Prince William had absolutely no idea what he was doing with an American football

For years, the Princess of Wales’s work events consisted of “send Kate somewhere and have her do some kind of stunt for the cameras.” The lack of substance was the point – it was solely about the photo-op. So we got events that amounted to “Kate goes down a slide” or “Kate makes jazz hands at a painting” or “Kate wears a life vest.” Kate has been largely absent from public events this year, so I guess Prince William is trying to fill that void with his own stunts. Today’s episode is “Huevo throws a football.”

The verdict’s in, and it seems Prince William has a hidden talent — he has a golden arm! The Prince of Wales, 42, attended an engagement with the NFL Foundation UK on Tuesday, Oct. 15, and across the board, the royal’s throwing ability was praised by those in attendance.

Of his throwing arm, Louis Rees-Zammit, a former Welsh rugby player who is now a wide receiver for the Jacksonville Jaguars NFL franchise, tells PEOPLE that “It was great. It was a lot better than mine.”

“Thankfully in my position, I just have to run and catch,” Rees-Zammit adds. “He could definitely be a quarterback one day!”

William, a passionate sports fan and the president of the Welsh Rugby Union, was interested in Rees-Zammit’s transition from one sport to another.

“He was intrigued about the transition I’m doing and the sport itself,” he said of the future king. “He asked me what I could bring from rugby into the NFL, like my speed.”

Of William’s own talent playing football — which he exhibited while playing flag football at the event — “He definitely wants to learn,” Rees-Zammit says. “That’s why he’s come out here to support these kids who want to learn flag football. It’s a growing sport in the U.K., [and] even myself, I’m always learning new things. He came out here to try to pick up a few things, and one of them — he could throw the ball,” he adds.

[From People]

Looking at the photos, no, William is not a natural and no, he could not be a quarterback. He has no idea what he’s doing. To be fair, American football is not big in the UK whatsoever, and this was probably William’s first time ever handling an American football. But to see him lavished with praise for this photo-op is really something. Very “don’t believe your lying eyes.” Also, Harry attending the Super Bowl a few years ago and being lauded by the American sports community still stings, right? “Look, Harry, I’m into football too!! Pay attention, Harry!”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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63 Responses to “Prince William had absolutely no idea what he was doing with an American football”

  1. Scooby Gang says:

    His jealousy of H is so over the top. Who here thinks that Peg is two tantrums and a box of hair dye away from making his debut as a ginger?

    • Caroline says:

      We’d love to see it!!

    • Inge says:

      Lol but I doubt he has enough hair left for people to notice.

      And NFL, really? We had copykate but this is Willy the Wannabe

      • ⁷Kathleen says:

        One way or the other, Willy intends to slither into the US consciousness.

      • westcoastgal says:

        This is just so embarrassing and totally cringeworthy, they really need to stop trying to prop up this sad, insecure man. Can anyone name a 40 year old quarterback in the NFL, especially one who is so awkward and uncoordinated as this man?? I know they give out participation medals to the royals but when you start suggesting this do nothing of a grifter could play pro football, you have lost your freaking mind. I can’t imagine who ever covered this silly story could keep a straight face.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Westcoastgal – there would never be someone so inept in the NFL, but Tom Brady played to 45 and Aaron Rogers (39ish) and Joe Flacco (38ish) are playing right now. Generally, if a QB makes it to 40 in the NFL, they’re pretty exceptional.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        lmaoooo… Wooly Willy the Wannabe and his iron-filings beard. Harry’s NFL Awards stint really burned Huevo’s back pocket, didn’t it?

        This man is one narcissistic injury away from a Ronald McDonald wig, istg.

      • CreoleTomato says:

        @WestCoastGal – I totally get where you’re coming from and agree with you. This article is insinuating that with his “golden arm” William could be drafted as a quarterback at 42 years old, having never played the sport in a professional capacity before. This is simply fulsome praise. To date, there has never been a QB drafted as a 40 year old first time NFL player. Brady began his career in 2000 as a 22/23 year old rookie QB who played for 23 seasons and ended his career in his forties as the GOAT. While several players have continued to play well into their 30s and 40s, under no circumstances would a QB be drafted as a rookie QB at this advanced age. Most franchise QBs are in their 20s.

    • Andy Dufresne says:


    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      He looks so gormless and so out of place with his ridiculousness. This obsession with cracking America will definitely be his undoing. He barely works in and for the UK as it is.

    • Bren says:

      The NFL has played games in London every year since 2007, and now Will wants to engage. He’s so damn obvious that it’s pitiful.

      • PC says:

        @BREN, I’ve thought for years that if William really wanted to endear himself to Americans he should attend some of those NFL/London games. However I have always refrained from saying so because I know those busy bodies over in the UK establishments read Celebitchy and it might give him ideas to do so.

  2. Beverley says:

    His envy of Harry knows no bounds. How tiresome!

  3. Becks1 says:

    This is such an awkward photo op. He looks so out of place and ridiculous out there. Isnt there a way to do these kinds of visits without that level of ridiculousness?

    as for the “he could be a quarterback someday!” line – I notice it wasn’t that he could be a NFL quarterback, lol.

    • AMB says:

      He – or somebody on his team – knew he was going to a sporting event, right? To participate, right? THEN WHY IS HE WEARING A SPORTCOAT – oh, wait, they all think a “sportcoat” is for sports-playing, and whatnot? smh

      He looks like the Monty Python Twit Games sketch.

    • Truthiness says:

      Lmao, he could aspire to play in a game of touch football on the beach. A lofty goal for Will.

      We may see more of this behavior (gaaah) since flag football will be in the Olympics in 2028. He might even learn a stance where he could actually catch the ball as it’s being hiked.

  4. Clare says:

    Holy cow, I’ve never seen pics where a person can literally be seen as having no athletic ability. The last one where the football is being hiked to him, he’s not gonna catch that you could tell by the angle of the football and where his hands that Huevo will not able to catch the ball.

    • Truthiness says:

      We were robbed Celebitches. In the People article Luis Rees Zammit is quoted extensively, no pictures of him with Will unless you go way into the carousel of photos hidden. He’s Nacho Figueroa’s level of hotness so Will looks pasty & awkward next to him, gee why didn’t KP lead with that photo? Scroll down one post at
      to see LRZ in the same photo of Will.

  5. Jacqueline says:

    William is such a loser.

  6. He is so jealous of his brother that he does these incredibly stupid stunts. These are his jazz hands.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      There are plenty of videos on YouTube on how to throw an American football. Learning and executing with some beginner level of efficiency would have taken half an hour. I guess that would’ve been too much work for Peggy, though.

  7. yipyip says:

    I’d have no idea what to do for a Rugby photo shoot either.
    I’m giving him a pass on this.
    The agency and the kids got some good PR.

    It does seem stupid to have this count as his work tho.
    Back in the day, what did the Royals do as work?
    I mean you never saw the Queen Mother sitting at a table playing Bingo during a royal visit? Did they just tour businesses and cut cakes? Go back to that.

    • Cairidh says:

      They’d meet as many people as possible and ask relevant questions. Say well done and give medals.
      William looks much healthier in these photos…
      He played rugby at Eton and he was captain of his water polo team at Uni. I think they won the university league. He did used to be athletic.
      Most Brits don’t know anything about American football.

  8. Enigmania says:

    Rugby is played in all private schools so he does know how to handle that kind of ball… American football is rugby with armour on lol 😂 I just don’t think he’s done it in decades ….

    • Nicole says:

      Rugby and American football are very different. There’s no forward pass in rugby. American football offense is built around the forward pass

      • CreoleTomato says:


      • Truthiness says:

        Yeah, the only way American football is “rugby with armor” is if you don’t know how either sport is played. If you grow up only knowing cricket, soccer, or tennis, you might think they’re kinda the same.

  9. Miranda says:

    The way that everybody who comes into contact with William is expected to lavish praise on him for everything he does, and say that he’s amazing regardless of all evidence to the contrary, is truly nauseating.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    I saw Becky English being excited that he had on white sneakers but wearing a suit to a NFL camp is just odd to me. He really is his father.

  11. Anonymous says:

    It would be refreshing if he admitted he wasn’t good with a football and say that’s why these programs are great for kids learning or some such, but no, it’s got to be centered on lavish praise for Future King Willnot.

  12. Tessa says:

    The open shirt and the “beard,” he looks awful.

  13. Steph says:

    This is going to trigger that video of Harry doing the obstacle course vs pegs on the log again. 😂

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    That man has never held a football 🏈 before.. I really hate him and the British media pushing him on America and him trying to be more relatable to Americans is just gross because we all know exactly what Peggy is doing. They always forget all us who bought Spare actually read it.

  15. Kittenmom says:

    The sneaker + suit combo was a weird choice….

    • Becks1 says:

      While I agree, I think he’s trying to look like the NFL commentators. Like if you watch a pregame show on Fox or ESPN or NFL network, a lot of the commentators wear suits with sneakers like this (some have endorsement deals, some just seem to want to be ready to run onto the field if necessary.)

      So I feel like someone on his team said YES THIS IS WHAT TO WEAR.

      • Jais says:

        Huh, okay that makes sense. I’ve been kind of confused about why BE is making a big deal about the white sneakers. It feels like a very big and? to me. I get that he doesn’t usually wear them but i still couldn’t work up a reason for why it was so exciting.

  16. koko says:

    Does the RF not have “play” clothes?
    And that beard…..ew…..

  17. Fifee says:

    I can’t believe I’m about to do this but I’m going to defend his suit/trainers combo. It’s not unusual to see smart trousers if not a suit being worn with trainers (sneakers) in the UK. As long as they’re clean and pretty mark free it’s a just a casual way of wearing something smart casual in the UK and some parts of Europe.

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Fifee – White trainers/sneakers with regular trousers or jeans on men are regarded as awfully common in the UK. It’s the go-to apparel for low-lifes on council estates. 😁

      • Fifee says:

        Trousers/denims & trainers are spread across all walks of life in the UK. I might be from a scummy council estate in Glasgow where ive seen what you describe but those guys are usually wearing track suit bottoms and not suit trousers but my middle class partner who works in firmly middle class field along with other men who wear both trousers/chinos with trainers in a work setting, so saying dressing like this is only worn by low lifes on council estates is incredibly classist.

  18. Interested Gawker says:

    They also had a truncated ‘IG NATO Day standing holding flags/banners -esque’ picture.

    More primary school ‘September’ recorder please.


  19. Lexistential says:

    Dollar Tree Harry. He’s so awkward.

    (That outfit also looks inept. He and Kate both manage to take workwear and look like they don’t belong in it.)

  20. Laura D says:

    “He has a golden arm!” It must be all the practice he gets from throwing “cushions” around KP. 😉

  21. Em says:

    Can he not wear longer pants or???

  22. EB says:

    He used every resource available to him to make Harry’s life untenable in the UK, but is using that same energy to follow and copy him in the US. At some point this dude must accept that he’s not H. This copying is cringe worthy, lacks authenticity, and IMO extremely sad.

  23. duchess of hazard says:

    Unfortunately, the NFL is looking to export its football abroad, and seems to be having some success, year by year, inch by inch. Tottenham Hotspur (a football club in North London ) is angling to be the home of the NFL on this side of the pond, the club’s owners paying squillions to outfit the stadium to do so.

    NGL, I wish NFL would stay in the USA.

    To stay on topic, Will looks rather gaunt, I wonder what’s going on there.

  24. Mrs says:

    He looks way too thin. He does not look healthy AT ALL anymore.

  25. CreoleTomato says:

    Yep! Yep! Yep! In this highly athletic stance, William looks as if he could pass for a franchise QB under center with a 5 year NFL contract worth 250 million big ones. If only the ball had not been snapped to him horizontally and high in the air, like a middle school kid, I would have thought he was about to perform the almighty Flea Flicker while in the Shot Gun. Sarcasm if you had not guessed that already.
    People mag should be ashamed.

  26. kelleybelle says:

    Gawd, what a knob. Trying to be Harry and not succeeding. That beard, can it, Will. You look homeless and in need of a shower.

  27. Nano says:

    That last pic…his hands are nowhere near the football 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and American football IS big in the Uk, they have London games now every season. At least 2 and the stadium is packed. Same with Mexico and Germany games. Footballs taking over.

  28. Jais says:

    Listen, I’m certain that, as we speak, William is trying to find a charitable reason to go to a Chiefs home game and hang out with TS again.

  29. Over it says:

    Why does he look like this ? Like I think he has an addiction problem and it’s really showing up in his appearance. He looks haggard and old and really dried up looking.

    • Gabby says:

      I agree. Plus that “golden arm” comment just drove my mind straight to the movie with Frank Sinatra as the dope addict. I don’t talk sports enough to know if that is an actual term.

  30. One of the marys says:

    If this one outing is all he has to show for the day he’s really quite a lightweight. I wonder if Charles is embarrassed

  31. AC says:

    When I saw fans in Germany singing Country Road by John Denver at an NFL game or even during a mass crowd at Oktoberfest in Munich I’m like , the US does still have pop culture influence around the world. Also the NFL is super popular in Mexico(and so are our Dodgers 😊, as in Japan as well).
    It’s obvious W wants to be desperately popular 😆 in the US as his brother is having more influence here.
    Not sure how his constituents feel about that.
    I can tell you no one cares here in the states.

  32. bisynaptic says:

    “NFL UK”?? “Football”?? What???

  33. Oh come on. says:

    He’s no Prince Freakin’ Harry.

  34. Grace Yancy says:


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