King Charles ‘shrieked & trembled’ when he saw saran wrap for the first time

One of the funniest stories about King Charles this year was when that despicable old coot Tom Bower claimed that Charles was unlikely to treat his cancer with modern medicine because Charles is such a fan of “herbs and potions.” That led to a sudden groundswell of support for Charles from anti-vaxxers, who also believe that horse dewormer can cure covid. The larger point is that Charles is remarkably out of touch and he would prefer to spend his days foraging for mushrooms, getting potions from an apothecary and never, ever encountering modernity. Modernity like… saran wrap.

King Charles “shrieked” when he found out about Saran Wrap for the first time, according to a royal book.

Tom Bower wrote in his 2018 book Rebel Prince that the King (who was Prince Charles at the time) “shrieked” and “trembled” the first time he interacted with cling film (better known as Saran Wrap in the U.S.) when it covered his dinner.

The Guardian reports that Queen Camilla had to calm down the King, 75, and explain what the perplexing plastic covering was.

“He walked into the dining room and shrieked,” Bower wrote, via The Mirror. “Fearing the worst, Camilla dashed in after him. ‘What’s this?’ asked her husband, pointing at the food.”

“It’s cling film, darling,” she replied, as per Bower’s book, which claims that the monarch was disconnected from the ordinary world. This revelation is making the rounds online again as new details about the King’s diet have been made public.

[From People]

I believe that Charles was probably shocked when he first encountered the 90-plus-year-old technology known as saran wrap. He was probably fascinated by it… but shrieked and trembled? Yeah, probably not. I think it’s just Tom Bower being crazy. But just a reminder: even among his own Boomer generation, Charles stands out as retrograde and out of touch. He really wishes he could gnaw on some herbs he has in a small velvet satchel, which was delivered to him by a traveling monk.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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43 Responses to “King Charles ‘shrieked & trembled’ when he saw saran wrap for the first time”

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  1. Wait till he sees tin foil in the shape of swans that are holding leftovers. God they are so out of touch!

  2. Jaded says:

    He’d probably poop his royal pantaloons if he ever had to touch wax paper.

    • Eating Popcorn says:

      Wax paper is more eco-friendly so he probably knows what it is…

      • sunnyside up says:

        And it was in use before cling film, what we call greaseproof paper, used it to line cake tins, etc. at least my mum did.

  3. Chaine says:

    This headline made my day. Maybe my whole week.

  4. yipyip says:

    This story is over the top funny. A grown man screaming in terror at cling film?
    Charles has always been old, and yes he lives in a wealthy bubble but C’mon now.
    I call bs.

  5. CiCi says:

    I think it was the thought of plastic dripping into his food! I never use the stuff.

  6. Jay says:

    This reminds me of historical accounts of people in the 1900’s being afraid of installing a telephone or riding newfangled steam engines. Is this supposed to make Charles sound endearing?

    • Tennyson says:

      My godfather, who happened to be my grandmother’s husband, a Belgium clarinetist born in 1898, would walk backwards from the TV, convinced that if he faced the box, it would poison him with bad waves.
      True,the guy was also trying to grow up bananas in Burgundy where winter temperatures oscillate between 10° to 15° Fahrenheit.
      Nonetheless, he was considered as a man of good sense…

      • Christine says:

        Could the waves only penetrate the back side of the human body? I can’t help it, I find stories like this hopelessly endearing.

  7. NotTheOne says:

    Was this story facilitated by the republic/anti-monarchy groups? Because it makes him sound like an old-fashioned doof.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      His grandmother had a major influence in his upbringing. Her heyday was the 1920s-1930s.

      People were still delivering milk in dray carts.

      He actually feels nostalgic about stuff like that.

      Once you realize he’s basically an Edwardian Luddite throwback trying to survive in the 21st century, his pile of weirdnesses and odd comments when interacting with “the plebs”, start to feel like they have some context.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    I’m doubting Camilla was around when he first saw saran wrap. But we’re talking about a man who doesn’t use a cellphone and probably only used a laptop for the first time when he had to make zoom calls during the pandemic.

    • twoz says:

      He used a cell phone back in the 90s – remember Tampongate?

    • Kathy says:

      I watched a documentary years ago on the servants of the royal family. One man told the story of when Charles was younger he had dropped some letter in the garbage bin beside his desk. He called the help to fish it out for him,not wanting to touch it himself. This has stuck with me for years. Out of touch for sure

  9. yipyip says:

    I kinda wish I was wealthy just so I could be thought of as eccentric vs. stupid or nuts. LOL
    And, you know, so I could afford stuff.

  10. Tennyson says:

    This is a true story, I swear!
    My late neighbour, a Comte (= Earl in British nobility) received, close to 50 years ago, a request from Charles,
    Charles had heard that the Earl’s château had been, some 400 years ago, a high place for alchemy & the Prince wanted to delve into the possibility of doing alchemies again. He then came for an afternoon.
    For those who don’t know, alchemies were a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy whose aims were ¹the transmutation of the base metals into gold, ²the discovery of a universal cure for diseases, and ³the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life.
    Yes, Charles was into that at the time & was hoping to get enough infos from the neighbour to go back home in Ole England to experience!
    My biggest regret is not to have asked my neighbour who has since died for more details about Charles’s visit.

    • acha says:

      It’s sad that wealth and power don’t often come with common sense.

    • Oh My says:

      Alchemy is the basis of modern chemistry, so don’t knock it too hard.

      Distillation was invented by an alchemist, Mary of Egypt. So the next time you’re enjoying a cocktail, lift a toast to Mary and the alchemists!

      Part of the reason it comes off as so woo woo is that the church considered it heresy and would literally execute people for doing chemistry experiments. So they used coded language.

    • Christine says:

      It’s like Charles looked at the legacy of Prince Albert and said, “eff that old coot, I need a way back machine.” It’s laughable to think that anything about this man would bring about a modern monarchy.

  11. Andy Dufresne says:

    Pfftttt hahahaha! Seriously, a saran wrap?!? Wow, all the money, title and privilege in the world and you are still simple minded.

    And yet, these people are at the top of the social hierarchy. What a joke!

    • Chrissy says:

      He’s probably never entered a modern kitchen before, so it explains a lot. He’s seem like a Luddite in every way! Not good for someone with his influence. So out of touch!

  12. Dara says:

    Charles is so militantly eco-friendly I can imagine he issued a moratorium on disposable goods being used on his properties and was either a) completely unfamiliar with said product and/or b) shocked and appalled to find someone had gone against his order.

    I went to a very hippy-dippy college and some of my roommates over the years were very committed to the cause. This was back in 80’s (hi, I’m old), so a lot of the eco-friendly ideas that are normal now were only just starting to be adopted. I was practically accused of being the anti-Christ when one girl found me cleaning up a particularly horrid spill in the kitchen using *gasp* paper towels.

    Charles reminds me at times of those eco-warriors, only he has had enough money and power to force everyone around him to follow his rules.

  13. yipyip says:

    I keep coming back to this.
    The man believes himself to be “Anointed by God to rule”, and yet he is afraid of cling film?
    Military training, afraid of cling film?
    Travels the world for decades, afraid of cling film?
    Is supposed to be considered a leader and looked up to?

    Monty Python at its height wasn’t this funny.

    Somebody get Prince George on the phone, even at 11, George is a better fit to be King.

    • ravensdaughter says:

      I noticed you skipped Prince William…also pampered and privileged, and just as cranky as his dad, apparently.
      Maybe Georgie-the successor-can tell his dad to lose the scruffy beard? I could definitely get behind that!
      Yeah, you really can’t make this stuff up!

  14. pottymouth pup says:

    I have a really hard time believing that Charles saw his plate of flood covered with Saran Wrap. It’s not like he and Camilla are going to the fridge rummaging for leftovers. The senior members of the royal family have staff that pretty much do everything for him and they’re pretty stuffy so I’m sure the food service he gets it’s like we see when the staff feeds the wealthy family in period dramas and his plate of food is not set on the table covered in cling wrap.

    I would guess it more likely that he saw a TV show or movie where there was a plate of food covered in cling wrap and he said “what the hell is THAT?”

    • sunnyside up says:

      I agree, If he did see his food covered in cling film someone made a mistake.

    • Val says:

      I read this account in Bower’s book years ago. From my memory, it had to do with a tradition of the staff having the rest of the day off for holiday and they had left cold cuts out for Camilla and Charles. Camilla evidently responded it was just cling wrap and went to making a plate.

    • Chrissy says:

      He probably doesn’t even have a modern kitchen or know where it is in his homes! Most likely he’s still listens to the “wireless” to get his daily news too.

  15. Blithe says:

    I guess Charles wasn’t involved in making the packaging decisions for Duchy Originals.

  16. sunnyside up says:

    When I read the headline I thought that ‘saran wrap’ must be some kind of pop group, I am the same generation as the King and I have been using cling film for years.

  17. QuiteContrary says:

    If Meghan ever returns to England, she should cover herself and the kids in Saran wrap to visit Charles.

    To protect themselves from that privileged old weirdo.

  18. Eurydice says:

    Nope. Charles shrieks and trembles when things don’t go his way, when people don’t execute his every whim immediately, when he doesn’t get the respect he thinks he deserves. I can totally believe that he’d throw a fit if his food was served with the cling film still on, but not at the cling film itself

  19. Shoegirl77 says:

    I can believe this. Guy doesn’t even put toothpaste on a toothbrush FFS. We’ve seen the pen escapades. We know he’s not one for technology. He’s got someone on hand for his every whim, regardless of how batshit that may seem to us plebs. He’s a 76 year old toddler in every aspect of his life. I have absolutely no trouble visualising him shrieking and trembling at cling film.

  20. Spike says:

    Nothing about KC surprises me. Ffs he has three valets to dress and undress him.