Woodward: President Biden only refers to Trump as ‘that f—ing a–hole’

Longtime Bob Woodward-watchers understand what’s happening – Woodward kept silent for years about the mountain of criminal activity during and after the Trump administration, and now he’s put all of it in his latest book. Woodward has been doing this same sh-t for decades!! He failed to report – in a timely manner – a lot of sh-t about the Bush administration, and the Obama administration was so clean, Woodward basically manufactured a “threat” made by some mild-mannered economic advisor. Woodward’s latest book reveals that Trump is still in contact with Vladimir Putin, even after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Woodward also reports that Trump sent Putin a lot of Covid tests back when there were extreme shortages in the US. Well, Woodward’s War also focuses on President Biden and the Biden administration, including Biden cussing up a storm constantly.

President Joe Biden’s blunt, profanity-laced assessments of world leaders: “That son of a bitch, Bibi Netanyahu, he’s a bad guy. He’s a bad f–king guy!” Biden declared privately about the Israeli prime minister to one of his associates in the spring of 2024 as Israel’s war in Gaza intensified, Woodward writes. “That f–king Putin,” Biden said to advisers in the Oval Office not long after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to Woodward. “Putin is evil. We are dealing with the epitome of evil.” While Biden rarely invokes Trump’s name publicly, referring to him as “my predecessor” or “the former guy,” in private, Biden calls him “that f–king a–hole.”

The American intelligence on Russia’s plan to invade Ukraine: Biden confronted Putin with the intelligence twice in December 2021, first in a video conference and then in what Woodward describes as a “hot 50-minute call” that became so heated that at one point that Putin “raised the risk of nuclear war in a threatening way.” Biden responded by reminding Putin that “it’s impossible to win” a nuclear war.

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Trump: “Going to Mar-a-Lago is a little bit like going to North Korea,” Graham said. “Everybody stands up and claps every time Trump comes in.” The South Carolina Republican is quoted as saying Biden “won fair and square” but that Trump “doesn’t like to hear that.” Woodward goes on to describe Graham’s attempts to give Trump campaign advice for 2024. “You’ve got a problem with moderate women,” Graham told Trump after the midterms. “The people that think that the earth is flat and we didn’t go to the moon, you’ve got them. Let that go.”

On the withdrawal from Afghanistan: After the disastrous US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden received a commiserating phone call from another member of the president’s club. “Oh boy, I can understand what you’re going through,” George W. Bush said to Biden. “I got f–ked by my intel people, too.”

Biden’s complaints about Obama: Biden complained that Obama didn’t do enough to stop Putin in 2014, when the Russian leader invaded Crimea. “They f–ked up in 2014,” Biden said to a friend, according to Woodward. “That’s why we are here. We f–ked it up. Barack never took Putin seriously. We did nothing. We gave Putin a license to continue!” Biden was angry: “Well, I’m revoking his f–king license!”

Biden regrets choosing Garland as AG: Biden has remained hands off with the Justice Department. But privately, Woodward reveals the president’s anger at the prosecution of his son, especially toward his attorney general. “Should never have picked Garland,” Biden once told an associate, Woodward reports. “This is never going to f–king go away,” Biden complained.

Why Biden endorsed Kamala Harris immediately after dropping out: When Biden dropped out on July 21, he immediately endorsed Harris, allowing her to consolidate Democratic support and avoid messy party infighting. He also remembered what it was like not to get the president’s endorsement. “I think it probably harkens back to the way Biden felt he didn’t get that from President Obama back in 2016,” Blinken said, according to Woodward. “He was disappointed. He felt that, you know, as his vice president that’s the normal and natural order.”

Kamala & Joe’s private dealings: “I’m calling to ask you — to really beg you, actually — could you please talk to the president more than you talk to him?” Harris said to Biden’s friend. “Your president really loves you. You should talk to him more often than you do.” Woodward writes: “The Biden associate was candid with the vice president. Look, one of the biggest reasons that Biden calls me, the associate said, is I provide him a level of comfort to the point where he can swear freely about ‘what a f–king a–hole Joe Manchin is.’” The vice president laughed. “That might be the only reason that he still really is comfortable with me to a point,” Harris said, according to Woodward, “because he knows that I’m the only person around who knows how to properly pronounce the word motherf–ker.”

[From CNN]

Kamala calling up Biden’s friends and telling them to stay in touch with the president? That’s incredibly sweet. And Harris and Biden’s weekly lunches were probably a hoot, both of them swearing up and down about this motherf–ker and that sh-thead. I 100% believe that Biden called Netanyahu a “son of a bitch” and that Trump is always referred to as that “f–king a–hole.” In the history of Biden’s most relatable moments, those are top-tier. Also: hopefully, Merrick Garland will get shown the door pretty quickly. President Harris is going to need a much more focused AG.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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34 Responses to “Woodward: President Biden only refers to Trump as ‘that f—ing a–hole’”

  1. Agnes says:

    As well he should, lolz.

  2. Amy Bee says:

    Actions speak louder than words.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    A lot of insight with those excepts and they make me love President Biden all the more. It actually makes me emotional how much I respect and admire him. And we should all call that fuck face loser DT “that fucking asshole.” Period.

  4. Nicole says:

    Where’s the lie? This is the most relatable passage of Biden I’ve ever seen. I will buy this book.

  5. BonnieT says:

    I don’t just looooove Biden (I mean, I love him more than Trump) but he and I are the same on this. If I didn’t have a toddler that repeated everything right now, this is also how I talk in my daily life lmao.

  6. yipyip says:

    That’s a good way to refer to Trump. Correct and straight to the point.

  7. booboocita says:

    Oh, wow — that’s what I call Cheeto! (When not in the presence of children and persons who get the vapours easily, that is …)

  8. 5Pibs says:

    I mean…same?? 🤣

  9. Cheshire Sass says:

    a fitting moniker for the orange “cartman”. Can’t wait for the orange one to sputter “screw you guys, I’m going home!”

  10. Loretta says:

    And he’s right

  11. MsIam says:

    If the name fits, then use it. F*cking N*zi works for me too.

  12. olliesmom says:

    I call him much worse!

  13. Plums says:

    I’ll choose to believe Kamala called up one of Biden’s friends and asked them to please stay in contact with him. That is so wholesome.

    And I wish politicians in general were more real with their public face. Like not all the time, but in moderation it would probably help. If Trump can call for the purge, Biden should be able to call him a fucking asshole.

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      During the last elections debates, Biden said to Trump “would you shut up man” and it was then that I knew I loved him. Preach Mr. President.

  14. Brassy Rebel says:

    Mainstream media wants so badly for Kamala to throw Joe under the bus. They are really annoyed that she refuses. But nothing demonstrates her excellent character more than her refusal to separate herself from him now that she could easily do so and, arguably, be helped politically.

    Btw, the correct way to pronounce that word that MVP pronounces so well is ending in “ah” not er. Joe understands this. Apparently, Woodward does not.

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree, they want her to say something negative about him, and will then pounce on her for being unsupportive.
      I was thinking the other day, she’ll get to replace the AG, which will be a good thing. Garland has not been effective.

    • LightPurple says:

      The Boston pronunciation.

  15. Deedee says:

    Aa do we all.

  16. Giddy says:

    Since the Trump era, my personal cursing level has increased dramatically. It’s nice to know that I’m in good company with Biden, who I love and admire.

  17. Beverley says:

    Love it! POTUS is just like us. 😍
    In public, I refer to DJT as “Babyhands CheetoFace”, but in private I too have some very unsavory names for that prick.

  18. Qtpi says:

    I have no problem with swearing as long as the person knows the time and place.

  19. Veronica S. says:

    The fact that Garland has been letting Elon Musk walk around making thinly veiled suggestions of assassinating Kamala Harris without letting him get a visit from FBI tells me plenty about how useless he is. He’s blatantly letting so much Republican dirt fly under the radar, which nobody should have expected after Republicans screwed him over. He should’ve been revved up to go and is instead a wimp.

    As for the errors with Putin, I think Biden is counting himself as part of that failure. He does say “we,” after all. We f*cked up. And we did. Putin is a savvy, dangerous man. The world will not breathe easy until he’s removed, I fear.

  20. bisynaptic says:

    “That son of a bitch, Bibi Netanyahu, he’s a bad guy. He’s a bad f–king guy!”
    —Yes. Why are you embracing him and supporting/ arming him?

  21. bisynaptic says:

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine happened in 2014, during Obama’s Presidency. Crimea is Ukraine.

  22. MinnieMouse says:

    Blunt, profanity-laced, and ACCURATE

  23. bisynaptic says:

    Re: Merrick Garland: no shit, Sherlock.

  24. TN Democrat says:

    I adore Joe Biden. He is too old to be president, but he really did an amazing job as president. His term is more concise and to the point than bulbous tangerine grifting lying treasonous f@#$ing as@#$%. Vote blue!

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