Jimmy Carter, 100 years old, lived long enough to vote for Kamala Harris (update)

A few weeks ago, Jimmy Carter became the first former president to live to 100 years old. President Carter’s son told the media a few months ago that his father had two big goals for the rest of the year: to live to 100, and to cast a ballot for Kamala Harris. Early voting began in Georgia on Tuesday, October 15th. Meaning, Mr. Jimmy Carter has hopefully fulfilled both of his goals!

Former President Jimmy Carter accomplished one final goal on Tuesday during early voting in Georgia, making Oct. 15 a special milestone for him. His grandson told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution over the summer that Carter had said, “I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris.” The former president, who has been in hospice care for nineteen months, has now lived long enough to achieve that make that dream come true, progressive outlet MeidasTouch Network first noted.

Carter also made headlines recently for another milestone. Two weeks ago, he celebrated his 100th birthday, making him the longest-living president in U.S. history. Carter marked the occasion with a rare public appearance to watch a flyover in his honor as other notable Democrats sent their well wishes. His detractors haven’t forgotten him either; Donald Trump regularly dings him at his rallies, suggesting Joe Biden makes him look good by comparison.

[From The Daily Beast]

I’m so glad that Jimmy Carter has lived to 100 and lived to make it to Georgia’s early voting. I’m greedy though – I want him to live to see Kamala Harris win in November. I also hope he lives to see her inauguration. Carter’s son says that his father still has very lucid moments, and while he can’t always speak and articulate everything, he’s watching the news and following certain stories with interest. I imagine President Carter will be delighted if he gets to see Kamala Harris win. I hope he was also told about how many people have been rooting for him for a long time.

Update: A confirmation that President Carter voted by mail! He sent in his ballot today!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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37 Responses to “Jimmy Carter, 100 years old, lived long enough to vote for Kamala Harris (update)”

  1. Yay!!! I’m happy he got his wish!

  2. Normades says:

    I hope the huge early voter turnout in Georgia bodes well for Harris because I can’t take seeing that evil nut job continue to rise in the polls.

    • Anonymous says:

      Normandes, the GOP are funding a lot of polls so they are skewing the results. We just need to vote. Their polls are meaningless.

  3. seaflower says:

    Bless him. I also hope he gets to see Kamala Harris win and be inaugurated.

  4. Bless him I am sure he misses his wife.
    I remember that tantrum the oil companies threw when he was president.

    They created a made up gas shortage so that people had to wait in line for gas

    That was some serious shit. There was never any gas shortage

    • MichaelaCat says:

      Basically creating problems for Democrat presidents on purpose.

      As they have continue doing.

    • Barb Mill says:

      This is the worst thing they did to make sure he wasn’t re-elected, from wikipedia:
      It is now very clear that there were two separate agreements, one the official agreement with Carter in Algeria, the other, a secret agreement with another party, which, it is now apparent, was Reagan. They made a deal with Reagan that the hostages should not be released until after Reagan became president.

  5. Miranda says:

    My dad has always said that Jimmy Carter was too good a man to be POTUS, and I think there’s a lot of truth to that. That’s not to say that he was a complete failure, of course. Trump needs to keep JC’s name out of his puckered anus of a mouth.

    • ChickieBaby says:

      Agreed on all counts. Mr. Carter (and the lovely Rosalynn) did so much good stuff in the last 40+ years. As the saying goes, “They’re good people!”

  6. ML says:

    This is bittersweet, uplifting and heartbreaking all at the same time. I’m glad Jimmy Carter made it this far, I hope he gets to see President Harris elected, and it’s sad that he’s about to say goodbye.

    My cousin and family dropped by my aunt’s nursing home and drove everyone to early voting yesterday. They’re scared of another hurricane or some other disaster and wanted to make sure the Democrats had good turnout.

    • Carmen says:

      Apparently they did. 300,000 people turned out in Georgia for the first day of early voting. That’s double the number that turned out the first day in 2020.

    • Jay says:

      @ML, I am so heartened to hear that your family helped transport people to the polls! So many of the traditional voter turnout/transport organizations have either been stopped completely or curtailed, so it’s up to regular Americans to step up. Bravo!

  7. MichaelaCat says:

    A good man.

    Too bad Reagan and his Trickle Down economy nonsense came after him.

  8. sevenblue says:

    As far as I know, Carter is the only American president who pardoned a child abuser (Peter Yarrow) before leaving the office. He might be a good man to some people, but he is another sh*tty man in my book.

    • bisynaptic says:

      A famed folk singer won a presidential pardon after molesting a child. Did he prey on others?
      (Yes, apparently. 😬)

      • sevenblue says:

        @bisynaptic, Yeah, I imagine, there are many more children who didn’t come forward. Why should they? Even after he was convicted by the court, the President of USA gave him a pardon like it wasn’t a big deal he r*ped a child.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Thanks for the link paywall free, Bisynaptic. It’s a horrible story. For younger people who are shocked 😲 that good people like Jimmy Carter were involved in this in any way, I can say that child sexual abuse was often shrugged off even as recently as forty years ago. You can see it in this article which reports that Yarrow’s defense was the consent of a 14 year old. And she felt compelled to deny it! Then, she also carried guilt and shame for decades and even confessed it to a priest. Thank God we’ve moved beyond this view of child sexual abuse but this is the social context of the time unfortunately. He never should have been allowed to continue what was a very successful career in entertainment and political activism. And he never should have gotten such a light sentence from which he was pardoned!

    • ArtFossil says:

      Carter’s pardon of Peter Yarrow was 11 years after Yarrow’s conviction and jail sentence (which Yarrow served.) It takes nothing away from my admiration of Carter, both for his presidency and for his lifetime of service.

  9. Tennyson says:

    If I understood the laws of Georgia correctly, even if he passes away before Election Day, President Carter’s vote will count.
    I hope of course that he sees Kamala be elected, of course!

    • Mimi says:

      That is the hope, but republicans will try to invalidate it, I’m sure.

    • LadyUltimate says:

      I’ve just come to wonder, and maybe someone here has an answer for me: if one votes early but then dies (or becomes a convicted felon or something else that would exclude you from voting) before Election Day, does the vote still count? And should it?

      • Dee says:

        It depends on your state’s election laws. Some do, some don’t. Georgia doesn’t have a law to address the specific issue that I could find.

      • Fig says:

        It depends on the state. In California, it does count and I think it should.

    • Barb Mill says:

      I’m not sure GA does not have a law to allow it but it also doesn’t have a law against it. 24 States have no law.
      How absentee/mail-in ballots are processed and counted varies from state to state. In the case of a voter who casts a valid absentee/mail-in ballot, but then dies prior to election day, state laws are split. Ten states specifically allow those ballots to be counted, 16 states prohibit counting those ballots, and the remaining 24 states have no specific laws on the topic, according to research from the National Conference of State Legislatures.[1][2]

  10. bisynaptic says:


  11. North of Boston says:

    President Carter has done so much work for good in the world. Years of volunteer election monitoring in other democracies, working with his wife and the Carter Center to reduce, eradicate some devastating diseases (eg Guinea Worm) from several countries in Africa, etc etc.

    So glad he’s able to cast his vote for Harris. Hope he lives to see her elected and sworn in !

    • Chrissy says:

      Don’t forget Habitat for Humanity projects. I remember him coming to my Canadian city to work on affordable home projects in the 1990s. He is such an inspiration who seems to have lived his faith everyday in all kinds of ways. Would love it if he could see VP Harris’s inauguration!

  12. Traveller says:

    He is the epitome of a good and decent soul.
    So happy he got his wish to vote for VP Harris. Wishing him all the very best.

  13. Chaine says:

    I hope now that he fulfilled his wish he can pass over in peace. His condition in the videos from the flyover was absolutely shocking and heartbreaking.

  14. phlyfiremama says:

    Jimmy Carter has been the only, truly decent through & through, President of my lifetime.

  15. mycatlovestv says:

    I will always be proud that the first vote I ever cast for president was for Jimmy Carter. I also hope he lives long enough to see her become our first female president!

  16. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I’m happy for him that he got to vote for Harris. What a milestone, when you think that he was born in 1924.

  17. MissLib says:

    Bless this man

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