Times: Prince William & Harry have ‘identical agendas’ & ‘uncanny’ similarities

A few days ago, there was a bizarre story in the Times: “Harry and William are warring princes with identical agendas; The brothers are both in Africa this week, promoting their charitable endeavours. But will they ever reconcile?” That headline is bizarrely still up, even though it contains a lie: Prince William was not “in Africa” last week. William will be in South Africa in November for Earthshot. William was in London and Windsor while Harry was traveling through Lesotho and South Africa last week. Beyond that, the Times is trying to say that William and Harry magically tend to do similar events in the same places, and it’s all some kind of crazy coincidence or divine intervention trying to bring them together. The Times will not admit that William stalks Harry’s every move and tries to copy Harry in a half-assed way. Some highlights:

The South African mission: The Duke of Sussex will be in South Africa on Thursday to see how philanthropists and big business can come together to fund and scale up planet-saving innovations. Does it sound a little familiar? If so, it’s probably because you have heard that his brother, the Prince of Wales, is doing exactly the same thing. In November Prince William will also be in South Africa. Why? To see how philanthropists and big business can come together to fund and scale up planet-saving … well, you see the point. Harry will be conducting his work in Johannesburg while William will be in Cape Town. Nevertheless, same country, same mission.

Harry’s NYC trip: The environmentally themed African visits are not the only coincidence in the brothers’ schedules of late. Last week Harry was in New York at the United Nations General Assembly to take part in several events, giving speeches and attending dinners…William appeared in New York last week too, albeit virtually. In a prerecorded video he revealed the 15 environmental companies to have made it on to the prestigious shortlist for this year’s Earthshot prize, the awards scheme he began four years ago to promote, fund and scale the best planet-saving solutions.

Uncanny similarities: That the two warring princes have independently organised two near identical programmes to address the same issues in the same locations is uncanny. Even the buzzwords are the same. If you talk to anyone close to either prince, they’ll tell you that the desired outcome for all these charitable endeavours is for their message to land with impact.

More about Harry’s “royal-style engagements”: While he wanted to leave behind the trappings of the palace, his schedule suggests he is just as keen to keep going with the usual royal-style engagements. So is Harry, 40, just trying to ape his elder brother as a royal maverick, an enlightened renegade outsider?

Charity should start at home: Whether it is to solve the world’s problems, raise awareness for a hitherto unpublicised issue or by using their star power to make a point, at the core of all their charity work is a recurring message from the princes: united we stand, divided we fall. Yet charity, it seems, is impossible to start at home. The brothers, it is understood, haven’t so much as uttered a word to one another for two years. William can be forgiven for remaining furious about the way in which his family has been lambasted by Harry and Meghan. Harry, meanwhile, set out his own resentment towards the royal family and the entire palace machine across more than 400 pages of ghost-written autobiography.

Put their heads together: If we’re to believe, however, that Harry no longer wants to criticise his family, then perhaps there may be a future in which they could be reconciled. For if they agreed to leave the past behind them and put their heads together, they might both achieve the impact that they crave.

[From The Times]

I wondered if Kate Mansey thought better of doing a compare-and-contrast exercise on William’s NYC trip last year and Harry’s trip this year. If you bring up William’s 2023 trip, you have to admit that William organized it around copying Harry’s trip to the UN the year before, and the Sussexes’ 2021 trip to New York too. Besides which, Harry’s trip this year was so much more substantive and busy. William was literally just wandering around last year, trying to look vaguely important. This feels like… William is once again jealous of all of the stuff Harry has done in recent weeks, so William is trying to take credit for it in a weird way, saying “I’m doing the same things, pay attention to me, I’m just like Harry!” Pathetic. And they really need to stop with the “royal-style engagements.” People doing charity events and humanitarian work are not doing “royal-style” work. That’s all William too, he cannot get his head around the fact that Harry is doing this work on his own, without it being some dreadful “royal burden” which must be avoided.

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28 Responses to “Times: Prince William & Harry have ‘identical agendas’ & ‘uncanny’ similarities”

  1. girl_ninja says:

    The things that Harry and Willy have In common:

    Both are white
    Both have biological parents
    Both are married
    Both are fathers
    Both are princes

    That. Is. It. The British rags WISH Willy did half of what Harry does. They can keep wishing.

    • Kingston says:

      Wasnt it just last week we read where the dinosaurs in the palaces used to dismiss H&M’s insistence on doing cause-driven, impactful work, where benefits to recipients cold be measured? Because, of course, “royal work” is all about chucky or bully et al, showing up, basking in the reflected glory of OTHER PEOPLE’S WORK and doing photo ops.

      Now that H&M hv left that black hole where no light shines, and are succeeding on a global stage witht heir cause-driven work, suddenly the leftovers want to bask in the reflected glory of H&M’s productive activity, pretending its their own and shamelessly attaching themselves, as if people are too stupid to see what theyre doing.

      Because the only thing that those generational criminals in palaces and their henchmen know how to do, is take.

      The good news is, the further away in time that H&M’s leaving that sink hole gets, and the more that the world sees the fruits of H&M’s labor that they had planted the minute they arrived in America, and when M’s highly anticipated, exquisite ARO Universe unfolds, then those fuckers on Shithole Isle will look even stupider than they do now.

      I. Cant. WAIT!!!

  2. lanne says:

    So…Willnot is still trying to ride his brother’s coattails after bullying him out of the country, insulting him constantly, and slandering him and his wife. Has anyone told this idiot that being king is not a 2 person job, and that you can’t capitalize on the work of the person you were too jealous to countenance after that person has left the country.

  3. Lili says:

    Is this where they start the coversations of Harry can come back and merge with us since what we are doing is so similar. on another note its shameless how they try and turn Harry’s light to Shine on William. lets say its even remotley true what will Milliam do when he is King? declare all Harry’s projects as Royal Projects?

  4. Dee(2) says:

    I think they are a few steps away from outright claiming that charity events and philanthropical work that Harry did was done by William. They keep calling them ” Royal tours” and ” Royal style charity events” so that they can make the connection in people’s heads that Harry is doing it on behalf of that family. That way if they talk about Invictus, Sentabale, The Parents Network they can make it sound like they have something to do with it. It’s why every single time they mention Invictus they also have to mention that he started it when he was working royal. The press knows, the courtiers know that William does not have the stamina to see through these long-term projects, nor will his ego allow for him to take the back seat and center and prioritize the people that actually need help. So they need to co-opt the success of other people’s stories. That’s why the telegraph has an article talking about how Meghan rewearing her Carolina Herrera dress was inspired by Kate rewearing a dress, because as we all know Kate is the first person in history to wear something more than once.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Well to be honest thats what was already happening before Meghan came along – Kate and William were regularly getting credit for the work that Harry did, taking the money he raised for the Royal Foundation and using it for their ‘pet’ projects.

      They haven’t really stopped trying to do it since he left – William has already tried to take credit for Invictus.

  5. JT says:

    This is the most obvious clout chasing from William that I’ve ever seen. He spent almost the whole summer at home and is somehow as busy as a man who’s been on three continents in two weeks? Sure Jan.

  6. Jais says:

    Embarrassing. It just reminds me of all those stories about how the wales want to take the US by storm. Like Kaiser said, the nyc trips are the most obvious. William is all of the sudden interested in going to nyc after the Sussexes went. He made zero effort to go there before except for that long ago trip with Kate.

  7. Lady Esther says:

    This is just more of KP’s latest briefing that Harry “needs” the Windsors or his charity work outside the RF won’t land. Also trying to take credit for William where none is due, right out of the KP playbook. Rinse and repeat….

  8. Andy Dufresne says:

    What an idiot William is! The more these stupid articles come out, the more it appears that William’s work is more performative than actually focusing on the charity/ initiative.

    He really needs therapy to get over his rage and insecurities. Sad, pathetic little man!

    • MsIam says:

      “Sad, pathetic little man!” That is what William gets for hanging around Dan Wootton so much. Wootty stink has rubbed off on William or maybe William was always sad and pathetic.

  9. Tina says:

    William thought chasing Harry and his wife out of the Royal Family and the UK would diminish his brother. That the attention would all be on him while his little brother failed. Instead it has set Harry free. That must burn.

  10. ShazBot says:

    Broken record but will never stop being annoyed that it’s Harry and Meghan lambasting the Windsors that is the problem, and not what the Windsors did to deserve being lambasted.
    If they stop talking, then a peace can be brokered, ignoring the issues that caused the fracture in the first place.

  11. Interested Gawker says:

    The BM bent over backwards to insult Harry for what I believe was his first speech at the UN about Nelson Mandela, looking to discredit him and suggest it was exactly what William DID do -make photo ops at the periphery of other people’s more impactful UN work. That was Harry’s debut addressing people at the UN which also dovetailed with the Live To Lead documentary series Archwell picked up and released. This after taking meetings the year before there about vaccination issues. Now, this year, Harry is definitely in the rooms where things happen with extra connections from Invictus and African Park as well as his own foundation with Meghan. He has the ear and respect of government officials, philanthropists and military officials. And Meghan already had spoken at the UN before she met her husband and had an other appearance there cancelled because QEII’s death detained her in England. Meanwhile William doesn’t have meaningful projects or connections at all and Kate could never. They suggest W &H are uncannily similar but William only has ‘buzzwords’ he has nothing to back it up with.

  12. kelleybelle says:

    Could this man be any MORE full of it? Pathetic.

  13. Tessa says:

    Harry and Meghan are not doing royal style work. They are helping charities and causes . Wlliam objected to their doing royal style work

    • GMH says:

      Who knew the British royals have cornered the market on global development and charity work? I guess bill and Melinda Gates, Bob Geldorf, the Obamas are all imitating Royal tours! How narcissistic the Brits are. It’s embarrassing.

  14. Harry does something and Peg try’s to copy. These are not the same things at all. Harry is very good at what he does and Peg is a very poor imitation.

  15. MsIam says:

    This article is crazy. It’s like saying that red and green are both colors so red and green are exactly the same. Harry and William are on different tracks and they know it. William just wants to pretend otherwise. Funny how he hates his father so much that he refuses to model his path after him when it’s all laid out for him. Charles was a shithead dad but he made the most of being Prince of Wales. William instead wants to pretend he’s Harry, the non-future king. Or pretend that he’s just a lad because Harry is a hard worker unlike William.

  16. Feeshalori says:

    News flash: Harry does it first and William follows.

  17. Becks1 says:

    So the Times is trying to make it sound like Harry copies William even though….Harry is the one in southern Africa currently, not William. Harry was the one with the packed NYC schedule while William literally sent a zoom video or whatever. This just feels like William is trying to remind people that he’s important too while Harry is out there booked and busy.

  18. Saucy&Sassy says:

    This article is rather sad. Does the bm do these articles on purpose to expose how little Billy Idle does? I keep wondering what the end goal is for the bm as it pertains to the Monarchy. Something to think about.

    • Kingston says:

      Its just the institution showing how shameless, barefaced and ruthless they are when they want and seek to pursue what other people have and own.

      Its how they have done for centuries. Recall: those fogies who manage the royals and, more importantly, the institution, have never really lived in the modern world of each century but rather, they are only concerned with preserving the way things were when the royals actually had power.

      Its why they all parade around in what looks to the rest of us like ridiculous clown outfits while to them, mentally they live in a time when “Britannia rule the waves” and subjects knew their place and everything was for the monarch’s taking.

  19. chatter says:

    My response to this headline…
    Yes, but Harry in sincere and has charm.
    William is all PR and being forced to do “work”

    Diana would be heartbroken to see her boys at war with each other.
    William is the stubborn one, he needs therapy on a daily basis. If ever there was a man unhappy in his life, William is it.

    • Angied says:

      …and can’t stand that his brother is happy and living a very fulfilling life. Instead of being happy for him he is so envious. It all boils down to jealousy of what Harry has and is doing. He is the sibling from hell. Harry’s best advice to himself is SPACE from William and the rest of his toxic relatives. Those people will never be happy for him.

  20. tamsin says:

    By claiming that Meghan and Harry copy Kate and William, they are hoping that the public will be unclear as to who did what first, and thus erasing Meghan and Harry from the public’s mind as powerful players in the field of philanthropy. They see William and Kate as really doing nothing much, so must be the same as Harry and Meghan. Aside from the constitutional role
    of the actual reigning sovereign, royal work is making public appearances, smiling, waving, and “listening” and “learning” and highlighting various causes so that OTHER people can make the donations, do the actual work, and make the actual impact. Now, the Wales are okay at smiling and waving, can’t tell if they’re actually listening and learning, but instead of highlighting the work or plight of others, every appearance seems to only provide photo-ops and to highlight themselves. Seems to me when Harry and Meghan show up, they are actually high-lighting others or the result of their actual work. Their photo-ops are shared.
    William and Kate must be completely and utterly self-unaware, else they would have died from embarrassment by the image they are creating of themselves to anyone with a smidgen of critical thinking and are not blinded by classism, racism, and jealousy. What kind of person keeps saying through the press that he hates his brother, refuses to see his brother, needs to punish his brother, is mad at his brother, hates his brother…..

  21. Amy Bee says:

    This piece is embarrassing. Kate Mansey’s trying to link Harry’s success to William. Harry’s visit to NYC, Lesotho and South Africa were nothing like William’s stumble around NY last year.

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