Cards Against Humanity is paying people who didn’t vote in 2020 to apologize

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Has anyone been following this drama between Cards Against Humanity and Elon Musk? A few weeks ago, CAH declared war on the Muskrat by suing him for $15 million dollars, alleging that SpaceX trespassed on land owned by CAH near the US/Mexico border and left equipment and dumped waste on it. They made a post on Twitter that included pictures of the site in question with SpaceX crap all over it. CAH bought this land in 2017 to help stop our 45th president from being able to build his stupid border wall on it.

It should not surprise anyone, but CAH is not done with Elno just yet. I think they’ve now made it their mission to troll him at every turn, and honestly, I am here for it. As you know, Elon showed up at Trump’s rally in Butler, PA last weekend to go full Dark MAGA (insert eyeroll). At the same time, Elon’s PAC started a petition called “Free Speech and the Right to Bear Arms.” The PAC announced that they would give $47 to any person who was able to get a voter in a swing state (NC, PA, GA, NV, NM, AZ, MI, and WI) to sign the petition. The Cards Against Humanity crew, however, responded by offering “America’s bluest non-voters” up to $100 to Tweet an apology for not voting in 2020, as well as the message, “Donald Trump is a human toilet.”

The popular gag-gift card game “Cards Against Humanity” has pledged to pay people to tweet that Donald Trump is a “human toilet” after Elon Musk announced that he would pay people to get swing state voters to sign a petition.

The announcement came in a subscriber email titled “Cards Against Humanity Pays You to Give a S***” where the game company shared that they would be paying “America’s bluest non-voters up to $100” to apologize for not voting in 2020, create a voting plan and tweet “Donald Trump is a human toilet,” as reported by Idobi.

Cards Against Humanity wrote in the email, “We’re trying to pay tens of thousands of swing-state non-voters to do this—enough that it could actually swing the election. So help us raise cash to un-f*** America by getting our all-new 2024 Election Pack, featuring 30 fresh cards about this batshit election. 100% of profits fund apologies.”

This news comes after the owner of X (formerly Twitter) Elon Musk posted to the social media platform that every person who was able to get a voter in a swing state to sign a petition supporting “Free Speech and the Right to Bear Arms” would receive $47.

The upcoming November election will decide the 47th president of the United States.

The petition created by Musk’s American PAC appears to just be interested in those in swing states as after signing, users are redirected to a page for voter registration links in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, even if the signee is from a different state, as reported by CNBC.

[From LA Times]

I love this and think it’s very funny that CAH is countering Phony Stark’s disingenuous and sensationalist proposition. You know that seeing this will make Trump big mad as he clenches his tiny fists. That said, I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge how sad it is that some Americans need to be paid to do sh-t like this. I bet many of them don’t end up voting anyway, but will still be some of the loudest voices to complain about the US. The last decade of American politics has made me that cynical.

Elon’s proposal is also stupid. Whether or not you voted (not who you voted for) is public record, so that’s easy enough to verify, but…yeah, how do they verify who referred them other than the honor system?. Elon’s basically just paying people $47 in exchange for selling their personal data for much, much more. It’s wild that a bunch of people who are so suspicious of the government that they won’t do something in their best interest like get a vaccine or call FEMA for help are going to willingly sign their names to a petition for less than $50. Anyway, CAH remains the best. I’m dying for the Cards Against Humanity: Space Karen expansion pack. The things they could come up with would be so, so funny.

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11 Responses to “Cards Against Humanity is paying people who didn’t vote in 2020 to apologize”

  1. ML says:

    I’ve never heard of Cards Against Humanity before. As a gimmick, this news brought a slight smile to my face, but I don’t exactly understand how they can make it work? How can you tell if the person at the other end is actually a really blue non-voter—really blue people tend to vote. Personally, and IRL I’ve had people up in their feelings about this, I believe that Twitter needs more regulation. Elon is clearly a right winger who is spreading dangerous ideas and he’s not getting real pushback.

    Heather Cox Richardson’s latest Letter From an American had a great article about how information is disseminated about Kamala Harris and Agent Orange:
    She didn’t mention Leon (how Trump refers to him), but he’s one of TFG’s “news” sources.

    • Maggie says:

      They purchased voter information – so if your name matches as a registered Democrat, but show that you did not vote – you are eligible for money – more if you live in a swing state. According to the CAH email – it is all perfectly legal and the voter info was inexpensive!

  2. Flowerlake says:

    Okay, this is a beef I didn’t see coming, LMAO 😀

    Kind reminder to everyone to follow as many politicians on the good, blue side, but particularly people like Harris, Biden and Walz.

    They often talk about the good things they do, but not everyone is aware of it as mainstream media ignores it.

    And they can put their messages on CAH if they like. 😉

  3. TN Democrat says:

    So. The magats won’t buy electric cars (and oi the conspiracy theories they spread about them), blue voters have turned on Elon to the point that unsold Teslas can be seen from space, the muskrat seems to have master race ideology and has spawned at least 12 kids with many women (including subordinates), his business practices have destroyed what many people seemed to consider the best social media app (that he bought with funding from dubious sources), the cybertruck is a dangerous, poorly constructed monstrosity and he still has security clearances to be able to control SpaceX after off the wall Tweets that would get anyone else invrstigated and defrocked of any and all security clearances. Good lort. What the absolute hell is wrong with people?

  4. Giddy says:

    Elon jumping around like a cheerleader on speed is a slightly disturbing sight, no? I’d personally appreciate it if he kept his stomach covered next time he attempts to go airborne.

  5. Pinkosaurus says:

    People who are not MAGA but still out shopping for a new Tesla really need to reconsider what they are supporting, but most importantly, the US government needs to sever their federal contracts with this unstable, racist, drug-addled wingnut (Elno, just to be clear since that description also applies to Trump).

    The US passed bipartisan legislation to prohibit a China-linked business from owning TikTok. They really need to investigate Elno’s suitability to control resources like Twitter and Starlink. I would actually be shocked if Elno’s corporate tax filings in the US are on the up and up and that alone should be disqualifying to continue as a federal contractor.

  6. MaisiesMom says:

    I agree with Rosie, that a lot of people don’t bother voting then turn around and complain about how things are. Sometimes they do vote but complain about things that the people they elected have no power to change, at least not immediately. A few of my daughter’s nursing school friends were mad at Biden about Roe being overturned. They don’t understand that this is a long game.

    I’m just out of patience and sympathy about it. If Trump wins, anyone who didn’t bother voting can bitch and moan to the wall. Not voting forfeits your right to gripe, IMO.

    Anyway, I love the CAH game and I love them trolling Musk. He is an absolute menace.

    • kgeo says:

      In 2017, two friends were complaining about Trump and then told me they didn’t vote in 2016. They did not seem at all ashamed.

  7. Lenny says:

    Phony Stark?!?!?! Ahahaahahaha! I’m obsessed!

  8. Karen says:

    My family loves Cards against Humanity. There is a family edition we play with my son and it has a lot of poo humor. We’ve even played with my 80 year old parents and they have done well! We all laughed a lot. I told my son about this new set and he said that WE HAVE TO GET IT. It’s ordered!

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