Prince William asked Paul Greengrass to make another Jason Bourne film

On Wednesday, Prince William visited BAFTA headquarters to announce something to do with the Prince William Bursary Fund, in association with the Royal African Society. The photos were bad, as all of William’s bearded photos are these days. But the visit wasn’t controversial, from what I saw – it just lacked pizzazz. Even though several celebrities gathered at BAFTA HQ to hear the heir speak, William’s charisma-vacuum quality sucks all of the fun and excitement out of the room. The man has all of the rizz of a muffled fart. He apparently begged Paul Greengrass to make another Jason Bourne film:

The Prince of Wales has discovered that even being heir to the throne is not enough to get what you want out of Hollywood. During a meeting at an event hosted by Bafta and the Royal African Society, William revealed that he was a fan of the Bourne film franchise starring Matt Damon. Speaking to Paul Greengrass, 69, the British film-maker who directed three of the five spy thrillers in the series, William, 42, said: “Another Bourne, please?” However, Greengrass laughed and shook his head.

The Prince of Wales, president of Bafta, was at the London headquarters of the arts charity for the screen industries to meet recipients of the Prince William Bafta Bursary fund. It provides grants of up to £2,000 to help young people from underrepresented groups develop their careers in film, games and television. One student said that they had used the money to pay for driving lessons to travel to film shoots and auditions. The student asked William how many times he had taken his driving test. “Thankfully, I passed first time,” he replied.

Speaking to another student, Erik Scott, William said that there was now so much to watch on television that his three children, Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6, were “always wrestling over the remote” at home.

[From The Times]

I also enjoy the Bourne films, although I’m realizing just now that I never saw Matt Damon’s last go-round in the 2016 film called, easily enough, Jason Bourne. How did I skip that entirely? The original trilogy is great though, and I even liked the one-off they did with Jeremy Renner. As for William regaling the BAFTA people with stories about his kids fighting over the remote… I’m sure he thinks these stories are relatable to the peasants, but I’m always left with so many questions. It also seems like William has an abundance of time to keep up with lots of television shows (but not BAFTA-nominated movies).

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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32 Responses to “Prince William asked Paul Greengrass to make another Jason Bourne film”

  1. Is that why the fists? Will he punch him if he doesn’t do another Bourne film?

    • Beverley says:

      No matter what the subject, Pegs is still all jazz hands and fist displays. I’m still trying to decipher the animated fists. What gives?

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Jazzy beard egg is all about rage incandescence, sports, yelling his guts out ARGHHHHH, tom cruise, action movies, drunk mornings, bush trimming, and apple iphones. He’s so special.

  2. Amy Bee says:

    It’s the lack of substance for me.

    • Indica says:

      There is unfortunately a general habit of ‘oh, he’s that (insert role here), he must be smart’.
      William is not very bright. It’s apparent in every interaction, every story, everything. He had every chance to educate himself but I bet he threw so many tantrums they just gave up.

  3. Mego says:

    Still think he plays Video games All day long…

  4. Agnes says:

    You always pick the best pix of him looking like a total idiot. Or maybe those are the only ones available? Lolz. I’ve just run out of adjectives for that growth on his face.

    • Beverley says:

      A quick glance at the Getty archives reveals more of these unflattering photographs. There just aren’t any attractive pictures of him. You can’t get blood from a stone.

      • Chrissy says:

        Or, it seems, an intelligent, thought out sound bite from him. He comes across as so juvenile and unserious… at 42 years old! What a clown!

    • sophie says:

      Yes, the hair. How such a good looking boy morphed into this current presentation of a king-in-waiting is amazing. Amazing.

      • Jas says:

        I was just thinking this too. He was such a handsome engaging young man.
        And now he’s pinched and angry looking and all the glamour and charisma has leaked out of him. I wonder what happened to him.

    • Becks1 says:

      The ones posted by KP for this event weren’t much better lol.

  5. Tennyson says:

    His kids have sports after school, and afterwards are probably like most kids here in UK. They get into gaming, watch movies or cartoons, streamed or on DVD.
    They seldom, if ever watch TV.
    William’s small talk on the TV remote is fake, unless it’s to choose between Disney, Netflix and Amazon, which should for the latter 2 be adult-supervised.

    • Steph says:

      Or YouTube. It probably has some of the best children’s programming out there right now.
      Actually, maybe not. I’m going on what my nieces and nephews watch and they are younger than the Wales kids.

      What makes me think it’s fake is that it is they are rich and it’s 2024. They have multiple tv and at minimum have their own tablets. Absolutely no reason to fight over what to watch.

    • Becks1 says:

      I’m old enough to remember when we were told the Wales kids were rarely on any kind of device or watched very little TV besides Mary Berry and were always outside being raised properly 🙄🙄🙄

      • Jais says:

        Oh snap. That’s right. Okay, that’s funny. Maybe it’s just dad that lets them? Or mom was painting a glossy tale more than an actual reality?

  6. tamsin says:

    William must think that trying to look intense all the time, or just plain angry, makes him appealing. I don’t think I’ve seen one picture of him looking relaxed and engaged with the people around him. He always looks like he is “acting” to be the centre of attention. I find him difficult to look at.

  7. Steph says:

    That lady with the low cut hair looks like a super model! Gorgeous facial structure. And I love her coat! Those are shoulder pads done right. Very high fashion. Who is she?

  8. Tessa says:

    William should concentrate on seeing all the BAFTA nominated films before next year’s award show.

  9. bubblegum dreams says:

    Another Jason Bourne movie? The last one flopped why would anyone make another movie of the one that flopped at the box office.
    Does he think this is the 1500 -1700s when the court jesters created entertainment solely for the King’s or in this case the prince’s entertainment?

  10. Anna says:

    Fits the picture of Wills in my head. Pretty dumb, rich bloke who thinks his brilliant but Bourne and Marvel movies are the most sophisticated films he can watch. No insult for those movies, they are just in “pure entertainment” category for me and require very little engagement.
    And I fully believe this is exactly how he spends his time.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      At thhis year’s BAFTAs didn’t he admit that the only BAFTA-nominated film he’d seen was Oppenheimer? He probably counted that as three hours’ work.

  11. Amy says:

    First time I’ve agreed with Huevo in perhaps forever! I love all the Bourne movies and have watched them all an embarrassing number of times.

  12. PretzelLogic says:

    His beard is cringe, but it suits him and fills out his face. 🤷‍♂️

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    Until this man and the leftover royals stop the unhinged hate campaign against the Sussex’s, I hope none of them find peace. Peggy in his “I want to morph into Harry” beard is just creepy to see.

  14. Brynne says:

    God, please no. Does William ever have a non-idiotic idea in his head? The last Jason Bourne movie (4th in the Matt Damon series, 5th if you count the Jeremy Renner one) was so bad it nearly ruined the original trilogy for me.

    • Lau says:

      I was always mad about the Jeremy Renner one having Oscar Isaac for like five minutes at the beginning and then having his character die.

  15. CLOVE says:

    I saw this on Instagram and thought he made me laugh. It’s accurate.

  16. therese says:

    I love Jeremy Renner.

  17. Tarte Au Citron says:

    Another pic of William with professional actors/acting-adjacent people, and even they can’t manage to fake their disdain for this stupid pompous manchild.

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