King Charles eats half an avocado for lunch now & suddenly the Mail loves avocados

Here are some photos of King Charles from the past month. He hasn’t been in total seclusion, but he based himself out of Balmoral/Birkhall and then traveled around for work a couple of times. I think his “Scottish summer” is officially done now and he’s back to being based in London. He’s preparing for his big overseas trip to Australia and Samoa (for the Commonwealth meeting). Every few weeks or so, some royal source or insider pops up to say that Charles isn’t doing well and that preparations are underway for King William’s reign, but I really don’t know. Charles is going to cling to the throne with his last breath, that’s for sure.

Meanwhile, did you know that in the year 2024, suddenly avocados are a very healthy and uniquely nutritious snack? It’s funny, because in 2019, the Duchess of Sussex served her friend avocado toast and the Mail ran this headline: “How Meghan’s favourite avocado snack – beloved of all millennials – is fuelling human rights abuses, drought and murder.” Would you even believe that “drought and murder” are not mentioned whatsoever in a story about Charles’s new lunch diet?

King Charles has started to eat lunch for the first time – and The Mail on Sunday can reveal his meal of choice is the millennial’s favourite, the avocado. The 75-year-old monarch has spent a lifetime skipping lunch, with a source saying he regarded it as a ‘luxury’ and that there was not enough time in his busy schedule to allow such an indulgence. Now, on the orders of his wife, aides and doctors, he has grudgingly started eating in the middle of the day to keep his strength up.

But the King, who is recovering from cancer, insists on eating only the healthiest – and trendiest – snack there is. A source said: ‘With some reluctance, he now has something to eat at lunchtime – a snack, really. He now eats half an avocado to sustain him through the day. It’s important, particularly if you have got an illness.’

Charles is a healthy eater, insisting on organic produce. Eggs are a particular favourite. He told the BBC three years ago how he abstains from meat and fish on two days of the week, and that he also avoids dairy.

Avocados are a so-called superfood, known for being dense in calories and a healthy way to incorporate energy-fuelling ‘good fat’ into a diet. They are now virtually part of the nation’s culture wars after becoming hugely popular with that much-criticised generational cohort, the millennials – born between 1981 and 1996.

A love of avocado on toast has somehow become synonymous with millennials, and, by extension, the workshy. There was even an improbable controversy about how millennials would be much better placed to buy the homes they felt they were being priced out of by older ‘boomers’ if only they would rein in their prodigious outlays on the snack at hipster cafes. But Charles’ addition of them into his diet includes none of the carbohydrates that come with toast. He prefers them on their own and they are eaten only for utilitarian purposes.

[From The Daily Mail]

“He prefers them on their own and they are eaten only for utilitarian purposes.” I’m always surprised when I come across people like this, people who only consume food purely for fuel and not for taste or enjoyment. To me, it’s a form of disordered eating, to take zero pleasure in food, to only see consumption in utilitarian terms. I guess that’s one of the reasons why the Mail isn’t crying about drought and murder – it’s not like Charles actually ENJOYS eating avocados. He’s miserable regardless, this human Eeyore. Obviously, the Mail isn’t crying about avocado murder because it’s not about Meghan as well.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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27 Responses to “King Charles eats half an avocado for lunch now & suddenly the Mail loves avocados”

  1. Amy Bee says:

    It’s like the MoS never wrote about Meghan eating avocados. I don’t know how they could have written this piece without referring to the Meghan article. This is just revisionist history and unethical journalism and a prime example of the smear campaign against Meghan.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      When Buttons was pregnant, she was lauded for helping British women because she discovered eating an avocado reduced morning sickness. When Meghan ate avocadoes, she helped organise crime and personally murdered people while taking all the water in the world. The female MP’s of that time even stood up in Parliament to bring attention to the disparaging and wildly different reporting between Buttons and the Duchess. Organize crime has a hand in everything from avocadoes, cotton, landscape supplies, hotels, nail salons, barber shops, big business, et al. If one thinks they haven’t helped the big crime cause, I’m sorry, you are sadly mistaken.

  2. ML says:

    I’m dying to know if Meghan introduced KC to avocados in the first place. It just seems so random that this specific foreign fruit is what he’s decided to eat for “lunch” as opposed to healthy fats like nuts or olives from closer by.

  3. MrsH says:

    Were avocados rare on Britain once upon a time? Do they not have Mexican food there? Because as an American born in the 60s they were pretty much a staple. Even today I get them for a dollar or less a piece. These comments about millennials and work shy and hipster cafes is so weird.

    • Miranda says:

      I’ve actually had a couple of British-American acquaintances who were in awe when they first tasted avocados here in the US. They’d had them in the UK, but apparently they almost always tasted under-ripe (pineapples and mangos there also often leave something to be desired, I’m told).

    • Sarah says:

      I don’t think they have many Mexican restaurants at all. I heard an interview with Catherine Tate about her time on The Office, and she said she had never had a taco in real life!

    • Tennyson says:

      Marks and Spencer introduced the ‘avocado pear’ in 1968,
      Most people thought they were some sort of pears, peeled them and ate them underripe. It took ages for them to become popular.

    • Jas says:

      I live in New Zealand, which used to take most of its food cues from Britain and we didn’t start having avocados in our stores until the late 80s/early 90s. And they were always dreadfully underripe and rubbery. I didn’t really discover the joys of eating good avocados until I moved to Vancouver, BC.
      I can quite imagine KC not getting his hands on a decent, properly ripened and prepared avo until fairly recently.

    • M says:

      Go watch the episode of the Great British Bake Off where they make “tacos” and you will see the Brits take on Mexican food. It was a racist mockery. They couldn’t even pronounce taco and guacamole. One lady peeled the avocados like an apple. Atrocious. And don’t get me started on the “skit” at the beginning.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      I am a Californian and I lived in the UK in the early 80s.

      Avocadoes were available in season at good greengrocers (we still had “greengrocers” in the large-city-suburb I lived in and since I am Picky about Produce, I usually got my fruit and veg there instead of at Sainsburys). However they were expensive and very much considered “exotic”. They also weren’t the Hass ones that I like.

      I didn’t see any Mexican food when I was there, either in the second city (where I was living) or London (where I spent a lot of time). There may have been a California Burger (==avocado and bacon) at the Hard Rock Cafe which was one of the few places you could get a good yankee doodle style burger at the time.

      I am, however, told that Mexican food has made serious inroads in the UK (quite right, it is delicious) and global supply chains made avos a lot more commonplace. The hand wringing about Meghan was 100% part of the smear campaign as they were A-OK when Kate was eating them. If I was able to get avocadoes in a Birmingham suburb in 1982 and Elizabeth David of blessed memory wrote about them way earlier than that … London in 2018 had that figured out.

      Charles may have been late on the train because he was a big advocate of SOLE (sustainable/local/organic/eco friendly) eating before it was “cool” and … I doubt they grow in Britain except in hothouses.

  4. Yes with Meg it was an avocado toast gate.

  5. Lady Esther says:

    I’m a big fan of avocados but I’m not sure how much “fuel” Charles is actually getting from HALF an avocado for lunch. How is that supposed to “keep his strength up” while undergoing treatments from cancer? Or is that all he can keep down? and if that’s all he’s eating at lunchtime why bother?

    Also it’s been reported that Charles has a luxurious and indulgent tea at 4’oclock every day, so it’s actually just delaying lunch (and probably laying in a good foundation for a martini or two at a multicourse dinner that he apparently likes to eat quite late)….

    • Tennyson says:

      Marks and Spencer introduced the ‘avocado pear’ in 1968,
      Most people thought they were some sort of pears, peeled them and ate them underripe. It took ages for them to become popular.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      This is pinging the recollection of BM articles lauding QEII for ‘nibbling on chocolates’ as she got near the end. Eating high calorie, fat or nutrient dense foods in small portions as an invalid and trying to make it sound innocuous, luxurious and indulgent.

      • Lady Esther says:

        It’s also giving “Look at the RF, they’re so thrifty and abstemious….only HALF an avocado!” See also, the many articles about QEII and Philip enjoying breakfast cereal out of Tupperware containers. As if they always ate that way!

        Meanwhile it’s far more likely that Charles sits down to his half an avocado on bone china plates, in an ornate dining room at one of his many residences, with footmen asking “Would His Majesty care for white or red wine with His avocado?”

    • windyriver says:

      If Charles is really eating half an avocado to keep him going through the day, and doing it just for “utilitarian” purposes, he’d do better having it with a slice of whole grain bread – i.e., avocado toast. That must be a step too far. However “energy dense” avocados are, and “energy fueling” all that good fat is, fats take longer to digest. He’d be better off including some quicker digesting carbs with that. (Get really crazy and throw in one of his famous organic eggs for more protein.). I mean, it’s not like Charles has to prepare any of this himself, he just has to eat it, and if he’s not going to enjoy it anyway, may as well get the most useful nutrition he can.

  6. chatter says:

    This is news? Man eats half an avocado, alert the media at once.
    Team Chuck is really searching for ANY scrap to try to get him some press, no?

    • Giddy says:

      They may be trying to get him some press, but could they have made him sound more stodgy and uninteresting? He ate avocado! Make that half an avocado. He didn’t enjoy it, it was strictly fuel. Didn’t his grandmother have gin at lunch, and his mother had champagne? He’s so boring!

  7. avocadno says:

    Am I the only one who remembers the original avocado article? Before the obviously-reaching article mentioned, there was one about Meghan being angry she couldn’t have avocados flown in from California once a week on a private plane used exclusively for that purpose. I thought that was why there was no tolerance for Meghan with regard to avocados, and the second article, the one mentioned, was to clean up the SEO with something that’s less damaging to her image.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “the one mentioned, was to clean up the SEO with something that’s less damaging to her image.”

      This is why I shake my head at people who point fingers at Squad accounts complaining that ‘they amplify the bad stories’. No! They catch and capture the proof so the BM can’t pretend they never said this stuff! That started specifically because people would remember a previous article like that and then couldn’t locate it because it had been scrubbed.

      Keep the receipts! Screenshots, downloading, print it out what have you. They change articles, titles, change or remove portions of text, break links, delete them outright and then you see Rota reporters swear they never said anything like that only for them to be confronted by their own words that they thought they dropped behind the sofa, never to be retrieved.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Meghan wasn’t having avocadoes flown in on a private jet. LOL. She didn’t need a clean up article.

      I want to know if the other half of Charles’ avocado is being used. That’s wasteful. Avocadoes brown quickly. It’s a shame if he’s not eating avocado toast on good bread. Excellent for cholesterol levels.

  8. Tina says:

    Avocados. Hugs. PDA. Podcasts. Meghan broke that family.

  9. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Well, the bm is now reporting on what King Snubby has for lunch. How … scintillating.

  10. Where'sMyTiara says:

    Cluck is definitely losing weight – the suits are baggy and he must have had Saville Row tailors run him up some new shirts…because he has a neck again.

  11. IFoxi says:

    Please, Charles is not Eeyore, Eeyore is cool! Low mood, a bit depressed, but lovable and loves friends, that’s Eeyore.

    Charles is none of those things.

  12. tamsin says:

    Ridiculous story. What was the point?

  13. Blubb says:

    Wouldn’t it be more ecological today to eat meat two times a week and not two without meat? But he still needs his eggs, are they are still thrown away when they are not perfect?
    And what I had to think about reading about joy less frugality is how far away it’s from somebody with bulimia…

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