The Windsors have not disclosed their official or unofficial gifts in four years

It’s been well-known for decades, if not centuries, that the British monarch gets to keep all of the gifts they receive from friends, world leaders, despots and everyone else. Many of the jewels in the Royal Collection were “gifted” to the Windsors, and the Windsors obviously never pay taxes on any of those gifts, no matter how lavish. Something shifted when then-Prince Charles married Camilla, and Camilla received and accepted millions in jewelry from Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern kingdoms and emirates. Suddenly, people had concerns and the Windsors were supposed to disclose the gifts they received annually. For the past four years, no disclosures have been made, according to Richard Palmer writing for the Guardian.

King Charles and his family have failed to reveal their official gifts for the past four years, despite previously promising to publish an annual list. Palace officials have blamed the pandemic, the change of reign, and then planning for last year’s coronation for their inability to publish details of the gifts received by members of the royal family.

The royal family’s reticence follows controversy over a cash-for-honours scandal involving the king’s main charitable foundation, which led to a police investigation that was dropped last year without a full explanation from either Scotland Yard or the Crown Prosecution Service. It also comes after revelations that Charles, when he was Prince of Wales, accepted £2.6m in cash in bags from a Qatari politician for another of his charities, the Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund.

But unlike MPs, who have to register gifts, donations and hospitality, there is no public register of interests for members of the royal family. Instead, they act on the advice of their private secretaries in deciding what to declare. Annual gift lists were introduced after media criticism of attempts by the royal household to conceal the origin of lavish jewellery given to Queen Camilla by a Saudi royal in 2006 and worn by her on an official visit to the US in 2007.

The last annual list, detailing official gifts received by all working members of the royal family in 2019, was published in April 2020 but since then there has been nothing, apart from the occasional description of an exchange of presents during a state visit or pictures when they are given gifts during an engagement.

Over the years, the annual list has led to controversy, such as in 2012 when it emerged that the king of Bahrain and his country’s prime minister had given a “suite of jewels” to Prince Edward’s wife, Sophie, while facing criticism over human rights abuses. But many presents, including sensitive ones, were often concealed, even though official gifts are not the personal property of the royals and are in effect accepted on behalf of the nation.

Saudi Arabia’s controversial crown prince Mohammed bin Salman gave the Duchess of Sussex a £500,000 pair of diamond chandelier earrings as a wedding present in 2018. In October that year Meghan wore them at a state banquet in Fiji only a few days after the crown prince was accused of ordering the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. But when journalists asked where she got them, palace officials said they were “borrowed”. She wore them again that November at a Buckingham Palace dinner to celebrate the then Prince Charles’s 70th birthday. It was only in March 2021, shortly before the Duke and Duchess of Sussex gave a controversial television interview to Oprah Winfrey, that their true provenance was leaked.

The Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate, chose not to release a list of any gifts they had received at their wedding in 2011. Only a handful of official gifts received by Queen Elizabeth for her platinum jubilee in 2022 were disclosed and it is not clear what, if any, were given to King Charles and Queen Camilla to mark their coronation.

[From The Guardian]

Re: the earrings from MBS – once again, the earrings were given to the royal family. Then-Prince Charles and Prince William met with MBS just a couple of months before the Sussexes’ wedding in 2018. When Meghan said they were “borrowed,” she was telling the truth. The earrings were borrowed from the Royal Collection. They were “given” to her by Angela Kelly, QEII’s dresser, as a set-up. Ask the palace where the earrings are now and whether MBS’s “gift” is sitting in some palace vault. Throw in the fact that no one knows whether William and Kate are also accepting suitcases full of cash, bags of jewelry or tons of free sh-t from Apple, everyone’s being pretty selective in their outrage.


Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red, Instar.

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27 Responses to “The Windsors have not disclosed their official or unofficial gifts in four years”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Snubbed by the Aussies…lol. Not my king, down with the crown!

    • Kingston says:

      @Anonymous….LOL…my sentiments exactly!



      So what the fuck happened to chucky and gladys who have the titles to end all titles and still, they are dissed……………….by their very own serfs!

      So…………..does that mean the titles…………………arent……………………….enough!??


  2. Ariel says:

    I’m kidding here – but do modern revolutions *have* to be bloodless.
    I know the former queen had decades of tradition and visibility and was part of people’s lives in a sentimental way – but how are these born rich inbreds anything but grifters- taking money from the wealthy for favors AND fleecing citizens with their “royal grant” and security coverage.
    To quote the queen of hearts – off with their heads.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    I’m sure the late Queen got a lot of gifts for her Platinum Jubilee. The least the Royal Family could do is declare those items. Richard Palmer spends a lot of time on those earrings that were loaned to Meghan but doesn’t explain that jewels belong to the Royal Family.

    • MsIam says:

      Weren’t those two white horses gifts for her Jubilee? Charles probably sold those off, I wonder where the money went? Another “donation” for his foundation perhaps?

  4. Lady Esther says:

    Richard Palmer, as in the Richard Palmer formerly of the Express? Royal rota who early on claimed that he reported on the royals “without fear or favor” and then went on to specifically target the Sussexes? who grovellingly recanted when he reported that William publicly made idiotic and offensive remarks about war being “alien” in Europe?

    The one who recently got canned by the Express? THAT Richard Palmer?

    Wow, there is no way for white men to fail except upwards, is there?

    • SarahCS says:

      (assuming it is indeed the same guy) I read this at the weekend and the inclusion of a reference to Meghan’s earrings makes a lot more sense now I know who the author is.

      • Lily says:

        If i remember correctly those earrings where from the collection the Queen got as a gift, it was not what Meghan got it was the Queens yet they wrote every time she got it as a weddinggift

  5. Whatever happened to the very expensive necklace Can’t was the last to wear that never was put back into the vault. They are shady as hell with the “gifts” received.

    • Nanea says:

      The Nizam of Hyderabad necklace that Kate was the last person to wear publicly and that has gone missing since, is worth more than $80 million. It was made by Cartier for QEII’s wedding.

      It’s not the only piece of jewelry that has inexplicably gone missing from the vault of the Royal Collection, but the most valuable one.

      To bad Palmolive couldn’t be bothered to enquire after that one…

    • Mayp says:

      For the umpteenth time, that necklace is not “missing” nor does it belong in the Royal Collection. That necklace and every bit of jewelry the Queen and other Royals received before the laws changed in the ’90s are their personal property.

      It should be worrisome for the Brits now though if the Royals are not reporting their gifts because how else would one prove what belongs to the State and what belongs to a royal family member? The then Cambridges, since their wedding, would not report items in detail. They would say, for example, three necklaces received on a royal tour but does that include the emerald and diamond necklace that Kate received? Did she get that on the Indonesian tour? Is that not her personal property? Who’s to know!?!

      I think they’re doing this on purpose so they can claim any extravagant gifts as their own.

  6. Dee(2) says:

    I can’t believe this guy is writing for the Guardian and just solidifies my belief that they have the same issues as the rest of the BM just with an intelligentsia flourish. That being said I see they continue to act as if the Sussexes are the criminals and the others issues with hiding money and nefarious acquisition of items, are just mentioned as an aside. I’d like to know where the earrings MBS gave are now as well? In a vault or broken down into a more ” palatable” piece of jewelry?

  7. Noor says:

    Richard Palmer just woke up and filed this report after he is employed by the Guardian newspaper.

  8. Proud Mary says:

    Palmolive, that Harry and Meghan hater who was fired from the trashy Express, now works for the so-called liberal Guardian? Wow.

  9. sunnyside up says:

    I thought it was weird a whole paragraph about the earrings for Meghan?? then just one line for the fact that William and Kate declared nothing. Disappointed with the Guardian, it is just the sort of thing that I would expect from the Mail or Express.

  10. garrity says:

    Seeing that older picture of Charles with roses in his cheeks really brings home how poorly he looks these days. He used to have quite the pink complexion, and now it’s all ashes.

  11. Lady Digby says:

    Loads of anger over Labour PM accepting gifts and donations which he has to declare. I newspaper printed a letter last week asking whether FK pays for his own football box seats for himself and entourage?? The late Queen was held in high esteem but the age of deference is long gone. They should be held accountable and transparent about their finances and any freebies they receive. FK mooching through life at every body else’s expense isn’t going to be tolerated when he becomes King and fails to turn up on a regular basis.

  12. Darkwing Duck says:

    The story doesn’t read to me like an like it’s attacking Meghan but complaining about the family in general and incidentally illustrating the double standard of which she and Harry are subject? (That was also my main takeaway from that Daily Beast article which I didn’t think was trying to defend the behaviour of Andrew and Margaret but was saying that they were far more horrible to staff than Meghan was accused of being and yet never subjected to an investigation into their bullying).

    The Guardian piece makes it pretty clear that information about the earrings, which would have remained secret for any other member of the family, was leaked out of revenge for the Oprah interview. This is an example of being fed to the wolves, Palmer didn’t have to remind us of the timeline but he did?

    This feels like a good reminder that republicans (which I think the Guardian sees itself as representing) are not on the same side as Harry and Meghan supporters. Supporting Harry actually means navigating a delicate a path of saying the monarchy is a great and necessary institution but that its’ relationship with the UK media is bad and needs revising, and William, Kate, Charles and Camilla are misguided and have been mislead…

    • Noor says:

      the problem of biased reportings on the Harry and Meghsn still remains as the average reader would not be able to catch these nuances.

  13. QuiteContrary says:

    The left-behind royals are so corrupt. How are British taxpayers OK with this?

  14. Square2 says:

    So the purpose of Dicky’s article was to bash Duchess Meghan & he choose the Guardian to run it. This is one of the reasons I never subscribe or donate to the Guardian; its editors pretend to be better than other tabloid BM but ever so often they allow these racists’ columns or opinion pieces to be published. Besides Bylines, there is no other BM deserved reader’s support.

  15. yipyip says:

    Let’s see the wills of the BRF!
    Did you know the royal wills are sealed from the public for 100 years after death?

    The unholy amount of wealth hoarding!

  16. Lady Digby says:

    Late Queen asked for 2 pricey racehorses to be given to her as a gift from Germany during her 1978 state visit it was revealed last year. They were astonished at her greed according to official records because they were expecting to make a token gift. After all don’t the RF exchange joke gifts at Xmas or is that because they are too cheap to buy proper gifts but expect largesse from others? It really is outrageous how they mooch through life expecting others to pick up the bills, gift them huge presents only to receive a photo of Royal personage in return and have the gall to expect we peasants to be grateful!!

    • yipyip says:

      Everyone in my house has been unwell for 10 days.
      Thankfully, I still have room on my credit card for the decongestant my-daughters insurance refuses to pay for $40.
      And everyone knows someone in this situation, yet the wealth hoarders carry on.
      Filthy swine, all of them.

      • Mayp says:

        Hard agree @yipyip and all my best wishes to you and yours for speedy and complete recoveries!

        PS, try Fenagreek as a decongestant. Just get the seeds, pretty inexpensive, and make a tea out of it (I do about one tablespoon for 10 to 12 oz). Steep for five to seven minutes and that will clear your sinuses!

    • Sid says:

      Lady Digby, I had no idea about the horses. Wow. How tacky and gauche to request something like that. And great point about the Christmas gag gifts versus expecting outsiders to spend big on you. The BRF is a 1,000 year long scam.

  17. Lady Digby says:
    Queenie has THE Best taste in horses and expected to have Germany pay for the absolute best: no wonder this was kept secret for 45 years! What will Chuck and Can expect Australia to gift them as a memento of their unforgettable state visit, a solid gold boomerang encrusted with rubies perhaps?

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