Nancy Pelosi ‘wasn’t happy that the only bloody fingerprints on the knife were hers’

Throughout the month of July, everything fell apart and then quickly came back together for the Democrats. Now that we’re months past the ratf-cking of Joe Biden, I have assembled a list of reports and beliefs of how everything went down: many Democrats were looking for a reason to push out a popular and effective Democratic president even before Biden’s poor debate performance; there was a feeding frenzy between a childish Beltway media and dozens of leaky Democrats post-debate; those people closest to Pres. Biden, like Chuck Schumer, tried to keep everything handled privately and within the Dem family; Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama’s public reticence to back Biden led to a revolt from donors; the Democratic coup plotters wanted a twofer, pushing out Biden AND passing over Kamala Harris as they publicly pipe-dreamed of an “open mini-primary” and a brokered convention.

After Pres. Biden dropped out and endorsed his VP, it took VP Harris less than 48 hours to secure the delegates for the Democratic nomination. She did so while raising tens of millions of dollars, a war chest which meant that she didn’t have to beg the donors who knifed Biden in the back for anything. VP Harris has spent the past three months building her own coalition using the electoral strategy of Biden’s 2020’s win (much to Pelosi’s chagrin) and putting her own spin on it. All of this is much to Nancy Pelosi’s dismay – Pelosi publicly took Biden out and tried to passover Kamala, because Pelosi has always hated that VP Harris never needed Pelosi’s machinery to win anything. Kamala has never kissed Pelosi’s ring AND Kamala and Joe out-maneuvered Pelosi. All of this will be a fertile political drama for historians. Unfortunately, Jonathan Alter is not that historian. Alter has written a new book called American Reckoning, and it looks like Pelosi is still pissed that she got outmaneuvered. Some highlights from the American Reckoning excerpt in Vanity Fair:

Alter got a heads-up that the Dems wanted to replace Biden: On Father’s Day, eleven days before the historic June 27 CNN debate, I spoke to a senior Democratic senator who told me that if Biden did poorly in the debate, Democrats would have to find another presidential nominee. Surprised by this, I immediately broke (again) my New Year’s resolution not to scheme against Biden.

Pelosi was left with the bloody knife: The key figure in getting Biden to change his mind was Pelosi, who drew on their forty-year friendship. At first, she thought Biden could survive what he described as his “bad night.” But Pelosi is an institutionalist; she loves the House, and her nightmare of not regaining control of that chamber (when Democrats were so close to winning it back) seemed to be coming true. With Republican control of the presidency, both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court, who would check Trump’s authoritarian impulses? After Biden under-performed with Stephanopoulos, Pelosi expected that Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill would stage an intervention. “But the men were MIA,” one insider told me. “She wasn’t happy that the only bloody fingerprints on the knife were hers.”

Biden did not consult the Clintons or Obamas: As Biden weighed this momentous political decision, he cut himself off for more than four days from almost everyone outside his family. The wounds of what he called “Obama’s deal with the Clintons” in 2016 were still surprisingly fresh, and he consulted none of them in this period—an extraordinary decision in itself. He would make this excruciating call without the wisdom of the fellow presidents he had once considered good friends.

Biden caught them off-guard: After finalizing his decision with aides Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti on Saturday, Biden got up Sunday, July 21, and began telling people, including Harris. Senior staff heard the news only moments before the world did. Pelosi found out when she was performing community service with Jon Bon Jovi in New Jersey; Obama was playing golf. Just one hour before withdrawing, Biden was on the phone with the president of Slovenia putting the finishing touches on the largest prisoner swap since the Cold War, more proof that he was still a global leader of great skill and compassion.

[From Vanity Fair]

“Pelosi expected that Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill would stage an intervention. ‘But the men were MIA,’ one insider told me. ‘She wasn’t happy that the only bloody fingerprints on the knife were hers.’” The men weren’t MIA, they were just conducting their business in private, while Pelosi showed her whole ass on Morning Joe and briefed crap about Biden to every DC reporter for two weeks straight. While Pelosi was leading the public coup, Hakeem Jeffries was privately expressing his concerns to Biden’s people AND publicly supporting the president. Chuck Schumer went to visit Biden in Delaware for a one-on-one heart-to-heart, which we only learned after Biden’s withdrawal from the race.

The part which Pelosi and her people don’t want to say out loud is that their classlessness and public tantruming was a huge part of why Biden’s poll numbers were going down and why the donors backed away, then Pelosi cited those polls and donor nerves as evidence that Biden needed to step down. She orchestrated the chaos and then got mad when her coup blew up in her face and she was left holding the bloody knife.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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51 Responses to “Nancy Pelosi ‘wasn’t happy that the only bloody fingerprints on the knife were hers’”

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  1. ML says:

    First off, in public Harris and Pelosi have buried the hatchet, BECAUSE WE HAVE AN ELECTION TO WIN AGAINST A DEMENTED FASCIST. Can we not attack Democrats ? Personally, Bill Clinton isn’t my guy, but I’m willing to let him help Kamala Harris get out the vote.
    The other side is attacking legal immigrants, letting pregnant people die, lying about FEMA, literally saying that the military should get involved if the Republicans lose. We need everyone on board: disunity is not helping us.

    • Miranda says:

      Agreed. And it seems strange to me that many want to pin Biden’s slump on some of the Democratic leadership’s public criticism and lack of faith, but don’t acknowledge that continuing to dwell on Pelosi’s role is also not particularly helpful to Democratic prospects. The facts are, NP and her side didn’t completely get their way, and we got an amazing candidate who is on track to win. Let’s keep moving.

      • A Guest says:

        Pelosi’s side didn’t get their way because they forgot who the base of the Democratic party is. We weren’t about to let the Vice President of the United States be pushed aside by a bunch of whiny, white Podbros, former Obama staffers, George Clooney, Rob Riener, snotty party bigwigs, the press and a woman who was willing to burn down the entire thing because she thought she was smarter than everyone else.

        Trust me when I tell you that if this had gone Pelosi’s way, the Democratic party would have imploded. And Democratic candidates would have lost elections for a generation.

      • Lilacs says:

        Democrats wouldn’t have imploded. That’s insane. Would have lost an election for a generation? What?

      • Walking the Walk says:

        It’s being brought up because no matter who wins the WH, a reckoning is coming for Pelosi and she knows it. Her numbers are down and many of the people who voted for her won’t do so again. And I will say this, the Dems are exhausting. Even Kamala’s numbers are not knocking Trump back. It’s a freaking cult. If the Dems had even tried to stay on message I doubt Biden would have stepped down. Pointing to Donald Trump and saying you think he’s better than Biden was the perfect pivot and they refused to do it.

    • kirk says:

      “Can we not attack Democrats ?”
      Not a Democrat here, but sure felt attacked when expressing dismay at people’s shamelessness in attacking Biden and his supporters.

    • Jacques says:

      @ML, Thank you!!!! I couldn’t even read the whole article. Of course people are blaming a woman. Doesn’t that EVER get old??? Biden was not fit to be President. He was forgetting words, he ambled about on the stage. If Biden had stayed in office, you can bet that Trump would have easily won the WH. Every newspaper and commentary section was saying Biden needed to step down. Why, then, does Nancy get the blame? Sexism?

  2. K says:

    No surprises at Pelosi and her sh*t but I am disappointed in BO. Bill Clinton is always out for an opp. Still smh, but now we are moving forward. LFG 💙💙

  3. Boxy Lady says:

    Nancy Pelosi is a bad friend and now everybody knows.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      I’m so glad Joe & Kamala outmaneuvered Nancy. She’s exposed at the end of her career as a scheming asshole who almost threw the DNC into chaos–there was NO plan, just a stupid power play on Nancy’s part. And Kamala’s committed to not playing by the old “rules” about deferring to the people & institutions who shanked Joe Biden. Good.

      • Agnes says:

        Just reading this recap makes my heart race like it did in July. You know Pelosi had a word with Clooney, Rob Reiner and all those other SM assassins. Kamala surprised them all. Please let’s elect her.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      It’s not even just that. She tried to lie and got caught by several people when the media finally revealed her BS idea about an open convention.

    • JenCF says:

      I think this saga is even more complex than we assume and my future self will be delighted to read books spilling the real deal. Pelosi will probably be somewhat less vilified and her male colleagues will be exposed as cowardly or clueless. While an August brokered convention was a goofy idea, possibly plunging the Dems into chaos, it’s true that Biden did not present a strong image, even though he still has his faculties. Pelosi ham-handedly did what the guys couldn’t accomplish, probably knowing she had to take a hit.

  4. Harla says:

    I strongly advocate for terms limits across the board, including the senate, congress and especially the Supreme Court. 8 years, no more.

    • Nicole says:

      Having worked and supported Congress, I respectfully disagree. I think like any job you should be able to work 20 years. There’s a lot of expertise to gleaned with time in service. The US Congress and Senate is especially arcane. One might argue that’s part of the reason why Mike Johnson is so terrible at his job. I would be OK with 3 terms as a Senator (18 Years), 10 terms as a congressperson (20 Years) and 20 year staggered appointment for Supreme Court.

      • Harla says:

        Thanks for your perspective Nicole! I do however stand with my limit of 2 terms, if you can’t get your work done in that time frame then you shouldn’t be there. Far too many senators/congresswomen/men spend more time enriching themselves and building power bases then actually working for the will of the people. Another thought that I have is that once elected, any officials personal wealth is put into a trust and depending on how the country does (determined by rate of inflation, interest rate, gross GDP, etc) during their term determines whether or not they come away with their personal funds intact or they lose it all.

      • Becks1 says:

        Two terms would be 4 years for Congressional reps (not 8) and it would be 12 years for Senators.

        i think its hard because I do think there is a lot to be said for networking, for expertise, etc. But there is obviously a point when enough is enough. Elections are supposed to help determine that but who is seriously challenging Pelosi, or who seriously challenges Schumer, or who challenged Mikulski?

      • Mimi says:

        Serving in Congress should not be a lifetime gig. Term limits. No more than 2 or 3 terms and then get the eff out. We need new ideas and ways of thinking. Be a mentee for an outgoing Congressmember in your first year and then be a mentor in your third term. Keep the knowledge flowing, but for christ’s sake, get out! This fetid puddle of talent needs to go.

      • Don't Tread On Me-DAR says:

        I totally agree with your suggestions about term limits and how much time allowed for each position. Especially the 20 yrs. An effective representative needs time to learn all the ropes to be effective in their role, but not become career politicians jaded, greedy, and whose major concern is to remain in power, pretending to be for the people not for themselves. If by some chance they truly are concerned, they will take the time to find a good replacement candidate and throw their support wholeheartedly behind that person for the election.

    • James says:

      I agree with you 100% and once anyone reaches the age of 80 and are still in office, they must have a mental competency test every year until the end of their term. I just cannot imagine folks wanting to work past 70 years old in any profession. Go live your life!

    • Glitterachi says:

      Congress doesn’t really need term limits, in my view, as they are up for re-election every handful of years. If her constituents didn’t think Pelosi was doing a good job, they could boot her literally every 2 years.

      The Supreme Court, on the other hand? No ethics reviews AND no term limits is exactly how we are getting this mess with Clarence Thomas. No way to hold him accountable.

  5. Brassy Rebel says:

    Nancy Pelosi and VP Harris go back a long way to the 2003 San Francisco DA’s campaign. Pelosi backed the incumbent, who was not doing a very good job by many measures including a low conviction rate for violent crimes. Kamala challenged the guy and, despite polling in single digits at the beginning, she won the race and righted the sinking ship in the office. It’s quite possible that Pelosi still feels stung by that miscalculation on her part.

    • LBB says:

      It’s not “quite possible” that is why she has been down on Harris, it is exactly why she wanted a mini primary! She wanted to skip over Harris because of San Francisco, you hit the nail on the head. Pelosi can hold a grudge, but Kamala is also a fighter, just like Pelosi. Kamala knows how to win a race.

      • Lala11_7 says:

        Thank you BOTH for stating what I was RUNNING to state…NP will always have beef with KH…because KH NEVA kissed her Northern California Democrat ring…and looking back…even looking at my own past reactions to horrific things I see coming if a change dosen’t happen QUICKLY…I have been BRUTAL…and I learned a VALUABLE lesson about using brutality to right the ship…I hope Nancy has learned that lesson because she lost a GOOD ONE with BOTH Joe and Jill…it’s ALWAYS not WHAT you do…but HOW you do it…And I am 😭 that Nancy’s MAGNIFICENT career will be remembered for basically THIS…because from 2016-2021…she LITERALLY was the main one saving Democracy

      • StarWonderful says:

        Harris was a target, for sure, even before the scheme to get Biden out.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Brassy Rebel, I agree that’s when the animosity (on NP’s side) began. It must have stung her to think that KH could get elected without her help at all.

      I’ve also wondered if NP is not happy about a woman being in a higher position than she herself attained. She was Speaker of the House. Kamala will be President. I just can’t help but feel there’s something there.

      Edited to add: Why is NP still in office? She’s older than Biden. I don’t care how powerful she thinks she is, he’s more so and she kicked him to the curb.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Stuff like this is used to try to divide Democrats. We have an election to win, ignore the noise.
    This black woman knows President Biden is the best President we’ve ever had, and Kamala Harris will be awesome.

    There is a time and a place to deal with those who plotted against Biden politically, but the time isn’t now.

    • Truthiness says:

      💯 agree. We’ve got swing states and congressional races to focus on plus there’s been 170+ election court cases this cycle.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Anonymous, no, this will not divide Democrats. Take a look around and you’ll see that Democrats are united.

      We can acknowledge how this all happened. Indeed, I doubt people will forget. I know that upsets some people, but that’s life.

  7. s808 says:

    “After finalizing his decision with aides Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti on Saturday, Biden got up Sunday, July 21, and began telling people, including Harris. Senior staff heard the news only moments before the world did. Pelosi found out when she was performing community service with Jon Bon Jovi in New Jersey; Obama was playing golf. Just one hour before withdrawing, Biden was on the phone with the president of Slovenia putting the finishing touches on the largest prisoner swap since the Cold War, more proof that he was still a global leader of great skill and compassion.”

    This passage made me chuckle. He took a moment to completely shake up and flip the race, shrugged and went back to work.

    I’m largely over everything but I haven’t forgotten that the Dems who wanted to push him out had no plan past that. Who knows where we’d be if Biden hadn’t outmaneuvered everyone on his way out the door.

  8. TN Democrat says:

    The Democrats have elections to win and the in fighting and backstabbing has got to stop. Pelosi is an unnecessary distraction. The Democrats have got to develop younger talent and the old guard, like Pelosi need pushed aside if they won’t step aside. AOC and so many of the younger Democrats are so appealing and deserve a time to shine. The country desperately needs term limits at all levels of government, even local.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      TN Democrat, are you spilling tea? I haven’t heard of any backstabbing and in-fighting in the Democratic Party.

  9. Tuesday says:

    I used to have so much admiration for Pelosi. I will never forgive her for what she did to President Biden. Never.

  10. CouldChangeTomorrow says:

    I never trust Pelosi, I support Pres. Biden, his list of positive outweigh the bad debate. What she did I will never forgive her, and I have a long memory. Yes, I support Harris, as a black woman, I am extremely proud of her and how she is getting the base excited. But it should have been President Joe Biden. I am glad the spotlight is shining on Brutus Nancy with the bloody knife.

  11. Latine says:

    Nancy was completely caught off gaurd. The furst time someone asked her about it it was so obvious. She was shocked. I wished i saved that clip. Its actually worth finding. Subsequently, each time someone asked her about it she seemed stunned they werent just letting her slide.

    Im not a Biden fan. However, he has impressed me. I believe he has the right to be mad at everyone. Yet, he is trying to save the current Democrat party. Most people wouldnt be helping. Yet, biden is doing his best to help. Even when the newbies give him grief. They wanted Biden to not speak on certain issues but that makes no sense. HE IS THE PRESIDENT. They got mad biden spoke on something off tge cuff to reports a few weeks ago. Biden was correct to say something. Biden knows the press.
    Biden is older. Technically he could say F everyone.

    Obama is allowed to have his own opinions.

  12. Ambel says:

    “popular and effective”? I’ll grant you the “effective” part but Joe’s dismal approval ratings prior to his withdrawal suggest the “popular” part is the height of wishful thinking on your part. He was on track to lose in a landslide and at least now the Democrats have a reasonable shot at winning the presidency.

    • Kitten says:

      Really begs the question how the people in the replies would feel when Biden inevitably got crushed in November and we ended up with 4 more years of Trump. That could still happen mind you but at least we have a fighting chance now. Biden should have never run a second term just as Trump shouldn’t. Go retire on the beach, knit, play golf, Bingo…whatever. Just please leave running one of the most powerful countries in the world to someone who has all their faculties, thanks.

      • Jacques says:

        Thank you @Ambel and @Kitten. I am shocked at the amount of hate leveled at Pelosi. She didn’t send Biden out on the stage when he was not fit to be there. Blame his staff. Blame the doctors. But sure, let’s blame Nancy while ripping apart the democratic party.

      • Walking the Walk says:

        You guys crack me up. Kamala still may not win and I don’t think she will cause now white women per usual are the issue and voter ID crap that is going on along with some Black men talking about they can’t vote for her. The women in the US who hate other women is something to behold. Kamala lost white women voters where Biden was ahead there.

    • Anonymous says:

      BS The white corporate media wanted you to believe that. Joe Biden has always had the backing of minorities and women. Biden would have beat the felon again. The media, Russia, MAGA GOP had it in for Biden since the 2020 election and he kicked ass.

      Just so you and others know, it was about Kamala Harris all along. Get rid of Joe and then Kamala , then insert a white male candidate.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Ambel, I think you underestimate the people in the US. The effort to go after Joe Biden was planned. If he had stayed in, they would have changed the tune soon enough. The real issue is that we know what the stakes are and Trump still would have lost. The difference would have been that it would have been a tighter race.

      I think Biden was a genius stating he would withdraw his candidacy and not quite 30 minutes later he endorsed Harris. He knew what he was doing. If it wasn’t for him, the Democrats would never have chosen her. They would have preferred have a free for all at the DNC, because they’re idiots. That would have divided the Democratic party.

      • Ambel says:

        Saucy&Sassy – my problem is that I listen to things like the Focus Group podcast and hear everyday Americans saying the most ludicrously idiotic things, like how they don’t like Trump but the economy was better under him (face palm) and he knows how to run a business (double face palm) so they will vote for him. So, sadly, I do not think I underestimate people in the US

  13. Beverley says:

    Pelosi showed her ass…and it ain’t pretty.
    She diminished her own standing and weakened her own power.
    I’m playing the world’s tiniest violin.🤷🏾‍♀️

  14. Truthiness says:

    I’ll wait for a better historian. I don’t believe Pelosi was key to Biden’s decision. He’s always had a close knit circle around him, it was when that circle couldn’t logically get to a path to 270 predictable electoral votes that he decided to step down. Pelosi should’ve kept it zipped.

    All focus should be on the election, Not just for president, we need majorities in congress to get bills passed!

  15. Bean says:

    What does this mean?
    “Surprised by this, I immediately broke (again) my New Year’s resolution not to scheme against Biden.”

  16. Hannah1 says:

    I thought the headline referred to the break in at her San Francisco mansion when her husband Paul was held hostage, and my reaction was

    “Her bloody prints were on that knife — wait… what… how did she manage that from across the country??”

  17. Walking the Walk says:

    I said this before. There were a ton of minorities who were not about to vote because of this crap that Pelosi, Obama and others posted. There are some who are still really ticked about what went down and said similar to Whoopi Goldberg. The media, the freaking Dems, and other donors put their thumbs on the scale because they wanted Biden out and some bland white man like Gavin from CA in. It’s not a hypothetical, it is what happened. And to tell voters to get over it is hilarious. The only reason why Biden was so smart about this was that he knew who voted for him, and knew this crap would have killed outreach/ground game before it even started.

    That said, Pelosi is probably going to retire (not gracefully) and keep doing interviews upset that Biden won’t talk to her.

  18. Allison says:

    Does the metaphor really need to be so extreme and violent?