Aussie media: Queen Camilla went from ‘horse face’ to ‘Britain’s grandmother’

For months now, the messaging from Buckingham Palace has been pretty muted about King Charles and Queen Camilla’s big tour of Australia, which starts in a few days. There hasn’t been wall-to-wall embiggening in advance of the tour, and the palace has been steadily trying to lower expectations to the point where if Charles manages to come home alive, they’ll declare victory. I also believe there’s been an emphasis on Charles and his health concerns because no one wants to admit that Camilla is a wreck. As Ingrid Seward said this week, Camilla “gets very tired because she’s not born to this royal life… and I think people sometimes forget that Camilla’s never actually had a job. I think she finds these trips extremely exhausting. She doesn’t like flying. She’s not a great traveller, and she’s not good in the heat.” I’m just saying, some of the “Charles is going to have a difficult tour” fussing is actually a cover for how badly Camilla performs on the road. Speaking of, the Sydney Morning Herald decided to run a preview of the tour with a focus on Camilla: “From ‘horse face’ to ‘Britain’s grandmother’: How Queen Camilla won over a sceptical public.” LMAO!!!

At her lowest ebb, when Britain hated her, the tabloids were describing her as frump, old trout and horse face, and even Queen Elizabeth described her as “that wicked woman”, Queen Camilla is said to have been pelted with bread rolls at a bakery.

She might now be touted as Britain’s new grandmother, but few public figures have known the depths of opprobrium reached by Camilla Parker Bowles in the late 1990s after the exposure of her affair with Prince Charles and in the dark days after Diana’s death. She was reviled by much of the English-speaking world as the “old boiler” who broke the heart of the most loved woman on the planet. It was hell. There is doubt that the bread roll incident really happened, but there is no question that she was under constant siege from a baying press. As a non-royal, she had no right to police protection. Schooled in the world of the stiff upper lip, she never defended herself. Charles was busy fighting battles of his own, so she weathered much of the maelstrom alone, holed up in her country home.

“I wouldn’t want to put my worst enemy through it,” she later said.

The relationship between Camilla and Charles has survived almost anything that could be thrown at it. For decades, every power in the kingdom – from the queen to the archbishop to the prime minister to the populace – wanted it over. Yet against all odds, they’re still together almost 55 years later. The tale of these two staid 70-somethings has become the enduring royal love story of their generation.

“The relationship between the King and Queen is, I believe, a true love match,” says Juliet Rieden, royal correspondent, former Australian Women’s Weekly editor at large and author of The Royals in Australia. “When you see them together they always look intensely happy in each other’s company, laughing and joking and deep in conversation.”

The bread roll era is long over for Queen Camilla. She’ll never rival her glamorous stepdaughters-in-law for attention, but an August poll found almost half of Britons had a positive view of her – up 10 per cent from five years earlier. The society magazine Tatler described her as “the nation’s new grandmother” (a moniker once used for Queen Elizabeth) and noted increasing sympathy towards her among Zoomers.

[From SMH]

This is the biggest “trying to make fetch happen” ever. Twenty-five years of careful planning, high-priced image consultants, hair stylists, dressmakers, and courtiers crafting a sympathetic charitable portfolio, and Camilla consistently ruins all of it by being Camilla. She comes across as a drunk, hateful old bag. She cozies up to the biggest bullies and abusers in the UK because like attracts like. She travels poorly because she doesn’t care about “the natives.” She is not beloved by Gen Z either – The Crown introduced a new generation to the Camilla-Charles-Diana saga and there’s a reason why Gen Z uses “Princess Diana” as a catch-all term of endearment. I cannot wait to see what the Aussies have in store for Cam.


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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51 Responses to “Aussie media: Queen Camilla went from ‘horse face’ to ‘Britain’s grandmother’”

  1. Inge says:

    Hasn’t britain suffered enough?!

  2. Mimi says:

    I love the pictures. Neigh!!

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      I have a photo saved on my computer of her, posing for the camera, smiling, holding a bag that says “I’m an Old Bag from Deptford”. It basically says so much. I wish I could share it here, lol

      Quarter of a century of trying to rehab her reputation… and she ruins it all just by being herself in public. QEII was bang on to call her “that wicked woman”.

      Camilla wants to be Queen of Hearts – she wants to replace Diana in the public consciousness. But she’s a sour, soused, selfish, shadow creature who could never compete or compare with Diana.

      Diana is the Queen of Hearts. Camilla is Maleficent in a series of frumptastic front-zip housedresses and troll doll hair.

      Diana’s heart was warm and pure and she just loved people.
      Camilla is her exact opposite. She’s racist and stubborn and is insulting to everyone she meets, unless they’re bottom feeder tabloid reporters and then she’s almost oleaginous in her dealings with them.

      Tabs can write all the embiggening press they want on Camilla – lipstick won’t turn a pig into a queen.

      The biggest thing: Not only is her character execrable, but choosing her over Diana showed the entire world what horrible judgement Charles has. He is an abysmal judge of character, and always consorts with/enjoys the company of the very worst of people. Camilla, Bishop Ball, Jimmy Saville, Lord Mountbatten, Michael Fawcett… it never ends with him. He’s a crap human being and a crap monarch.

      • Kathalea says:

        Maybe you can put it as your avatar for a day. That would be funny

      • booboocita says:

        Basically, Chucky Boy cuddles up with whoever flatters and cozens him most. I’d say he’s a terrible judge of character, but he lacks judgment, period.

    • Ellai says:

      Funniest pictures ever. Halloween is a daily event for that family with pictures like these of Camilla, that scary red painting of Charles, and William’s new serial killer beard.

      And there is literally an old biography out there describing Camilla’s large crooked horse teeth stained brown from years of neglect. She and Charles literally drove Diana to her death and yet all is forgiven and replaced by years of daily bullying of Meghan by the British Media.

      So let’s not pretend the media or the royals should get away with saying Camilla was bullied too.

      There should be a running daily chart of media outlets with journalists names who are bullying Meghan perpetually as a new industry all its own.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Is it bullying, when quite likely a lot of it was true? The Escort was very involved in painting Diana as a paranoid individual who couldn’t do anything right. I guess she wasn’t expecting any of that to come back on her.

  3. Whyforthelove says:

    Every time I see that last picture I am filled with such joy. This tour is going to be a disaster

  4. What a load of horse shit. She hasn’t won over anyone. I too can’t wait to see what Australia has in store for her.

  5. Neeve says:

    They really turned her into a Queen, the fact that Charles threw everyone under the bus for her speaks to whatever it is she possesses over him.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      It begs the question: what is she actually doing for him…Given the way he’s looking lately, one can’t rule out necromancy. Does she only have a cauldron at Birkhall or does she have one at BP as well…

  6. Tessa says:

    Charles was going to marry her no matter what he has spin doctors to write the hearts and flowers articles about them

  7. Tessa says:

    No way is she Britain’s grandmother.

  8. Roo says:

    Mind you, the old bag travels well enough and loves hot weather when she takes her regular spa trips to India, but I guess she hates traveling for a job and having to be polite to people.

    And what a “defense” of her to make in this day and age, when so many people in the UK are hungry and going without and a cold winter is on its way, to say that their head hag never had a job.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Also, it’s spring right now in the southern hemisphere. How hot can it be?

      Let’s be fr – she only gets out of the car on an official duty if there’s booze involved. RPOs probably have to lure her out with a wine cork or wiggle a hip flask of gin at her.

      Tbh, it’s actually better if she stays in the car. Or stays home. Would be nice if she could sit serenely and not glare out the windshield like she’s not tethered to the wealthiest man in the UK. She puts her racism on full display every time she tours w/ Chuck. Their last trip to Kenya. Canada – that insult they offered the Inuit of Iqaluit will be long remembered.

  9. yipyip says:

    No one thinks of her as Britians Grandmother.
    What a load of hogwash this story is.
    This tour of Australia is going to be a flop.
    When will Charles see the truth?

    • Julia says:

      Endless propaganda on the media has been effective in ending the constant hatred that she faced at one point but the majority of the British public don’t care. She is not loved, not hated by the majority. Mostly tolerated and ignored. That’s the best she can ever hope for.

      • Tessa says:

        Charles tries to drown out the negativity but it is not able to drown it all out. I think there is resentment in Charles pushing her forward. And her children as well.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      When will Charles see the truth? It’s been 40yrs, if he hasn’t seen her for what she is, he’s never going to – or, he’s more like her than the media or anyone else would care to admit to themselves.

      Honestly I think they’re two peas in a pod. They’re as bad as each other. Which is why they’re both universally repulsive.

      • booboocita says:

        Chucky Boy sees the truth of the woman. He just doesn’t care.

        There’s a video floating about on the internet of Charles in his late 20s, being asked by an interviewer when he’ll marry and what sort of woman he wants. And Chucky says, smirking, that the woman he marries will have to be very special because she’ll have to walk behind him always, and be in his shadow, and get used to being outshone at every event (I’m paraphrasing a bit). And who does he marry? A superstar.

        So Queen Side Piece suits him to a tee. She has no charisma of her own, so she’ll never outshine him or pull focus. Indeed, she lacks even Charles’s occasional charm. She’s not beautiful or even pretty, so Charles doesn’t have to worry about anyone comparing her looks to his. She’s not a snappy dresser, so Charles can wear his Savile Row suits and outshine her easily. She’s his security blanket/prop/foil/support, existing only in relation to him. Ugh.

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    Even with the invisible contract this woman will always be the horse faced mistress who groomed and destroyed Princess Diana’s life that is her legacy and it’s not going anywhere for those of us who don’t live on that isle. I would love it if no Australians showed up for any of their scheduled events. That is the welcome they deserve.

  11. cincin says:

    Grandmother from hell, she reminds me of red-clad Gary Oldman in Dracula. Happy Halloween, I guess

  12. Amy Bee says:

    Who the the SMH should be praising is Mark Bolland not Camilla.

  13. Jais says:

    Tatler called her the nation’s grandmother? Lol, highly doubtful. Doesn’t she have a relative working at Tatler?

  14. Giddy says:

    She brings the wicked stepmother in fiction to life. She’s not anyone’s fluffy granny, but a scheming, lying harpy willing to hurt anyone in her way. She only wants the good part of her stolen position, not the actual job. I hope the Aussies treat her as she has treated others like Diana, Harry, and Meghan. That’s what she deserves.

    • Tessa says:

      She has no royal children, There could be resentment that Charles did not marry her in the first place so she could be the mother of royal children. She is consort.

  15. maisie says:

    Charles slotting his side piece into the role of his late mother was the death knell of the monarchy. Had she been named the princess consort, there could have been damage control. But to crown her as queen devalued the role and tarnished his mother’s legacy. literally no one wants to see her.

    • Kadie says:

      @maisie TRUTH! This dumpster fire of a shite show is Cuckles’s creation. As a history nerd, it is incredibly enjoyable watching a monarchy disintegrate in real time.

  16. Jks says:

    She’s old, but not grandmotherly.

    She’s a side piece, but not even vaguely attractive.

  17. MsIam says:

    As long as they are happy in their make believe bubble, that’s all that matters to Chuck and Rotty. Two awful people who truly were made for each other. I know people like to hate on her but I think Charles is much, much worse. He’s just like Trump, born without the empathy gene. William is just like him.

  18. Blujfly says:

    20 years and countless costs both monetarily and damaging to Charles’ sons to rehabilitate her and she just scraped from an approval rating in the 30s to one in the 40s

  19. blue says:

    Does she use the same fake tan-makeup that Trump puts on his face? It’s such an unnatural color!

  20. kelleybelle says:

    She is gross, let’s face it.

  21. Maggielou says:

    Total neigh. Awful person. The hair don’t in the photo, hmm what does that remind me of? Bram Stoker 90’s Gary Oldman (Dracula) same coiffure. Perfect and is bang on.

  22. Laura D says:

    Camilla will never be seen as the nation’s grandmother because we all know far too much about her past. The memory of Diana will haunt that evil woman to her grave. The ONLY good thing about Diana passing so early is that her beauty is frozen in time. There are no pictures of Diana’s face lined or hair with grey roots beginning to show and it must really annoy that wicked witch.

    The REAL queen was regarded as the nation’s grandmother because we all grew up with her. Regardless of what we may have thought about her she was from an age where people kept their dirty laundry in-house; something Camilla has never done. Camilla is KCIII’s wife and the nation has to accept his choice but, please don’t try to tell us we have to treat her with the same love and respect as the real queen.

  23. Shoegirl77 says:

    She’s quoted as saying she wouldn’t put her worst enemy through the treatment she received when Tampongate was a thing and their sordid affairs became public. But zero problem with scapegoating her lover’s two young sons in the rehabilitation of her image and rewarded slimeballs like Clarkson with a jolly lunch date after the disgusting piece he vomited onto a page about dragging one of those son’s wives around to the public while having excrement thrown at her. Nope, you disgusting hag, your actions don’t match your words. And no amount of image rehab consultants will be able to wipe that slate clean.

  24. teresa says:

    She’s never had a job? See this is what American’s don’t understand, we work, that’s what we do.

  25. Monc says:

    She deserves all the disdain she gets… she went into. A relationship eyes wide open…

    She is still a frump, old trout and horse face, wicked woman and old boiler…. Now she just does it with Crown Jewels…

    Not an ounce of pity or sympathy … it falls flat like her 70’s feathered hair….

  26. jonny says:

    Stop speaking poorly of HORSES now!

  27. Lau says:

    The later seasons of The Crown might have been softer with Camilla but those earlier seasons made so much damage to her image with a younger audience.

  28. Oh come on. says:

    Putting “horse face” in the headline isn’t gonna work, if the goal is to get people to stop seeing her that way …

  29. Nikki says:

    “I wouldn’t want to put my worst enemy through it,” she later said.

    Well that there is a great big lie. Not only would she but she actively orchestrates the same (and much worse) hate and vitriol towards her step son, step daughter in law and step grandchildren. She also orchestrates a more subtle version towards her other step son (TFK) and his family. She won’t be happy until everything of Diana’s is absolutely destroyed and she controls the King and kingdom completely, and King throw a pen is such a pathetic and petty father that he’s happy to let her do it.

  30. Henny Penny says:

    I see this article as a not so subtle slam in the form of damning with faint praise. Sure, the author says everybody sees her now as their grandmother (nobody does), and blathers nonsense about them being a love match (they aren’t), but she makes sure to mention every slur used as she reminds everyone of the details this horrible person’s disgraceful behavior.

    Honestly, I’m looking forward to who and how Camilla insults Australians. Because it’s inevitable. This POS can’t even act right at on the global stage at a memorial service, something almost anyone over the age of 16 with even a modicum of home training and manners could do.

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