James Middleton: The Wales kids have spent a lot of time with my infant son

A few days ago, the Telegraph published another royal-adjacent “My Saturday” column. Tom Parker Bowles recently did the same column, and he was “oily” in his flattery towards his stepfather, King Charles. This new one is from James Middleton, the Princess of Wales’s brother. James, like Tom Parker Bowles, is promoting a book and openly trading on his royal connections. The British media has not breathed a word of criticism about Tom or James. Not even when James sort of lets the cat out of the bag about how much time Kate has spent at Middleton Manor in the past year:

We tend to skip lunch, so as not to break up the day and feel sluggish afterwards. I found my 20s really challenging. I’ve only figured out who I am after going through depression. I wish I hadn’t had to go through it to find it. But if you don’t have hard times you can’t appreciate the good ones. There was an added pressure when Catherine and William started dating. I’m famous by default; the association has never been my choice.

There are certain things I’ve learnt, like not to wear drag to a Hallowe’en party because you’ll find yourself in the papers as a “cross-dressing brother”. But I can’t look back thinking, “How would I have done things differently.” The peace of the countryside helps maintain our mental wellbeing; it was part of our reason for moving out of London after 11 years. It sounds like a joke, but we try to live like our dogs. They’re not worrying about tomorrow or yesterday.

We’ll often stop at my parents’ house for tea or supper. My sisters and I are all within 30 minutes’ drive, so there is often an aunt or a cousin passing through, too. The cousins all play their role in looking after Inigo – there’s seven of them altogether at the moment. I think they’re all impressed at how much of a mess Inigo can make. But there’s lots of laughter and giggles about. Even when I had my depression I recognised the importance of family, and rather than one person being burdened with it all, it’s shared. I think any challenge that a family goes through is one that brings them together.

[From The Telegraph]

James’s son Inigo was born in September 2023. Kate reportedly had abdominal surgery in January of this year, then she was reportedly diagnosed with cancer in late February. We were told, this whole time, that Kate was recovering at Adelaide Cottage in Windsor and Anmer Hall in Norfolk. I’ve believed for some time that Kate was barely in Windsor this year, and that she was pretty much living in Norfolk and Bucklebury with her parents. This seems to be a confirmation of that, right? Every story James Middleton has told about his family, it’s like “oh, of course Kate and the kids were in Bucklebury, of course the Wales kids spend a lot of time with my infant son.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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65 Responses to “James Middleton: The Wales kids have spent a lot of time with my infant son”

  1. Tessa says:

    I read somewhere that james bragged through his book that his baby son gets hand me down outfits from the royal children. James is unsubtle in letting his readers know he is uncle of future king.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Would not surprise me – the Mids have been getting freebies for years because of their royal connections plus Ma and Pippa have been seen many many times wearing Kate’s clothes. Ma has been seen wearing the same dresses that Kate has been seen wearing but in a different size. The Middleton women have been sharing clothes for a looooong time.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      I think he expects his son to be treated with an elevated status and for he/his children to be considered celebrities in their own right because of the connection to the royal family

    • Convict says:

      Can someone explain to me why this absolute grifter can profit off his sister’s royal status and nary a negative word is said? Prince Harry, from birth, born to the future King, releases a book and apparently it’s wrong. The double standards are mind-blowing and the reason why I realised that H&M had legitimate grievances.

      Make it make sense.

    • Princessk says:

      You could not make it up. Thomas Markle and his awful daughter Scammy should have taken lessons from the Middleton’s on how to come out unscathed from making money out of having a family member marrying in to the RF. The Middleton’s have truly got William by the throat.

      • Convict says:

        Good point, the Middletons have some hold over him, not sure why. He could have them extinguished in a minute if he’d wanted to. They are not players, but low life grifters.

  2. Jan says:

    After dropping all these morsels, the book bombed, guess Ella was not cutting it, so now it’s down to Wails children.

  3. Digital Unicorn says:

    It’s been known for years that Kate spends a LOT of time with her parents on her own with the kids – James is pretty much confirming that here. The press have hinted about it as well. The Wails have lived separate lives since they before they got married – she has always been his beck and call girl, that did not change when they got married and started a family.

    Ma has been trying to make James happen for years – she should give up as no one is interested in him or her family. Interest in Kate is waning and only with a certain demographic. There is something big brewing with RF, only a matter of time before it blows up publicly.

    • Nic919 says:

      The locals around Buckleberry always know when kate and the kids are there because the security is stepped up significantly and it is very noticeable in the area. She was there a lot when they were pretending to live in Anglesey when William did his military stint.

      Had there been real journalists in the country it would not have been hard to confirm her whereabouts post surgery , especially when the photo fiascos were going on.

    • Becks1 says:

      One thing we have talked about on here is why Kate hasn’t thanked her medical team after her chemo. When she was released from the hospital (or when KP said she was) she did include a throwaway line thanking the team at London clinic, but that was for the surgery.

      She’s never said anything about her medical team through her cancer/chemo. Now I don’t think she has to say “thank you to Dr. Unicorn for treating me for x cancer on x dates” etc. but a generic “thank you to the team at cancer hospital of london for seeing me through this” would seem appropriate. I think the reason she can’t say that is because if they give any more details it will either tell people what kind of cancer it was/is OR it will let on that she wasn’t in Windsor when they said she was – she was getting treatments somewhere else while William was far away.

      • TheOriginalMia says:

        Good point, Becks! She could leave out the name of the hospital or cancer center, but that would bring even more suspicion & doubt on her illness. I’m at the point where it doesn’t matter because I no longer believe it was cancer that kept her out of sight, but Baldy’s anger and plastic surgery.

        As for her brother, grifters are gonna grift. Trading on the BRF is the only thing this loser has going for him.

  4. Nanea says:

    So JMidy is famous by default, huh?

    But not really, I guess. IIRC, he sold less than 2500 copies of his much-hyped memoir in its first week. Seems not even the Derangers can be bothered to support him.

  5. Jais says:

    Sure, okay, so Kate lets her kids play with Jame’s son and yet we all saw pics of her preventing little Louis from even interacting with baby Archie at a polo match. So she likes her family but hates Meghan to the point that she can’t even be nice to a baby. What a princess of early years, amirite?

    • Nic919 says:

      The racist allegations will never go away.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Testimonials from TPB and this brother trying to humanize ’the royal racists’ are simply reminding the public that CIII and Cam were awful to Diana and Harry and bringing Kate’s racism, dishonesty and the inconsistencies around ‘Kategate’ more visibility rather than burying it it all.

      This is eating away at these people like the Tell Tale Heart.

    • Becks1 says:

      well of course, James’ child is white.

      honestly I’m not surprised at this story. I’m sure the Middletons are assuming (probably not incorrectly) that their royal connections will open a lot of doors for Pippa and James’ children. Best to make it clear from the beginning that they are all so close.

  6. Jks says:

    James pretending that they are very much a Hallmark family, not like H&M!
    Cousins playing together. Take that, Archie and Lili. United family, unlike the Markles. He would never wear an embarrassing costume to a party, unlike Harry. Kate is not cold and frigid- they’re full of laughter and giggles, just like in an American sitcom.

    Did Carole write his book?

  7. Siri says:

    Why are they trying to force this guy on the general public all of a sudden? I never saw anything about him in all these years Kate has been an in law in that family and now her brother is being forced on us, why? Did Pippa refuse to participate in this publicity farce?

    • Convict says:

      Oh, he’s been around, enough to set up scam businesses to fleece the gullible. It’s just that he’s run out of money, whatever the previous sources were. The Midds are in financial dire straits, so that could be it, also.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      MaMidds is resuming her embiggening, restarting the clock as if Kategate never happened, following on from Uncle Hookers and Blow’s Big Brother appearance after strong arming William out of the gleeful airing of their business failures with whatever Kategate actually was.

      You can see the mismatch in this anecdote, the Middletons didn’t remember to support the lies of their agreed upon cover story in the brother’s book. And why should they? I’m certain Rebecca English is at the ready to explain away these obvious discrepancies like a good little soldier and the other usual suspects are still whining about Meghan attending that children’s hospital gala.

      • Convict says:

        Uncle Hookers and Blow is just a low life embarrassment to the royals, far more than Meghan’s family. Imagine if any one of Meg’s family behaved like him? The fact that he’s still in the fold tells you everything about how Kate was funded for her life of luxury.

  8. The Duchess says:

    Of course James accepts hand-me-downs from his sister’s kids. He’s cash poor after all those failed businesses. These people are a real classless bunch.

  9. aquarius64 says:

    How stupid this guy is. By annoucing to the world your child is wearing hand me downs from his royal cousins Jimmy is telling everyone he’s broke. He has no job; his heiress wife is paying the bills most likely. Richard Eden told everyone Jimmy pays him in dog food. I forgot Carole and Pippa wore Kate’s old clothes. That may be OK in the UK but in the US that makes you a leech, mooching off his better off relatives.

    • Convict says:

      Well, Kate leeched off her parents, then taxpayers, her FIL and now husband’s ill-gotten gains, so it’s natural for James. It’s all the Midds know – grifting and leeching.

    • Nic919 says:

      There is no difference between the trumps and the Middletons.

    • PrincessK says:

      No, he is not stupid he is just making sure that he is placing his child as close as possible to the royal children so that there will be another generation of Middleton’s trading off their close connections to royalty. James married a woman from a rich family and so it’s not because they can’t afford clothes they just want to tell everyone that their kid wears royal clothes.

      • Convict says:

        He shouldn’t count on that too much. I reckon William will get the balls one day to shove the Middletons out to pasture.

  10. Dee(2) says:

    I really hope his book was better written than this excerpt. It’s like reading a child’s recounting of what they did over there summer vacation in second grade. Just abrupt stops at the end of each point. I don’t have much to say about him as a person, but I hope that therapy is doing him well because he seems like he still struggling quite a bit, and their family dynamic is so odd to me. I’ve heard of golden children but the obsequiousness towards your sibling and subsequently their kids is so distasteful.

    • Convict says:

      That’s only because his sibling bagged the most eligible bachelor in Britain, the future King, Prince William.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      All of the excerpts we’ve seen were very juvenile in their style. And I also agree with the commenters who say it doesn’t sound like he feels completely fine now.

  11. Inge says:

    There was an added pressure when Catherine and William started dating. I’m famous by default; the association has never been my choice.

    Thank your mother and your sister for that, they made sure that she stalked the prince

    However he milked his famous adjacent status as well.

    • Kristen from MA says:

      I’m not sure that Pippa played a big part in that. Seems like she was ignored while Carole
      and Kate schemed.

      • Convict says:

        I don’t see that. It accorded Pippa social cachet. She was friendly with aristos, who had no intention of marrying her. Plain Pippa would never have married billionaire James if not for her sister’s status. I think Pippa was smart enough to realise the benefits she could and did acquire.

      • ShazBot says:

        Pippa tried to snare herself a Duke, it just didn’t work.

      • Convict says:

        No aristo was ever going to marry Plain Pippa. They barely tolerate Kate and know that William was a fool for marrying one of the wisteria sisters.

      • Libra says:

        @convict, yes William was a fool but he was backed into a corner. He kept her on the string by promising marriage while he shopped around for something better. Rejected by eligible ladies ,he had no where else to go so Kate gets the ring by default.

      • Becks1 says:

        Whatever part Pippa played – I think the OP is referring to Kate when she says “thank your mom and sister for that.”

      • Convict says:

        @Libra: yes, he was a fool to keep her on a string. There was only one way it could go. He was warned by the Queen and PP as to the consequences of staying with Kate.

        He created his own detriment and backed himself into that proverbial corner, so no sympathy. He was too lazy and unattractive to women with substance, so he took the path of least resistance. Kate was just as lazy, the Middletons stroked his ego, he could stick it to his family at the same time. Kate would not challenge him or encourage him to be the best version of himself. He acted out of self-serving interests, so it ended the only way it could.

  12. Proud Mary says:

    I keep thinking, what if his sister was not married to the future King, would this book have been written? Would he have gotten these interviews? Yes, the answer is obvious. It’s a grift.

  13. tamsin says:

    ‘We tend to skip lunch, so as not to break up the day and feel sluggish afterwards. I found my 20s really challenging. I’ve only figured out who I am after going through depression. ‘

    What is the connection between skipping lunch, and his 20’s being challenging? It’s a non sequitur at the very least. The excerpt printed here seems simply poorly written.

    I don’t see a problem with sharing baby clothes. I think it’s a natural thing to do, and lots of families do, rich or poor. It shows that at least there are normal aspects to the Middleton family dynamics, although James seems a lot closer to his older sister Kate than Pippa. Does he talk about his wife at all- or just Kate and the Wales kids a lot, and of course his dog. Dogs can be really important in the healing, and perhaps he could actually do some research and write a book about that.

    • Nic919 says:

      Sharing baby clothes when they were originally purchased by someone who relies on taxpayer funding is the issue here.

      • Convict says:

        I actually don’t believe it because royals tend to preserve their children’s clothes and store them in one of their numerous palaces, castles and mansions. They are too tight-fisted and egotistical to give them away.

  14. QuiteContrary says:

    He’s famous by default? Most people couldn’t pick him out of a lineup.

  15. VilleRose says:

    “I’m famous by default.” His editor should have reworked that lined to something like “My family is in the spotlight due to my sister’s marriage” or “My family receives more media attention due to my sister’s marriage into one of the most globally recognized families in the world.” He is not famous and receives far less attention than Kate (obviously) and Pippa. Pippa has pretty much avoided the spotlight since she married and had kids. We only see her once or twice a year, like Wimbledon and the Christmas concerts. We didn’t even know she was expecting again until she made an appearance at the Queen’s Jubilee for the concert thing? The average person not from the UK probably don’t even realize Kate has a younger brother.

    • Christine says:

      Pippa is the only one of the Middletons who has come out on top. The rest of them are absolutely miserable. At least James has the guts to actually say that he suffers from depression out loud. I hope he really has overcome it, as he says here, because it’s awful.

      • Convict says:

        Sorry, I can’t stand any of the Middletons or their scheming. I don’t trust one word they say.

        They all have an agenda.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Or just, ‘my sister’s famous, I’m not.’

  16. yipyip says:

    Is James under contract to say something everyday?
    I know he’s got his book to PR tho.

    Between James and TPB, yap, yap, blah, blah.

  17. Over it says:

    It’s become very clear to me that ma middlebum is using all her kids , well James and Kate so far with the help of wank to clean up her image. She wants the public to see her as living close knit grandma and we should all forget all those poor families who trusted this woman and she scammed them leaving them in huge debt. I won’t forget. The Middletons are the scum of the earth. To do all this with no push back from the Windsors and their media henchmen, must mean whatever she has on willy wanky is enough to end it all

    • Unblinkered says:


      To truly position how disgraceful Carol’s behaviour has been/is, just imagine if Doria, Meghan’s mother, had run a business into the ground in this way owing millions to small businesses and government taxes? She’d never have been allowed to live it down and wouldn’t have been able to show her face in public again – let alone at Royal Ascot and Wimbledon.

  18. Kaye says:

    James’ baby is named Inigo? Seriously? As in, “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!” ?

  19. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    Is this supposed to be a dig at the Sussexes? I am so glad they refused to go to the Birthday Party at Frogmore Cottage.

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