Ryan Lizza: Olivia Nuzzi said Robert Kennedy wanted to impregnate her

A month ago, an affair was outed between New York Magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi and Robert Kennedy Jr. Kennedy is married to Cheryl Hines and, throughout the year-long affair, he was a presidential candidate. Nuzzi was engaged to Ryan Lizza, a Politico reporter and editor. Their engagement sort-of ended about a month before the affair was outed. Then, two weeks ago, Olivia marched into court and received a restraining order against Lizza, claiming that he was blackmailing her and stealing her devices. She also went to the FBI and made some claims about Lizza. Well, on Tuesday, Lizza finally got to defend himself in a hearing at a DC court. His side of the story… um, makes more sense than Nuzzi’s version.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Olivia Nuzzi – his alleged “paramour,” 39 years his junior – that he wanted to impregnate her during their nearly year-long affair, her ex-fiancé claimed in a court filing revealed Tuesday. Journalist Ryan Lizza alleged new details about Nuzzi’s relationship with Kennedy the day before encountering his former fiancé, who is accusing him of blackmail, in a D.C. court.

In mid-August, Lizza wrote in a filing to the court on Oct. 14, “I discovered that Ms. Nuzzi had been cheating on me with a married man [RFK Jr.] for almost a year. She admitted the affair and over the course of weeks of conversations she confided how she fell into what she described as a “toxic,” “unhealthy,” “stupid,” “psychotic,” “crazy,” “indefensible” relationship with a 70-year-old “sex addict” who told her he wanted to “possess,” “control,” and “impregnate” her.”

“She told me that there was a huge power disparity between them and that he manipulated her…. No device of Ms. Nuzzi’s was ever hacked to learn any of this information,” Lizza wrote, challenging one of the main accusations leveled against him by Nuzzi in her filing to the court on Sept. 30. “Almost everything I know about her affair comes directly from Ms. Nuzzi herself.”

Lizza, who has wholly denied the accusations of blackmail against him, says that he discovered the affair on Aug. 17, two days before the start of the Democratic National Convention, at which point he asked Nuzzi to move out of their home. He says that Nuzzi then spent weeks trying to convince him to stay with her, following the revelation of her affair with RFK Jr. Three days after he found out about the affair, Lizza says, Nuzzi “pleaded with me to consider returning to the relationship, telling me “her affair “wasn’t real” and that “I don’t want to give up” on our relationship.” Nuzzi, Lizza claims, also asked him to tell friends that they were still together.

Lizza quotes a series of alleged texts from Nuzzi, in which she supposedly described herself as “heartbroken” regarding the possible end of their relationship. He says that they started discussing the possibility of moving to Manhattan. Nuzzi then came to stay with him in New York in the second week of September.

“Throughout this period,” Lizza stated to the court, “including on our last day together, I told Ms. Nuzzi that I would help her get away from the disturbing relationship with her paramour [Kennedy], but that I seriously doubted that it was possible for us to have a future together, [and] that she needed to make arrangements to move her belongings out of our apartment. Ms. Nuzzi resisted any effort to formally end our relationship and she repeatedly asked me for more time to consider our future,” Lizza claims. “This remained her position up until the last time we had any discussion about it, on September 15th.” He quotes from an apparent text in which he told Nuzzi he would always be there if she needed him.

“Her allegation of [me] trying to blackmail her back into our relationship is a disgraceful lie contradicted by the most basic facts,” Lizza writes. “Ms Nuzzi’s own recklessness is solely responsible for the public ridicule, humiliation and professional damage she says she has suffered.” Lizza goes on to deny that he ever stole a personal device from Nuzzi, as she claimed, or recovered “deleted materials” from one. “These too are defamatory lies that were meant to create sensational headlines, damage my reputation, and distract from press attention about Ms. Nuzzi’s catastrophically reckless behavior.”

He also rejects Nuzzi’s claim that he “threatened physical violence” against her, a claim Nuzzi says Lizza made when she refused to share in the financial responsibility of their abortive co-authored book project. “I did tell Ms. Nuzzi,” Lizza writes, “that I thought she should be responsible for paying back our book advance since this is the second presidential cycle in a row where Ms. Nuzzi’s personal indiscretions have sabotaged our book project.”

Lizza also addressed the question of who leaked news of the affair, or alerted Nuzzi’s employer, New York magazine, to the existence of it. He says that “as Ms. Nuzzi knows, I did not inform her employer about her affair.”

“At every turn,” Lizza claims, “I counseled Ms. Nuzzi to make decisions that would help her and that would limit the damage and embarrassment to her, to me, to our families, to our respective journalistic institutions, and to the family of the person with whom she had an affair. I pleaded with her to break off all contact with her paramour. I strongly urged her to remove reporting material from him that she included in a draft of her most recent article. (She removed the material and later admitted to a mutual friend that the decision may have saved her job.) While we were together in New York, I pleaded with her to go to her editors and disclose her affair before they found out about it on their own. (She refused.) I was also not the source for the reporter who first broke the news of Ms. Nuzzi’s affair,” Lizza writes, referring to Oliver Darcy. “Ms. Nuzzi knows this because the reporter told her this.”

Lizza concludes by emphasizing his shock at what has happened since he and Nuzzi broke off their relationship for good on Sept. 15, four days before news broke of her affair with RFK Jr. “For weeks Ms. Nuzzi has harassed me with a coordinated defamation campaign by peddling these false accusations to the press. No responsible reporter would print Ms. Nuzzi’s lies. She then repackaged them in this CPO [Court Protective Order] application and leaked it to the media long before I was ever served. Ms. Nuzzi is wasting this Court’s time and is abusing the protections meant for survivors of domestic violence to ruin my reputation in a last-ditch effort to salvage her own.”

[From The Daily Beast]

“Since this is the second presidential cycle in a row where Ms. Nuzzi’s personal indiscretions have sabotaged our book project…” What happened in 2020?? Who was Nuzzi banging in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic? Probably some Trump official, don’t you think? Anyway, I tried to give Nuzzi the benefit of the doubt – even if her affair with Kennedy showed everyone that she has a completely catastrophic personality – but yeah, Lizza’s version of events makes more sense. He was also telling her to go to New York Mag and disclose the affair before her editors found out and she refused. Then when her editors found out, she lied to them and denied the affair. Also: Kennedy wanted to impregnate Nuzzi??? Good god.

Photos courtesy of Nuzzi and Lizza’s Instagrams.

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35 Responses to “Ryan Lizza: Olivia Nuzzi said Robert Kennedy wanted to impregnate her”

  1. Honey says:

    I am loving this so much for them.

    • AD says:

      Indeed! This is for those here that were defending her and calling him all kinds of names because she happens to run to the court house first and accused him of blackmail. We know about his past but in this case there was only one cheat and we know who it is

      I did not believe her. She was trying to
      control the narrative. The text proves that. I thought his reaction was as one who is hurt but that is not even what happened based on the report. He is lucky to have the texts It’s very damaging when women lie like this

    • Walking the Walk says:

      I am having pancakes for lunch.

  2. Normades says:

    That jumped out at me too – second cycle….say what????
    Knowing what we know about RFK jr none of this is a stretch

  3. Amy Bee says:

    I don’t know, Lizza seems too calm to me. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.

    • Normades says:

      You have a good point. I know he’s not a good guy but he does seem confident that he has his bases covered.

    • Roo says:

      Amy, I think the article is mainly quoting a court filing, perhaps an affidavit filed with a brief, so it would not convey much emotion. I completely get your point, and I’m not saying he’s a good guy, but I wanted to point out the quote is from a filed document edited by his lawyers, not his in-person testimony.

    • AMB says:

      Agree with Roo above, it’s a court document so it’s him being quoted by his lawyers.

      Also, what does him being calm have to do with anything? If he ranted and raved, that might be more entertaining, but it wouldn’t elucidate anything.

  4. ML says:

    The headline above is horrific, and all 3 major characters (RFK Jr, Nuzzi and Lizza) are completely toxic.

  5. Miranda says:

    Maybe they should just become a throuple, because all three of these messy bitches deserve each other.

  6. sevenblue says:

    Well, all of this cannot be just verbal discussions. I am sure there are some messages, e-mails proving which side is telling the truth. This guy was also fired for sexual misconduct before. This might be the first case I can confidently say “both-sides are the worst”.

  7. bisynaptic says:

    FWIW, I believe Nuzzi that Lizza went ballistic and threatened her, etc.
    The previous incident he’s referring to is probably her break-in at Corey Lewandowski’s home/office.

  8. FancyPants says:

    Asking for a friend who doesn’t know how to flirt… is “I want to impregnate you” really considered sexy talk? If it is, then I’m- er- my friend is definitely doing this wrong. Anyway I actually hope these two toxins work it out and stay together just to keep them away from the rest of the dating pool.

    • SarahCS says:

      Yes, if you want to be screen-shotted and end up on one of those Buzzfeed compilations of how awful dating is these days.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Think Elon Musk telling Taylor Swift, “I will give you a child.” There’s a hell of a lot of this going around.

  9. K says:

    Part of my job is reviewing operative and wound care notes. I guarantee y’ all this story is the grossest thing I read this week. WTF is with these dusty sperm sacks still wanting to impregnate women. Cheryl Hines…lololol and also barf.

  10. SarahCS says:

    Yes this makes more sense but I am still in the they’re all awful camp. I think he’s quite a bit older than her and this has a feel of ‘I’m the reasonable adult here’ which makes my spidey senses tingle about the power dynamics in their relationship.

    However, obviously the only thing I’m really interested in is what happened in 2020. If his aim with that disclosure was to distract us from the current mess then job done.

  11. Brassy Rebel says:

    I did not know that the word “paramour” was still in use in the 21st century. But it fits here because Olivia Nuzzi sounds like she could star in her own bodice ripper romance novel. I can see her on the cover with three men standing around her looking thoroughly 🤔.

  12. Agnes says:

    “Who was Nuzzi banging in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic? Probably some Trump official, don’t you think?” Corey Lewandowski is my bet. He seems to have a way with the ladies lmao, and has all the charm of the ratf*ckers she seems to go for. Yeah, I believe Lizza more than I believe her. She was not the victim here, she was the agent of her own destruction. She needs a psychiatrist, not a court order.

    • Anonymous says:

      Correct. Lewandowski and Hope Hicks, Lewandowski and Kristi Noem, Olivia Nuzzi and even Marjorie Taylor Greene are not a stretch.

      • Chaine says:

        The really sad thing is that Lewandowski has a wife and four children at home. And before he married her, his wife was a 9-11 widow. He seems like one of the worst people in America.

  13. QuiteContrary says:

    A pox on all their houses.

  14. girl_ninja says:

    Even though I dislike Nuzzi and have no respect for her at all, I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt at well. I am inclined to believe that what Lizza shared is true. The New Yorker still has this unethical racist on its payroll huh?

  15. Walking the Walk says:

    Honestly I believe him because she’s lied about everything and them some and then the journalists who came out to defend her messy self shut up about this the other day.

  16. girl_ninja says:

    I found an article on The Hill about Nuzzi entering CL residence without permission. This all happened in 2018. I cannot believe her gall, she is a messy entitled person.

    ”I headed over there from the White House. I tried to knock on the basement door, but the gate wasn’t open,” Nuzzi said. “Then I walked up the steps to the main door and knocked for, like, 10 minutes. And I’m knocking, knocking, nobody’s answering.”

    “But after a while, I just touched the doorknob, and the door was open. I walked in and I’m in the house, by myself,” she continued. “So I took this photo of the quote on a wall. I peered around but I didn’t walk fully into the house.”

    Nuzzi proceeded to contact her boyfriend, who advised it “probably wasn’t legal” she entered Lewandowski’s residence without permission.

    “I texted my boyfriend, ‘You know, I just walked into the house, because nobody was answering at the door.’ And he said it probably wasn’t legal and that I should leave. I was like, ‘F—,’ ” Nuzzi added.

    According to Nuzzi, Lewandowski lives in a complex that includes the offices of Turnberry Solutions, a D.C. lobbying firm. “

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      Good lord–how did she still have a job after that?! (I know….)

      I come long line of messy white people, but these folks are on another level.

  17. LarkspurLM says:

    Back in the good old days of 2016 (kidding), ON was super fan-girly over Michael Cohen.

  18. Lurker25 says:

    Lizza and Nuzzi are sadly just slightly more extreme versions of archetypes across NYC media landscape:

    White dude who was smart enough to sound smart but not enough to do well in sciences, not confident/frat enough to become finance bro. Upper middle parents so great education, some connections – enough to see how rich live and develop mad striver ambition. Which of course means a woman on the arm like –

    Nuzzi. The butterface (yes I’m feminist don’t at me I know it’s a horrible term) typeA who wants to be seen as really smart (got literary prizes in school, loved Sylvia plath) but wasn’t smart enough for sciences and besides, the science girls had no style. Some parent issues so she REALLY needs the I’m-special validation of being smart AND hot. Good girl AND bad girl (bet you anything Nuzzi loves a little coke. Probably has a very “eccentric” container for it) and manages to fail up because the media men in power find this type irresistible and want to “mentor” and promote over the not-cute middle aged women in the office.

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