Duchess Meghan spoke about ‘being one of the most bullied people in the world’

Friday, October 11 was the International Day of the Girl. To celebrate, the Duchess of Sussex announced a new partnership between Archewell, Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation and Melinda French Gates’ Pivotal Ventures. The three charities/foundations are partnering to support Girls Inc and #HalfTheStory to “provide digital wellness programming for young girls in underserved communities across America through a program called Social Media U.” This is right up Meghan’s alley, and it would not surprise me at all if she was the one who put this whole partnership together.

To celebrate the new program, Meghan recently visited Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara “to engage with young girls about their experiences growing up in the digital age,” per sussex.com. Meghan met with girls in the program and talked with them one-on-one and in smaller groups. There are photos on sussex.com too (I’m including an IG with the pics). Meghan wore a J.Crew shirt, Ralph Lauren belt, Manolos and her Cartier watch.

During the session Meghan did in Santa Barbara, she spoke to the girls about what has happened to her since becoming a global celebrity. According to Larissa May, co-founder of #HalfTheStory, “We did an activity where we talked through a bunch of scenarios, and Meghan talked about being one of the most bullied people in the world. We had girls wave these little emoji signs and talk about how each one of these scenarios would have impacted them emotionally. We really wanted to make sure that the teens at #HalfTheStory were able to give their input on the type of experience that we would create. Ultimately, we thought the best way to do that was to create a space of vulnerability.” As you can imagine, this has people screaming and bullying Meghan, because she spoke about her own experience to little girls, in the hopes that her vulnerability would encourage the girls to speak about what negatively affects them.

Meghan and Archewell have been partnered with Girls Inc since 2021, although that partnership is rarely cited in the British media’s articles about how Harry and Meghan don’t have anything to do and no one important will work with them. Look at that – Archewell partnering with Melinda Gates and Oprah to empower little girls. Who would have thought.

Photos courtesy of Instar, Archewell/fan IG account.

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151 Responses to “Duchess Meghan spoke about ‘being one of the most bullied people in the world’”

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  1. Flowerlake says:

    She is so brave for doing this.
    Go Meghan!

    • Friendly Crow says:

      People enter into witness protection for a fraction of the dangers Meghan is in every single day.

      She has been inside one of the most powerful (I know, gag) and wealthiest families in the world and left. She is thriving and doing vital impactful work – showing their work to be useless and unimportant.

      Her daily existence is an existential threat to the belief that being born into xyz or as xyz makes you inherently better. Her existence is a threat to white supremacy, to anything supporting the patriarchy and to the way governments were run for centuries.

      You had better believe that she’s in danger and that she’s been bullied and targeted relentlessly.

  2. Bree says:

    This is just the best! Any efforts to empower girls will end up blessing us all. Go Team Meghan!

  3. Scottie says:

    Yes! She’s been bullied.

    She certainly has not been one of the most bullied in the world. Millions of women are sufffering daily abuse in the Middle East, and Africa, et al. Not to mention the daily abuse of a partner for decades.

    It’s just not true. Not the world.

    • goofpuff says:

      Don’t do that. Don’t put down other women’s experiences.

      We all know Meghan’s experience with cyberbullying has been extremely bad. She is one of the most cyberbullied women in the world. Her bullies use government officials, newspapers, online and paper, everywhere around the world they can to bully her. It is extreme and should be called out as extreme.

      • ML says:

        Thank you, GoofPuff!

        Scottie, Meghan has been cyberbullied, she was bullied by the media and her husband’s family, by her own family, received death threats….
        I’m really concerned about the way you negated her experience. Just because other people might be going through something terrible, doesn’t mean that you should make yourself small or negate what you’re going through because it’s “not as bad.” The message that comes across is that your experience is not important, you don’t matter as much.

      • Nlopez says:

        💯 Goofpuff! You are right! I read the British newspapers and they can’t resist a jab at Meghan, even if the story isn’t about her, they will find a way to get their petty comments across.

      • MissF says:

        Just read the hideous, toxic posts about Duchess Megan on Quora, and I think you will realise she’s horribly cyberbullied, frighteningly so.

      • L4Frimaire says:

        Goofpuff is 100% right on this. This isn’t just mean tweets and trolls but using an entire national media apparatus in a continuous years long campaign to attack and smear an individual woman. To want her to harm herself , to enlist her own family to denounce her. These are tactics that have been used by authoritarian states. I’m very serious. Who else had the guy from Top Gear write a column, not about cars or his little farm, but his desire to parade her through the streets naked to physically abuse her. This is known as stochastic terrorism and is very real. Media manipulation plays a very real part in real life violence. It is wrong to discredit and dismiss what Meghan has been put through or not see it as bigger than her experience because she’s pretty or privileged. Powerful people attack others they see as s threat to their power.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        Meghan is one of the most bullied women in the world. She has an institution that has thousands of years of absolute power and control – less in recent years – trying to break her in every single way, with every available tool at their disposal. What she has gone through and continues to go through is horrific and dangerous and wrong. Honestly – her and Harry’s continued abuse is super triggering for a lot of people who have escaped narcissistic abuse.

        Women and children around the world are subjected to the cruelest treatment and none of that is ok. Nor does it make Meghan’s experiences any less true or valid.

        Woman and children are collectively bullied by society. Men in some ways too. Its a very different beast for men, but still deeply harmful.

        Every time Meghan even pokes her head out, I am amazed at her ability to heal and to continue to do her incredibly important work in the face of such intense hatred and harassment.

      • Laine says:

        This is very true Goodpuff.

        One way that some people try to undermine support for Meghan and Harry is to say that Americans don’t get our royal family or the importance of the institution in British governance. Sorry my not so lovely loves and those who pore over M’s image and denigrate her to the point where they can’t even see that her freckles are still there when she tops up her sun kissed tan, Americans do get the difference between Royalty and Celebrity. This Brit, me, on Celebitchy is thankful the USA got rid of the institution hundreds of years ago. It was also Americans who first understood the toxicity that was and continues to be generated by KP, BP and the royalist media arm regarding Meghan and Harry once they left the UK. They are stalked online and in real life. This American woman who was outspoken, culturally aware of diversity, a feminist, an actress with a history of UN advocacy work and also charitable work going back to childhood never stood a chance against white, older supporters of the monarchy and those who see 1000s of years of an institution as being part of their own dna. It was they who led the charge to attack her.

        Nearly half a decade on two older, jaded and out of touch Mr Bean lookalikes matter less and less to an ethnically diverse nation. Indeed, not until Willy wakes up and sees just what their own machinations behind the scenes and their rewarding Knauf sparked will that institution be seen as in any way believable, honourable and reflective of real values. Recently, thousands of people marched on our streets to combat the racist riots. People now also speak online of the institutional racism due to both unconscious and conscious biases and we accept she was bullied in person and online. Denial does not wash any more.

        In truth as the Crowns begins to fade what we keep in a progressive world is genuineness and authentic humanitarian work. At the moment very few individuals in that family are seen as that. What too many of the ‘working’ royals do is use charities etc to bolster their ongoing position as arbiters of what is supposed to be tasteful and somehow righteous. Once the crown lost Meghan and Harry we were allowed to peak behind the curtain and I for one did not like what I saw. As the royals become global celebrities I continue to applaud their authentic purpose driven work.

        The fightback against the UK media and the royal rota that has a not so invisible contract with Charles, Camilla and William has in many respects restored my faith in humanity.

        Well done Kaiser for keeping it real.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I don’t think that’s the context in which she was referring. Millions of women do experience abuse all over the world on a daily basis, however, they also are not targeted by the media in several countries, the government specifically towards them, and an incredibly powerful family doing their best to ruin their financial, and personal security freedom. The fact that this comment said at an event has inspired numerous articles about how is not true filled with vitriol about how she’s such a terrible person ,liar, and attention seeker for even saying it proves her point.

      • tamsin says:

        Yes, @Dee (2), exactly right. The BM response is to bully Meghan, thus proving her point. And let’s not compare degrees of bullying (@Scottie)- any level and degree of bullying can have a detrimental effect on someone and harm them mentally and emotionally, and indeed end someone’s life. There are different kinds of bullying, and they are all bad. There are all types of bullying that are culltural and universal and and something the whole world needs to address. Meghan and these organizations are addressing one of them.

    • Julia says:

      I’m pretty sure the conversation was about public, online bullying. In this scenario she certainly is one of the most bullied people in the world. Of course there are women around the world who have suffered more than her but if we are talking sustained online abuse and abuse from the British media then not many people suffer from it as much as Meghan. Also remember we were not privy to the context of the conversation and this is not a direct quote from Meghan herself. There is no need to belittle her experience because other women are suffering.

    • Aurelius says:

      She’s certainly not one of the most physically abused people in the world. But having an entire nation’s press pick on you like it’s a sport (and have success in exporting that treatment to other nations as well) certainly puts her in the running for most bullied. They nearly drove her suicide for Pete’s sake.

      • SURE says:

        “But having an entire nation’s press pick on you like it’s a sport ” That extended internationally as I well recall seeing Camilla Tominey, Chris Ship etc regurgitating their anti-Meghan narratives on Australian breakfast TV. It still continues as we witnessed with the recent THR hit piece and it’s never ending on YT and social media.

    • TN Democrat says:

      The amount of media intrusion and threats to her safety are staggering. The British media has had a week long meltdown because she wore a sexy red dress with a loose hairstyle. She became a person the right wails and rails about and no one, even meteorologists and scientists, are safe from deranger hate. Remember the bizarre incident with the paparazzi chasing them in New York and how the winger media spun that despite Harry aŕy and Meghan having photographic evidence of what happened? She may not living in fear of daily, immediate physical violence like many many women in DV situations or living in extremist religious areas, but anyone who attracts attention from the wingnuts feels unsafe all the time.

    • Lynn says:

      She has been bullied over seven years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bullying and physical violence are two different things. Both are wrong.

    • Beth says:

      Good grief, Scottie! Context is key and the context is helping girls navigate and survive the digital landscape. Yep, ONLINE. No offence, but maybe suss out the background before jumping in next time?

    • Lau says:

      She’s been bullied for years and she’s still being bullied to this day, let’s not act as if there weren’t many proofs of that. Also she said she was “one” of the most bullied people in the world and not that she considered herself the first and only person to have ever been bullied. It’s not even a direct quote from her.

    • Julie says:

      Well. Conversation is about cyberbullying, Maybe, if you want to compare, you should look at it thru the lenses of cyberbullying. Otherwise, even if the issue you mention is important, your comment remains useless.

    • Alice B. Tokeless says:

      Scottie, what you are doing is called relative privation: stating that someone can’t be sad because others have it worse, is no different than saying someone can’t be happy because others have it better. It serves no one.

      • Shanta says:


      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Exactly @Alice B. The abuse of women around the world should not be ignored. The abuse towards Meghan by the BM/affiliates/BRF should not be ignored.

        I wish the abuse of women around the world. resulted in hundreds of articles everyday, like it happens to Meghan. Apparently, bashing Meghan, is more lucrative to certain media. Women are abused everday. The BM/affiiliates abuse/bully Meghan every day.

        Honestly, I need some evidence that Meghan hasn’t been bullied by the BM. Don’t recall one day or week they didn’t. Even when she wasn’t seen for months after stepping down, the articles were endless.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Scottie telling another woman her experience is not valid enough for you is a form of bullying. I would give serious thought to why you felt the need to minimize her experience and compare it to war crimes? Do you think little girls being bullied should also stay silent because being terrorized in middle school is not a war crime?

      • Nic919 says:

        This is exactly it. Most girls don’t get bullied physically but verbally and now through online sources, which is exactly what has been done to Meghan. Diminishing that experience is despicable.

      • Christine says:

        Perfectly said!

    • Harla says:

      To paraphrase something from Twitter “while Meghan will probably never read what you wrote, your 13 yr old niece or your 30 yr old neighbor will and will know that you’re not a safe person for them to come to for help.”

    • kirk says:

      @Scottie – Thank you so much for your pointless false equivalence. As to your assertion that “She certainly has not been one of the most bullied in the world” you have provided zero support for your position. Especially in the context of the story subject – HalfTheStory, whose mission is to “empower the next generation’s relationship with social media.” I would ask you to provide several examples of people who have been bullied more online to support your position, but I suspect you just want to troll.

    • Nic919 says:

      You just went and gaslit her personal experience (which has been documented for everyone to see) and in essence bullied her yourself.

      • MichaelaCat says:

        I don’t think there is anyone who has been cyberbullied like her (except maybe some female politicians).

        It’s not “just ” trolls and haters, but seems to be a whole apparatus dedicated to destroying her.

        And yes, sometimes someone gets cyberbullied as well for a month or so depending on what’s going on, but I’ve never seen anything like this comtinuing for years.

    • Bean says:

      Oh Scottie – you are wrong. She is by far one of the most bullied women on the planet. People in countries she has never been to write vitriol about her. People she has never met write vitriol about her. Her bullying was supported and encouraged by her own family. Yes, other women have been bullied but not on the scale she has. Her statement was 100% factual.

    • Proud Mary says:

      She’s speaking facts. A study from 2 or 3 years ago showed that she was the most trolled human on social media. Most of that trolling, I believe, is coming from one of the worlds greatest bullies, the British monarchy. You may not consider it excessive bullying for a woman to receive a torrent of hate media every times she breathes, but facts don’t care about your feelings. What is the British media’s treatment of her, including articles calling for excrement to be hurled at Meghan, if not bullying? Who in Britain (or anywhere in the world), other than Meghan, had a large media personality, Pierce Morgan, use a huge platform like Good Morning Britain to daily torment them? The Queen, herself, was seen publically flaunting her association with some of these very people. A British media personality, James (LBC host) , said as much when he emphasized that not even serial killers and rapists in Britain receive the level of abuse to which Meghan has been subject. None of the women you describe there have been subjected to bullying on an international scale, by some of the most powerful media sources in the world. I myself was a victim of abuse. I do not consider it an undermining of my experience, that another woman speaks about hers. When public figures like Meghan speak up about the abuse they suffer, they are speaking for all women, especially those who don’t have a voice or a platform.

    • bisynaptic says:

      She’s been at the receiving end of a years-long, coordinated campaign of hatred, spearheaded by the richest and most powerful people and institutions, in the world (the BRF, the British press, etc.)… so, yeah, she has been one of the most bullied people, in the world. It doesn’t take away from anyone else’s experience, to recognize that.

    • Jaded says:

      ORLY? The woman received legitimate death threats. She became suicidal. Not even the effing royal family protected her, Kate and William being the worst offenders. She was kicked out of her home, her security was taken away. Every damn tabloid and gutter reporters like Jeremy Clarkson (including Brit-friendly ones in the US owned by the likes of Murdoch, etc.) went on a hate rampage against her and still do. Yes other women and girls get bullied but it’s usually just immediate friends, family or spouse, especially if they’re in a repressive religion that denies women basic rights, but not the entire world. I’d suggest reading some of the violent, deranger comments on social media to open your eyes to the incomprehensible level of truly scary, sick and vile bullying she gets.

    • C says:

      I mean you could say that, but it’s not examining the crux of the matter which is that she does face disproportionate harassment for a public figure – people who hate her will even troll charities she’s worked with just for the affiliation and occasionally force them off social media.

      • windyriver says:

        “…she does face disproportionate harassment for a public figure.”

        For those who’ve forgotten, a reminder of what Meghan has gone through by people in a position to know (from the doc); and this was back when outsiders had more opportunity to harass her in person.

        From Tyler Perry (2020): “I had been at that house for many many many years. Across the canyon are all these other celebrities, and no one had seen an assault like this, with helicopters 24/7 and drones flying over.”

        From Steve Davies, even earlier (2016/17): “I was hired by NBC to take over the security for Meghan, and this has been the most intense situation with the media. I’ve worked with A-list celebrities before, high net worth families before. This blew the meter right out of the water.” And he goes into a great deal of detail about the evasive measures required to get through the media net and get Meghan home safely after a day’s shooting.

        The only thing that’s changed is the harassment/abuse/bullying became much more widespread online when it became harder to harass her in person. Though looking back at the situation in NYC not that long ago, the same actors are obviously prepared to take full advantage of any situation where they see a chance to get at her in person.

    • Ennie says:

      She has been cyberbullied by people from all around the world. That is a fact.

      She has been bullied by the media (reporters and institutions) of a whole as* country and many outlets run with that because it means clicks. That is a fact.

      Her family and friends have faced attacks from people and media for either standing up for her, or just for being related to her. That is a fact.

      Charity institutions have been attacked and bullied for daring to invite her, share a benevolet post about her, even some institutions have chosen to remain silent on donations or help she has gotten for them for fear of being bullied. That is a fact.

      She has been singled out and attacked. FOR THE SAME THINGS others in the royal family had done and gotten away with it, you name it, eating avocado, using non Neutral nail polish, crossing her ankles, wave from her car window, wear clothes, have children, wanting to work, being a divorcee married into the royal family, and a huge list of many other things. Fact.
      She may not live in a country in war, she might be a rich person with an equally famous husband who actially cares for her and they bit have means to get a good degree of security, but you cannot deny what it is.
      Children in my country can suffer from violence on the streets, we have a lot of problems, but that doesn’t mean that the issues of children in. The US, for example, with the danger of school shootings are nothing to worry about. All these are serious issues. One doesn’t diminish the other.
      Stop putting women down. Neither should happen.

    • Nicki says:

      @scottie — Sadly it is accurate. She has a torrent of hatred and abuse aimed at her every single day, There are Insta accounts, YouTube channels, and dozens of columnists devoted solely to smearing her. The comments sections in each of those are a cesspool of violence, racism, and misogyny. The bullying has become so accepted and mainstreatm, a British newspaper thought nothing of publishing a columnist’s fantasy about parading Meghan naked through the streets, simply because he dislikes her. So yeah, her take on it all seems spot-on.

      • Cassie says:

        I am elderly and have never seen anything like what Meghan has been going through .
        The smear campaign has just got worse and seems never ending .
        Watching it is quite traumatic and I don’t know how she manages to live with it .

        She will apparently never be forgiven for being the woman that Harry chose over the rotten monarchy .

        I hope I live long enough to see the Monarchy and Royal Rota implode and rot .
        Unfortunately I don’t think I will , it seems unending and getting more vicious .
        It is just so very cruel .

    • Terri says:

      You say so in your own words. One is abuse, one is bullying.

      One person’s trauma doesn’t overrule other trauma, it is still trauma.

    • Latine says:

      Scottie normally I would agree with you but the press has actually tried to incite violence against her. She actually needs security around the clock. They are trying to make it to where she has no career and no friends. They go after everyone around her. She can’t even properly hide because the press seems to have found out where they live.

      I would compare the Meghan situation to having an abusive cop spouse who is friends with everyone. I didn’t believe Meghan life was in danger until last year. I thought they were making up tabloid stories. No, like Jeremy c from top gear did, he actually tried to get her attacked. This is real. I think Meghan will have to wear a disguise if she ever wants to attempt to walk alone. Even then I believe the British press has someone assigned to her.

    • Advisor2U says:

      To Scottie up thread,

      Picture this: Imagine this happens to you: you’ve been experiencing the Meghan-like, worldwide bullying and harassment that she is experiencing since 8 years from the royal family she married into, her paternal family, and all media (television, radio, digital and in print, ten thousands of online outlets, through all social media platforms by hundreds of thousands of people), ….FOR JUST TWO WEEKS.

      Then come back here and tell us about your experiences – about the effects on your (mental) health, your personal safety, your job/work, friendship and (if you have any) your family (life). I so wonder.

      There was an online study published (I had bookmarked it, but can’t find it now), that said that in the year 2019, 1 year after she married into the British royal family, nearly 240,000 articles were written about Meghan in the British online/digital press/media – of which over 85% were negative and abusive, aimed at attacking her character. Meaning, ONLINE ONLY, not in print, or commentary given on every possible platform.
      Name me one person to which this happened to/applies.

      Regarding printed articles about Meghan in the UK (just one analyses of a view):

      There was a January 18, 2020 article in The Guardian that analysed 843 print articles in 14 UK newspapers between May 2018 and mid January 2020: it found that 43% of those 843 articles were negative, 36% were neutral and just 20% were positive.

      PS: This doesn’t mean that only 843 articles about Meghan were published in that time frame in print in UK papers. It only said, the ones they choose for the analyses.

  4. Mina_Esq says:

    It’s nice that she is contributing her experience to the conversation. It’s very princessy work. I don’t think she is one of the most bullied women in the world though. I think Kim K probably still has that badge. I would assume that VP Harris is also getting a lot of hate from the millions of MAGA idiots out there. They just don’t really talk about it because of the nature of their work. Just saying.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Kamala is VP and running for president so there is some expectation that she would be attracted so she should be excluded from this conversation. I would agree that Kim Kardashian used to be bullied but that seems to have died done now. I think there’s more grudging respect for what she does now. Meghan gets criticised for stepping out her house and the British establishment has encouraged the toxicity around her.

    • CindyP says:

      Kim K??? I don’t recall British tabloids harassing her on a daily basis.

    • PC says:

      I don’t think Kim K’s children have been compared to primates. I don’t think Kim K has been accused of making people cry. I don’t think Kim K’s charity work has been associated with terrorist groups. I don’t think Kim’s or Harris’ charities have been bombarded by vicious trolls, with their nasty comments, in an attempt to disassociate with them. I don’t think whole nations have been attacked by media because Kim or Harris has visited them. These are just a few of the examples of the hateful online and media abuse Meghan has endured. She is not far off the mark when she speaks of the amount of abuse she has received in the context of social media and the press..

    • Lynwall says:

      Please don’t equate being bullied in the US with being bullied across the world.

    • Beth says:

      Again, context is key and the context is helping girls navigate and survive the digital landscape. Yep, ONLINE. No offence, but maybe suss out the background before jumping in next time? Few, if any, encounter such a sustained (many years now), vitriolic, smear campaign on a global scale.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I would suggest this is part of the problem, in addition to the ease with which people can be so vile online–nobody is reading the context, they’re seeing the headlines & basing opinions on those & those alone. And heaven knows the DM & other British rags have perfected the hateful, misleading headline.

    • ABritGuest says:

      Meghan has experienced more than the usual misogyny, sexism & racism that high profile women of colour get. She has dedicated hate accounts who work in concert with national media to attack every aspect of her life, get businesses, foundation, her friends, associates etc. even owners of the hair salon she went to were targeted recently.

      every business, charity or school etc Meghan is associated with gets trolled. Kim k definitely doesn’t get that. Plus in addition to national press attacking Meghan & anyone associated with her, she has had uk ministers & MPs disparaging her as well as the US President on behalf of her in laws.

      The bullying & targeted harassment of Meghan is on another level

    • Yvette says:

      @Mina_Esq, who wrote: …”I don’t think she is one of the most bullied women in the world though. I think Kim K probably still has that badge. I would assume that VP Harris is also getting a lot of hate from the millions of MAGA idiots out there.”

      With all due respect, neither Kim Kardashian nor VP harris are in the same league as Meghan in regard to online and social media bullying. We’re talking about a woman who has 50 negative online media stories written about her daily in various countries–including Australia, Britain, Ireland, India, New Zealand, and more recently, the U.S.–in, it seems, a concerted effort not just to destroy her, but to destroy all chances of her building/living a life. This happens daily whether she is seen or hasn’t been heard from in 6-month. There are also the non-stop social media conspiracy theories about her children as well.

      I suspect that whatever online media bullying Kim K and VP Harris are enduring is mostly from U.S. outlets and really isn’t on the same International scale that Meghan endures.

    • Nic919 says:

      It is factually incorrect to say that Kim K has faced more bullying than Meghan. The most obvious reason is that Kim doesn’t have the entire UK press apparatus attack her every single day, which is what they still do to Meghan. That alone is enough to say with evidence that Meghan is the most bullied person in the world.

      I would recommend that you take a spin on social media and see how the bots are attacking Meghan for daring to say she is bullied and then do a little search on how often Kim K’ s name has been mentioned. You will see an objective difference.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I expect it doesn’t hurt that the Kardashians have cozied up to the Daily Mail these past few years, while Harry & Meghan have taken these b*stards to court.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Can you please explain why you believe a woman subjected to the level of cyber and media bullying that Meghan has been subjected to doesn’t make her on of the most bullied people in the world? Show me where Good Morning America had their host daily abuse and insult “Kim K”. Show me where any major US newspaper, the caliber of the Britain’s Sun, had their major columnist write multiple hateful articles about Kim, including one in which the columnist called for excrement to be hurled at Kim. Where is evidence that the US government has been involved in telling lies about Kim, and release a torrent of social media hate against her? VP Harris, like all public figures, especially a woman or black man seeking the highest public office, will get hate or even death threats. That’s nothing new. (Barack Obama received the most death threats of any US president in history). Unlike Meghan, however, VP Harris has the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA, for protection. I don’t mean to downplay the serious threat to anyone running for office, I think its rather disingenuous for you to use that to downplay the serious threat to Meghan life, that the media bullying has created.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Oh, and I came back to remind you that Kim K became famous for a sex tape, which she herself proudly promoted. Imagine what would have happened if that were Meghan? What do you think the same media that tried to pay a porn star to lie about his relationship with Meghan, would have done to her, upon discovering that she had created a porn tape? People like you try to make Kim out to be a victim, without acknowledging that she is a beneficiary of white privilege. I don’t know very many black women who would go on to have to level of influence Kim has, if they had created a sex tape.

      • Mina_Esq says:

        Because whilst we on this site are familiar with all the ins and outs of Meghan’s life and experience, it is a fact that most people in the world outside of the UK don’t really know much or care enough to bully her. Everyone knows and trashes Kim K. Is all I’m saying. Not taking away from her own experience but let’s not kid ourselves. She isn’t Beyonce.

      • Proud Mary says:

        20 million people watched the Oprah interview live on CBS, over 20 million on CBC, over 11 million on ITV. The YouTube channels and SM cites covering Harry and Meghan’s exit reached millions. Not to mention YouTube hate channels, some of which are hosted by American’s, that garner hundreds of thousands of views. What is your evidence that most people outside the UK don’t really know much or care enough to bully her? Every single public appearance of Meghan’s have been met with a torrent of worldwide trolling. This is a fact evidenced by Buzzfeed years ago. Again, what is your evidence that only people in the UK care to bully Meghan?

    • bisynaptic says:

      She’s been at the receiving end of a years-long, coordinated campaign of hatred and abuse, spearheaded by the richest and most powerful people and institutions, in the world (the BRF, the British press, etc.)… so, yeah, she has been *one* of the most bullied people, in the world. It doesn’t take away from anyone else’s experience, to recognize that. No one is talking about a badge.

    • Jaded says:

      @Mina_Esq — way to diminish her horrific experience by saying “It’s nice that she is contributing her experience to the conversation. It’s very princessy work” as if she was cutting ribbons and faffing around with “Ahly Yahs” pie charts. Her work is far from princessy, in fact she’s down in the trenches helping tormented women and girls, something a certain other princess would never sully her hands doing. And this partnership with the Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation and Melinda French Gates’ Pivotal Ventures is wayyyyy bigger than just a *conversation*, it will create a safe space for both bullies and their victims to learn about and discuss the effects of such damaging behaviour. Don’t forget kids often learn this stuff at home, so if understanding and tolerance can be instilled in them from an early age, maybe it can influence their parents or siblings on the emotional harm bullying causes.

    • Ennie says:

      It is not the same. Kim k doesn’t have the media from a whole country wagging a war against her, attacks that are sanctioned by a part of the establishment of said country. Her family and the institutions she relates to are not attacked for daring to post a picture or a text benevolent to her. She doesn’t have close relatives of her selling her to the wolves.

    • Christine says:

      Are you seriously, with a straight face, comparing a woman who has become a billionaire based on her decades long popular reality show, and the very successful businesses she has spun off from this fame, to Meghan, punching bag for the British media? A cursory glance at the headlines, every single day of the week, is all anyone should need to acknowledge that, yes, the bullying of Meghan Markle is unprecedented, and approaching a DECADE.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Mina, you lost me at “princessy work”. How so? Meghan has been doing these type of things prior to becoming a princess. Yikes.

    • Cara Aponti says:

      MinaEsq, your comment “princessy work” says a lot about you. Meghan is indeed one of the most bullied persons on line and in print. Bullying based on racism. Racism rampant in the UK, supported by the British Royal family. Hateful behaviors that is feeding the trolls on line. For God’s sake! Two men in the UK were charged and found guilty of wanting to hurt newborn Archie.

    • kirk says:

      “It’s very princessy work.”
      What is that supposed to mean?
      It’s giving very much tRump vibes, as in a “black job.”

  5. Libra says:

    They were discussing digital wellness and online experiences, so in this context she certainly is one of the most bullied people.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    Yes, she has been one of the most bullied people in the world and it’s good that she’s helping young girls.

  7. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    Are we really going to pick apart and quantify her bullying experience?

    • Amy Bee says:

      Unfortunately it would seem so.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I think Harry and Meghan are both very brave, Harry for taking on the media and refusing the bribes not to talk about phone hacking and Meghan for taking on the racists.

    • Carrie says:

      Unfortunately yes, because there are trolls Everywhere. Qwhite depressing.

    • Jais says:

      Apparently🙄. Just more proof that she’s speaking the truth. She absolutely is one of the most bullied women in the world. She is not even out there saying The most Bullied, just one of and now the haters are out here losing their minds. Turning it into a competition. No, so and so is more bullied. Please. Proving her point. Gaslighters and haters heard her say one of the most bullied and it was like a beacon light for them to crawl outta their holes.

      • Nic919 says:

        I would be hard pressed to find someone else with a whole country’s media target them daily like they do Meghan. That said she never said she was the most bullied person and still we get gaslighters trying to deny objective fact.

    • Nic919 says:

      Basically Meghan’s point was proved already, even on a site known to be pro Meghan. The bots and hate accounts are going wild on this too.

    • One of the marys says:

      Honestly I think we’re being trolled

      • BeanieBean says:

        I think that’s it. I’ve never seen a ‘Scottie’ comment before. Unfortunately, too many people pushed back rather than responding ‘troll’ and here we are.

    • Jaded says:

      Obviously the bullying continues here on CB by trolls denigrating her experience. But the clapbacks are golden.

  8. aquarius64 says:

    Meghan has been, and still is, one of the most bullied on line in the world. The digital landscape is what is the context. Sadly online harassment is one of the things that has driven young girls to despair and suicide. The BM is tossing a fit as usual showing the hit dogs are hollering.

    • sunny says:

      I love that she continues to work on this issue. This is a great partnership. Speaking to her experiences in order to empower others is wonderful and probably was difficult for her. I admire her for this a lot.

      Online bullying for this generation is horrific. Recently, the Guardian did a podcast series called Black Box that talked about how AI is reshaping society and had a truly disgusting episode about how AI is being used to create false nudes of teen girls and the Spanish town where this became an epidemic. It was eye opening to me as a millennial who is fairly tech savvy and aware. I had no idea about widespread the use of these technologies have been and how unregulated the industry is from a legal sense.

      I urge you to check it out.

  9. Yes she surly has/is being bullied on a daily basis. Good for her speaking to those girls about her experience being bullied.

  10. Sycamore says:

    First, we don’t know that Meghan herself claimed to be one of the most bullied people in the world, just that someone else described her that way.

    Regardless of who said it, going simply by volume of attackers, she’s certainly up there.

    I’m sure it’s a description she would desperately like to be rid of. But describing her this way doesn’t negate anyone else’s lived experience, especially as she is standing in solidarity with other victims. She’s “one of” them.

    • slippers4life says:

      Came here to say exactly this. Also invalidating a person’s experience by trying to make comparisons is also bullying and retraumatizing.

      If you hate Meghan and want to focus on statistically analyzing who on planet earth is indeed to most bullied person, as operationally defined in the literature, just know the message you’re sending to the vulnerable child watching you is that when they are cyber bullied; when they are getting hurt; when they are feeling depressed and suicidal, that YOU are not a safe person to come to for help.

      Meghan will likely never see the “whatabout” comment crap, but the vulnerable people in your personal life definitely will.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • Christine says:

      I agree, Meghan is using her pain to get the conversation started for girls. It’s brave, and the fact that trolls are sticking their heads up to punch her down yet again is all the proof I need. Do you feel the ground under your feet beginning to shake, because you all sound threatened that more and more people are recognizing the truth, and most importantly, speaking out on Meghan’s behalf.

  11. Dawn says:

    I just love your podcast

  12. sasatea says:

    Are people not understanding the difference between “One of the most” vs “the only one”, where is she saying that she’s the only woman getting bullied? These comments prove her point, some of you are so weird

    • s808 says:

      This! “ONE OF” is very key here and it seems people aren’t comprehending that.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        The efforts to minimize the organized vitriol and dangerous trolling directed at Meghan just proves how insidious that campaign of hatred is.
        It’s downplayed so it can persist. Because, hey, other people are bullied, too, so Meghan shouldn’t complain, right? Even if it’s led to actual threats against her and her children.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Certainly in the mainstream British gutter press she is bullied more than anyone else.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      These people absolutely know they are trying to downplay and misrepresent the nature of the abuse they heap upon M because they really have no way of switching tack or even just shutting up. Suggesting that it’s offensive to discuss her situation in this manner is a continuation of this crown sponsored bullying too. Very occasionally random posters complain that Squad members should ‘move on like H&M’ or ‘stop dwelling in the negativity’. Some lament that CB reports on all this stuff and whine that this site should not cover the stories in the tabloids even as this site’s structure hasn’t changed at all since its inception. They do understand that keeping tabs on what the BM do in real time denies them a way of pretending they aren’t guilty. They just want the scrutiny to stop but it won’t. They want the right to sweep all of their malfeasance under a rug but they can’t. The feeble way they try to suggest these are decadent first world problems compared to ‘true suffering’ is just a continuation of the same bullying. It’s gaslighting and trying to distance themselves from their culpability.

      • Dee(2) says:

        This is a fantastic point, not even just in relation to Meghan’s situation but people trying to distance themselves from behavior that they know is wrong. If you can tell yourself that it’s just a comment on YouTube video, or just liking a tweet, or just resharing something on Facebook but you haven’t said anything racist, homophobic, or misogynistic then you’re not really a ” bad” person. Taking a step back and acknowledging that you contributed to the problem and that you’re not as innocent as you would like to believe it’s too difficult and would make you have to admit some uncomfortable truths about the type of person you really are. So you have to minimize what the person went through, or say that other people had it worse, or ask why people can’t just focus on the positive and are always wanting to talk about the” past” and negativity.

      • bisynaptic says:


    • Nic919 says:

      I think there is an argument that she is currently the most bullied, but she never said that herself. And there are hundreds of hater accounts on Twitter and you tube and IG that profit from attacking Meghan every day. A tweet from a few years back said that hating Meghan Markle is a billion dollar industry and it remains true to this day.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Yes, It was independent journalist Ben Ryan that shared that information on how hating on Madame Duchess was a billion dollar industry. BM/affiliates and deranger accounts. Seeing some of the X/twitter accounts, it’s obvious.

        Meghan is bullied to this day by these miscreants. Unlike derangers/bots/whoever, I have never messaged a patronage/charity/organization the WanK’s support saying vile things. That anyone does that to charities/organizations/people that Meghan or M&H are involved with is devoid of humanity.

        Keep on keeping on Meghan. You are valued with your work and strength.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Opening your own car door is one of the many ridiculous articles written by the BM in the bullying campaign against Meghan. How dare she!!!lol

        So many things, of all the things and how the RR’s operate.

        Camilla T. in the after Oprah interview and her deer in the headlights lying expression and then her response to Meghan having a baby girl. paraphrasing, “to be be fair, that’s nice/lovely”. Really, to be fair is your “unbiased” response? A**hole bullying.

    • cincin says:

      It’s like after the engagement interview, when her very reasonable “I didn’t know MUCH about Prince Harry” got twisted into “Oh, I didn’t know who Prince Harry was AT ALL!”
      Everything about her gets constantly misquoted, it’s exhausting.

  13. wolfmamma says:

    Yes she is. And read the article from Minnie Driver below .. about the British thinking she was too ambitious. Another intelligent, caring woman. And Taylor .. bullied after donating 5 million..
    it’s about being a strong woman, a black woman, and all of that. Anywhere.

  14. Tessa says:

    Spreading fake stories about Meghan goes on each day on dm and other venues. The name calling is vile and the same bots wish divorce on the sussexes each day.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      Not only do they spread big lies, but small lies that insinuate the worst things. For example, today on X someone brought up the Australian tour when Meghan made banana bread. They said Meghan had a team of cooks make several breads that she chose from. Utterly ridiculous and nonsense but now that is out there to make her look like she’s lying and demanding. We’re smart enough to know it’s ridiculous but this is deliberate misinformation being put out there to undermine her. This was brought up in the Harry and Meghan documentary, how they take something as mundane as eating avocados and turn it into her supporting terrorism. This is online manipulation and one of the issues she brought up with these girls.

  15. Tessa says:

    Meghan was slammed from the first time she was seen with harry. The UK royals never bothered to put an end to it. The dm comments even had a petition to stop the wedding.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed. The “Harry’s girl is (almost) straight outta Compton” was published a week BEFORE Harry confirmed they were dating. That article was the beginning of the dehumanization of Meghan, and it has never slowed.

  16. MsIam says:

    This woman speaking to a girls group or holding her husband’s hand or trying to start a business can generate a hundred articles about why that’s so terrible or she’s so terrible. Its unbelievable. Its not even taking into consideration the comments from online trolls, the YouTube hate/gossip channels, etc. And yes women facing domestic abuse is horrible no one is denying that. But what is happening to Meghan is a money making industry based on abusing and dehumanizing one woman because she and her husband said “no”. She’s not a politician, she’s not some multinational CEO, she just someone who married into a toxic cult. And if all her glamour and status doesn’t protect her from this, imagine how vulnerable the rest of us are? And if you think ” Well she should have known or she asked for this” then you are sick af.

  17. Bumblebee says:

    Sigh…arguing over who’s the most bullied. Trust me, Meghan would happily give up that title, but her bullies will never give up theirs.

  18. Walking the Walk says:

    Geez. Some of the comments. Yes she was cyber bullied and she said ONE of the not the top bullied person ever. Good grief.

  19. Pinkosaurus says:

    I’m sure the crap british tabloids will prove her point by running endless negative articles for years citing unnamed “royal insiders” stating that nobody ever has bullied Meghan and she’s just paranoid, self-centered and a terrible person who deserves it.

  20. Nanea says:

    It’s not only Meghan being bullied in cyberspace, or in the press, or by parts of her family, or by the majority of her in-law relatives. Or threatened by people IRL who’ve since found themselves in jail.

    It’s the whole amalgamation of press, politicians, public figures, hate accounts, message boards, forums that not only bully, lie, libel Meghan (and Harry and their kids) — but they also bully the charities with their imagined reasoning, and the way these people demand accountability, and sums, and proof.

    It’s beyond disturbing and disgusting to me as an onlooker

    • sueinorleans says:

      So much this. I ended up a major Meghan and Harry fan because I was on a message board that had a thread devoted to the Royals (this was meant to be all royals) and it rapidly devolved into a thread devoted to hating Meghan for, basically, getting out of bed every day and living. I had never seem such constant, unrelenting hate, Anyone out there who can visit this site and not realize that Meghan is very much one of the most cyberbullied women in the world right now isn’t paying attention. I have so much sympathy for this woman and I am sure she is worried about what’s going to happen when her children, especially her daughter, get old enough for the BM and the hate accounts etc have them in their sights.

      • Nic919 says:

        I saw the change in many places where the topic was royal anything. It got ugly fast when Meghan arrived and well before anything like the fake crying story came out.

      • sunnyside up says:

        If the children are ever going to live normal lives, they will have to keep very low profiles and even that may not be enough. They have both been racially abused by readers of the Express already.

  21. Joanne says:

    I have no doubt the Meghan is one of the most bullied on line people in the world. On Twitter, I’m amazed at the vitriol and hate directed at a woman that none of the poster have ever met or had their lives affected by anything she did. Meghan merely exists and that’s enough to cause thousands, if not hundreds of thousands articles disparaging her. She holds no power over anyone other than her living her life the way she wants and that is enough to spawn the hate accounts. Nothing she says or does should result in this incredible shaming of a woman for merely being alive. So many accounts from middle aged and old women who proudly proclaim their christianity and then call Meghan the most cruel names and pray for the break up of her marriage. I’ve never seen this level of hate directed at a person that anyone who has actually met her has not a bad word to say. People who’ve worked with her, socialized with her and have had casual interactions all say how lovely she is. It’s baffling that so many demonize her.

    • Tessa says:

      The derangers are always referencing veteran Meghan critics like bower and Campbell and wring their hands over tom markle and how he sent Meghan to private schools

  22. Tessa says:

    The daily fail even resurrected yesterday the old story which was debunked at how Meghan announced her first pregnancy at Eugenie wedding. And the wedding was 6 years ago.

    • sueinorleans says:

      They are also still fixated on Harry and Meghan’s wedding and who was and wasn’t invited and why. Anytime they need a headline we can be sure that will run some breathless “it is being said…” screed about friendless Meghan who blah blah blah. Ugh.

    • Nic919 says:

      Yes I saw that. Even with Eugenie associating with Harry and Meghan years later and being one of the only ones to do so, they still try to pretend Meghan grabbed a mike and highjacked the wedding.

  23. yipyip says:

    I hate to say this but MM is never going to be left alone by the garbage press.
    She sells clicks and mags.
    PR will keep it up forever, $$.

    • sueinorleans says:

      And hate sells. If they suddenly changed their tune (which will never happen) they wouldn’t get the clicks and the likes etc, and they know it.

  24. Anonymous says:


    • sueinorleans says:

      She had her 15 minutes of attention and hate but does anyone talk about her anymore? With Meghan this has been going on for years with no end in sight. At this point it’s beyond ridiculous. She could literally cure cancer and the haters would say “sure but what about diabetes, you can tell she doesn’t care”.

      • BeanieBean says:

        She could literally cure cancer and the haters would say “sure but what about diabetes, you can tell she doesn’t care”. EXACTLY!!

    • Interested Gawker says:

      This is another gambit I notice recently, that any public figure or private gaining notoriety in the public eye is ‘the same as what happened to Meghan’ and thus minimize M’s experience. I don’t think this will be successful, there’s just too many examples of what the BRF and BM created around the Sussexes to do that. Even the push back we’re seeing in the usual suspects’ reaction to a modest event discussing the toxic aspects of digital culture is a continuation of the self same smear campaign. The Sussexes have an entire country’s media apparatus extending internationally to achieve ONE. GOAL. At it’s most basic level this vicious bullying of Meghan is a plank in a campaign to claw Harry back into the control of ‘The Firm’ and each month this fails in its aim stacks up more and more evidence, not only of the smear campaign but ongoing attempts to minimize and deny what they have done even as they continue.

      The BRF, KP and the BM funnel mountains of money and resources to lie, defame, insult and attack M to this degree, extend it purposefully to harassment of any organizations and individuals M interacts with and let this propaganda, stochastic terrorism and character assassination grow to dangerous levels as a sort of background radiation to encourage negative feelings towards her with no cessation to date -they are still facilitating this and it isn’t even their main preoccupation. This entire situation is just an offshoot of their plan to manipulate H back ininto their clutches. That’s how much the BRF dehumanize her and her children. That’s how much they’ve built an entire alternative universe declaring how ‘awful and controversial’ M is to kick away the fact that the BM and BRF did wrong and don’t want the reckoning to occur.

      The truth will out.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • Pink tutu says:

      Who on earth is octomom?

      You bots and trolls are try hard today. I’ve noticed many more trolls here this last week.

      Whoever that person is, there isn’t a world wide 50 plus daily lying / bullying campaign about her that’s gone on for 7 years.

      Meghan is clearly THE most lied about and bullied person on the internet. That’s not even a question (even though she didn’t say that).

      • Jais says:

        Okay, I’m laughing now. I know who octomum is but I’m still not even sure the point of saying her name. Just stating octomum doesn’t disprove Megan saying she is one of most bullied people in the world. I’m really truly laughing right now. The reach. Not to discount any bullying octomum may have had but like and? Sadly, more than one woman has been bullied in the world.

    • Ennie says:

      False. That lady did what she did what year? Ah, 2009. The internet is not what it was 15 years ago, there is not an easy turn off when the whole information apparatus is through the internet now, when there is social media, which was hardly as pervasive as 15 years ago. Stop it.

  25. Saucy&Sassy says:

    We can always count on the bm and trolls/bots to continue to bully someone when said bullying is brought to the attention of the world. The bm doesn’t care what their reputation is worldwide. I believe as H&M continue to be more successful with their philanthropy they’ll continue to spout crap. The more they do it, the more msm worldwide understands what the bm is. So, there’s the only positive.

    The trolls/bots must be paid well. The trolls who are doing this for their own personal enjoyment (I suspect) won’t be able to continue much longer into the future. I think sm is going to get cleaned up in the not too distant future.

    People who are trying to belittle Meghan’s experience need to take a good look at themselves in the mirror and compare yourselves to the other trolls. Do you like the comparison?

  26. therese says:

    Meghan said she was ONE of the most bullied people in the world, not THE most bullied. And it is a true statement, and she has the right to say it. From the Bully’s handbook, it says that the person being bullied also does not have the right to say she/he is being bullied. It says that the bullied person has to curl in a ball and take it, and they can’t call out their abusers, because the abusers want to think they are exemplary, lovely, upstanding people (while being vile). And besides, people are getting rich off her. Also, comparisons are odious. I think what is happening to her is a cyber crime, a universal crime, a hate crime.

  27. sevenblue says:

    I lol’ed at the comments about how she isn’t ONE of the most bullied people in the world. Ok then, tell me whose relatives are invited to one of the biggest morning shows in UK or USA in order to trash their name a couple of times a year. Meghan is bullied, not because she holds an office or leads critical institutions (like SpaceX, twitter), but just for marrying a white Prince. The other person who was similar to her in this way was Diana. Remember what happened to her?

  28. Over it says:

    Meghan makes me love her even more, respect the heck out her even more, admire the strong courageous, giving woman she is even more. And hurt for her and the suffering she continues to endure at the hands of the world media, especially the British ones and the Windsors and their clan hands. I hope one day soon, people will let this woman just be. Be a friend, a mom, a wife,a daughter. Just let her be . She so deserves it.

  29. Sueinorleans says:

    I guess people can nitpick over what bullied means but surely there is no one who can deny she is one of the most hated figures on the Internet? Or are the deniers also going to claim otherwise?

    • Pink tutu says:

      There are bots and trolls who bully her daily claiming otherwise.

      • sueinorleans says:

        Not surprising to me. I had someone comment to me awhile ago something along the lines of “Poor Harry stuck with that crazy wife” and when I challenged them to explain what they meant by “crazy” they absolutely had no idea. This was not someone at all interested in the royal family or celebrities. They had just picked up random comments from god knows where and jumped to this conclusion. It’s insidious. But sure, she’s not being bullied and no one hates her…

      • sunnyside up says:

        Unfortunately people tend to believe what they read, brainwashing works.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      It’s certainly true that M the most attacked, bullied and unjustly vilified public figures on the internet. I actually do deny she’s ‘the most hated’. She is the ongoing recipient of an entirely inorganic international character assassination campaign rather than being any true measure of the general public’s actual opinion of her online and even an argument to be made that the behaviour of this cabal against the Sussexes is actually unsettlingly casual in its sociopathy because so much of it is a conscious put on by bad actors. I don’t even think these participants ‘hate’ her so much as wage war on the back of an ideal of supporting the status quo, gain money for pushing content from these bot farms/grifting You Tube advert money to encourage bad feelings and give a certain small segment of real people to give her reputation a kicking as a sort of state sponsored sport, a more toxic version of talking of the weather in service to the BRF/BM goals.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Neither Meghan, nor Sueinorleans said that Meghan is “the most hated.” One of the most bullied — Meghan. One of the most hated — Sueinorleans. Even you are not disagreeing with either statement.

      • therese says:

        Hear, hear!!

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I suppose it’s just a subtle distinction, too subtle perhaps? My argument is the online ‘hatred’ has such inorganic origins and goal oriented malice aforthought as to be something else entirely and apart from ‘being one of the most hated’ in truth. I don’t see that as splitting hairs because it keeps the perpetrators fully in the frame; that I am in broad agreement, yes, but that *is* a difference to my way of thinking.

  30. otaku fairy says:

    She’s going to get so much crap for whoever said this on behalf, because when women acknowledge how badly they’ve been treated- or even if somebody else points out how badly a woman has been treated- there’s always got to be someone who says “don’t make her out to be an aggrieved victim of bigotry” or “don’t play the victim.” It reminds me of how, when people started acknowledging how badly Britney was treated by the public, other women got accused of taking from Britney by acknowledging their own or other women’s experiences . Most women are actually afraid of ‘playing the victim’. All of this pressure on women to not come across as “victimy” or to suffer in silence comes from fear of change, and I suspect that it’s part of how we create ‘Cool Girls’ and ‘Pick Me Girls’. On some level, people know that the way certain people have been treated over the years is fucked up, but they don’t want to take a critical look at themselves, those whom they’ve held up as ‘funny, truth-telling realists’, or their favorite spaces in the media.

    • sevenblue says:

      The thing is, she isn’t even “playing the victim” here. She is sharing her experience with young girls in a safe setting, so they can also share their own experience. We have a multi-part doc showing all the online troll campaigns organized against her. People who contradict her are probably the same people bullying her online.

    • Proud Mary says:

      What’s new here? It’s always worst to speak up against hate, than is to be a hater. In Britain in particular, abject racism is never as bad as speaking up against racism — just read MLK Jr.’s letter from Birmingham jail. There will always be folks out there who tell the victim to “go slow,” don’t rock the boat. You know, just wait. I recall some royalist (Charles’ cousin I think) now living in the US, saying that Meghan should have just taken the abuse, because someday, some other poor soul would have married into the family and the media would have turned to hating that person. First, never mind that multiple white men had married into that family after Meghan, but never received in a mild level of criticism. But I just find it so vile, how some can be so callous about other’s pain. I recall listening to a radio talk host (whom I do like), saying years ago that instead of going to the courts, African Americans should have just waited another 13 years and segregation would have magically ended. Forgive me, but I think a major element separating us from wild beasts, is our ability to express empathy for other’s pain. But I guess I’m must naïve.

  31. HeatherC says:

    For anyone who doesn’t believe that Meghan is one of the most bullied people in the world….watch over the next week.

    The media is going to open a floodgates, social media will be even more disgusting, all dissecting a sentence and putting their own evil spin on it.

    Watch as the BM and other BRF mouthpieces and internet trolls bully her even more ferociously. This is going to be worse to witness than Meghan wore a beautiful red dress and left her house.

    She’s proving her point without even trying, or meaning to.