Princess Kate did not decide to go to Southport with William ‘at the last minute’

On Thursday, the Princess of Wales did her first public event in months, since she attended the Wimbledon men’s final in July. She had been seen in careful photo-ops in those three months, of course – there were the photo-ops to church at Balmoral, there was last week’s meeting at Windsor Castle with a 17-year-old girl with cancer, and of course, there was idiotic sepia-toned “cancer-free” video she released in September. But Kate and Prince William’s event in Southport on Thursday was their first public event together since Trooping the Colour in June. It’s a pretty big deal.

Some details about her outfit – Kate wore a polka-dotted dress from Whistles and a McQueen peacoat, both of which look newish to me? The Telegraph dutifully announced that shades of burgundy & merlot are the hottest autumnal colors this year. Naturally. Tatler made a big deal about her fern earrings from Catherine Zoraida – those are a repeat, but according to Tatler, “ferns represent the importance of family bonds and signify hope for the next generation. They are also said to symbolise endurance, with many cultures viewing the unfurling of the plant’s fronds as the natural embodiment of resilience through hardships.” Some people are doing entirely too much to give Kate credit for her symbolism. This is the woman who cosplays national flags. She’s not researching the meaning of ferns. Kate was also notably not wearing her sapphire-and-diamond engagement ring. Again. That ring has been disappearing a lot lately – she wasn’t wearing it in the cancer-free video, nor in the Olympics video.

Most people were not expecting to see Kate this week, as I said yesterday. Most of us thought that she would only come out for some Remembrance events in November. Gee, I wonder why she made a point of going to Southport this week? Especially when the British media was on Day 5 of their aggressively bitter coverage of “Meghan wore a red dress to a charity gala.” It’s almost like that’s why Kate decided to come outside! Speaking of, the Daily Beast’s coverage made note of something curious: “Some media outlets including the Daily Telegraph said that Kate had chosen to join her husband ‘at the last minute’ but an official source at Kensington Palace told the Daily Beast that was not an accurate characterization of matters.” Meaning, what? Kate saw the pics of Meghan on Sunday and decided that she just had to go outside, therefore it wasn’t a last-minute decision?

Will & Kate also did a tweet.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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205 Responses to “Princess Kate did not decide to go to Southport with William ‘at the last minute’”

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  1. Carmen says:

    She looks awful. She looks hard, old and unhappy. Plus she’s got some serious jowls going on.

    I’m beginning to think her six month disappearance was due to some sort of mental breakdown.

    • Sam says:

      And there are much worse photos. @Kaiser you were really nice by selecting these ones.

      She looks like she’s 70. And that’s not (just) because of the chemo. Firstly, she only had preventative therapy and not even my mother, who had a much more aggressive chemotherapy at 52, looked that bad. Someone obviously didn’t get their fillers replaced.
      Im just saying karma…

      • PC says:

        She didn’t have time to get fillers. Kate rushed out as soon as she saw Meghan getting so much press. 😂

      • kelleybelle says:

        She only had forehead botox a few months ago, too. If I didn’t know better I’d put Kate in her mid-50s. Regular running, smoking, drinking, rigid dieting has taken a toll. And she’s younger than Meghan but the derangers say Meghan gets all the cosmetic help and Kate doesn’t …

    • Ginger says:

      Well, it definitely wasn’t a facelift

    • Christina says:

      These pictures of Kate explain why she likes to control photographs of herself. She is aging and has a deep need to control the way her face looks. A good plastic surgeon could help if that is what she cares about. The stress and the cancer are taking their toll, but she could get good work. Bite the bullet and get a good Beverly Hills surgeon; she could sneak one into England! The deeper plane facelifts look really natural and make many people look like a younger version of themselves. No shame. The Kardashian-level need to photoshop is what is shameful and truly dumb.

      • Aerie says:

        She doesn’t ‘need’ plastic surgery to look younger and I find the mere suggestion quite offensive to aging women.

      • Jais says:

        So I agree that she does not need anything to make her look younger if she does not want it. In the same way, kp needs to speak to the rota photographers who have been photoshopping her so much. It does no one any favors. She is an attractive woman in her forties. She just doesn’t look the same as she did when she was younger. It happens.

      • Convict says:

        Thank you Aerie. I make a point of not commenting on her appearance in terms of vanity. I don’t like to tear her apart because of her looks. She is too thin, and that is on her. But there are many other reasons to criticise.

        I agree @Jais, she ‘is an attractive woman in her forties’, but she has never looked particularly young. That is not anything to be ashamed about. The problem is that she has nothing else to offer or bring to the royal role.

      • Jay says:

        In terms of looking “younger”, I think it’s also her style that contributes to that. With few exceptions, she’s always worn heavy makeup, a heavy curtain of American Doll-style hair around her face and fussy, matronly coats and dresses. She always looks “done” even when she visits a school or does an event in leisure wear. And that’s fine, that seems to be the image that she wants to project, but it contrasts harshly with Meghan’s more California cool style, loose waves and fresh-faced glow. I know that Meghan also wears makeup, and it might even be more effort to get that “natural” look (no idea), but the point is you don’t see that effort.

        And exactly, @convict: when all you have is your image, and nothing of substance to offer, what do you do when your image gets stale?

      • Christina says:

        @Aerie, Kate has a deep need to control the way her face looks: she is constantly staging pictures, and now video, and she photoshops her face and sends word through the ROTA that it is “because she wants her children to look their best”, lol. Kids don’t care about that stuff. The pictures Kaiser used are CLEARLY not photoshopped, and the heavy 1990s makeup isn’t doing her any favors. That need to control how her face looks in photos is a Kardashian-level concern. If she needs to control the way her face looks so that it looks the same in all photos taken of her, she should bite the bullet and get surgery or she should just OWN WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE. Instead, she has been trying to control her looks through photoshop, but we all know what she really looks like.

        What do other women who actually like themselves and who accept aging have to do with it?

      • aftershocks says:

        Eh! It is way better to stop smoking, eat healthy, get proper sleep and exercise, have fulfilling family bonds, and a nurturing self-care ritual. But most important of all to foster good health as we age, is to attend to who we are and the thoughts we harbor on the inside. All of these things make a huge difference in how we look on the outside.

        Kate looks tired, haggard, and eaten up by many things she is seemingly not being honest with herself about. She, like many of us, should start right there, with focused internal housecleaning and purposeful self-reflection. It might be too late for Kate to truly self-reflect and to focus on salvaging a more honest existence. She definitely needs to drop all the pretenses, pretentiousness, mean-spirited thinking, and the useless competitive jealousies. Or not. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      The press are not photoshopping her to within an inch of her life – she has always looked like this even with the fillers/botox.

      Her life choices are there on her face for all to see – neither of them look happy, both look rough AF. He has def aged a lot in the past few months, wonder if we will ever find out the truth.

      • MY3CENTS says:

        So the real question is why they suddenly stopped with the Photoshopping? All we’ve been getting this past year are pics where she was looking better than before.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        @MY3CENTS I think its part of the fall out from the franken photo kill notice debacle. This is their revenge!

      • Nerd says:

        I think the halt in photoshopping is to try and make her more appealing to the public. Part of the backlash she received when she returned for Trooping was that she didn’t appear to be so sick that warranted her long absence. Some, I at times put myself in that category, still question whether she really had cancer or chemotherapy. Their track record with the truth has always been shaky at best, so I honestly can’t say with all certainty that I would be surprised if we learn later that some or all of this was a lie. I think they want her to appear weak and fragile to justify any absence or missteps she might have along the way. We will be hearing about her return from chemo for years to come because it is replacing the perfect appearance image that was never going to last forever, no matter how much photoshopping they did for her.

    • Jensa says:

      She does look rough – I think smoking, booze and too much sun have played a role. Not so sure about the chemo / cancer as I suspect we have been led up the garden path a bit there (I think more exaggeration than outright lie, but still). This is how she looked before TBH.

      • Becks1 says:

        Her hands look really unhealthy. I know that’s a weird comment, lol, but hands are hard to photoshop and touch up and in some of these pictures you can clearly see how skeletal her hands look. @TheHench told us that her friend saw her around Norfolk over the summer and was shocked at how much skinnier she was than ‘normal’ and Kate hasn’t been normal-skinny in years.

        I definitely think there has been a mental health component to the last year and that explains why she is being treated with kid gloves, why the emphasis on good days and bad days, etc.

      • Convict says:

        @DU: I’ve always thought the same.
        @Becks: her hands have that pink/blue hue which usually means poor circulation. I also noticed this.
        If she’s been in therapy, it hasn’t worked. She’s thinner than ever.

      • Jais says:

        I can believe it’s been a rough year and that along with cancerous cells there has been MH issues. The uk royal institution is not healthy. For anyone. It’s not healthy for the royal family members who cruelly participate within it or for the public who has to/choose to read about all their gaslighting bs in the BM.

      • Steph says:

        @becks1 I don’t know if I’d say her hands look unhealthy. I think she just has ugly hands. I’ve always felt this way since her dating days. I also think that’s one of the reasons they have Meg such a hard time with her nail polish. There was going to be an inevitable comparison to Kate’s hands which are ugly. 🤷

      • Smart&Messy says:

        Becks, I also noticed her hand. It looks so skeletal. Again, she reminds me of Charlene, who also had a physical illness combined with a mental breakdown, in my opinion.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      100% agree with mental breakdown, combined with whatever surgery was scheduled for her or whatever physical trouble. She disappeared after showing up at her xmas concert, 2 days after being outed as one of the 2 racists of the family. So both her and king having cancer at the same time is possibly a campaign to make sure they dont lose the public’s sympathy for them.

      The disappearing ring is true mystery. It was said that the ring should be on the next queen, so they make sure Diana’s gonna be on the throne. If that is true, kkkhate would be out.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        I don’t doubt that we’ve been fed lies after lies after exaggerations the past year, but I doubt the reason for that was the racist stuff. Their base doesn’t care. I’m European, and my perception is that being accused of racism does not have the consequences it does in the US for public figures. The media does pick it up, especially with politicians, but it doesn’t get anyone cancelled here. Sadly, it’s not that big of a deal here, and neither it is for the BRF.

      • Jais says:

        True, but it matters in the us if you’re outed as racist and the RF and the Wales couple is weirdly obsessed with their popularity in the states. That said, it’s pretty 50-50 on how much much it matters bc maga won’t care.

    • Yolanda says:

      OR…the real reason is like 6 months of surgery and chemo for cancer. but. ya know, kick a cancer woman when she’s down.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Is that the real reason?
        Time will tell.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        Meh, no one is kicking Kate while she’s down, she has outed herself as suspicious of ever having had cancer so….
        Seriously, the way people try to guilt into submission anyone that says anything negative about Kate is just hilarious. Look, these folks have lied way too much it’s hard for anyone to believe anything they say. My suspicions are that BOTH Kate and Chuckie are not being truthful about their ever having had cancer, but that’s me. And Kate and her team thought she will return from wherever she was in all glory, and everyone will fall over themselves praising her and she will have all the headlines for years to come; only for their stupid tabloids and rota to lose interest in her the moment she showed her face at TTC, LOL. Yeah, no Kate is not a victim sorry.

    • NikkiK says:

      She really looks awful. She looks like she’s the same age or older than her mom. Looks like the smoking, tanning, excessive dieting has caught up to her big time. Also, really want to know what happened to big blue; she wore that thing like a security blanket without fail since the engagement and it’s suddenly gone? There’s a story there.

    • Smu says:

      If Kate has jowls then I am a bull dog!

      • Ellie says:

        She seems to be wearing a sapphire diamond eternity band. William looks annoyed in every shot and looks dreadful with that scruffy beard.

  2. Tessa says:

    William looks angry. The beard also seems to make him look angrier.

    • Deborah1 says:

      William always looks angry (for an extreme example check out the photo published in the Daily Express of William screaming at the British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, at the final of the Euros when England lost). In the first of the photos above, he’s staring into the distance with dead eyes while Kate is talking. His face give me the creeps at the best of times and that beard, if you can call it that, just emphasises his ugliness. He’s ugly inside and out.

  3. Tessa says:

    Kate needs to get a good hair trim or wear a pony tail. Her constant pushing back her hair is distracting.

    • Jay says:

      I’ll bet that sh!t is heavy, so I can’t blame her for pushing it back. Plus, her hair has always been her security blanket. She is working really hard to do a “concerned” face for a serious occasion, as opposed to the jazz hands/huge grin that she usually brings to events.

    • HeatherC says:

      But…but….Meghan had long beachy waves so mine have to be better, says Kate as she yells at her gopher to wrangle the wiglets better.

      • Beverley says:


      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Pour one out for that long suffering gopher. Whenever the gopher is mentioned, I always picture an actual marmot… carrying a stack of wigs, one on its wee head, trailing behind like a drift of seaweed…

      • Interested Gawker says:

        You just know wiglet gopher poured out a stiff drink to prepare for Kate’s wrath when Meghan stepped out in those beach waves.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Royals aren’t even supposed to touch their hair or face in public. So much for that. Kate would look better/younger with a shorter haircut.

    • monica says:

      im so confused. her hair looks real (at least at scalp) – did she lose her hair during chemo? Was there any chemo

      • Interested Gawker says:

        In some shots, at the top of her head, evidence of an ill blended extension track is visible, a bit like a grey barrette amidst the rest of the hair.

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Tessa – Spot on! Constantly touching that mane of hair is showing her insecurity.

  4. ML says:

    Tangent: Why are the two people in white shirts on that paint-splattered white bench only sitting on the very edge? Is it dirty or wet?

    This morning I first saw yesterday’s article on this engagement. Has she worn Big Blue at all this year? Honestly, I can’t remember her having done so, since I continually was surprised by not seeing it.

    As stated elsewhere, if you look up photos from her Denmark trip (untouched), she’s definitely lost weight. Her face is less full, and her neck skin is not as smooth. She’s hiding one side of her face (left eye?), where some pictures show a new scar. Pictures that show this part of her face are less focused or smoother. What happened?

    • Nic919 says:

      For the most part she styles the part to cover the left eye and seems conscious about it. Her left eye had wonky botox and a higher brow for a while, but there is a photo where she lifts up the hair and the photo hints at a scar on the left side near her eye, possibly crossing her brow as well.

      I think the leverage she has had is unrelated to cancer but because of something William did to her.

      • ShazBot says:

        Yeah, the pic where she’s looking sideways at him really shows the discrepancy in her eyes.

      • The Duchess says:

        Agreed, maybe surgery discovered pre-cancerous cells or a tumour, so technically no lie has been made, but full-fledged cancer? I don’t buy it. The floodgates will open one day about what really happened on that December night.

      • Convict says:

        Something is definitely going on with the LHS of her face. I’m not sure but it even looks a bit swollen?

    • monlette says:

      Maybe they made them scoot forward so their cheeks weren’t in frame?

  5. Inge says:

    What was she/they smiling about so much? Even the pic when they arrived. And the pics released by a photographer saying how beautiful she looked. She’d not there to look pretty, she’s there for the victims families. Anyway this is a couple who was all smiles when signing a condoleance book(was it Christchurch?) so they haven’t yet learned to care nor behave.

    • Nic919 says:

      I loved how they tried to excuse the smiling by saying she was speaking with the first responders and not the family members. Yeah because people seeing all the attacked children weren’t traumatized themselves.

      The uk media had really gross headlines about this too. Focusing on Kate and how she dazzled.

      There is a sickness in that media. The Windsors centre themselves in traumatic events and the uk media plays along. Did the BBC need to say this was breaking news? Kate was seen at trooping. After that it isn’t news because she’s not dead but just hiding.

    • First comment says:

      About the smiling..there’s a mini video circulating on internet when they left and she smiled at someone briefly and her face dropped as soon as she turned from the other side showing annoyance….she literally hates her life….

      • Nic919 says:

        Page six has it on their Twitter account. Which is a bit surprising but it’s very reminiscent of Melania.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Page Six/Daily Beast are William’s go tos. Maybe he’s trying to make her so fed up Kate will leave of her own accord. MaMidds would never allow it so I don’t know what he gets out of doing this.

      • Deborah1 says:

        It’s not the first time she’s done this. There is a famous video of her at Royal Ascot where she changed her expression from a smile to a scowl in the bling of an eye. She’s a Mean Girl and there is no genuine warmth about her at all.

      • Mtl.ex.pat says:

        @first comment – oof just went and watched that clip – yikes – the “smile” that disappears the minute she turns her head away and turns into a scowl. Talk about two miserable people…

    • Granger says:

      I’m no Kate fan, but the top photo in this article (from W&K’s post) is of everyone smiling. As devastating as it is to lose a child, people still need to laugh and feel joy. I can’t imagine laughing with W&K but there are lots of people who might find it helpful.

      • Nic919 says:

        No one who lost a child is going to give a shit about kate smiling. She doesn’t understand what it is to lose a child much less in such a traumatic event. And she’s fine with the media putting up gross headlines about how she is dazzling the bereaved. It’s disturbing and narcissistic. All of these meetings should have been private and no photos. This was all done for PR for William and Kate.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    The entire royal rota is saying that it was a last minute decision for Kate to go to Southport so where did they get that talking point if not from KP? There’s no doubt that Kate came out to counter the press’ obsessive coverage of Meghan wore a red dress.

    • SarahCS says:

      The degree of coordination of their outfits shows that some planning went into it.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Absolutely, the matchy matchy clothes and banging on about H&M being solo in these recent weeks points to some advanced planning. Before Kategate William and Kate were often arriving to engagements looking as if they had no coordination of their wardrobes as well as being seen arriving to events separately. Someone (MaMidds?) seems to be making a point of course correcting what had been going sideways in WanK’s appearances in the before times.

      • Convict says:

        They knew it would become all about “them” and not the people they were supposed to be there to comfort. They are truly odious.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I think the coverage is a reflection of what they know their readers want and the readers are more interested in Kate than they are of the families.

      • Deborah1 says:

        I find the whole idea of co-ordinating their outfits absolutely ridiculous. They are there for one reason only, and that is to meet and express sympathy to people who have suffered extreme trauma. Arriving in “co-ordinated outfits” demeans the whole thing and proves it is more for press photo ops than anything else. They are two individual people for heaven’s sake, so why the need to wear matching colours?

    • Becks1 says:

      I wonder if the talking point didn’t come from KP but from the rota collectively using their brains for once – if they knew this event was scheduled (which they would have) and it was listed as just being the Prince of Wales, and then the Princess of Wales shows up too – well the rota are going to put two and two together and assume it was a last minute trip.

      And on its face, it could make sense, right? Kate is still recovering from chemo per KP, she’s still not 100%, maybe she is going to tag along to a lot of William’s events for the next few months depending on how she’s feeling.

      but then we’re back to the “she was fine for Wimbledon” argument and fine to travel throughout the summer and fine to do whatever else, but a one hour engagement might be a bridge too far?

      And anyway I think now KP is emphasizing that this wasnt a last minute decision bc they didn’t want it to seem like a reaction to Meghan which it totally was.

      • Jais says:

        Yeah, the very fact that they are emphasizing it wasn’t last minute is the tell😂.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate was well known for not putting things in her schedule or having it embargoed because she often cancelled last minute, and this was years before whatever happened in Dec 2023. So it’s likely more of the same.

        That’s said I think orders were given at the second balmoral visit, as it was held after the dancing in the fields video.

  7. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    She only decided to come out because she didn’t want us asking why she’s not done ANY appearances with her husband since the UK Media is making a fuss about the Sussexes solo jobs

  8. Nanea says:

    Good to see the real, unretouched photos here. Someone at the Mirror apparently had nothing better to do than to “improve” on the Getty material, as did the usual Deranger accounts.

    Some photos at AP even showed real tension between W&K, a reel I saw showed Kate losing her countenance, and a screenshot shared somewhere else showed Harry’s brother being annoyed with his wife and turning away from her. Same old, I guess.

    It’s sad though that the Missingtons of Wails were the center of attention in the reports that even included Kate’s incoherent word salad in some articles, and pulled the focus away from the victims’ families.

    • Nic919 says:

      Page six has a video clip of Kate pulling a Melania and smiling to the crowd and then dropping it as soon as she turns away toward William.

      UK media has been doing touch ups with the photos though. They are no different than state based NK media.

  9. Truthiness says:

    Too much sturm und drang happened all around that big blue ring. I hope Kate threw it in the ocean after a blowout fight with Will.

    • Nic919 says:

      If the woman had pride she would have left his years ago. She won’t and did some kind of deal to have her grifter family in the mix again. So if that ring is no longer around it’s because William took it back.

    • ShazBot says:

      I think she either had to give it back because of the break up or she realized it’s cursed and put it away.

      • Tessa says:

        Like in the Ring Saga (opera) where Brunnhilde tosses the cursed ring out to the Rhine River. Or the Elderly Rose throwing out that rare necklace to the Atlantic.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        If Huesa chucked it into the Thames, I fear for the Mudlark who finds it.

      • Nic919 says:

        I think the recent story of William being concerned about Meghan wearing Diana’s jewelry was the press doing their usual projection thing with who he was really worried about.

      • BeanieBean says:

        She only just now realized it’s cursed? She’s a little slow on the uptake, but I guess we knew that. 😉

      • maggie says:

        I think she’s refusing to wear it, like putting the middle finger up to the establishment.

  10. ML says:

    K doesn’t read as totally healthy to me, though I think it’s not just because of cancer.

    My main question is why William hasn’t been working much at all—he is the heir. He is not ill. He is relatively young. And frankly, he could have shown up in Southport earlier, without K or f she weren’t yet healthy enough to attend for whatever reason.
    What is going on with William and why isn’t anybody talking about this over there?

    • SarahCS says:

      He’s lazy AF and has never been held to account. This has been normalised and excused and the media is an extension of the royal press offices.

      • Convict says:

        Good points and well said Sarah. William has always been the media’s darling because he is the indefeasible heir and Diana’s eldest son.

        He is on borrowed time though because the excuses will not be accepted. They can’t keep up this charade indefinitely.

    • The Duchess says:

      Baldy has his own list of issues, especially with this new gaunt look he’s going with. Not only is the beard a pathetic attempt to mimic his successfully handsome younger brother, it’s also to cover up the fact he’s lost a ton of weight. I wouldn’t be surprised if these two were sent to rehab to dry out, but they’ve came out worse for it.

  11. Museum Lady and the Law says:

    Well, at least she’s dressing like herself again.
    But what happened to the sapphire ring? I imagine if they’ve separated the ring would absolutely need to be returned. Something continues to be amiss with these two.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      She took off the ring, because Meghans ring was reported as being repaired and it became a big deal in the tabloids. This is just another example of copying Meghan imo she wants everyone asking where the cursed ring is.

    • ML says:

      My guess is that the RF or William locked this down before getting married, but it’s interesting that in most cases (even with family heirlooms and sometimes prenups) the engagement ring usually ends up belonging to the recipient.
      The fact that it’s not on her hand anymore is giving strong “separation” vibes.

      • ChillBill says:

        When 100% of everyone separates, they usually takeoff all their rings not just one ring at a time.

      • Convict says:

        I agree in principle, but I just don’t think they’d be that obvious. How to tell the public you’re separated without actually telling them …

    • Jay says:

      But, you would think that so long as they are still doing a hard sell of their loving marriage, that she would still be wearing it. It’s notable that she’s not even wearing a fake one, right? It seems like the palace that still has them doing appearances together and cavorting on the beach in a video would want to send the message that “Big Blue is on her finger, all is well!” I think even in the most extreme case that she, like, pawned the thing to get her family out of debt, they would make sure to have her wearing a duplicate. She even wore it scuba diving once, remember?

      No, the only reason that makes sense to me as to why we are not seeing Diana’s sapphire ring on Kate’s finger is because Kate does not want to wear it anymore. Maybe, it is no longer a symbol of her secure place within the monarchy, and it just reminds her of how her situation has changed. Maybe after the year she’s had she believes that it’s cursed! It was always an odd choice to accept a ring with the taint of her in-laws very public, very failed marriage. Or maybe it just feels like having it on her finger is a taunt, that she spent so many years vying for this prize only to find that he’s not a prize at all, and certainly not one worth sacrificing her dignity for.

      • Convict says:

        Neither Kate nor her family have ever had any dignity.

      • Joy says:

        Yeah, I have to agree with @Convict. She can’t wear it if she doesn’t have it in her possession. The woman wore it snorkeling ffs. She does not own that ring anymore.

    • Kelsey says:

      How can she copy yet another element of Meghan’s style (ring stacks) if she doesn’t take off Big Blue? lmaoooo. Embarrassing.

  12. Hypocrisy says:

    Who knew a pair of ugly fern earrings were so meaningful 🙄.. dull and drab once again falling short in every way possible. My heart goes out to the families that lost children and then had to go preform for WanK during their grief. It just feels wrong.

    • Chrissy says:

      The story should be: why it took the Wales’ or any Royal months to go see these grieving family members. Showing up now just makes them look ridiculous, like their summer holidays and even that stupid Summer’s Eve commercial, were more important. That meeting with the grieving families was an inconvenient afterthought to them. SMH

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Chrissy – My thoughts exactly. It is shameful to wait so long to visit the victims of this terrible trauma which set Britain alight with rioting everywhere, when you refuse to interrupt your summer holiday but still find the time to make a stupid video commercial. On the other hand QEII did the same many years ago after the Aberfan disaster in Wales and again after the death of Princess Diana. The BRF seems incapable of reading the room.

  13. Lady Esther says:

    I hadn’t really seen a scar on the left side of her face since that one photo in profile at Trooping but now I actually do really see it. Oh my goodness. I also think that whole side of her face – cheek and around the lip area – looks strange and a bit misshapen. What on earth happened to her? Other than that she looks fine and looks her age, although judging by how that coat hangs on her she’s more gaunt than ever, which surely can’t help but make you look tired.

    IMO there’s nothing wrong nor special about using or not using plastic surgery, Botox, fillers etc or to decide to just look like how you are, like millions of other women. I would never criticise Kate or another woman for choosing what to do or not do to her face/hair/etc as long as you don’t lie about it in international press articles, heap on the Photoshop etc….

    • Nic919 says:

      I think we are looking at the same photo, the one where she lifts up her hair. You can see the scar near her eye. She was hidden away because a lot of surgery was done to reduce the effects. It would explain why the going public date kept being so vague as that would fit facial scars needing to heal.

      And while she has always had uneven features especially her eyes, the left eye seems even more distinct especially above the eye, as if it was swollen at some point. I think if we cross referenced to the car photo, we can see more of the potential issues because she looked swollen on the left side of her face in that photo and not as much in the right. As if she had reconstructive surgery of some form.

      • ShazBot says:

        I don’t think it’s untoward, the left side of her face has been janky for years. Remember the gala in Jamaica in the green dress? Both sides of her face were doing different things.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I just looked at that photo, too, @Nic919. There’s a sort of egg-shaped area above that left eye through which her forehead wrinkles don’t extend. It sort of looks like a lump or knot on her forehead. Odd. And yes, the left side of her face has always been slightly larger than the right.

  14. Ah yes. To counteract the beautiful Meg and her red dress. Peg and Can’t decided to wear same colors. Shades of purple the colors of royalty. As usual they failed at their attempts. They looked like they wanted to be anywhere but there. Must be they built in to her negotiations a few visits that will randomly require her to appear and those are called try to out do what Meg has done days.

  15. Interested Gawker says:

    William and Kate are never going to be satisfied with the brief moments of domestic media attention they receive compared the international attention the Sussexes routinely receive. This recent outing in a rewear of a red dress for Meghan and the successful UN/NYC and African trips on the heels of so many media outlets and organizations making a point to wish Harry happy birthday on their social media accounts make the difference very stark.

    Pray for the Sussexes. Jealousy from WanK and a desperation to stop the BRF’s misdeeds with the BM being aired in court continues to encourage the Windsors’ to be destructive and dangerous towards the H&M and their young family.

  16. Talie says:

    Hopefully people stop with the facelift rumor – she clearly looks like she went through some things, imo. What’s notable is that many publications did not photoshop like they usually do.

    • SarahCS says:

      She looked like this before (the pics in Copenhagen specifically), we just never got to see her without extreme photoshop. The availability of un-retouched pics now is interesting.

    • Convict says:

      That doesn’t excuse their dishonesty. When will people understand that this is a publicly funded person? She receives millions of pounds in benefits every year. Ordinary folk can’t just take the year off without proper substantiation. They are supposed to at least pretend to have a sense of duty and not entitlement.

      She only married into the family and they are supposed to serve the public. Neither W nor K have any sense of public duty – it’s all about them, the benefits they can take and fun things (elite sporting events, backstage passes with the biggest pop star on the planet). It’s completely at odds with what the monarchy is supposed to stand for.

    • Jks says:

      Her photos had been so extremely photoshopped at times, it’s not surprising people thought she’d had plastic surgery.

      It’s the constant lying to the public. It creates confusion.

      Kate’s fans claim that her untouched photos have been photoshopped to make her look haggard. They believe she’s got perfect skin and won’t accept anything less.

      Kate put herself in a really unenviable position.

  17. Misab says:

    This is what I have been saying. That kate will not disappear forever. She is very thirsty for camera and this woman doesn’t hide for much long. She needs that validation from public. I believe she does have cancer but not serious like chuck. The senior courtiers in BP ordering these two to work because of backlash and
    comparison is going on kate and how
    privilege she is.

    I have doubts in the past , we will see the end of these grifter in our lifetime. People indifference and these are not working and showing up regularly will be their undoing. One of the reason why queen liz lasted for long because she always show and taxpayer so what ok with the work she does and so does chuck. But these two constant disappearance left the gap for noise which will be their downfall because many rota left their jobs because this is not long term, they know it very well.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Kate says she’s “cancer free”, yet you believe she has cancer? Why?

      • sunnyside up says:

        As I understand it, you have to be free of cancer for 5 years before you are considered free.

      • Kelsey says:

        You have to be in remissions for five years before you’re considered “cancer free”- everything before that time point is considered being in “remission” 🙂

      • Proud Mary says:

        That’s funny. cuz “cancer free” are HER words, not mine. Strange that a cancer patient, especially one of her caliber, doesn’t know the lingo.

  18. Chaine says:

    I know people are going to yell at me but I have never been a farm shop video truther, I always thought the very thin woman in the video was Kate, and these photos solidify my belief. She is absolutely slimmer than a year ago, and you can see she has the same pronounced chin and jaw line as the woman in the video. In the video, you can even see the same makeup around the cheeks as she is wearing in the photos from yesterday.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      It doesn’t have to be an argument. You have the right to believe that woman was Kate.

      The woman in the farm shop video was not Kate.

      There is a great deal of fraud and intentional deception that even predates Kategate from KP utilizing image manipulation with the assistance of their toxic handmaidens within the BM and Murdoch media outlets. That farm shop video was deliberate propaganda to stop the public asking about Kate’s whereabouts, not some pap that ‘got lucky’ getting a picture of them shopping.

      • Chaine says:

        I agree the video was not spontaneous from a fan that just happened to sight them, but the woman was absolutely Kate. I’m ready to die on this hill 😆

      • Becks1 says:

        I kind of love how @InterestedGawker is like you have the right to believe what you want but you’re wrong, lolol.

        Again, we heard from @TheHench (who has been posting here a long time and has connections to Kate’s crowd, and never seems to post anything overly salacious or gossipy so I have always found them credible) that the farm stand video was absolutely Kate.

        But at this point, the argument is tiresome. At the time it was more of a valid/interesting argument because we hadn’t seen Kate in months and that video was put out as proof of Kate’s whereabouts – but within a few days or a week we got the bench cancer video and we have since seen her at Trooping and Wimbledon. So we know she’s not dead which is what people were insisting was going on around the time of the farm video.

      • Nic919 says:

        The car photo was her. The farm video was definitely a KP set up. But if it’s Kate it blows up the abdominal surgery story because that woman was bouncing around without any hesitation. The video was poorly taken but that’s likely because Kate’s face was not 100%. And if you recall we don’t see the left side of her face in that video either. So could it be her? Sure. Especially knowing she likely had had some facial surgery prior to this video.

      • Convict says:

        @Becks: I appreciate your logic and articulation. However, what you say is contradictory here. You propose that one day she was skipping around, healthy as a teenager doing the shopping with William, after supposed abdominal surgery. But a few days later she’s sitting on a bench forlorn revealing her cancer diagnosis.

        It doesn’t make sense. At that stage, assuming all was truthful, she would not have “good days and bad days”, just bad days. And even if I’m wrong, you wouldn’t be one day skipping around the shops without a care in the world after a devastating diagnosis, but the next day, filming a video telling everyone you’re fighting for your life. I think her mood in the bench video is likely how she was feeling at the time.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Nic919 well its back to how KP has managed this shitshow. Let’s say her “abdominal surgery” was an appendectomy that was laparoscopic and she was back to 100% in a few weeks – KP wouldn’t have lied at that point, and she would have been fine to bounce around in the farm video in March. But then of course that doesn’t fit with the “she will be out of work until after Easter” that we were originally told unless that was just Kate being lazy Kate.

        and I’m not sure what kind of cancer you would find during an appendectomy.

        My gut feeling about all of this has been that KP is telling us part of the truth and the rest is being covered up or manipulated to either delay a divorce announcement or to give Kate cover for just quiet quitting.

        @Convict as someone who has major abdominal surgeries, after two months I would have been able to skip for 10 feet outside a farm stand. After 3 months I was running again. And we dont know what kind of “abdominal surgery” she had, some are much more invasive than others with longer recovery times, some are much simpler.

        But I think both videos were performances so the difference makes sense. She was probably told to laugh and look happy in the one video; and the bench video was more of a forlorn serious vibe.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Convict sorry my edit time ran out, lol! The truth is that none of this makes sense. Kate has good days and bad days and her good days happen to fall on Wimbledon and Trooping? Kate had chemo that was preventative because of cancer found during an abdominal surgery but within a few months is completely fine and looks about the same, if a bit thinner?

        I think one of the mistakes we all are making here (myself included) is that we are looking at this like a puzzle and trying to make all the pieces fit together to form a complete picture. We’re assuming that there is a way to make the pieces fit.

        And honestly, there probably isn’t. At the very least KP is covering up something significant, if not outright lying to the public, so the puzzle pieces are never going to fit and the more we try to apply logic to make them fit, the more we’re just going to go round in circles. “If she was that sick then she wouldn’t have done this and this appearance doesn’t make sense if this is true” etc – I think the reality is that there IS something that makes all this fit and all these stories make sense, but we may never know what that “something” is so we’re just back to square one.

      • Convict says:

        Thanks for taking the time to explain Becks. But I’m officially confused, lol. I agree, we are theorising on a flawed premise.

      • aftershocks says:

        It is not even a debate or an argument if you have good eyesight, coupled with the ability to do relevant research, instead of willingly adhering to being hoodwinked. The woman’s gait, her body proportions, and her actual face in the close-up are irrefutable proof that the woman in the staged, paid for, and clumsily manufactured farmshop video, is NOT Kate. 🤦‍♀️

        There are two prominent professional Kate Middleton look-alikes in the U.K. who have garnered additional income over the years pretending to be the real deal. One of the two, Heidi Agan, came out publicly to deny she took part in the farmshop video. The other look-alike pretender, Gabriella Munro Douglas, conspicuously did not make a public statement about the farmshop video.

        I looked very closely at photos and videos of Munro Douglas. Hands down, it is Munro Douglas in the farmshop video. She facially resembles Kate, and she admittedly dyes her hair and styles it to match Kate’s. A big difference is that Munro Douglas does not have the same body proportions as Kate. Munro Douglas has long lanky legs that do not match Kate’s shorter, fleshy-shaped legs coupled with a longer waist. When Kate was pregnant with George, Munro Douglas received a lot of work as a pregnant Kate pretender. She is interviewed during that time in the below video.

    • Jais says:

      Noooo! Not square one😂.

      • Jks says:

        @AFTERSHOCKS, I completely agree. I think it was Munro. Her silence was notable because the other look alike lady denied it was her and the press used her denial to silence any speculation.

        It seemed odd that someone who has sought media attention, and was so happy to go on tabloids before, would suddenly keep quiet about this.

        I’ve done weight training for 15 years and I look at body proportions very closely. I’m shaped like Kate- long torso, shorter legs. And I’m always looking at legs because I envy long slim legs.

        Those legs were definitely more like Munro’s than Kate’s.

    • Tessa says:

      The woman in the video looked a lot younger than Kate, was not as tall and had a different shaped face.

  19. Angied says:

    Her eyes tell a lot about her. There is no feeling or emotion behind them. I saw a video of her and him walking in and she shot him a dirty look. It was quick but you could see it. She absolutely despises him.

    • Lady Esther says:

      If it’s true that she despises him, then that Hallmark video they made together is all the more astonishing. Could you be that cuddly and lovey dovey with someone you hated? Was that video purely made out of spite? If the answer is yes it speaks volumes about their character as individuals not just their marriage

      • Interested Gawker says:

        William moved immediately to quash the five wheeled car photo from being reproduced in the UK as KP continued to release Frankenphotos for the children’s birthdays with no shame.

        That video featured MaMidds prominently and marched William through a Middleton PDA bucket list. Her kompromat must be radioactive.

      • Tessa says:

        Kate might have wanted that video out of spite. She seemed to be passive aggressive knowing he did not like her try to show PDA in public. He looked horrified at her trying to grab his rear end at a Church service and he bolted away from her fast after she kissed him when she presented the trophy to him. Plus all his pulling away from her at events. Now she set it up so she could show PDA. And William for one reason or another put up with it for the video.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        And two main pieces of visual representation were displayed among that overlong video of dodgy family fun scrabbling about on logs and enforced PDA:

        Kate is in the driver’s seat

        Carole holds the cards

    • Convict says:

      I disagree. She has never liked William, the man. Who would? He is so unlikeable. She was always only drawn to his rare, privileged status in life, which meant that one day she would one day be Queen Consort and live a life of unfettered luxury on other people’s money. Her mother never raised her to be any other way.

    • Tina says:

      Dead eyes. I said the same thing on one of the posts of William earlier this week. They are absolutely miserable. If it was anyone else I would feel sorry for them. Life is too short to be so unhappy.

  20. Cheshire Sass says:

    She does not look well, and I’m not trying to be mean, she looks gaunt and tired, I’m sure the hair is purposeful to hide that scar, I don’t think she faked being sick, but has not maybe told the actual story. I don’t think she wears big blue because at this point it would probably fall off her finger. These pictures actually make me feel concern for her current health status. She’s wearing a lot of make up to look “good” but it isn’t helping. I know everyone here likes to dump on her because of her mean girl and everything is about meee tendencies, sometimes I comment the same, but sometimes people just need a little bit of grace.

    • Carrie says:

      How much grace did she show Meghan?

      • Angied says:

        Meghan was pregnant and could have lost her baby. She lost her second one. Where was the grace from those people? She is still talking trash through her media friends about Harry and Meghan. F her and her dud of a husband. They both need to apologize to Meghan and Harry. They are a direct cause of all the vileness directed against Meghan and Harry. Both of them are still jealous of them.

    • Nic919 says:

      Rings can be resized and she was this thin last year so I don’t believe the ring is off rotation because of that.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Actually, I’ve learned that rings can only be made smaller *to a point*, and then it can damage the setting/stones. I lost a great deal of weight recently and wanted to resize a ring down. The jeweler told me that I’d have to get a new setting entirely, as the band with the stones can only be sized down so much w/out damage/stones popping out, so I chose to leave the ring as is and just not wear it.

        It could be this way with Big Blue, and he/they chose not to damage the original setting further (I know the diamonds were reset at one point, for further security of the sapphire; don’t remember if Diana or Kate did that).

    • Proud Mary says:

      Oh please. This is exactly how Kate looks, when her phots are not photo-shopped by the British media. Maybe KP has failed to pay a “bill”. No worries, next you see her she’ll look 20 years younger. This image of her is exactly like the pictures the Danish media released of Kate on her solo Denmark tour a couple of years ago. BTW, I’m always intrigued by what little it takes for people like you to feel sorry for women like Kate. Is it because you believe she has no agency in all the awful things she did to Meghan? Or is it because you believe Kate when she claims to be sick, but you don’t believe Meghan when she said media abuse caused her to experience suicide ideation?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      William and Kate are not absolved or released from having to answer for their fraudulent use of manipulated photos and sadistic treatment of H&M, Meghan in particular was directly endangered by Kate and Carole not only declining to correct the ‘she made me cry’ lie but expanding it at regular intervals through the BM even after the Oprah interview. Even this past fortnight the BM have been insisting H&M are on the brink of divorce to make these ambulance chasing engagements, clinging to actual cancer patients and a tragic attack to stay in the public eye look like William and Kate are the couple without problems.

      They can keep pretending they’ve moved on but no one forgets what they did, they will have to address all their BS at some point.

  21. Jensa says:

    I do side-eye these kind of events. They’re to benefit the Waleses, no one else. Those poor parents have suffered the worst kind of bereavement in unimaginably traumatic circumstances, but somehow they’re expected to be in attendance while this vacuous pair gurn and do jazz hands at them.

    • Nic919 says:

      If they cared about the parents and the first responders this entire thing would have been done off camera. No one needed video of William and Kate mouthing platitudes.

    • Convict says:

      Exactly @ Jensa and dredging up the pain months later is unconscionable. I’m not saying the parents and survivors have healed, but to bring the pain back to the fore for royal PR is disgraceful, entitled behaviour. It is not helpful.

      Our neighbour recently lost her son under tragic circumstances. We were there for her at the time, but afterwards, she became a shell of herself. We didn’t keep dredging it up months after the event because we knew it was painful for her. But we are not entitled twats. We waited some time and could see her becoming more like her old self. But still, we won’t say, “how are you feeling?” We just talk to her normally because if she wants to discuss it with us, she will.

  22. Jay says:

    TOB looks like he’s social distancing from his wife – he’s not even looking at her! He looks petulant and pissed off, almost as if he was all set to try to grab some headlines on his own, but then Kate decided to join him. And, again, the problem isn’t so much that their actual marital situation (that’s none of my business) but that they are actively projecting this tradwife happy families bs, for example in the “cancer-free” video. That was a deliberate choice to include all of that uncomfortable footage of WanK with her head on his shoulder etc. Now compare what that video was selling to…this. I think the best you can say is that she is at least looking at him when he speaks. He is looking anywhere else but at her and studiously clasping his hands to avoid contact.

    Imagine your spouse just recovered from a serious cancer scare, and they are doing an event with you after a long absence. Wouldn’t you at least pretend that you appreciate them?

    • Tessa says:

      He has that same expression when he’s upset now that stubble exaggerates expressions around his mouth.

    • Tessa says:

      How did Kate get him to act lovey dovey with her in that video? I guess it was a “favor” called in by the Middletons. I notice the Middletons were prominent in the video.

      • Nic919 says:

        I would use the terms leverage. And even then he looked awkward in most of that video and stills.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @Nic919 Are we talking about her Twilight cosplay video nonsense? Most of the time Huevo looked as though he were trying to astral project.

      • Nic919 says:

        He couldn’t even pretend in a scripted video. That’s not great at all.

      • Jay says:

        Well, it might be easier to “act like a couple” on video, where you can get multiple takes and there’s someone whose job it is to direct you – “Now, look at your wife…no, not with disdain, try a smile!…no, that’s baring your teeth…hmm, imagine you are speaking with Tom Cruise…there, got it!”

        The fact that TOB is not even acknowledging his wife’s presence, let alone being affectionate to her, shows the disparity between real life and the version of their family on that video even more plainly. He is unwilling or unable to appear with her in real life.

    • Proud Mary says:

      And I really don’t understand this thing he does with the hands folded over his crotch. It’s like Edward’s hands behind the back routine. You are with your wife and you behave like the law bands you from touching her? How can they move from the happy, touch feely couple video, to this? There’s that video of Edward and Sophiesta in Malta. The president is trying to shake her hand and bish is standing there, lost in a trance. Edward is right next to her and refuses to untangle his hands and nudge his wife. Really embarrassing. This is the happy life that Harry escaped.

      • Chrissy says:

        LOL! Ed and Soph looked soooo bored on that trip, didn’t they? To think that Malta had to pay for them to visit blows my mind. Both are charisma vacuums and Sophie’s supposedly a “secret weapon”!

  23. Em says:

    Their outward looks are a reflection of how they are on the inside (sickness or not). Two ugly attention seeking, inferiority complex suffering jealous trolls . Meghan and Harry are literally glowing because they’ve managed to cut off toxicity from their lives even as they face attacks everyday meanwhile Kate and William are aging like raisins because instead of focusing on their family they’re briefing the press 24/7 about people who don’t think about them and that’s why the royalists bash Meghan and Harry especially Meghan because she carries on without thinking about the rest of the royal family and that in itself it’s a rejection but every minute William and his trolls keep telling us how much he hates the Sussexes

  24. aquarius64 says:

    Kate looks rough in this photo and so does William. With Big Blue still missing I think it is official separation that thas not been made public. The Firm and I suspect the government know the Waleses were primarily responsible for the Sussexes’ stepping back and leaving; and another Wales divorce will garner more international bad headlines for the Crown. Tin foil tiara: no divorce – ever. Kate has to give back Big Blue. You lead separate lives behind the scences (meaning William can have his sidepieces; Kate can have NONE.) Never complain never explain in effect for Kate and the Middletons in the form of iron clad NDAs. The Middletons can return to royal favor and doing their projects (no financial bailout) in exchange to promote Charles as well as help clean up Kate’s image. Tin foil tiara off.

    • Nic919 says:

      This is a marriage not much different than the Trump transaction. The main difference is that Kate is expected to pretend far more than Melania because the happy family image requires it. But they are failing at this act. They won’t be able to maintain this for years to come.

    • Convict says:

      William can’t hide his feelings, that is true. As for Big Blue being missing, I’m not sure that they would be that obvious about the separation because clearly they have a lot to hide. Maybe it was broken during one of their ferocious fights? Perhaps it was put away for a while and not repaired so as not to risk any leak?

    • Proud Mary says:

      I think the monarch’s approval is required for the heir’s divorce and Charles has refused. Remember, it was the Queen who at last had to order Charles and Di’s divorce because the public appearances, where Di refused to play the game, made it too difficult to conceal that the marriage was over. Aside from Charles refusal, two other things make the situation different today: (1) a highly compliant British tabloid, because of the invisible contract; and (2) Kate, unlike Diana, will do anything to be queen, she will play the game. It’s also possible that Kate, unlike Di, has supporters within the institution, and is possibly backed by the men-in-grey-suits. Di said as much in her Panorama interview — that folks within the institution felt she was a “non-starter,” for the role of Queen.

      • Convict says:

        The Parliament needs to at least announce it, based on the public office, but if so, it would be on the direction of the monarch.

        If Aristocratic blue-blood Diana was considered a “non-starter”, Kate has got no hope. I don’t think she’s well liked by anyone. The toffs who run the monarchy would sneer at her, and Kate would look down on the lower level staff.

      • Tessa says:

        Diana did what she was supposed to do provided an heir and spare, she worked hard unlike Kate, the only thing is she complained about Charles being with someone else. Diana was sought after because she was an aristo. Also, William could not apparently find an aristo who was interested in him enough to marry him. He settled for Kate.

      • Jais says:

        Well, the queen approved a divorce after a series of events. There was illegally gotten evidence, the phone tapping of the tampon convo between Charles and Camilla. Then the heir going on record in an interview with Dimbleby confirming to the British public that he cheated on his wife with Camilla. The panorama interview came after.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Jais you’re right, lots of things happened before the Panorama interview, and I’m not saying the interview caused the divorce. I’m old enough to remember the South Korea trip. Diana was wearing a yellow and black dress. That was the last straw for Betty. I think you can still find it on YouTube, or at least in one of the many documentaries. In short, Diana was not pretending to be in a “happy” marriage. Kate is.

      • Nic919 says:

        William is the one not pretending though. And I don’t see Charles withholding any consent to divorce if William wants it. Charles isn’t in a position to refuse a divorce. And Camilla would be fine with Kate turfed out.

        The events of December 28, 2023 are what changed things, at least for now.

  25. Amy Bee says:

    Where’s the press outrage that Kate is not wearing her engagement ring?

  26. Harla says:

    I still don’t care 🙂

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    Her hands look particularly awful — does she bite her nails?

  28. Beech says:

    She’s too young to look so weathered.

  29. Grandma Susan says:

    Just a theory: Maybe she’s not wearing Big Blue as much because Big Blue evokes Diana, and Diana evokes Harry.

  30. sueinorleans says:

    I don’t think there is any talk of divorce. William and Kate will not be the first royals by a long shot who remain married in name only. In these pictures Kate, to me, looks like someone who has suffered recently, and the most likely explanation is health concerns. She had cancer, she’s been undergoing treatment for it and she’s married to William. Why shouldn’t she look rough?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      The slow drip of releasing undoctored photos- something Kate definitely does not want, William getting that story about hair extensions in the Daily Beast, a story Kate has always denied vociferously and the original tack William’s people were going with before they got busted by Cam -that she was at the London Clinic, that there were no photographers, that he was Mr. Mom and visiting everyday, and then the photo kill -making a fuss about Big Blue being missing was the angle William was going with before the news wires announced that image was fake as well as the aggressive use of SM robo posts from the moment ‘abdominal surgery’ was announced suggests the simplicity of ‘She had cancer, she’s been undergoing treatment for it’ is questionable. Being married to William, indeed, seems to be the rub but MaMidds has gotten her groove back so we’ll see…

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Thinking a bit more about this…

        We are officially back in business from the before times now aren’t we?

        “Why isn’t she wearing Big Blue” was the the original talking point William was pushing about the Mothering Sunday Frankenphoto before things got derailed by the photo kill and Middleton embiggening was conspicuously absent and batted back aggressively when MaMidds tried to advance. Now, with that cringeable video they’re resuming the original fight with the Middletons’ having clawed back some sort of agreement with William to give them leverage -but not completely hands off. William’s getting his darts back out there and they are all trying to pretend that Kategate was just a blip driven by SM trolls, another copykeening of Meghan to serve their own ends.

        If Kate still gets crowned because of MaMidds kompromat why is he still briefing against her in the Murdoch press? Surely if Kate’s yoked to his reign for good he would need to be civil just out of expedience. William will not be a popular monarch, he needs all the help he can get.

      • Nic919 says:

        At the end of the day William is the blood royal and future king and he can weaponize misogyny against Kate quite easily. The UK papers will do what he wants, which they mostly do now. He’s barely pretending to be decent to her and at some point he will be tired of her.

  31. therese says:

    I thought also Big Blue might be put back in storage, or it was slipping off. I saw photos of her yesterday and she had a blank stare, and she looks so bad. They both do now.

  32. Sue says:

    I cannot believe the mean-spirited comments and nicknames on this site. I feel as though I have walked into a MAGA rally, where everyone just yells out unfounded conspiracies and extremely cruel comments as “truth.” Truly sad to see so many bullies in one place.

    • Convict says:

      But you have accord yourself the right to bully strangers who are reading your useless comment. Kate has deserved every single piece of criticism, not to mention her odious family.

    • Jaded says:

      Kate bullied Meghan to the point of suicidal ideation, spread lies about how Meghan made her cry over tightsgate, and publicly ignored, glared at and acted aggressively towards her on several occasions. We’re not the bullies here, we’re just not buying all the lies and coverups KP and the tabloids are spreading about her and her awful husband.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Try visiting an anti-Meghan site where they call her a slut, a whore, and worse, and how she’s going to ruin the royal family and that she didn’t even give birth to her own children. None of which is true. Kate treated her like dirt and allowed, and still allows, lies to perpetuate in the press. Profoundly stupid and ignorant people who snort daily tabloid BS. Try that sometime and get back to us.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Seen too many of those sorts of comments in the Express, they even allowed racial abuse of Archie, I suspect the idea that she didn’t give birth to her children was so they couldn’t be part of the succession. Re warming pan babies. Meghan doesn’t need to ruin the RF they are perfectly capable of doing it themselves.

      • Tessa says:

        It’s a disgrace and some comments talk about how it was all Meghan s fault and call her an abusive wife. It’s a disgrace that the dm and other sites allow these comments.

    • Unblinkered says:

      You’re being daft, Sue. What you’re really saying is you don’t like the absence of fawning comments about KM. The majority of social media sites are ablaze with horrendous comments about Meghan, this by comparison is moderate. Very moderate.
      And I’m not a bully, nor other commentators, I leave that to others elsewhere who delight in tormenting Meghan and Harry. I hope you’re not among them.

    • Nic919 says:

      If you want truth about a mean person I point you to the funeral walkabout footage where Kate almost jumped Meghan and the commonwealth service where Kate was childishly upset over a procession order and iced out Meghan at a church service in full view of the public.

      Miss me with your hypocrisy when the queen of mean has been protected by the UK media and anyone trying to point out the obvious gets gaslit.

    • Joy says:

      It’s funny you compare this to MAGA. MAGA is a cult. People commenting here have actual memory and recall. We haven’t forgotten how Kate has behaved.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are some pretty basic and intellectual compromised people on here that are just reactively name calling . Which gets kinda boring after a while . They could be looking a bit deeper as to how that family really operates and how little agency a married like Kate Middleton really has . Most people seem to have no idea what really goes on .

      • sevenblue says:

        @Anonymous, it is true the married-in women usually lack power and became punching bag to protect the heirs. However, we know that Kate had an active role in turning Meghan into the sacrificial lamb of the firm. “Meghan made Kate cry” story came from her family. We know that because the reporter who broke the story also interviewed Kate’s mother shortly after and she talked sh*t about Meghan in the interview. All the bad stories about Meghan mostly helped to boost Kate’s reputation. She literally turned into a saint in the media. Kate may be powerless compared to Will, but she had enough power to destroy Meghan and she did it willingly.

  33. tamsin says:

    In the top photo, William is totally disengaged from whatever interaction Kate is having with the person opposite her. He appears to be literally looking into space, although in the wider shot, there are people sitting opposite William. It strikes me that he is either angry with Kate or totally cannot stand her, or both. His hands, in fact his whole body is closed off to Kate, giving the impression that he wants to be sitting alone on the bench, and not beside Kate.

  34. Jaded says:

    Whatever happened to Kate — be it surgery, cancer, a nervous breakdown, EDs, DV or all of the above — it has clearly taken its toll. She was never good at being a public-facing and involved member of the BRF, but now she seems even more diminished, like she’s totally given up. Both Kate and William are completely unable and uninterested in making the best of their wealth, positions, privilege and responsibilities beyond the bare minimum. Charles knows that, and when things in their marriage finally came to an ugly head last December I think it shook him up badly to the point where William was basically benched and Kate disappeared to heal — mentally, emotionally and physically. But the damage has been done and if his days are numbered, so is state of the monarchy as we know it.

    • Unblinkered says:

      The situation is just weird. Any observer can see there’s something very wrong with the two of them,

      I’m starting to wonder if, to save a huge vacuum at the heart of the monarchy if they separated, they’ve pretty much been bribed into maintaining the happy family image. KM’s deal was getting her ghastly family back public-facing, but what could be W’s?

      • Weatherby says:

        His Mother’s ring back. The expectation of totally separate living spaces. Someone to raise his children while he faffs about doing whatever he pleases, popping in here and there for big occasions and to bring George to special events.

      • Unblinkered says:

        The staff on the Windsor Estate can’t know if they’re coming or going with all the craziness.
        W needs to get himself down to Monaco and get some lessons in successful single-parenting from Prince Albert. Also, how to cope with a semi-detached, unreliable wife.

  35. Lady Digby says:

    On yesterday’s local news a woman who was at the event confirmed that they were told to expect FK and it was only on the day itself they were briefed that it would be Kate as well. ITV news explained her phased return means it depends on how Kate feels on the day so there won’t be much advance notice. I expect that translates into tagging along with FW.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Limpet like behaviour was always one of Princess Catherine’s strong suits.

    • Nic919 says:

      Since Kate herself says the treatment is done, the only way she has a bad day is for a mental health related issue. The physical aspects would be resolved by now.

      But then she was always one to have her stuff embargoed needlessly because she was known to cancel last minute well before any of this happened.

  36. Nerd says:

    Engagements they do like these always remind me of how performative the royals really are. This engagement, like the Grenfell fire engagements by the royals immediately after the fire, remind me even more of how performative and disconnected they really are. I remember when Meghan went to visit the families of the Grenfell fire and how she walked in and immediately thought past the smiling and waving to actually do something for them and their families to help improve their situation. She even did something that is still benefiting those families, their community and other communities in the UK. There were several other royals who went to see these families but none of them brought anything more than cameras and thoughts and prayers. This visit does nothing to help the victims, their families, the community and the first responders. It’s their usual photo op.

  37. BeanieBean says:

    After I don’t know how many decades of reading about the BRF & seeing this drivel about Kate & her symbolic earrings, I only just now realized that all this ‘symbolism’ supposedly worn by the Queen (QEII, of course), and Diana, and now Kate–their colors, their jewelry, their individual items of clothing– is a load of bollocks. It’s total fiction created by the rota rat writers themselves. It’s all part of the BRF PR machine. These people wear whatever TF they like & put zero thought into it. There’s no ‘sweet nod to Diana’, no ‘honoring the Queen Mother’ or any of that BS. It’s just–hey! I’ve got access to the sapphires & diamonds & I’m wearing them! Or, as her, I’m wearing my gold fern earrings ’cause they go well with my outfit. It’s pretty clear from Kate’s vacant eyes she doesn’t give a toss for the people at this event.

  38. Anonymous says:

    The Meghan effect

  39. maggie says:

    In the photo where Kate is pushing her hair back behind her left ear, her chin looks quite pointy. I’ve never noticed this before. I didn’t think in all the photos of her since her reappearance in public life that she’s looked much different to how she’s always looked. This is the first sign I’ve seen that maybe she has lost weight.