Boris Johnson: Prince Harry & Meghan ‘were brilliant’ & a ‘national asset’

Boris Johnson’s book tour has commenced. The Daily Mail has been exclusively previewing his memoir, Unleashed, and now the real promotion has begun ahead of the release. Boris stopped by GB News to give an interview to Tory wingnut Camilla Tominey. Tominey is best known around here as one of the biggest Sussex haters out there – she not only exclusively revealed Harry and Meghan’s relationship, but she also exclusively revealed the lie that Meghan had made Kate cry, something which clearly came from Camp Middleton. Tominey still writes royalist fan-fic, but she’s turned more to political commentary these days (she was so mad when Keir Starmer became PM). Anyway, the clips from her interview with Boris are pretty funny. She asked him about his weekly audience with QEII, and then of course she asked about the Sussexes. Here’s the Sussex part:

The look on Tominey’s face when Boris says nice things about the Sussexes! She was bewildered and disgusted. It’s really like the British commentators have an agreement that every single thing must be slanted heavily against Harry and Meghan, and those commentators totally malfunction when someone goes off-script. BoJo told Tominey:

“They [Meghan and Harry] came to an event we did for female education. They were brilliant and she [Meghan] was particularly good and articulate on it. I got on well with both of them. I also worked with Harry when he did his Invictus Games for disabled veterans in the Olympic Park…. I thought, in a bit of pomposity, this national asset is leaving our country. I thought he, on the whole, could be a force for good so I’m going to try and discourage him. I had a pathetic attempt at that. It didn’t work. I failed to avert Megxit, but I did deliver Brexit.”

[From GB News]

Notice that Boris has already hedged away from saying (as he apparently writes in his book) that the palace asked him to convince Harry to stay. The current palace has denied it, but I think Boris’s original story is probably closer to the truth. I believe someone – likely associated with QEII – asked Boris to speak to Harry. Now the people in King Charles’s orbit are trying to say that of course no one asked Boris to do that. Anyway, I will give BoJo a sliver of credit – it would have been easy for him to say and write that Harry alone should stay. But no, he’s emphasizing that he liked Meghan and he hoped that they both would stay. If even BoJo gets it, then that says something about how short-sighted and out-of-touch the left-behinds were and are.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, GB News.

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71 Responses to “Boris Johnson: Prince Harry & Meghan ‘were brilliant’ & a ‘national asset’”

  1. Nlopez says:

    Can’t stand the buffonery of Boris Johnson, buts he’s right, Meghan and Harry are good at what they do. The constipated look on camel toes face is priceless🤣

  2. Oh come on. says:

    BoJo is nothing if not a showman. I find it easy to believe he sees Harry and Meghan’s star power (and, implicitly, the left-behinds’ lack of it) and thought they should stay.

    Also, calling Meghan “articulate” is very much on-brand for BoJo, ugh

    • Chloe says:

      I don’t know. Rumor at the time was that the foreign office was flooded with requests from other countries for Harry and Meghan to do a tour. If that is true than as PM BoJo would have been aware of those requests.

      If this is true then it isn’t just a matter of showmanship. They would have been the perfect ambassadors to promote “brand Britain” so to speak. Something the UK needs.

      • Becks1 says:

        I think Boris probably did recognize their value – he’s on the outside looking in to the mess that is the royal family, so he’s not bogged down by jealousy or who is outshining who or whatever. He’s seeing the requests flood the foreign office for tours as @chloe pointed out, and he probably did have positive interactions working with them (as it seems everyone who worked with them outside of KP has had positive interactions) and he probably did recognize their star power.

        So I’m sure he wanted them to stay. They were good for Brand Britain and they were stars and Boris wasn’t threatened by that the way some in the royal family were.

    • Lau says:

      Johnson is a racist bigot, he’s probably hoping to sell more books by been appealing to every parties. I don’t think that we should believe that he has suddenly become an advocate for the Sussexes.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        I’m surprised BoJo is saying this to a british interviewer, especially known liar Camilla Tominey. I would not be surprised if he said this in a US interview where even the most rabid haters have to tamp down the crazy. It makes me think this might be his actual opinion, which is also what we hear from everyone who works with H&M that aren’t doing the bidding of the toxic royals.

    • Miranda says:

      Yeah, I was going to ask if referring to a POC as “articulate” is as loaded/shady/dog whistle-y in British English as it is in American?

      • KC says:

        I thought it was a burn against Mumbles more than anything. Kate can’t string two words together.

      • Nic919 says:

        It is possible but then again he could also have been comparing her to mumbles, the English rose who can’t speak her first and only language. And he was acknowledging that Meghan could substantively speak on the issue of education, which is not something all royals can do.

      • Cairidh says:

        No, it isn’t. I only know it’s offensive in America because I read it here. In Meghans case her talent for speaking was noticeable because of the contrast between her and other female royals, particularly Kate. So it was something that stood out about her.

    • PrincessK says:

      Johnson is clever. He goes whichever direction the wind is blowing.
      Currently there is an underlying movement to get Harry and Meghan more aligned with the U.K. The Fail is at the moment in a real twist with mixtures of positive and negative articles about the Sussexes. Tominey is truly awful and Ma Middleton has long been suspected to be one of her key sources.

  3. Chloe says:

    Considering the things his sister, Rachel Johnson, has written about Meghan i was surprised that he was so positive about her. Just goes to show that Meghan is actually a really nice person and also just very professional. A word those in the royal court aren’t familiar with.

  4. Chantale says:

    He will change his toon soon enough. He also hopes his book sells globally. Maybe people like him is hinting the current and constant bashing of H&M are not doing the UK any good in the eyes of the world except to the nasty people in UK, not all UK is deranged.

    • JT says:

      I mean he was on GB News, one of the main outlets that tear H&M a part daily. This is the outlet you go to if you want to bash H&M, especially when speaking to the likes of Camila Tominey, the one who got the ball rolling on the H&M smear campaign with her crying lie. His audience is not the group of people who would support H&M anyway. Hell, even if he needed to sell books, and want to both sides the narrative, why would he do it on GB News? Why not choose a neutral outlet for his positive comments on H&M?

    • Anna says:

      Most countries don’t follow Meghan och Harry’s life. I think it’s mostly in Britain and some people in the US that cares. The only reason why I know what is going on in their lives nowdays is because I read it here.

  5. Lady Digby says:

    Loving Camilla Toenail having a face like a slapped are when Boris praises both Harry and Meghan as national assets! He is absolutely correct and we really lost out with their departure but as others CBers have pointed out they would never been allowed to be happy and thrive here the way they have in the US!

  6. Feebee says:

    It’s hard to know with Boris. I believe that he found them charming and on to it in terms of detail and being fully engaged but the reason for articulating it like that is up for debate. Is he trying to settle a score? Has it dawned on him it’s better PR for him to be pro H&M esp if he’s going to promote it in the US? Or maybe just maybe he was just being honest. Like I said, hard to know with Boris!

    As for Tominey’s face, yep she’s looks positively distressed LoL. I wonder if she headed to the ladies after the interview to throw up.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I don’t think it makes a difference why he’s saying it, as long as he’s telling the truth. Considering how saturated the British media is with lies about Harry and Meghan, especially on that network, and in an interview with that lying azz woman, some truth-telling is definitely a breath of fresh air. Bojo is not the only one on that island who’ve used the Sussexes to sell a book or to garner clicks. Most are usually lying.

    • Jais says:

      He’s stating easily observable facts so I don’t think he’s lying. They’re good at what they do. The only ones who can’t say it are the palace stenographers/rota/BM. That said, I could see Bojo being a little annoyed that palace sources immediately put out that no one asked him to speak to Harry even though he’d just written that they had in his book. Likely someone did ask him and now they’re leaking that they didn’t and making Bojo look like a liar. Which he is. But probably not in this case. So making sure to state that the Sussexes were a great asset? After the palace just leaked that they didn’t do something that they probably did do. Bojo said alrighty then, let’s go.

      • Christine says:

        This. BP called him a liar. The very next day he doubles down, praising Meghan specifically. It doesn’t hurt that he’s telling a very obvious truth, to anyone who hasn’t been brainwashed by the rota and royals.

        They are going to need to confront some facts, sooner or later, because Harry and Meghan are only going to get better and better at this. You can see their confidence growing every time they are out. They are passionate, well spoken, and completely true to who they are as a couple, but also individually.

        In contrast, you have William and Kate doing their level best to crawl back into the womb (or the bottom of a bottle), what with her not working for the next 12 years and his desire to be the Zoom king. To all of the salty, you have earned every single bit of your misery.

      • girl_ninja says:

        Right. Even though he’s a royalist, he’s most loyal to himself and he’s not beholden to them in the same way. He’s also still a racist slag like Tominey and can go kick rocks.

      • Nic919 says:

        Bojo also isn’t beholden to the palace for his job. Meghan was acknowledged to be smarter than the rest of that family very early on, and while that got buried with the palace smears, the truth remains that Meghan is good at being an advocate and she doesn’t need to be propped up like a child unlike their future Queen.

  7. ML says:

    BoJo is a well-educated, aristocratic, clownish scumbucket, who is absolutely in tune to his voters. If he’s out there saying that GB lost people of value when H&M left, this is probably what the people who voted for BoJo believe. He’s not going out there to piss them off to sell his book—they are the most likely ones to purchase it.

    The RF is clearly under a lot of pressure behind the scenes to repair their relationship to H&M.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    Boris Johnson gains nothing from saying nice things about Harry and Meghan so I think he’s telling the truth. Jeremy Corbyn said he liked Harry and Meghan too. If two diametrically opposed politicians can have the same opinion about them then it must be true that they are good people.

    • Normades says:

      I disagree he gets headlines and ink spilled. Harry was the most popular royal, Boris is just getting behind a winning horse

  9. TN Democrat says:

    Damn. Bojo is a clown in the same vein as the orange menace, but actually spoke the truth about Harry and Meghan. I did not have this on my 2024 bingo card. I wonder if a lot of the negative press the Sussexes have been getting lately is Windsor counter programming because they knew in advance that he was going to praise Harry and Meghan.

  10. sunnyside up says:

    Well for once, Boris was right, they were a national asset, pity they were thrown away, like the EU.

  11. Inge says:

    Don’t like him nor her one bit, but the look on her face continues to crack me up

  12. Eurydice says:

    Lol, we’ve become so paranoid on behalf of H&M that we look for ulterior motives whenever anyone says something nice about them. They are brilliant, they are collaborative, they would have been a national asset. If Johnson had said otherwise we would know it was a lie.

    • Christine says:


    • PrincessK says:

      There is always an ulterior motive with Johnson he has a book to sell and he has no morals or principles. But he is very clever and knows that currently the direction of the wind is currently more in favour of the Sussexes.

    • Chrissy says:

      Too bad he didn’t say it before they were forced to leave…and thrive on the world stage!

  13. Proud Mary says:

    I am pleasantly surprised that he included Meghan in his praise. Although all he said about her is obvious to all honest humans to speak it, is not only verboten on that Island, but will probably get you at least a couple of nights in the Tower of London. So let’s see how long it takes him to change his tune after he gets a meltdown phone call from Prince Incandescent, himself. Or after Charles dangles a Knighthood in Bojo’s face. It seems some Brits would willingly debase themselves every-which way for that ridiculous honor. I’m looking at you Beckham.

  14. Camel toe can’t handle the truth when she hears it and Boris was telling the truth which is Harry and Meg were an asset to the Royal family. She can’t hide her hate.

  15. Lavendel says:

    There is no reason to be grateful to a person just because they tell the truth once. There is also no reason to suddenly stylise an otherwise unreliable person into a person of integrity just because they tell the truth once. Also, 99% of press releases in the UK are theatrical productions with no real background that are only released to the public to make the media even more money. So I don’t believe a word of it. These media outlets and the people who work in them have lost all faith in truthful information on their part because of their “journalism”.

    • Eurydice says:

      Sure, but that single truth isn’t a trivial one – he’s not saying “today is October 6th” – this single truth is at the heart of 6 years of PR attack by the BM, despite all evidence to the contrary. It’s a part of why we’re all here. I don’t see anyone here calling Johnson a hero, he’s just saying what we already know, but he’s saying it into the face of a woman who’s been responsible for many of the lies about H&M.

      • Lavendel says:

        Johnson was Prime Minister from 24 July 2019 to 6 September 2022. During that time, and before and after, I have not heard a single positive word from him about HuM. He was and is a member of the British tabloid press. Why this sudden realisation now? He wants to sell his book, and HuM’s names put him at the top of the algorithm. That’s what he wants – not the truth. Not from this man.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Lavendel, if he only cared about the algorithm, he would talk sh*t about them. That would get all the hate clicks, Murdoch headlines with “former PM telling truth about Meghan”. He is right-wing, his fans would eat it up. I think, he never considered to speak out for H&M, because as PM, he was benefitting from negative stories. His scandals were getting less attention when the tabloids were writing about H&M breathlessly.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Eurydice – Well said.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Lavandel, I’m not sure the point you’re trying to make. The statement by Boris is pretty much “water is wet.” Are you denying that given Harry and Meghan’s obvious charisma, their work ethics and successes, their connections with the youth, while serving as working royals, plus their global work now, was then and could now be an asset to Britain? What exactly did he say that rubs you the wrong way? Have you never heard that even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while? Or that a broken clock can be right at least twice a day? Sorry for mixing my metaphors’, but, come on!

        I believed then, and believe now, that lots of British public figures disagree with Charles and William’s treatment of Harry and Meghan, but are afraid to speak up. The few who have, have either faced backlash, or have had their voices drowned out.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Lavendel – Johnson was a terrible PM and he should be held accountable for how he ran the government, but it wasn’t his job to worry about the RF’s infighting. In fact, if I were a British citizen, I’d be pretty annoyed if the PM would rather deal with H&M than the NHS or homelessness or inflation or any of the other issues a government faces.

      • Lavendel says:

        My point is that he has always been and still is part of Fleetstreet. How am I supposed to believe someone who is part of the whole unsavoury British media market? The people who have been trying to destroy Harry and Meghan since the beginning? I don’t believe a single word any of these people say. No matter which one. To me, he’s no better than the woman he’s talking to. In my opinion, Prince Harry and Meghan don’t need such advocates.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      It isn’t gratitude so much as watching BoJo wave tra la from the life boat as H&M’s haters are still stuck on the Titanic. Boris sees opportunities outside the Windsor/Murdoch sycophantic subject /blackmail & dark arts bubble and he’s signaling that he wants to work on the other side of the line, divorced from the BM/BRF hate machine. He’s no hero for that but it’s clear from the look on her face of a woman still chained to the Heritage Foundation this reality is a cold hard slap!

    • Jaded says:

      A broken clock is right twice a day. BoJo is now in a position where he doesn’t have to kowtow to the BRF and parrot their smears against H&M, and is willing to stand up for them against the hideous Cameltoe’s bile. He deliberately walked her into a trap with his positive comments, he knows what a vile harpy she is and she’s gotten a well-deserved comeuppance from him for it.

      • PrincessK says:

        Johnson is only interested in himself and has a book to sell.
        Also his own wife was treated almost as nastily by the press as Meghan.

  16. sevenblue says:

    I mean, he could actually stop them from leaving if he as a PM once told the media to stop going after Meghan. The PMs speak out in favor of the royals all the time. The previous one commented on how damaging the negative social media comments are on Kate. Boris chose not to do that. On the contrary, whenever there was some scandal about Boris’s government, the headlines were all about conspiracies about Meghan. His government used her as a scapegoat too. People who actually work with them say the same thing without using “unnamed sources”.

    It is also so funny how devastated Camilla looks. 😂😂

    • Interested Gawker says:

      With the BM&BRF desperately trying to get their clutches on H and eliminate M? With the BM tearing their hair out trying to stop the lawsuits? After they put William’s staffer above a blood prince and ignored QEII’s specific written requests regarding the Sussexes in resolving the Murdoch apology and Sussexit? Boris was never going to move that needle, there was too much invested in breaking H&M apart and ‘bringing H to heel’ even if he wanted to.

  17. bisynaptic says:

    Tominey looks gaunt and diminished, here. I wonder why she seems to have aged, so suddenly.

  18. Jais says:

    As a devoted Tory who was likely thrilled to be interviewing Boris Johnson, it must’ve really bothered tominey to have him compliment the Sussexes. It’d be one thing for it to come from someone else but from him… Lol, love that for her. But I don’t t think it’ll make a difference to her hate train. She’s all aboard the Bitter Express. The bitter is written all over her face as she hears him sing their praises.

  19. Magdalena says:

    Interesting turnaround. Because when Meghan won her lawsuit against the Daily Mail, Boris Johnson put it out there that he was looking into changing the (copyright) law “to protect the media and freedom of speech”. For him to do that, despite believing that they were both incredible assets to the UK, nice and professional and well-prepared for their work, shows how venal and opportunistic the man is.

    As to that chronic liar Tominey, the less said, the better. It is a Sunday after all.

    • Deborah1 says:

      Johnson is first and foremost a journalist, which was his career before he entered politics. I think it’s a case of “he would say that, wouldn’t he” about Meghan’s lawsuit against the Daily Mail. Generally speaking, BoJo is someone who tells people what they want to hear which makes this exchange with Tominey all the more surprising. Maybe, just maybe he is telling the truth this time.

  20. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    Her look is priceless. Hahahaha.

  21. Talie says:

    He’s making clear that Downing St had nothing to do with the push out of these two, which is smart in its own way. I have a feeling a lot of the mean behavior towards these two was driven completely by the palace with other influences trying (and failing) to rein them in. I fully believe the government also wanted a deal to maintain them in the half-in/half-out capacity and at this point, the public would’ve been fully used to it.

  22. MaisiesMom says:

    Johnson has a lot in common with Orange Julius, but intelligence level isn’t one of them. He’s a smart guy and he can tell the difference between capable, charismatic people like the Sussexes and mediocre dullards like the Windsors. Whatever his motives are for telling the truth here, he chose honesty. I wish more people with a microphone in the UK would do the same.

  23. Deborah1 says:

    Love this! I’ve no idea whether Bojo is telling the truth or not (I hope he is) but the look on Camilla Tominey’s face is priceless. Maybe, just maybe all the hate levelled at the Sussexes in the British press will start to lessen off, which in turn will trickle down to the British public who are presently being manipulated by the press and their masters at the BP and KP.

  24. Gabby says:

    I love watching Tominey’s face crumple when BJ correctly called the Sussexes a National Asset. Deep down she knows it’s accurate, but it’s just so painful for her racist Keen-loving ass to digest. I backed it up a few times, just for laughs. Now they’re OUR national asset, so enjoy that Wales booby prize, Camilla.

    Who in BP would have entreatied BJ to talk to Harry? Edward Young? Or would it have been (at the time) someone from Clarence House? I believe someone from the Firm made the request, but cannot narrow it down.

    • sevenblue says:

      I think, it would be someone from QE2’s team, not Edward Young since he was placed there and actually working for Charles. Both Charles and Will were too stupid to stop Harry from leaving.

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    Tominey looked like she was about to choke on her own tongue. Does the Heimlich work when someone is choking on the truth?

  26. Sherry says:

    It’s just so exhausting that the British press continues to milk the Harry and Meghan thing. Do the British people even care, at this point?

  27. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    Kwaaakekeke Camel Toe had an actual cadenza at this fact that not everyone hates Harry and Meghan

  28. therese says:

    I don’t care where the praise “truth” comes from or why. It’s true, it’s more sane and believable. Delighted it was said in the face of Camilla, the vile creature.

  29. Scamuppet says:

    Tominey’s exterior is starting to resemble her interior….pathetic, vindictive witch. So sad she forget to comb her hair

  30. Lavendel says:

    Wow, there’s a channel on YouTube that repeats what I write word for word an hour later. Without asking. I say goodbye. This is unbelievable.

  31. therese says:

    I can’t resist posting again. That girl’s face!!!!!!! Despite the obvious attempts to make herself more attractive, no doubt with the money coming in from the hate crimes of trashing H&M, in particular Meg. I wanted to say that Boris said “in particular Meghan”. I don’t know what has gotten under his skin, but I hope it stays there, and I hope it is contagious.

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