The Windsors advertised for a housekeeper, with a salary below minimum wage

Here are some photos of King Charles on Monday, at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. He attended his first public event in more than a week – this was the International Investment Summit, with Charles and PM Keir Starmer trying to glad-hand and “woo” foreign businesses to come to the UK. I mean… Britain really shot itself in the d–k with Brexit. It must be really difficult to get international businesses to come into the UK. Charles is also developing that overexcited look his mother used to get in the last years of her life. She would just smile broadly and hope that she could shuffle off without anyone asking her anything.

Meanwhile, Charles sits on a personal wealth in the billions, plus he is the caretaker of “the Crown,” a vast kingdom of extensive real estate, jewels, artwork and stolen loot. And all of that is in addition to the 53% salary bump he’s received this year for the Sovereign Grant – £132 million in total, although Republic says that the true annual cost of the monarchy is closer to £500 million. Well, funny story – the royal household advertised for a new housekeeper for Windsor Castle, and the salary listed was below minimum wage.

The British Royal Family advertised a housekeeping job for less than minimum wage before bumping the pay listed to just above the legal threshold, according to reports. The Royal Household is currently seeking a Housekeeping Assistant at Windsor Castle, King Charles III’s royal residence in Berkshire about 25 miles west of London.

But U.K. lifestyle news site Need to Know noted the salary initially listed for the job was just £22,000 ($28,680). At forty hours a week, that breaks down to an hourly rate of £10.54, below the U.K.’s £11.44 minimum wage for adults aged over 21.

“The salary originally listed was an error which has since been amended,” a source told the publication. The salary is now advertised as £24,188 ($31,500) per annum.

The job—described as the “perfect place to start your hospitality career”—calls for candidates to “upkeep, clean and care for a wide range of interiors and items, ensuring they’re presented to their very best.” An ideal worker should “take pride in your work and aim for the highest standards of service and care” when tending to the residence of the King, whose private fortune is estimated to be £1.8 billion ($2.3 billion).

[From The Daily Beast]

It feels like every so often, people need to be reminded that everyone who works for the Windsors gets paid really poorly. Even the white-collar courtiers and secretaries get paid a small fraction of what they would make in a similar position in the private sector. So why do it? Because a palace job looks good on the CV, or at least it did before QEII died. I cannot even imagine paying people so poorly for full-time housekeeping at a g–damn CASTLE!!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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54 Responses to “The Windsors advertised for a housekeeper, with a salary below minimum wage”

  1. I doubt it was a mistake. They are very cheap. Who wants to work for them? I’m sure there is someone out there that needs the pittance of a salary and will take the job.

    • Beth says:

      And the amended salary is still only just over £23,795.20 per annum.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        It was a mistake in the sense that someone forgot to update the job advert text to the current minimum wage. I love that they didn’t fail to mention his billion pound fortune.

    • nutella toast says:

      Creating homelessness so they can “solve” it.

    • westcoastgal says:

      I don’t live in a castle but we pay the people who clean our house and mow our lawn a minimum of $30-$35 dollars per hour. I feel if you can afford to have someone clean your house you can afford to pay them decently. They are doing the shit work you don’t want to do so why wouldn’t you pay them well? Those grifters are insufferable.

  2. Amy Bee says:

    People who work for the Royal Family should be paid above and beyond the minimum wage.

  3. Britney says:

    There isn’t enough money in the world for me to work for those fools. Can you imagine what these people put up with? To hell with your British Pride and God Save the King. This man & his family are disgusting.

  4. Ann says:

    Bunch of cousin f’ing thieves. The BRF is a pox on humanity.

  5. Beth says:

    Oh dear, dear, dear. Btw, Charles looks terrible – daft to be going down under this week, imo.

  6. Mei says:

    Brexit has been absolutely devastating for us. I voted Remain but there was just an unbelievable amount of greed, dishonesty and racism that made so many people vote against their OWN interests. Not to mention that 28% of people didn’t even vote, and even though it was so close (52-48%) and not even legally binding, the Tories went ahead with it. Truly our voted-for-Trump era.

    I’m not surprised the wage offered was and is still so low for this position, wage levels in the UK are dire. Good luck to whoever gets the role, I hope they have additional benefits to make it worthwhile because Windsor isn’t going to be cheap to live in I’d imagine.

    • Henny Penny says:

      The first real inkling I had that Trump would win was Brexit. I think the same person is behind both: Putin.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Henny Penny, I agree Putin is involved, but I tend to think it’s a bigger group than just him.

  7. Snuffles says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how little these people pay their employees. And they get away with it because they feel like it’s an honor to work for the royal family and I bet you they’re pissed that they have to pay them anything at all.

    • Libra says:

      Prime example; Charles refused to pay the Duchess of Sussex for her full time employment when a senior royal.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Perhaps they will add some sort of room and board arrangement if the story blows up. Which is another way to make sure they sound generous, but prevent people to build generational savings in real estate.

  8. Henny Penny says:

    Why does Charles always look like he’s just drained a large glass of fresh human blood? Seriously? He looks like a sick vampire to me.

  9. Jais says:

    Egregious. Unbelievable. How can he have that much money and pay a housekeeper below minimum wage? What an insult.

  10. Libra says:

    Commenters from the UK have said in previous discussions that there are perks related to the job other than salary; meals included, living in on site if needed etc. There has to be more to the job than advertised to attract applicants . Even t hen, not a great deal imo.

    • AMB says:

      If a diva demanded free dresses because “it will make you famous for dressing me” we’d call it out. Right? Oh, wait …

      Exploitation isn’t a good look, especially when paired with hubris.

    • Harla says:

      I do recall reading, years ago, that low paying jobs normally came with room and board. And apparently having this on ones resume/CV looks really good over on Salty Isle.

    • Jay says:

      IMO, having to live in close proximity to the royal family is hardly a perk – that’s worthy of hazard pay. Having “the help” live close by just means that they are at your beck and call at any hour of the day.

    • Perks include getting all of your perks removed at any time and especially when there is a new king

      • Smart&Messy says:

        I commented above before I read your posts. Exactly, perks can be taken away and surely cannot be inherited. Since the just above minimum wage monthly amount will hardly add up to a fortune, this arrangement prevents poor people to build generational wealth. Room and board can also be deceiving. I once worked in a r&b arrangement in a hotel, and the food was such law quality and repetitive that I spent a lot of my sallary on food, despite having worked for my food already.

      • Murphy says:

        Its such a perk to be yelled at b/c Prince Andrew’s dolls are out of order on their shelf.

  11. Sofia says:

    What a cheapskate! And as if £2,000 are going to make a difference, with the national insurance & pension you need to pay! He will be providing pension, right?

    • Beth says:

      The amended figure is still only just over the 2024 NMW of £23,795.20.

      • Sofia says:

        Don’t you know that these £390 above minimum wage will do a lot of good for that poor sod who will get hired? 🤡 😩 (Just to be clear, I’m not arguing with you @Beth, it’s just a ridiculous decision)

  12. Pam says:

    I just see Grandpa Munster.

  13. ML says:

    Disgusting! King Charles owns a ton of land (farms, tenants) which pays him rent. He’s also the owner of the seas surrounding the UK (thibk wind farms). His annual “salary” has increased, whereas the amount of both family members it pays and work it covers have decreased substantially. He’s literally inherited millions. He’s subsidized by “gifts” given in suitcases…. He can afford a dozen estates. And yet, his employees are clearly not paid properly. My British neighbor from London has said that this area of the UK is really expensive—how do you pay your bills with that salary?

  14. Aradia says:

    Those dead eyes and freaked out grin are terrifying.

  15. Beverley says:

    Cheap bastards! Why, oh why do the Brits put up with these leeches? Make it make sense!

  16. yipyip says:

    This does not surprise me at all.
    Utter BS all the way.
    Royalty, the entire system of it, can kiss my American behind.
    I’m tired of all of it. They should have locked the doors and closed shop when Liz went.
    Wealth hoarding pigs!

  17. QuiteContrary says:

    I rewrote the ad so it’s more honest.

    Help wanted: This is a perfect place to start your hospitality career! Seeking a housekeeper who doesn’t mind having the occasional pen hurled at their head, and will look the other way when the employer tantrums over a minor inconvenience. Must be able to quickly clean up centuries-old plaster when employer rips sink off the wall in anger. Must upkeep, clean and care for a wide range of interiors and items, ensuring that the colonial plunder is presented to its very best. An ideal worker would take pride in your work, but not in yourself, because your self-esteem will plummet when employer and family treat you like you’re invisible and lowest form of life, and you must aim for the highest standards of service and care in return for near-slave wages.
    Knowing how to carefully arrange teddy bears a plus, for when loathsome relative visits.

  18. TN Democrat says:

    The silent generation and boomers are desperately out of touch regarding wages and cost of living. Reagonnomics failed miserable and wages haven’t kept up with greed for 40 plus years. I have had boomers quote prices from the 1980s when asked how much they think rent costs nowadays and continue arguing they were right when shown they were not. An elderly, way out of touch courtier or aristocratic hanger-on/lady-in-waiting posted this without a clue what minimum wage actually is expecting people to fall all over themselves to associate themselves with the Windsors. Eat the rich.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      TN Democrat, I’m sure there are boomers out there who think that way. I know exactly what Reagon’s ‘trickle down economics’ has done to the US. Everytime the GOP got into office after that, they went right back to that. It has caused a HUGE disparity between the have and have nots. It’s going to take quite a while to get that fixed. Harris is going to start fixing it when she gets into office. It’s a start, but we still have a long way to go.

      I’m one of the boomers who have a lot of compassion for the people who are trying to pay the basics of life on the salaries they make. Please know that there are LOTS of us out here. I talk with younger people I know, but don’t shout it to the sky. Instead, I’ll work to get the right politicians into office.

  19. Square2 says:

    …”take pride in your work and aim for the highest standards of service and care”. Ha! I would say none of the current “working” royals has this attitude, including Anne.

    More likely they think “working” as necessary evil that they have to do to justify UK citizens paying their upkeep.

  20. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    People already working are getting below minimum wage.
    Remember they’re exempt from being sued and they don’t come under the law

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Vuyelwa Ncube, I hope that the bm continues to point out this wages when a position is advertised by the brf. At least it’s one way to get the minimum wage–which still isn’t enough.

  21. theotherviv says:

    Sometimes I wonder why we are even surprised anymore. It is a long-standing tradition of British aristocrats to underpay staff. 2024 is, in a way, on par with 1824. Victorian and Regency England was populated by plenty of aristocrats who paid for a horse or a ball gown the equivalent of what they paid their valet or maid for TEN years work. They often did generously pension some staff off in old age and bought them a cottage, because at that wage level it was dirt cheap and life expectancy quite low.

  22. yipyip says:

    Downton Abbey, Upstairs Downstairs, Poldark all showed how the staff were kept in their places.
    Low wages, threats of no referral which meant hard time getting work at any other decent house, etc.
    For the butt lickers who adore “Royalty” this crap has been history for hundreds of years.
    Unreal that in 2024 anyone still falls for it.

  23. Lisa says:

    Charles looks ready for his dirt nap!

  24. Oh come on. says:

    Billionaire Scrooge looks quite unwell.

    Too bad, so sad.

  25. SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

    You just know this gang of inbred dipshits believe the peasants should feel honoured and grateful for the opportunity to be elbow-deep in Prince Andrew’s toilet.

  26. LizzieB says:

    I’m still so angry about Brexit! And we’d have a little more money in our coffers if we stopped paying for the Royal Family, can I just say. They don’t bring in tourist money, our history does – and our tourism has gone down since things have become so expensive here due to inflation!

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