring not to let daylight in on the magic, felt the announcement he had cancer was politically naïve. The inevitably diminished authority of a dying monarch is the reason palaces are usually so obsessively secretive about a monarch’s health.

A fixture of the gossip rags: Harry—whose office did not want to comment to The Daily Beast—does not want to trade the glorious California sunshine and the freedom he, his wife, and kids have for a return to the stultifying goldfish bowl of royal life. Stories saying he is searching for a path back to it are nonsense, reliable sources have told The Daily Beast. But he would like to be a regular part of the philanthropic/social activism space again, rather than being a fixture of the gossip rags.

[From The Daily Beast]

There’s more in the piece about William’s potential reign of terror, not only in regard to Harry, but William’s plans to put Princess Anne out to pasture and make Edward and Sophie take on more work. But the main thrust is not actually “here are the reasons why Harry and Charles should make peace.” These are royal sources – likely close to William – spinning fantasies to Sykes about Harry’s needs and desperation for reconciliation with the Windsors. These are not Sussex sources, this is William’s asinine projection. It’s their new thing which they think they’re holding over Harry’s head: capitulate or you’ll never be a global statesman! “Rather than being a fixture of the gossip rags” is telling as well – that’s an acknowledgement that the Windsors are largely behind the British media’s unhinged obsession with all things Sussex, five years after they left. The Windsors still toss the Sussexes to the media wolves. The wolves are fine with it, because they don’t want to ask themselves: why are “sources close to William” so eerily focused on what Harry is doing and why is William’s jealousy of his brother the only thing motivating William to do anything?

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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65 Responses to “Royalist: Prince Harry needs a ‘peace deal’ with the Windsors, royal sources claim”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Harry is not going back. He and his family left nearly 5 years ago. Meghan is not “at war” with any of them. She chooses not to go back after the way she was treated. I don’t blame her. William is the incandescent one who looks to be “at war” with Harry and Meghan.

    • Yes Peg is in a one sided war. Harry and Meg moved on and are having a wonderful life and future. Meanwhile the leftovers are crying over the crap they and their bedmates caused for the Sussexes to leave. There is no going back. It’s done for the Sussexes they are happy.

      • Becks1 says:

        That was a really good take on it. I don’t know anything about that site or the author, but I liked how they didn’t get into what actually happened behind the scenes, who is “to blame,” who said what, etc. It was about the public perception and they’re right, the public perception is hurting William. Even if you think Harry was 100% wrong to write Spare or go on Oprah – well that was years ago and Harry has moved on. Why hasn’t William?

        This line – “William’s carefully crafted image has cracked under the weight of his family feud, revealing a side of him that is neither charming nor sympathetic” – whoo boy that says a lot, doesn’t it?

      • Carmen says:

        @Becks1: the old folks used to say sugar draws more flies than vinegar. It’s a lesson William obviously never learned. You don’t make friends by bullying your way through life.

      • Agreatr10eckoning says:

        Harry spoke his peace in SPARE and following interviews. Neither he nor Meghan have said much of anything about the BRF after SPARE. It’s the BM and tentacles that repeat everything. Give it an effin break.

        Harry already made a ‘peace deal’. He left. It’s what the BRF wanted. Then didn’t.

        Meanwhile, Harry is in Montecito with his beautiful wife, beautiful children, beautiful home with 500 million bathrooms. The bathroom is hysterical to me. We have an almost 1500 sq. foot home with 2-1/2 bathrooms. Are we fancy? lol

        Sleeping peacefully, maybe under a tree or not. Next to Meghan. He’s good.

      • Anonymous says:

        @carmen that was a really good read. thanks for sharing it.

      • kirk says:

        @carmen – thanks for the link to that article. The author, previously unknown to me, chooses to write about “Harry and Meghan, the Windsors, the media, social justice, equality, psychology, happiness.. and anything else that takes my fancy or seems relevant.” He’s written quite a few well considered pieces, including one about ConQCam involving a hit and run. It’s nice to see an apparent Briton turn a critical eye on the Windsors, particularly the weird non-relationship with his brother that Willy is fostering. So dumb. It’s not a competition. He’s the Heir. Does he even believe in hierarchical monarchy?

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Becks1 – The article about “Royal Control” is also interesting.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Carmen – Thank you. It was an interesting read.

  2. TN Democrat says:

    The Windsors need a peace deal with Harry because Willy is too lazy and damaged to be King. Will-not the petulant and workshy will be the end of England’s thousand year monarchy. All the hangers-on know it and are beginning to panic. There. Fixed the headline.

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    So, the only nugget of real news I take from this is that Charles is definitely dying.

    • Interested Gawker says:


    • Hypocrisy says:

      Is it awful that my first thought with that is for the poor people in England that will be forced to pay for another outrageously expensive funeral and con-a-nation.. these people are just a never ending money pit.

      • Jais says:

        Get ready for the Wubbly. From the Jubbly to the Chubbly to the Wubbly, William’s coronation. I’m sure we can come up with some more good name ideas for William’s coronation. Or too soon? It’s kind of dark actually but such is the monarchy.

    • Becks1 says:

      i’m not sure, because then it says that it will be hard to put that genie back in the bottle. I think his diagnosis may have been serious but he’s responding well to treatment? So maybe William went on a bit of a power trip and they can’t pull him back?

      • Jais says:

        I hope that Charles is responding well to treatment. I wonder what a power trip for William would be like. Is it just refusing to do certain events?

      • Nic919 says:

        William was putting out his own plans for coronation well before the diagnosis was made public. Basically on the same day of Charles coronation. I wouldn’t read that much into this.

      • Lavendel says:

        I think from what you see in public, Willy is a very insecure man who probably prefers to live and hunt in the woods and otherwise live the life of a country nobleman with little anonymous excursions into the cesspools of sin in the big city. I think he has a lot of fears and is an introverted, very obsessive type who doesn’t like meeting people. He can’t deal with conflict openly and productively, nor can he read people’s emotions. I also think that’s why he needs Harry and why he pulls out all the stops underground, because Harry loves people and now has a woman with whom he has developed, who has supported him in how to express himself even better in public and what self-confidence means. I think Willy has or had thoughts of resigning and has failed with his family. So, wild speculation about what shows in his appearances, in his body language and in his voice. What he says … is often very irrelevant.

    • Lau says:

      You know it’s coming from William when they’re talking about Charles’ imminent death. A few hundred years back this would have been considered treason lol.

    • Christine says:


  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    These articles are so boring. It’s been the exact same rehash for years now. I wonder how many clicks they are actually getting? Any excuse to criticize the Sussexes I guess.

    • Ohwell says:

      Right! I’m so tired of the “war” narrative!

      Deals do not need to be made, Bill and his tabloid sleazy friends just need to move on!!!

      • Emily says:

        The general public is tired too. These stories are increasingly only getting interest from royalists and tabloid readers. Everyone else has moved on and couldn’t care less about this drama. The comments on instagram under Sykes UK Times piece were interesting. Most people telling the Times to leave Meghan alone, stop bullying her and to move on. It’s not 2019-2021 anymore. People are tired.

  5. Izzy says:

    Harry isn’t the one destroying the peace. All they need to do is STFU and stop feeding lies and leaks about Harry and his family to the rats.

  6. Interested Gawker says:

    It’s so fascinating how they can say ‘rather than being a fixture of the gossip rags’ in, *checks notes*, this gossip rag.

  7. Harla says:

    Just when I think that the commentary coming out of the UK can’t get anymore cringe, fawning and absurd, I can always count on Tom to say ‘hold my pint”.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      If monarchy was a virus, Tom Sykes and the rest are all suffering from Host Manipulation Syndrome.

  8. MsIam says:

    Is Tom Sykes really this stupid? (I know, I know). All eyes on Harry for the last two weeks, but HE needs to reconcile with the Left-Behinds for …… something. So he can be even more popular perhaps? And I think after Charles is gone, William is the one at risk of falling into oblivion. He’ll be the one that they shout “Not my king!” at, especially if he keeps up his lazy ways. The cancer/ young kids excuse will run out of steam despite the Rota rats and derangers best efforts. The media are the ones driving the reconciliation bus because they know William’s goose is cooked otherwise.

    • Julia says:

      I agree, and despite the media’s best efforts the general public (aside from royalists) seem to be tiring of the cancer narrative. There is a lot more pushback in comments sections now against the Wales and it will only get worse.

    • Dee(2) says:

      These articles sound more and more everyday like appeasement to William, that “any day now he’ll come back, I assure you!” By no metric does any thinking person believe that Harry needs their help in a philanthropic space given late September. It’s just like their complaint that them going to Nigeria and Colombia would ” confuse” people and make them think they were representing the BRF. Just wishful thinking on one hand, and appeasement on another.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yes, I think these articles have a main target for their audience and its William. “dont worry, he’ll come back, no one takes him seriously, he wants to be a working royal again!”

        Meanwhile Harry was booked and busy in New York and appears to be just as busy in southern Africa currently. Harry’s fine. Harry IS showing up and doing good and he doesn’t need the royal family to do it.

        also, Tom Sykes goes on about how Harry needs to come back and then begrudgingly admits at the end that “reliable sources” say Harry has no desire to come back.

        Soooo….what was the point of the article again? Back to the first point about William being the intended audience here.

      • Jais says:

        Taken from that perspective, it’s actually wild to think about how much of these articles have William as the intended audience. A bizarre feedback loop to assuage the ego of one person. But it makes sense when you think about how unhinged they often are.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Becks1 – the point is that this is about Charles and William. At this point all sides are taking potshots at each other while hiding behind a cardboard cutout of Harry. After all, the final excerpt says “reliable sources” state Harry has no inclination or plan to come back. This means the prior “royal sources” quoted in the piece are unreliable.

        The transition to King William is underway and nothing can stop it. William is now in charge no matter how long Charles is able to live and not even Camilla can do anything about it. That’s why he and Kate can get away with “cheeky” videos and doing no work. There’s nothing “instinctive” about their understanding – they’ve been planning this since Elizabeth died, maybe before.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    These people are deluded. Did Diana need the Royal Family to be regarded as an advocate and humanitarian after the divorce? As long as Harry continues with his lawsuits there’s not going to be a reconciliation and I’m not sure he’s interested in that anymore because the Royal Family see nothing wrong with their relationship with the press. I think Harry has realised that his Family is not going to change and that he’s better off not having a relationship with them.

  10. Julia says:

    Does William believe that it is only Harry that is featured in the gossip mags and tabloids? Royal coverage in general has become increasingly gossipy and ridiculous. That is how most people access royal news from tabloids and gossip mags. Worldwide most people do not take this family seriously. Harry would be wise to keep his distance and keep doing important work like advocating for Sentebale in South Africa and promoting the Parents’ Network. This along with Invictus is where he can really make a difference and leave a legacy.

  11. Jan says:

    Sports Illustrated is running an interview Harry did with a former basketball player, in his role as CIO for Better Up.
    This guy have so many jobs.
    At least they are admitting that he has no plans to leave California, will it take them five more years to realize that he his fine without the Windsors.

    • Fastgran50 says:

      Watched that interview. Harry always makes everyone he meets relax around him. They always seem happy to talk to him. Harry is becoming more confident in interviewing.

  12. Nanea says:

    Someone should tell the Left-Behinds to take a huge dose of copium.

    As everyone who has read Spare knows who did what when, it’s on Tampon and on Harry’s brother, aka the royal Failson, and their wives to publicly say they’re sorry. And find a solution to that pesky security issue that’s completely on them.

    The Sussexes wouldn’t come back to them anyway, but would at least have a chance to introduce Archie and Lili to their family’s history in the UK.

    Everyone seems to forget that M&H have receipts. And the public has witnessed the outbreaks of incandescent rages, e.g. from CIII about pens, from Bulliam whenever his team is losing.

    • Charlene says:

      I can’t imagine how outraged Archie and Lili will be about the UK once they are old enough to read the vile things they said about their parents.

  13. Jais says:

    So William has some new-found power and he’s so far using it to make glossy vids with the Midds. Well, that’s a choice anyways.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Using it to make a cake of himself, although I think it was her idea. He, at least looked fed up with it.

  14. Proud Mary says:

    Looks like Tom Yikes is trying to dethrone Maureen as the most boring “reporter” in history.

  15. Talie says:

    At least they acknowledge Meghan doesn’t give a damn either way. lol

  16. Hypocrisy says:

    I find it funny that they are pushing this very blatant propaganda while sitting on their asses doing absolutely nothing for anyone, meanwhile Prince Harry has spent the last month doing more than they accomplished since he left. Harry has been welcomed by global leaders and heads of state worldwide right before our eyes.. Wee Willys hate campaign is tiresome, Prince Harry was the heart and compassion of that Monarchy and it is a gaping wound that the Monarchy will never recover from. Prince Harry is doing far more good than they ever will, he is a global statesman and successful philanthropist all on his own. Time for the house of Windsor to move on and deal with the fall out from their own actions.

  17. Agnes says:

    I can’t read anything Tom Sykes writes without breaking out in hives. Why do those lying liars lie all the time? They are no better than Putin or Trump or Musk or any other autocrat … oh wait, Royalty INVENTED autocratic dictatorships fueled by propaganda, never mind. Abolish The Monarchy.

    • GTWiecz says:

      The British royal family is a closed institution of privilege and cover ups. They’re a right wing organization based on public welfare. It needs to end. No place in a democracy.

  18. Maxine Branch says:

    William is well known for doing nothing and is not taken seriously. He is absolutely beside himself watching Harry flourish. Those gutter rats can publish his bile all they want, the better brother is out in the world trying to make a different while showcasing his authenticity, warmth and charisma and the bitter brother is out there showcasing his jealousy.

  19. wolfmamma says:


  20. Advisor2U says:

    The fact of the matter is that Prince Harry was the one who dumped William first: in just 2 days, 17+ million people around the world watched Harry answer Oprah’s question about his relationship with his father and brother:
    Harry said (I’m paraphrasing a bit): “As for the relationship with my father – I will do everything I can to repair that relationship, but with my brother it’s …. SPACE (with a widening hand gesture).

    So, many people didn’t quite understand or pick up on the meaning of that public dump, but Willy totally understood the meaning of it. He is furious with Harry for that public humiliation. He still despises Harry for it, now 2.5 years later. Why? Because he, as the heir, is the one in a position to cancel Harry.

    But Harry made it clear that he is done with William, while William is screaming in the ears of his tabloid & media friends every day, that: he hates Harry, Harry is the one begging for a deal, begging to come back, that he will never talk to Harry unless their father dies, etc. etc.

    And the press/media – afraid of this tantrum-throwing psycho – parrot, write and publish these kind of unhinged nonsense without hesitation, because … they need royal stories for more clicks/sales, and they like being part of, and feed the ”rift narrative”. But most importantly, … they don’t want to lose access to the future dictator and his rein.

  21. Lavendel says:

    He is taken seriously by the world as a philanthropist and activist precisely because – like his mother Diana before her death – he represents the people and not the monarchy.
    Where are the London palace dwellers philanthropists? The king is the head of state of a constitutional monarchy and in this capacity represents the state and its monarchy. All the so-called “working royals” are merely his temporary personal servants. Everything these people do is for the monarchy. Where is philanthropy?

  22. Kingston says:

    The only good thing about threads like these is that, over the period since H&M left Shithole Cuntry, we’ve been able to watch in fascinated horror as little tommysykes has become increasingly unhinged with each sycophantic piece he writes in service to Bully.

    It is clear that he reads this site, finds out that its a haven of ridicule for Bully and that therefore, sicko tommysykes arse-licking pieces are NOT landing the way Bully demanded they should or as sicko-sykes promised him they would.

    If you recall, sicko tommysykes began to specialize in royal gossip after H&M joined the Firm and his admiration for them were on a high. Around the same time, in writing about WanK, he would insert the gossip which fell from the tables of the turnip toff, which he picked up and peddled. And they were NOT flattering to Bully.

    Then around 2020 after H&M had left Shithole Cuntry and dailybeast saw that bashing H&M was a very lucrative endeavor, they created their dedicated royal-gossip feature section and thats when it became clear that Bully’s peeps had personally contacted sicko-tommy, gave him a few licks off Bully’s arse, and turned him.

    And as we have seen from little-tommy’s increasingly unhinged, foam-at-the-mouth rants, Bully remains enraged that H continues to shine brighter and brighter despite the concentrated efforts of all the interested parties on Shithole Isle to destroy the Sussexes.
    Anyhooooo………..have all you guys signed up for ARO’s IG and website yet? Maintain your vigilance! Keep all eyes peeled for after H returns from his whirlwind, intercontinental tour.

    While I feel strongly that M is neck deep in her behind-the-scenes, get-out-the-vote campaigning, she is also a well-known multi-tasker but I want to believe she and her team are waiting until after the election to launch. Theyll still be able to benefit from the biggest shopping season of the year:………Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  23. tamsin says:

    This article during the week when Harry is in Lethsoto celebrating a greatly impactful Sentebale and looking to the future to expand the programs by lining up partnerships with some really big guns. If Sykes has any intelligence at all, how can he not feel stupid writing this puerile propaganda for his masters? William’s future is a huge chasm. Harry was blessed with vision and is very forward thinking. He is a respected player in the world of philanthropy.

  24. Lady Digby says:

    Sounds like Will is self soothing and rocking back and to telling himself that his brother is going to come crawling back to him! FK looks like he has gone to pieces at the prospect of having to be FT King 2 decades earlier than expected. He can make excuses, rage about his brother, appear in unconvincing videos, stonewall his wife, roar at football matches, turn up empty handed to foodbanks and empty headed to diplomatic events but eventually he will be King. It is a structured public facing key position: leading from the front role not a turning up half cut, unshaven, unprepared mess when he feels “in the mood”!

    • Blithe says:

      I’ve been thinking similar thoughts. William, without the discipline and the structure provided by the Queen and Prince Philip, is really not a pretty sight. Charles’s serious illness — and whatever is going on with Kate — mean that Charles likely won’t have the bandwidth to even try to mold William into something resembling a competent monarch. I’m guessing that if William gets the throne soon, Anne will retire, and Camilla will continue to use her shady back channels, especially the press, to undermine William and Kate — just for funsies. I’d speculate that at some point during the last year or so, the lightbulb went on for William. Does anyone love — or even like — him for himself? He seems likely to be a very isolated incapable, incandescently rage-filled king, at a point when ain’t nobody got time for that.

      It’s highly improbable, but it would be great if at least some of their many “vacations “ actually include intensive rehab and therapeutic interventions.

      • Lady Digby says:

        @Blithe we are on the same page. Will’s grandparents and father were oak trees providing strong structure, order , discipline and a sense of duty “forever there” until they weren’t. KC was expected to live as long as mother and so Will anticipated 2 decades of comparative freedom and all that lovely duchy cash to spend. As FK he has been told the truth about his father’s cancer and the likelihood of a much quicker succession than anyone wants. Will looks in danger of collapse so the Suits should try 3 pronged approach to avoid disaster 1. intensive therapy for Will. 2 provision of scaffolding around him by enlarging the working royals to include cousins 3. put immediate stop to hate campaign against Harry and Meg, apologise, amends and re-establish friendly terms.

  25. Libra says:

    William and Kate want an apology for Harry having told the truth about how vile they both are. Harry will not only never apologize for telling the truth but he has 400 more pages of truth that I predict will be made public in some form after Charles is dead. William needs to re-evaluate his life choices. The other shoe hasn’t dropped yet.

  26. QuiteContrary says:

    LOL’ing at the suggestion that Harry wouldn’t have written “Spare” if he knew William was going to be king sooner than later.

    Harry was bursting at the seams to tell the truth about his life and his family of origin. Having seen how close his beloved wife came to meeting his mother’s fate at the hands of the vicious British press, Harry wasn’t going to hold back. No matter what.

    He’s certainly not afraid of William. He pities William.

  27. L4Frimaire says:

    I genuinely don’t understand the point or purpose of this article. What exactly do they think will be accomplished by Harry coming back? They want him to shed his wife and kids, get rid of all his business deals and partnerships he’s made since he left the UK, give up his house, give away his money and destroy the manuscript from Spare? The fact is Harry ( and Meghan ) have done more work in these past few weeks than the royals have done in 2 years. These stories with the ramped up attacks on Meghan show both panic and resentment. Their biggest fear is that the Sussexes have genuinely moved on, are successful and respected, and are completely independent of them.

  28. Henny Penny says:

    The very notion that a man should abandon his wife and children to cut ribbons at grocery stores because his brother is too lazy to do his job is beyond cray.

  29. blunt talker says:

    Prince Harry once said most people and that includes his family in the UK don’t understand him at all-you know why all the royals in the UK are in a freeze frame of life and wants everyone to be in the same mindset-the Windsors are allergic to brain growth and development. God bless the Sussex family and keep them safe.

  30. sammi says:

    Publicity is publicity……………………saves Harry and Meghan time, money and energy promoting anything because the stupid, angry and biased media/Royal family leftovers does it for them. The majority of people are now seeing that everything than comes out of the leaked stuff is just a reversal of what is true.