Mail: Duchess Meghan’s red dress is as iconic as Princess Diana’s ‘revenge dress’!

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Can you believe that those people are STILL talking about the Duchess of Sussex’s red dress at the LA Children’s Hospital gala two weekends ago? For real. To be fair, this Mail piece which we’re about to discuss came out on the one-week anniversary of The Dress Which Brought Down a Nation. Hopefully, they spent one full week screaming, crying and throwing up about Meghan looking hot and now they can move on? What am I saying, of course they won’t move on. They’re still going to be talking about Meghan in this dress years from now. Meghan’s red dress has now acquired the kind of iconic status reserved for Princess Diana’s “revenge dress.”

She famously idolised Diana when she was growing up, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that when the moment came for Meghan to relaunch herself last week, she seemingly turned to her late mother-in-law’s playbook, and chose a dress that spoke a thousand words. Namely, a flesh-flashing red number, with a distinctly unregal thigh-high split.

After a stream of disobliging headlines – Meghan was recently accused of being a martinet of a boss who ‘reduced grown men to tears’, as well as enduring the status of her marriage to Harry being questioned in several, varying US publications – Meghan has apparently decided to hit back against the haters.

According to one Californian source, she’s done so with a spectacular ‘revenge dress’, rather like that figure-hugging black number Diana famously wore to London’s Serpentine Gallery after Charles confessed to adultery on television, and she launched her own new independent public life. Wearing a revamped version of a Carolina Herrera dress she had previously worn with Harry to a red-carpet event, Meghan held all eyes – certainly the audacious split hadn’t been so obvious when the dress had a train.

That Californian source told me: ‘The belief is that this red dress is Meghan’s version of Diana’s revenge dress. Physically this looks like a new Meghan, as if she is moving on towards a new chapter. Some feel it’s no accident.’

Indeed, Meghan’s whole look was different: her hallmark teetering shoes were open-toed, and her hair – usually in a tight and polished bun for such events – was in loose waves. She seems to have been leaning hard into a ‘funky young mom’ vibe, thus moving away from the ‘Duchess Difficult’ allegations about her management style, which had dominated the headlines the previous week. This gorgeous creature, with her freckled shoulders and cute curls could not, surely, be a mean boss? (Indeed, employees of hers then went out of their way to publicly praise her ‘kindness’ in an article for People magazine that was seen as an attempt to redress the unfavourable article in the Hollywood Reporter.)

This, then, is Meghan at a pivotal point in her life outside the Royal Family: as she posed alone for the cameras at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles 2024 Gala on Saturday night, she looked more like the Hollywood star she’s always wanted to be, rather than a member of The Firm. Job done, one might say.

[From The Daily Mail]

The thing about Diana’s revenge dress is that she timed everything perfectly and the message was perfectly clear: Diana looked sexy and vivacious on the same night her husband confessed to his long-standing affair with Camilla, a woman Diana called “the Rottweiler.” The comparison with Meghan is that… she’s getting revenge on the Windsors? Revenge on the courtiers who smeared her as “duchess difficult?” Who is the target of Meghan’s revenge? This reminds me of something I’ve mentioned before – British commentators have zero imagination and their inability to place Harry and Meghan within a historical framework has caused a lot of malfunctioning royalists. They’re out here comparing Harry to King Edward VIII and Meghan is being compared to Diana.

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93 Responses to “Mail: Duchess Meghan’s red dress is as iconic as Princess Diana’s ‘revenge dress’!”

  1. Dee(2) says:

    They can’t even get basic details correct, the article was in US not People Magazine. She ” famously” idolized Diana? When did she say that? And what US publications questioned the state of her marriage? And who is she getting revenge on? Harry? The press? The Windsor’s? What did this dress do to them? I’m not getting why they’re freaking out like this, is it something new I’m missing because this is an overreaction from people known from overreacting.

    • Christine says:

      Meghan never famously idolized Diana, these sewer rats are spinning a new narrative in order to segue into their intended insult about Meghan being a “funky young mom”. They are two seconds away from saying she looks like she smells like “patchouli oil and weed” a la Giuliani Rancic’s racist comments about Zendaya.

      • Jais says:

        Yeah, funky young mom was such a weird phrase.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        The ones who “famously idolized Diana” were Ma Middleton and *her* mother, who was also a big Queen Mum fan. Their paired obsession with royalty and “rising up” led to them grooming Kate for William. She didn’t have to be perfect, she didn’t have to have any of the attributes that made Diana a success; she just had to be the Last Woman Standing so that William would reluctantly drag her unpadded arse to the altar.

        Speaking of which… where’s Big Blue these days, Kate? Is it in a pile in the corner of your dressing room under the Nizam of Hyderabad necklace and other assorted loot from ME leaders and Apple product boxes?

        Their royal reporting is as much fanfic as their royal tax returns…

      • aftershocks says:

        Exactly! 💯 Meghan was born on August 4, 1981, six days after the royal wedding of Charles & Diana. In no way did Meghan grow up ‘idolizing’ Diana. Perhaps she learned about Diana in passing in her school curriculum, or maybe in popular magazines of the early 1990s, as a pre-teen. I seriously doubt Meghan was at all preoccupied with Diana, though. Just as she is now, Meghan has always been active, productive, and fully engaged in her own life and in community advocacy and personal growth through the pursuit of knowledge and via giving back to others. She knew little and cared less about the British monarchy.

        More likely, it was Meghan’s mother, Doria, a contemporary of Diana’s, who would have admired the Lady Diana (later PofW) who came onto the popular culture scene during the early 1980s, when Doria was in her 20s, about four years older than Diana. And that’s ‘admired’ from afar, not ‘idolized.’

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s actually kind of hilarious, really. Meghan isn’t relaunching anything, she wasn’t posing alone for the cameras and she’d already countered the “bad boss” claims. All she did was attend a charity function for an organization she already supports, while wearing a dress we’ve already seen. But at least they acknowledged she’s gorgeous.

      • Jais says:

        All of this 💯

      • B says:

        Exactly @Eurydice! Brit Media have their marching orders and can’t just write that Meghan is gorgeous and cover her attendance, charity work and fashion choices CHLA. They have to bash her and link her to the forgotten left behinds royals so they can get some shine.

        Meghan has already said in her engagement interview and the H&M doc she didn’t know the royals. She’s also never mentioned them after the Oprah interview because to her they are just in-laws to avoid. Yet the British media insist on trying to link her to those people and do it in the most farfetched way possible. Meghan rewore a dress in a different way to a Children’s Hospital charity gala that she supports. She’s not thinking about them.

      • nutella toast says:

        I think she just wanted to look good and feel comfortable (and red is absolutely her color)…I think that’s it. They’ve turned a delicious meal into 10 days of leftovers. So. weird.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ The other glaring part of this, though, is the fact that this dress is NOT new. It is re-fashioned and taken in from the original gorgeous Carolina Herrera gown with the train that Meghan wore to the Intrepid Awards in November 2021, when she was still carrying her glorious, nurturing ‘Lili Diana’ baby weight. 😍

        Honestly, Meghan’s selection of this re-fashioned red stunner is evidence of her savvy, smart, and frugal fashion sense. Simplicity and chic elegance to the max! As always. This time with an edgy, youthful, ‘fresh from the beach’ vibe. ⛱️ 💃

        Meghan is blessed, busy, booked, and unbothered. Her mind is not one that has ever dwelled on ‘revenge.’ She courageously acts with a fierce and caring sense of justice, not revenge. That kind of thinking is not part of her classy, kind character. Plus, sartorial matters are positive, not negative for Meghan.

    • Boo says:

      I’m pretty sure there are photos out there of various Diana biographies on her bookshelves, long before she met Harry, but it’s a big leap to say she idolised her.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        There was a cottage industry of fake ‘Meghan Markle youth’ photos with royal emphemera stuck in them, those photos out there aren’t genuine.

  2. Roo says:

    Please. She’s not thinking of Salty Island at all. This isn’t a revenge dress because she gives you no space in her head. She moved on years ago, carried on with her life and is focused on her family and doing good in the world. She is happy and healthy and glowing. They desperately WISH it were a revenge dress because it would give them some relevance.

    • Pink lady 💗 says:

      Meghan got few hours away from a kids to support her friend and a cause she cares about. She decided to leave her hair down, put on little make-up, found a dress in her closet that works. 2 weeks later, 20 research papers written, investigation launched. LMAO. Only a boss like her. Mama deserves more time off.

  3. Or could it be she just wore a beautiful red dress, that was altered from wearing at a different event, to an event that required her to dress formally. They would never think of that. No they have to make it into something it’s not. How many articles have they done on this red dress?

    • Amy Bee says:

      The funny thing is the dress wasn’t altered or upcycled. Meghan just wore the dress without the train which is removable.

      • Oops sorry. Didn’t realize it was just a train that detached. My bad for using altered even though altered can be used to describe.

      • Amy Bee says:

        The dress can be worn two ways. How about that? She’s basically wearing the same dress.

      • How about we agree to it’s just a beautiful red dress that she wore to a formal event and stop with the was it altered or wasn’t it altered.

      • ChillBill says:

        Why are we treating “alter” like a bad word? Does it really matter? Literally no one normal cares about a person chaning the style of a dress.

      • aftershocks says:

        Looking closely at the original gown, it is evident that the puffy sides and train were sewn in at the waist seam that surrounds the center column skirt. The center column was definitely taken in to fit Meghan’s current slimmer frame. This truly is not the big deal that it’s being made of. 🤦‍♀️

        Oops, the above ‘Anonymous’ comment was mine, too. I thought it had disappeared.

  4. MsIam says:

    Whatever. They are just jealous because there’s no glamour coming from the Left-Behinds anytime soon. I dare Crocmilla to show up in a red dress like this, although I wouldn’t put it past her to try. She did try and copy Diana’s “revenge” look.

  5. s808 says:

    I don’t think M had the same mindset at all but I guess the comparison is being drawn (to me) because of both women’s demeanor post royal life. Both gorgeous women whose already great auras reached new heights after escaping the institution. M especially looks so much happier. I love that for her, truly. But that is a threat to the rest of them, of course they see it a ‘revenge’

    • Tessa says:

      Meghan and harry and their children escaped the institution. Diana left by herself as a divorcee.

      • HeatherC says:

        Except poor Diana never really escaped did she? She really couldn’t…her two minor children still belonged to the institution.

  6. Mel says:

    Dear Lord, who thought repurposing an expensive dress instead of getting another one would cause such a mass clutching of pearls. Is it a sin to wear open toed shoes? These people are weird.

  7. Neeve says:

    Never heard Meghan idolizing Diana ,they must have her confused with Kate who had Williams poster in her room.

  8. aquarius64 says:

    Meghan’s re-wear of the Carolina Herrera (minus the train) made international headlines. This has to irk KP, especially Kate, because the cancer stricken PoW is suppose to be dominating the news cycles. Kate’s reappearance with William to see the grieving Southpoint families barely in the news half a day. Same with the cancer stricken teenager who took photos of an investiture ceremony.

    • Julia says:

      KP and the media have overplayed the ‘Kate’s first….since cancer diagnosis’ narrative. Especially since most normal people have to carry with life during serious illness. The public is losing interest.

    • ecsmom says:

      I came here to say the same thing. Since when is a repeat dress from over 2 years ago… “Physically this looks like a new Meghan, as if she is moving on towards a new chapter. “

  9. Amy Bee says:

    When did Meghan say she idolized Diana? This article is just delusional and unhinged. The British press are unable to talk about Meghan (and Harry) in terms that are based in reality. As Kaiser says who is Meghan supposed to be getting revenge on by wearing a dress she’s worn before?

  10. PC says:

    Ooo! They big mad! LOL! Tell me how jealous you are that Meghan got all this worldwide attention, without tell8ng me.

  11. Afken says:

    “She famously idolised Diana growing up” well no actually. And also these people cannot accept that they are not Meghan’s audience. She’s not checking for them! 5 years on and they STILL think HER world revolves around their acceptance or non-acceptance of her.

  12. Kristen from MA says:

    If they want to talk about an “unregal, thigh-high slit,” I’d point them in the direction of Kate exiting the car when the Koreans came for a state visit.

    • Interested Gawker says:


    • Joanne says:

      I’m still trying to figure out how Kate did that. It’s so unnatural to get out with your left leg leading. Did she fold her right leg underneath her? Why would she even attempt it? So many questions.

      • Harla says:

        I’ve wondered too, since Kate’s red dress was almost middy-length how on earth did she manage to get thigh-high? Did she hike it up as she was getting ready to exit the car??

      • Unblinkered says:

        It backfired on her, it was a truly bizarre look.

        Snatched from a theatrical costumier’s clothes rail, meant for Monty Python’s Spanish Inquisition sketch (someone else on here’s oh-so-accurate description at the time).

    • Jaded says:

      Came here to say the exact same thing. Only Kate’s thigh-high reveal was clearly deliberate and it likely revealed a lot more than a thigh IIRC.

  13. It’s amazing that this red dress gets more articles than the royal family as a whole. They are jealous because they can’t compete with a red dress😂😂.

  14. Jais says:

    Gorgeous creature. Freckled shoulders. Cute curls. That’s about the only thing they got right.

    • Plums says:

      These people are insane. Meghan casually rewears a (imo, fairly mid) dress to a local charity gala that no reasonable person outside the locality should care about beyond an “oh, that’s nice” if they even hear about it before moving on with their day, yet the British tabloids have been writing this crazy, obsessed fanfiction over this for days. It’s utterly bizarre and the only non cracked reason I can think of for why they’re doing it is because they’re using Meghan and the Sussexes generally as stand ins for all the shit they want to write about Will and Kate but are censoring themselves from writing openly about.

      • Chrissy says:

        The other Royals are either boring or hiding, so they see Meghan out and about, looking gorgeous and charitable, so they write endlessly about her! Meghan and Harry are the only ones earnestly supporting their charities and looking great while doing so, while the others “work” with little or no public interest, claim illness (on the public dime) or “work from home” (watching endless soccer games or Netflix).” So proud of them as they’re the epitome of patronage. Oh, and they’re making the other Royals look really bad!

  15. Matthew says:

    I mean she looks pretty but please if Meghan is going to have a “revenge dress” please let it be nicer than this one.

    • Amy Bee says:

      It’s not revenge dress. She just attended a gala in support of a Children’s hospital in LA.

    • Jais says:

      They’re just calling it a revenge dress bc they’re bored with the leftovers and have nothing better to do. According to their definition of a revenge dress for meghan, basically any dress she’s ever worn since leaving the uk is a revenge dress. Her existence is some sort of made up revenge against them. In their minds anyways.

      • Chrissy says:

        Can’t wait until she rewears the blue fitted rain shower dress from one of their last British appearances. Their heads will explode!

    • Jaded says:

      Look she’s been gone from the BaRF for years, if she was going to wear a revenge dress she would have done it already. And like “Chrissy” says, that iconic blue dress was certainly more of a revenge dress because she didn’t feel like she had to dress blandly to hide her light.

  16. Noor says:

    The absurdity of it all. Now all we have to do is to wait for Kate’s revenge dress.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Apparently Kate’s revenge dress was the pink Jenny Packham gown she rewore to the Diplomatic reception in December last year. She first wore the dress to the Jordanian royal wedding in June.

  17. Tessa says:

    Kate can wear.the bright red repro of scarlett s gown she wore to ashleys party. Complete with red net veil.

  18. Tarte au Citron says:

    So tired of ‘iconic’ being overused. It was a nice enough dress, nothing out of the ordinary. Meghan looked good in it. I really don’t understand why everyone is still going on about it a week later. Ridiculous. If the BRF are this riled over someone wearing a red dress 10000 miles away, then they have little enough to really worry about. Just makes them look more petty and stupid.

  19. Latine says:

    If Meghan idolized Diana the Middletons, Windsors and the British media wouldn’t have caught her so off-guard. I honestly believe her when she says she didn’t know about the British royal family. She would’ve known to avoid certain things.

    It sounds crazy because she is into all these old things but she grew up looking mixed race. As a go-getter I don’t think she dreamed of trying to get in with the British royals. If she was trying to maneuver to get with the British she would’ve met one ages ago. They aren’t hard to find. She could’ve met a cousin during a charity event.

    • Tessa says:

      Diana was caught off guard. Even the first year Charles never told her about the customs. And did not know that her in laws gave gag gifts at Christmas and she got expensive presents. She was also caught off guard when she saw her husband wore cufflinks 9n the honeymoon those he got from Camilla. Harry maneuvered to get Meghan into the family he asked her friend to set them up on a date.

  20. Oh come on. says:

    They’re dying to convince readers that Meghan looking happy & thriving = divorce.

    Also, the idea that Doria’s daughter, growing up in Los Angeles in the 1990s, “idolized” Diana is extremely farfetched. Even more so when we know that two years before meeting Harry, she didn’t know which prince was which.

    The fanfic is getting out of hand with these stories

    • Julia says:

      Exactly, it’s not just that she grew up in the US but she would also have been too young. It’s mainly older women, 50+ who were Diana fans. Meghan was a child, she was probably far more interested in the latest pop star or movie star growing up than a princess in another country who was old enough to be her mother.

  21. tamsin says:

    The more I see pictures of this red dress, the more I’m beginning to love it. When I first saw Meghan wear it at the military event, I thought she looked lovely, the dress moved beautifully, but I didn’t particularly like it. Like many commenters here, I really didn’t like the bodice much and didn’t think it was that flattering. But the more I see it, the more I’m beginning to appreciate its unusual design and how beautifully the sheath dress moves on its own. This sustained big social media, and the RR coverage for this dress is indeed going to raise it to iconic status. Also, I don’t think Meghan wears red that often. The Marines, the military, and LA Children’s Hospital. Her other colour for important occasions seems to be white. Don’t know if any of this means anything. Just making an observation.

  22. Aurora says:

    I see no situation parallel. Diana was a scorned, separated wife who had been cheated on and was starting to rediscover her individual path after separating. Meghan did have a career and ventures before getting married for a 2nd time, and by all accounts her relationship with Harry is a succesful one. As a woman, she has nothing to prove in terms of looks or image.
    I’d call her revenge outfit the green Schiaparelli that she wore in their last event before leaving UK. She looked like a modern Wallis Simpson, and they pretty much stole the show, having been profusely greeted and photographed while looking utterly close knit and in love. There were great pictures that did leave a powerful statement on their appeal as a couple even after having announced their departure, and on how serious they were about creating a future for themselves away from BRF.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Yep! Meghan wore the rainbow during her and Harry’s so-called senior royal ‘U.K. farewell tour’ in early March 2020. It was more like relishing renewal through a publicly triumphant yet privately poignant departure. Wearing those colorful, bada$$ outfits had little to do with revenge either. More like thriving acceptance, inner calm, and throwing off the ‘dim your light’ gilded cage shackles prior to taking the courageous leap to freedom with her hubby, the Ginger Prince Warrior. 🫡

  23. QuiteContrary says:

    The rota churns out made-up claims — Meghan’s a mean boss! — and then follow them with Meghan’s imagined responses to those made-up claims: Meghan gets her revenge!

    None of this is based in reality. And it’s boring as hell.

    Get a new playbook, rota.

  24. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    So much ado.

  25. One of the marys says:

    She didn’t relaunch herself. She lives her life and shows up when she wants.

    Her revenge dressing was her coulda had a bad bitch tour the last weekend of official appearances

    • Proud Mary says:

      In fact, that was the first time Meghan introduced monochrome to the copykats. She truly killed it that weekend, starting with that blue dress and umbrella walk with Harry. That photo has been existing rent free in Kate’s noggin for years, as she desperately tries to force Willie to create their own. That red Safyia monochrome ensemble. My god, Kate has tried run that idea into the ground with several different outfits, including that bazaar attempt to combine Megan’s funeral outfit with the red monochrome at the Korean state dinner. She copies Meghan relentlessly, fails misserably every time. What a joke.

  26. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    I agree with most people here. They are so obsessed with this dress even though it’s not her most knock out dress.
    They’re so unhinged about it and getting even more clicks is all they’re thinking about the BM will ride this wave they created for as long as they can

  27. Robin Samuels says:

    When Meghan wore that dress in 2021, she was three months postpartum. She wore it again in 2024; the baby was now three, and her body had returned to its regular size without popping the magic pill.😩 Red looks good on her. Her hair is gorgeous, and she’s attractive and sensuous. Those attributes really upset white men and women, especially in the UK. Plus, Harry is married to That Girl.
    Articles about the royal institution or family members only get numerous clicks if they’re about the Sussexes.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Also, she breast-fed both of her kids. It makes sense that she would keep the weight until the kids are waned.

  28. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I wonder what the bm will do when it’s clear that the Wails are separated whenever they appear in public and H&M continued to be loved up together in public? They are going to have to deal with what they have in WanK. People are more than tired of all of this. They’ve saturated the media for more years than anyone thinks is necessary with their diatribes against H&M. I have a fun thought for them: Start talking up Bone Idle and keep it up. That way perhaps the people in the UK won’t forget her.

  29. Over it says:

    Kate showing the Korean prime minister and his wife and the rest of the world everything she had for dinner the night before and breakfast that morning, was that Royal ? I think not . But sure , Meghan has a split in her dress and everyone hold on to their husbands. That absolutely beautiful brazen hussy in the red dress and beach wave hair is out to steal all your men and women. Jfc, These people Have got to let it the. F go . She left you . She doesn’t want you. She is definitely better than you. Accept it . Take an advil and move the f on .

  30. Nerd says:

    One of the points that was missed in their documentary was when one of her childhood friends said that the UK media were stalking everyone from Meghan’s past and lying about her almost from the very beginning. One of those lies was when they lied and said that the friends mother said that Meghan was obsessed with Diana. The truth is that Meghan wasn’t obsessed with Diana and the mother never said that she was. Meghan had every opportunity to talk about this woman she supposedly was obsessed with yet never once did that with her Instagram account or The Tig because that was never an obsession of hers.

    The red dress wasn’t revamped, it is a dress from two years ago that had a detachable train that she chose not to wear for a slightly less formal occasion. Something that was also confirmed in their documentary when Harry was joking as she was stepping into the detachable train to be worn to a more formal event. A sign that this dress was planned to be worn in two different ways, depending on the event, is that the train is detachable and has nothing to do with the left behinds on that island. Meghan wore what she wanted to wear and it has nothing to do with revenge. She has worn open toe shoes before this recent event and has nothing to do with revenge or trying to send a message. She wore open toe shoes when she wore the gold dress in New York and has even worn open toe shoes when she was working for the royal family, when she wore black open toe shoes on the Oceania Tour. The media are just desperate to write about this gorgeous woman because the others are boring and basic.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ @Nerd, the train was obviously removed, but not necessarily automatically detachable. To my eyes, it was evidently sewn into the waist seam of the center column sheath, if you look closely at the original gown. It was most likely removed by hand and re-tailored to fit Meghan’s current frame (as she has returned to her pre-baby weight body).

  31. Tessa says:

    Kate had that gold Vegas style gown and it was see through beginning at her thighs showing her legs . And not a word of criticism from the media.

  32. AMTC says:

    There’s an old saying that a good life is the best revenge. That’s the only ‘revenge’ going on here and the BM and BRF don’t like it.

  33. Lau says:

    The Sussexes really need to carry on taking the tabloids by surprise like that because it’s breaking their brains EVERY time.

  34. bisynaptic says:

    I wonder why they’re so hung up on this dress/appearance. She’s not really doing anything new or different. Are they getting harder up for something to write about?

    • Jais says:

      I feel the same question about this. That’s why it’s so funny the way Kaiser kept stating the days of the freak out. Day 5. Day 6…and counting. Bc why? Her hair was different. The dress was cute and while I like it, there were those who didn’t love. TLo and their commenters eviscerated it. I’m kind of at a loss over the attention. All I can think is that there was video of her just looking really happy and glowing. With her friend and the head of the hospital. She looked happy and really gorgeous. Maybe that was it? Idk bc yeah I’m still not sure why this particular moment broke some people’s brains.

  35. L4Frimaire says:

    I don’t get this framing. Revenge for what? I think she looked fantastic, loved her hair, but I don’t understand why this dress and event is such a heats score. Maybe because she just looked beautiful, happy and relaxed after they tried to smear her again. Maybe it’s because they try to say Harry is the only reason she gets attention, but she was without Harry, and the charisma and glamour was all there. Anyway, it’s been well over a week now and they are still not over thee red dress.

  36. sevenblue says:

    The tabloids are drying up with no royal stories. They are not allowed to write negative pieces on the left-behinds, which is what they are good at. H&M don’t do big events the tabloids have access to and no leaks in Montecito. That is why they are still talking about this. What else is gonna generate clicks? They are also trying to go after the new government there, but thanks to Boris years, whatever they write looks hypothetical. I doubt the political stories create that much revenue. So, all they have is an American woman who wore the same red dress twice.

  37. Blithe says:

    “…creature…”? WTF? Does that mean something different in British English? Here in the US, I’ve never heard an actual human being referred to as a “creature “ — however “gorgeous “ they might be. My take is that the DM is once again, in the guise of compliments, dehumanizing Meghan.

    • Jais says:

      You know what, I read gorgeous creature and was just like ok yeah true she’s gorgeous. I didn’t even think about it like that but your right. Creature? Wth? Unless we’re saying a goddess or an angel is a creature. Otherwise…wtf.

  38. yipyip says:

    The team BRF, is going to keep churning up piffle like this for decades.
    H&M get clicks worldwide still. That drives W&K goofy. W&K think they are the Future of Britain, Ta-Dah, etc.

    At best W&K are expensive B-level celebs these days.
    At the premiere of Top Gun Maverick, Tom Cruise was positioned as the Star of the event, that W&K came to meet.
    Decades ago, all the movie premieres were Royalty attends event. Not QE meets Paul Newman.
    Royalty was the draw, the movie stars were there to meet Royalty at the event.

  39. paintybox says:

    “California source” = Mail employees in the office passing around a Dodgers cap like a talking stick.

  40. Beverley says:

    Puh-leeze! Meghan wasn’t checking for any of those saltines when she stepped out in her red dress. I’ll wager she doesn’t give them any thought, except to avoid their gutter tabloids. The thought that this beautiful woman is dressing to send messages to “them” is ridiculous.

    The obsession and remorse are running rampant in the Left-Behinds and their trusty stenographers. Sheesh!

    • aftershocks says:

      Right. It is just a hard-won blessing that Meghan looks so happy and in her era of joy. I am happy for her. She is an inspiration.

    • Iolanthe says:

      So what if she appreciates Diana who is after all Harry’s beloved mother and whose compassion and empathy filtered down to him. Why are we even talking about these losers when Kate provides enough fodder ..oh but yes her ” cancer” makes her untouchable . Though she was ghastly long before any cancer rumour .

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