Prince George apparently dreams of having a pizza-making career

There’s been such a shift in the past decade, where there are all of these family-friendly food shows and cooking competition shows which are easy for kids to watch and follow. Here in America, there are several TV cooking competitions with kid chefs. I loathe most cooking-competition shows, but I’ll always watch the kids’ shows, because everyone makes such a wonderful effort to treat the kids gently and really not stress them out too much. Well, I would be willing to bet that Prince George loves cooking shows, because he was apparently really jazzed to see a wood-fired pizza oven at a 17th century manor home.

Prince George will not be expected to serve in the Armed Forces before becoming King, breaking centuries of tradition, The Mail on Sunday reported last year. You may, however, bump into him at your local pizza parlour, if the young royal has his way.

For a Norfolk landowner tells me that the Prince and Princess of Wales’s son was so excited to visit the restaurant at his 17th century manor home that he declared he saw his future working in the kitchen.

Desmond MacCarthy, who owns Wiveton Hall Cafe, near Blakeney, says that when George was shown the wood-fired pizza oven, the 11-year-old exclaimed: ‘That’s what I want to do when I grow up!’

MacCarthy, who featured in the 2016 BBC Two fly-on-the-wall documentary series Normal For Norfolk, about his struggles to maintain his estate, says of George: ‘He was a sweet boy – they start to become less appealing as they grow up.’

George visited the restaurant with his mother, Catherine, and others. ‘They came here with their friends, because Sandringham isn’t that far away,’ MacCarthy says, referring to King Charles’s rural retreat, where Prince William and Catherine have a holiday home, Anmer Hall.

[From The Daily Mail]

Does George want to run a pizza parlor? Or does he want to be a chef, or does he just want to make pizzas for himself? It feels like such a new thing too, where there are so many kids (boys and girls) who are getting really into cooking and baking. They see it on social media too, all of the cooking videos. Anyway, it sounds like a perfectly normal interest for George. More normal than giving him flying lessons and scuba diving lessons.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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76 Responses to “Prince George apparently dreams of having a pizza-making career”

  1. Amy T says:

    As someone who dreams of a backyard Ooni, it’s a lovely surprise to discover that Prince George and I have something real to bond over…

  2. ML says:

    Getting kids interested in cooking by having them (help) prepare their favorite food is a great way to teach them a very necessary skill. Pizza is great because if you make personal-sized ones, each kid can make their favorite.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Honestly – I don’t think this happened.

      I think that this guy wanted promotion for his restaurant and – seeing how many stories out there aren’t refuted – put out a super family friendly positive one to promote his business and make the Wales look good, know that will bring positive attention as well.

      • Latine says:

        I immediately didn’t think it happened. I even looked up the guy to get a feel for him. I believe he can tell a tall tale.

        I think the press made this up or the guy made this up because no one believed (or the backlash) of the scuba pilot story.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Me, neither. And if it did happen, I’m having a hard time figuring out when. The guy was featured in documentary in 2016, eight whole years ago. Catherine’s supposedly been out of commission for this entire past year, but she’s been taking the kid’s to this guy’s manor house restaurant for pizza? So, camped out at Anmer for the past year for her ‘recovery’, but zipping down the road with the kids for pizza? And how is it that only George is interested? I know my brother & I loved watching the pizza makers toss that dough in the air & stretch it out, etc.

    • Lau says:

      Also getting them interested in cooking will make them want to eat more diverse food, it’s way too difficult to get children to eat their vegetables.

  3. Cheshire sass says:

    He’s a kid, that’s adorable – I hope no one is soul crushing his fantasies, saying NO you will be king someday… He can be king (if his father doesn’t bring the whole monarchy down in flames) and still make his pizzas! Maybe he’ll use the coals from the burned institution to make his pizzas!

  4. Tessa says:

    I doubt George will be excused from serving in the military. That said he may not have to since there could be a republic

    • seaflower says:

      He’ll have some desk bound or highly protected role.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      I mean, he could just refuse to volunteer. There no doubt will be heavy pressure on him because it’s tradition that royals decide to enlist, but they can’t force him to enlist. It’s not like we have mandatory military service or anything, he can just decline to volunteer.

    • Hannah1 says:

      He can negotiate to join if he can have a role as a cook?

      A royal Ratatouille!!

  5. Amy Bee says:

    I’m going to bet George has never been to a Pizza Express.

  6. Nanea says:

    So when can we expect to see George working at the Woking Pizza Express?

  7. Tessa says:

    George already has been treated as more special. He’s the only one his father spends one on one time with at sports events

  8. Libra says:

    I’m curious as to why no military service was decided for George. It would be good training for anything he should choose in life.

    • UnstrungPearl says:

      Maybe it’s that he has a real choice, and not automatically expected to serve? Let’s be real, some of the RF were totally unsuited for the military!

    • Christine says:

      They are afraid military service will produce another Harry. The military taught Harry the value of true service and hard work.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      It’s because of Harry. They lost control of Harry when he joined the army and fully mingled with people who didn’t treat him as if he was special. He was just Wales.

      Harry learned how differently other people live and their struggles and he met that with an open mind, heart bad compassion. They can’t risk that with George.

      • booboocita says:

        IIRC, there was a profile of Andrew in which it was written that when he joined the navy and was introduced to his superior officer, he said, “Hello, you can call me Andrew,” and the officer tersely replied, “And you can call me sir.” Put Randy Andy in his place with a quickness. If joining the armed forces helps a man or woman get over him/herself, it certainly didn’t do so for Andrew.

        I honestly believe that Harry was helped by the army because he wanted to be helped, and acknowledged that he needed structure and discipline. Harry also wanted to belong to something bigger than himself. I don’t know what George wants, and at his age, I doubt George knows. But if he were to join the armed services, I hope he would be receptive to all that the services would offer.

      • Nic919 says:

        George would never get the same “normal” military service experience as Harry did anyway. He will get the version William and Charles got and it certainly did not make William a better person.

  9. sunnyside up says:

    Poor kid, not allowed to choose what he does with his life.

    • Libra says:

      You’re right. From the moment of conception he had his life planned out for him. Future king. The heir. Right or wrong, very little choice.

      • Robert Phillips says:

        But unlike his father and mother. George might take advantage of all that. And actually learn in school and study things he could use as King if he becomes the King. Or he could study things he actually likes. So that as King he wouldn’t just be sitting around getting drunk. Like it appears his dad is doing.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        Exactly. I dislike Charles, but he knew he likely wouldn’t become king till old age and he set out to do things with his life: he pursued his passion for organic gardening and organic farming (at a time when people thought anything organic or natural was crackpot hippie stuff) and turned it into an incredibly successful commercial venture. He founded the Price of Wales Trust. He’s done things and accomplished things.

        William has done nothing and seems to have no passions or interests.

        Hopefully George will recognise that he won’t become king till old age and possibly never, and actually use his privilege in at least something of a meaningful way.

    • Tessa says:

      George won’t be on the front lines. William wasn’t. I hope he does not get made to order work like that air ambulance corps where William skipped shifts

  10. UnstrungPearl says:

    Rooting for George to abdicate and open a pizza restaurant!

  11. Mina_Esq says:

    They should just abolish the monarchy and free both George and his dad from this terrible burden with which they were born. Let them live out their middle-class dreams.
    I just can’t with these stories anymore, even if they involve a kid.

  12. It’s nice to have dreams but in his family he probably won’t be able to fulfill his dreams. He is the heir and will have to do whatever that requires.

  13. Mia4s says:

    Oh I’m sorry little guy; because England insists on clinging to an outdated, antiquated, and long-since-outlived-its-use birthright monarchy, you don’t get to have your own dreams. You will do as you’re told. Now smile and wave at the crowds of adults who have come out to stare at you.

    Seriously, enough. Call it a day on this nonsense and let the little guy go open a chain of pizza restaurants.

  14. SarahCS says:

    There was a documentary series called Normal for Norfolk???

    My friend has been a social worker there for 25 years and years ago explained that ‘NFN’ was a shorthand they used amongst themselves for some of the more unusual things they came across in their work.

  15. aquarius64 says:

    I don’t see how George gets out of military service when he turns 18, given as sovereign he would be commander in chief of the UK armed forces. In the US the CiC is the president and he/she is not required to serve. Is KP laying the ground work for the British military not to flyback salute to a future king G7 because he never put on the uniform?

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      It’s just an honorary title, the British monarch is not expected or required to serve. The Windsors created a tradition of serving but that’s a hangover from WWII, plenty of British monarchs never did military service.

  16. Inge says:

    Abolish The Monarchy and let him be free to choose what he wants to be.

  17. Chaine says:

    Lucky that he has no choice and must be a king instead, otherwise I would foresee another Brooklyn Beckham in the making.

  18. Kristen from MA says:

    William wanted to be a firefighter when he was little. Fast forward to a work shy 42-year old. I doubt that his parents will instill a strong work ethic in him.

  19. olliesmom says:

    That’s cute. No, you will be king so that will be your little hobby.

    Like grandpa Charles has his gardening and great grandma Liz had her horses and dogs.

    Does your dad have any hobbies??????

    If you have been born one of the spares like your two siblings (and uncle Harry) that would be a different story. You can be whatever you want.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      Yeah, at least he has a hobby. The weirdest thing about Will and Kate is that neither seem to have any hobbies or interests that they’re passionate about. Kate is somewhat sporty and into sailing and tennis but not that much (anyone with any genuine interest in tennis would jump at the chance of free Wimbledon tickets, but Kate isn’t interested in anything except the hugely high profile matches like the Men’s Final), and we’re told she was into photography and that obviously went brilliantly. William genuinely doesn’t seem to have a single hobby or interest.

      • Chrissy says:

        I guess watching football could be considered his hobby. He even travel to other countries to watch his faves lose.

      • Blujfly says:

        If you read between the lines, Keen Kate has been taking adult piano lessons, adult drawing lessons, adult painting lessons. She sketched the church on pippa’s wedding program. We also saw the Eurovision performance and the Christmas performance. She dabbles like a Victorian. William, truly seems to do nothing.

      • Dee says:

        Tennis is one of their expensive hobbies. Remember how they had the tennis courts at Anmer moved a couple of feet. New court cost $60K

      • Tessa says:

        Kate hits a few chords she can’t play the piano.

  20. Missskitttin says:

    Flying lessons are super normal too these days

  21. Tennyson says:

    When did he say that? No dates are given. For all we know, he blurted out this when he was 5. Moreover, he has already been told he will be king at least 2 years ago.
    These articles are basically to endear him in the public opinion. Heaven forbids his siblings were more talked of.

    • Nic919 says:

      All these stories about George are to create a para social relationship so that people feel they have known him from the start and so when he takes over as monarch as gets the free millions and all the lands and estates that don’t pay property tax and he avoids income tax, it is harder for the general public to want to overturn the system and get rid of him.

      The royals have been doing this for generations and the British public are suckers for it.

      William got this coverage too and while he is not the cute kid anymore, he still benefits from being Diana’s son in many segments of the population. Which permits him to continue to be lazy and keep getting all the benefits given to the heir of the monarch.

      • Tessa says:

        Maybe some Diana fans were turned off by William calling his mother paranoid and censoring the Bashir interview. And driving out his own brother And Sister in law.

  22. Sue says:

    My mother was a culinary teacher to high school students (in a vocational school). When Top Chef and the Food Network got popular over a decade ago (Maybe close to 20 years ago now?), she had more and more kids come into her classroom who were interested in cooking. It was great. So it’s not a brand new trend, but still an encouraging thing to see! And so great that those kids had those skills when they graduated, so they could find a job right away whether they went on to college or not.

    Maybe when George is king, he’ll abolish his own monarchy so he can realize his dream of running a pizzeria. 😉

    • Meredith says:

      The monarchy can’t just abolish itself— dozens of constitutions world wide are built around the monarch being head of state and it would leave them all without a functioning constitution or system of governance. Despite The king being a figurehead, the existence of a monarch is still essential.

      • Christine says:

        What would happen if no one in the line of succession wanted to be monarch? I realize this is not the current case, but seriously, what would happen?

  23. Dee says:

    Wherever they are, that’s what the kids are interested in. Visit the ballet? Charlotte loves the ballet. Go to a play? The kids are budding actors. It’s the only small talk that these fools know how to make.

    • Nic919 says:

      Interesting the article only mentions that kate was at the restaurant with the kids. Most families dine together with both parents when they go to restaurants. It’s not like William has a busy job that prevents him from doing this.

      • Jais says:

        Yep. Caught that. Interesting. It shouldn’t be a big deal really. It’s pretty normal for kids to go out with just one parent while the other one works. But this is the Wales.

  24. Harla says:

    Who’s going to break it to George that his parents are so lazy that he’ll need to start taking on full-time royal duties at 18-21? Of course, the changes that WandK plan on implementing for the monarchy pretty much ensures that “full-time royals” are a thing of the past.

    Why isn’t George going into the armed services? Will WandK throw every royal tradition out the window and winnow the monarchy down to nothing but false platitudes and shiny baubles? Don’t bother to answer that question, the answer is quite obvious.

    • Nic919 says:

      If George skips military service and then refuses to wear any medals then sure why not. But he won’t and so the medals on his chest will be even more chocolate based than before. William and Charles served in the most protected way but have ranks they never earned. George will instead be a bigger joke like Edward.

      It’s dumb parenting to set that up in the public at this point. He’s not even old enough to enlist as an officer.

      Meanwhile the heir to the Spanish throne, a woman, is doing military training and crown princess Victoria is doing military training right now.

    • Unblinkered says:

      An announcement like that so early that George won’t be expected to serve in the UK Armed Forces is odd, however you try to explain it.

      Perhaps instead of Sandhurst at 18 or 21, W&K (& Carol) have decided on something unusual? And it was announced last year as G will be starting down that route sooner rather than later?

  25. Steph says:

    ‘He was a sweet boy – they start to become less appealing as they grow up.’

    What does this sentence mean? It makes no sense in that paragraph or with the rest of the article. Are they just randomly throwing in that a little kid is not appealing? Wtf?!

    • ncboudicca says:

      I’m wondering the same thing? What a weird thing to say! It could be a sly way of saying that adult Royals aren’t appealing or possibly jerks; or maybe that the Windsors start as cute kids and morph into homely adults; or maybe just saying little kids are cute but teens are jerks…could be anything LOL

    • Meredith says:

      I read that as shade directed towards the adults in the family.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Steph, I wonder if this happened a few years ago rather than recently.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I thought this was just an old fart statement. Probably can’t stand kids, as he sells pizza to them & their parents.

  26. QuiteContrary says:

    Wait until George and Charlotte and Louis find out someday that they have this super-cool aunt and uncle and cousins in America who are free to make their own choices about their careers.

    • Chrissy says:

      …..and don’t have to shake hands with total strangers if they don’t want to.

    • Nanea says:

      I don’t have any hopes for the 3 Wales kids, as I think their minds are irrevocably poisoned against all Sussexes.

      Their mom was, after all, the person who had “concerns” about the color of the then still unborn Archie.

      Who lied to the press about a bridesmaids’s dress fitting that happened shortly before H&M’s wedding, so people to this day still believe that Meghan made Kate and Charlotte cry. One of the biggest factors in that whole *Meghan is a bully* bullying that Meghan has to endure to this day.

      We all saw how Kate almost yanked Louis away *in front of cameras* from Meghan and little Archie at that polo event when Archie was only a few weeks old.

      We all know how their father called his mother, their own grandmother, paranoid and how he took bribes from Murdoch in order to make things go away, but was willing and still continues to snitch, even lie, about every single thing, especially the positive ones, that Harry and Meghan have ever done or the legacy projects they have created.

      And we all know how the “famous by default” Middletonedeafs are the best people to ever stumble into the palaces.

    • Jais says:

      Oh I’m pretty sure the wales kids are already aware of Harry and his family. For one, they had to be told not to interact with Meghan at the funeral. We have pictures of that. Two, they’ve probably heard their cousins speak about them. I think maybe some of the cousin’s attended Lili’s birthday during the jubilee. For sure, the Phillips and Tindall girls interacted with Meghan during the jubilee bc we have that cute pic of Meghan with them in the window wearing that stylish hat. So I’m sure they’re aware. I shudder to think what all they’ve heard from the adults around them.

  27. Meredith says:

    Being a chef is way better than being king.

    Poor kid doesn’t know he’s stuck.

  28. yipyip says:

    I really wish the PR would leave the Big 3 alone.

  29. Square2 says:

    Dear George,

    Considering who your father is & how rich he is, it’s quite easily to achieve your dream. Have him build (order) an outdoor brick wood-fired pizza oven for you at one of your (many) homes, then you can make as many pizza as you like. After all, you are The Heir, the future (future) King.

    • Blujfly says:

      Exactly. Keen Kate will probably have a pizza oven put in in Norfolk. His parents spend hundreds of thousands a year on their hobbies. Scuba equipment. Scuba vacations. Sailing. Sailing vacations. Adult watercolor/art/sketch/piano for Kate. Personal trainers for both. Skiing. Skiing equipment. Skiing vacations. Beekeeping. William owns upwards of 10 different motorbikes. Polo. Tennis. Tennis memberships. Tennis equipment. Tennis lessons. And this is just what we know of.

  30. bisynaptic says:

    “He was a sweet boy – they start to become less appealing as they grow up.” — 😂

    • aftershocks says:

      😳🤔💡 His Dad was charming and handsome in his youth, rocking Diana’s good looks with a full head of hair. Sadly, he became balding, tight-jawed and ‘incandescent with rage,’ thus vastly less appealing when he grew up. 🫣🤭

      Hopefully, George will not get his reported wish to be ‘just like’ his father.

  31. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    I think deliberately screwing your child’s life is a Windsor prerogative

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