Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce had a double-date with Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds

It’s been a minute since we’ve seen Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce out together in New York. He’s been working, she’s been working, but he came to NYC for the weekend (?) and they stepped out on Friday night. They had a double-date with Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, and the two couples had dinner at The Corner Store in Soho. You can see the menu here – their steaks sound amazing, the “lobster frites” sound like a dream and they do hand-cut fries.

Fashion notes for Taylor… real talk, this outfit looked straight out of a ‘90s mall TO ME, but I’m shocked to discover that these are really high-end designer pieces. Her coat is from Ralph Lauren, her corset is from Gucci ($1650) and her boots are Louis Vuitton. She’s carrying a $4400 Dior saddle bag and she’s blinged out in jewelry pieces from LV and other brands. Meanwhile, Travis wore a Jacquemus Simon printed shirt. Thoughts on Travis’s ‘stache? He’s had it for more than a month and I’m not feeling it, nor am I feeling his overall hairstyle. He looks very… Blue Lives Matter.

Meanwhile, Taylor notably missed Travis’s birthday on October 5. She was in Kansas City on the 7th, in time to watch the Chiefs win another game. Page Six claims that on the 6th, Taylor was in town and she hosted a small dinner party for Travis at Noka in Kansas City. They say her dad was there, and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes were there too. What do you think? Did Tay do something special for his birthday, one day late? Her birthday is coming up soon enough… I wonder what he’ll get her for her 35th?

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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58 Responses to “Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce had a double-date with Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds”

  1. FancyPants says:

    That Dolly Parton quote about how it takes a lot of money to look that cheap comes to mind… Blake looks like she pulled that dress (jumpsuit?) out of the dumpster behind a thrift store but I’m sure it costs more than my car. Is it not cold at night in NYC lately? I’m 3 hours south and low temps have been 40s and 50s the past week.

    • seraphina says:

      Blake looks like she needs a fashion intervention FAST and what in the world is going on with TK’s shirt????? The print is almost like it needs to be censored. And sorry Taylor fans, she needs someone to help her fashion wise. Maybe Law Roach can help her out for a little bit.

      • kirk says:

        Maybe she’s trying to distract us away from Ryan Reynolds jacket? with front piping? and embroidered collar?

      • Justjj says:

        Blake looks so bad. The rip in her tights. The spray tan when her chest is straight up orange and her face is not. The dress is doing her zero favors. It literally looks like when you see those late 90s – early 00s cardigans at the thrift store that mysteriously smell like maple syrup. I just don’t think Blake is that cute to begin with (Unpopular opinion) and her hair looks great here but why is she trying to sell me shampoo when I go to Target and her hair looks like a dry, fake bedhead, teased out, rat’s nest?

  2. Mina_Esq says:

    I think the problem with the outfit is that the boots cut her off at the ankles and give that unflattering blocking of the body. I think the outfit would look better with dark tights. Blake looks like a total disaster, my gosh. Is Ryan going bowling after dinner? And Travis…he is an objectively handsome man that goes out of his way to make himself look unattractive. No to the ‘stache, the haircut and that outfit. The clothes are giving nylon tracksuit from the late 80s.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Other than the height of the heels, the length of Taylor’s coat and the ankle height of the boots look exactly like my sweet grandma walking to the market with her rain boots on. Not chic.

    • Arizona says:

      he grows the mustache in honor of his coach, and doesn’t shave until they have their first loss. so we’ll see how much longer it lasts.

    • alaquaday says:

      That corset top is styled with a matching lace midi in the Gucci look-book, and she really would have looked a lot better with the whole look, maybe styled with a black blazer and knee-high boots. Though, if I had her legs, I possibly would never want to cover them up, either…

      I don’t really go in for the whole Kibbe style thing that has overtaken parts of the internet, but honestly, I think a lot of the time she really works hard against what actually suits her to suit whatever ‘Era’ she’s in. She’s an even-featured, very pretty, tall and lean blue-eyed blonde. The best I’ve ever seen her look has been in photo shoots where she’s surrendered her styling to a magazine – she’s looked gorgeous when she’s been styled in shoots in a very 1960s mod doll-like way, or she’s been put in more tailored menswear-inspired looks that take advantage of her height. On red carpets, she’s looked her best when they’ve put her in modernised-1950s quasi- Grace Kelly drag. Like the dramatic white dress, black gloves and black shoes she wore to the Grammys could have been a serve if she’d had a clean up-do and one statement necklace instead of the overworked mess that was going on above the bustline.

  3. Miranda says:

    Blake looks like she went into her “The Craft” phase about 20 years late, my God. Most of us got that out of our systems (and for a lower price) when we were 15.

    • Jais says:

      I mean as a witchy season Halloween outfit it kind of works? I’m just not sure that was the attention.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      I’m just happy that after showing DH theses photos, he said, “Your legs are better. Not as long. but better”.” Needed hearing that today. I argued.lol

  4. Amy Bee says:

    I can see why Taylor and Blake are friends they both don’t have any fashion sense.

    • Elilyan says:

      Thank you for your comment. I spat out my tea laughing at his very accurate statement. 😂😂

    • Lucy says:

      I think they style each other on zoom. Their outfits look terrible, but the same type of terrible. Jfc hire a real stylist, at least to save trouble on shopping. If I had the $ and schedules they do I’d have a stylist bring me stuff, try it on and have them show how to style it, and then be done. I her they’re trying to be regular girls, somehow, but it’s getting into Kate Middleton levels of terrible.

  5. Libra says:

    Blake is either auditioning for the next Halloween slasher movie or trying to prove to casting that she is still sexy after 4 pregnancies. Because, men.

  6. Plums says:

    Travis’s shirt is hilarious.

    I hate Blake’s look. The ’90s dress itself isn’t great, but her styling is utterly clashing and making it worse.

    • Eva says:

      Blake has been called a fashion icon for so many years. But was she ever really one? Or maybe people confused her with Serena van der Woodsen?

      • seaflower says:

        during her GG era and pre RR she pulled out some lovely outfits (Met Gala was always her highlight, but her taste in clothes seems to have taken a detour via 90-early 2000’s mall lately.

    • kirk says:

      I’m kinda liking the naked fertility symbols and horses on Travis’s shirt.

      But Ryan’s short-waisted jacket is bugging me. What I originally thought was piping in the front now appears to be a zipper, but it’s puckering on light-weight fabric.

    • Jenn says:

      Something about the brassy-blonde “going-out” curls feels dated, but when you add the fishnet fingernail-to-toenail body stocking it feels absolutely insane

  7. Nanea says:

    Yeah, no.

    I like Taylor’s coat.

    Her Dior saddle bag, ugh, and the booties? She has so many knee-high ones that would have been better.

    Travis has completed another attempt at uglifying himself with bravura.

    But Blake and Ryan? Don’t they know anyone who could tell them that this is not it? Ryan looks like a human possum, and Blake’s dress plus panty hose (?) leggings (?) with seams? Nice color.

  8. wolfmamma says:

    These folks are an ad for just because you are wealthy doesn’t mean you know how to dress …

  9. Peanut Butter says:

    Interesting friends group 🙄

  10. MsIam says:

    Yeah I thought Taylor’s outfit was hideous until I saw Blake’s. Yikes! As for the guys, Travis looks like Florida tourist man and Ryan looks like the captain of the bowling league. His shirt probably has “Fred’s Garage” written on the back. Taylor’s coat is nice and her bag is cute. The rest is Hot Topic.

  11. Blubellah says:

    Travis is giving Magnum PI vibes from the neck up. Blake’s outfit looks incredibly cheap. They all look like they’re dressed in character for different vintage shows.
    Don’t skewer me…but Taylor has a certain fullness look about her of late that makes me think she may be expecting.

    • Silver Birch says:

      Totally agree with the Magnum PI vibes, except that Tom Selleck could pull off both the mustache and the Hawaiian shirt. This guy is more like Temu Magnum.

    • Samesies says:

      I’ve thought that for a couple weeks now, not just commenting on her face/body but the old-school soap-opera tricks of distracting with massive bags and overcoats, etc. it was 77-78 yesterday in NYC during the day, fwiw.

    • Pink tutu says:

      She’s been on a long break and gained weight. Didn’t we see her quite tipsy recently? I can’t quite remember the timeline.

    • alaquaday says:

      She’s been pictured (very purposely to stop pregnancy speculation IMO) with a drink in hand in the couple of social media pics that have been shared of her recently from Chiefs games. She’s performing her 3+ hour shows something like three or four nights almost every week between this week and the end of the year, which probably wouldn’t be much fun pregnant.

      That said, she’s made a few comments on stage and seemingly through her reps about taking a break once this tour ends. He’s also coming to the end of his football career, with a bit of speculation if his team wins the whole thing this year he’ll retire… so I wouldn’t be particularly surprised by a pregnancy announcement next year. She’s mid-30s, I think values conventional success markers, and the friends she seems to spend most time with are at the family and kids stage now…

      It’s a celeb relationship, so who knows… but honestly, I hope they make it long term because all the most insufferable people online from MAGA to terminally online lefties who want to label her MAGA to misogynist football fans seem to want to take a whack at them.

  12. Tate says:

    I think his mustache and hair style are god awful. Creepy vibes.

  13. yipyip says:

    What in the wild, wild west is Blake wearing? Man that is Ugly!
    And Ryan appears to be wearing a ’50’s bowling shirt.

    Ryan and Blake are everywhere in 2024, I’m reaching burn out level.

    Hate that haircut on Travis.
    But, he is FIT, and at early ’30’s this is the best he’ll ever look. Hope he gets out of the NFL before serious injury.

  14. Truthiness says:

    Travis is shooting a tiny part in Adam Sandler’s Happy Gilmore 2, so the hair/mustache might be part of a plan to look some kind of goofy.

    • Monica says:

      Well he could’ve grown out a beard then just shave it the day of filming.

      • Truthiness says:

        Every year in training camp he grows a stache to mimic Coach Reid’s mustache. Like it’s a ‘get to work for Coach Reid’ state of being. It’s his “el Travador” persona. They’re 5-0 now so I doubt he’ll shave it or grow the beard til they lose.

        People are harping on what they view as a lack of attractiveness when Travis has said for a long time that he likes to make make people laugh with his looks. He definitely has different goals than the posters here. It certainly drives engagement.

      • Christine says:

        I’m with you, Truthiness, the more bonkers these people dress, the more I like them. I don’t need to see Travis in a slim cut suit with a basic skinny tie. I may be laughing, but you know what feels really good? Laughing. Bring out your craziest looks, I am definitely entertained!

      • Mandagora says:

        I suspect he’ll keep the mo and maybe the longer hair until after the quiz show he filmed a while ago airs, where he had short hair and a beard. He’s copped a bit of criticism for not being focused on football, and it makes it easier to point out no, he isn’t spending time every week filming the show when his hair/facial hair are completely different in a way that can’t be easily achieved in a day or so.

    • Jais says:

      I figured it was a superstitious beginning of the season thing. Didn’t he have a mustache or facial situation at the beginning of last season?

      • Sparky says:

        Travis did indeed have a moustache during training camp last year. He called himself El Travador. Kylie (Jason’s wife) was a guest on their podcast around that time and they asked her about the attractiveness of the ‘stache She stated he’d know that any person who would date him was attracted to his personality and not his looks. This was right around the start of the Kelce/Swift romance.

        Apparently, he does a “look” every year during training camp. I also figured he’s keeping this look until they lose their first game of this season. Football players are very superstitious.

        I agree with everyone that the women’s outfits don’t work. I’m not a fan of TK’s look either but he always seem to have fun with fashion and acts as though he’s in on the joke. Donna Kelce said she was temporarily disappointed that she didn’t have any girls until she realized that Travis was really into fashion and dance. (He’s been like this since childhood.)

        FTR, I’m a huge NFL fan and former denizen of Cleveland Heights (Kelce hometown) and thus a loyal viewer of the Kelces’s ‘s podcast. And I have lovely recall of meaningless trivia!

  15. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    The rip. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  16. Monica says:

    I honestly don’t care for Travis new look. I prefer the beard and the shaved head on him. I find it interesting that once he’s started dating her, his old appeal has dramatically changed. It like he trying to fit into the all american guy look now. I would bet money if they break up, the hair is gone and the beard is back within days.

    • Koots says:

      He kept the exact same look all last year during the football season. Mustache to beard when they lost and then grew the beard out long during the playoffs.

      He’s dressing the same as he always has, kinda funky and weird and it doesn’t always work, sometimes it does.

      The only thing that has changed is he’s growing out his buzzcut and it’s in an awkward stage. But he has had long hair before.

  17. Glamarazzi says:

    My mama always said, money don’t buy taste. Here’s the proof.

  18. Wordnerd says:

    Season 2 Travis is giving me the ick. The stache, the middle part…but I do enjoy his seemingly genuine love for fashion.

    Taylor’s corset and skirt are cute, but would love to see them paired with a cropped leather jacket or a blazer.

  19. Lisa says:

    all. I can think is Clowny Clown Clown
    someone get Taylor’s coat into witness protection, it deserves better

  20. Wls198 says:

    Taylor looks like she just came out of tjmaxx. Travis, I can’t get with his hair and face he looks like he’s doing this trying to please someone else. I do not like it at all. Just not a good look on him. The other two thought it was a dress up Halloween party.

  21. Aidee Kay says:

    What T.Swift is wearing is exactly what I thought would look amazingly cool in the 90s when I was a teenager. What Blake Lively is wearing would not have looked good to me, or anyone, in any decade. Serena van der Woodsen would never!!!

  22. sevenblue says:

    I don’t understand. Why is this hair not on the ad campaign of Blake? She literally took photos of her dry hair to sell hair products. Now, just for going to dinner, her hair looks great. I don’t understand what Blake is trying to do 😭😭😭

  23. K says:

    You know…Blake just strikes me as someone who could work a Victostreet steet lamp like nobody’s business.

  24. QuiteContrary says:

    Both of the outfits I saw Taylor wearing this weekend were tragic.
    She’s beautiful but her style is so erratic.

    Also, Kylie Kelce rules.

  25. Aroo says:

    Why does her hand scream “Mr. Burns”???

    • Abby says:

      I think she does it to show off her purse. This is a pose she used to do all the time in the 1989 NYC-living days. It’s giving me nostalgia.

  26. Jane says:

    What do they all talk to each other about? Movies? Football? Pop songs? Fashion?

    • Abby says:

      To be a fly on the wall! Taylor has been friends with Blake and Ryan for years and years, and I feel like Travis is the kind of guy that can make conversation with anyone.

  27. Abby says:

    My first thought was NOOOO because I’ve wanted this exact $4400 Dior saddle purse for years. Alas, I’d rather spend the money on an actual saddle. But one can hope! I am sure this will increase demand on this particular item.

    I think she looks cute, I’d wear this item.

    I have noticed in shopping lately how bustiers with a square neckline like the ones she has been wearing other than this one, are EVERYWHERE. Almost every store I went to in the mall last weekend (I know! haha) had them. I got one in preparation for a halloween costume and was actually amazed at how cute the look is on me. LOL

  28. Amy T says:

    Thank you all for these epic comments, which are true day brighteners. (Taylor’s coat totally deserved better.)

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