Princess Kate supports Baby Loss Awareness Week with a special tweet

Mental Health Awareness Day was last week, October 10. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex did events timed around the day and the issue of mental health. Prince William and Kate… did not. I wasn’t expecting them to, but we need to point out that Will and Kate have basically dropped “mental health” as one of their causes du jour. They only talk about mental health in connection to very specific causes, like racism in football (which William solved, you guys) or something to do with the Early Years. Kate – or her staff – decided to do a tweet for Baby Loss Awareness Week:

The “C” denotes that this message came from Kate herself, or “Catherine.” Kensington Royal’s account then did a tweet-thread with other messages and videos for Baby Loss Awareness Week. It’s an important cause to highlight, and it’s a cause which is often ignored out of discomfort and private grief. This is being covered as another piece of Kate’s “return to work.” It’s a reminder of just how weird it was that Kate apparently could not or would not do these simple tweets or social media posts around her issue portfolio earlier this year. Like… the first time “Kate” tweeted in months was in March, when “Kate” took the blame for the Mother’s Day frankenphoto. I have not forgotten how weird it was that no one thought to just do these kinds of simple, issue-driven social media posts during Kate’s absence.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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49 Responses to “Princess Kate supports Baby Loss Awareness Week with a special tweet”

  1. girl_ninja says:

    How keen…I wonder if she thought of her sister-in-law Duchess Meghan when she tweeted out about Baby Loss Awareness? Since the stress of her husband’s trash family, lies told on KKKates behalf about Meghan and her besties in the media caused her to miscarry her child in California.

    Just wondering.

    • Justjj says:

      I thought about that too. It’s an interesting choice to re-enter the chat with this keen-tweet.

    • ML says:

      Right?! It feels like WanK avoid mental health issues, because they don’t want anyone taking too close a look at how they handled that situation in their family. However, while incredibly important and devastating to anyone who has experienced the loss of a baby, it’s also something that happened to H&M. Charitably seen, K forgot this. Considering her history with Meghan, there’s a good chance she was not being charitable.

    • Magdalena says:

      Not only that, but Kate was callous enough to ensure that she was photographed visiting a centre for women who had suffered miscarriages around the same time that M’s article came out (or shortly before?), leading the usual sychophants to claim after the article that she had done it to “show support” to M, when they all knew what she and William and Knauf had done, in collusion with the Fail.

      I always suspected that the family had been informed before the article came out and that’s why she arranged that gaslighting visit.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      From what I can tell, KKKate and KP are both still getting roundly flamed for the outrageous hypocrisy of that tweet. Soon as it hit Twitter she was getting pulled up on it hard and fast! And small wonder – she was one of the people that participated in the ramped up abuse, the stress of which caused Meghan to miscarry her 2nd pregnancy. KKKate never offered her any support or condolences, never reached out to Meghan… just trolled her with a photo op to a centre for women. Now she’s centering herself in the Baby Loss Awareness week, and is probably shocked that there is phenomenal clapback to her tweet. Watch the racist white duchess go into hiding now until mid December.

      Like, people are pulling *all* the receipts out on Huevo, Huesa, and Knauf’s behaviour prior to Meghan’s miscarriage. They are *not* holding back, it’s been frankly glorious to watch, the affirmation of “we believe Meghan, and here’s why – here’s where you were behaving like an arse to her”. Receipts of press stories clearly seeded by KP showing the vile ongoing abusive palace attacks prior to the miscarriage event.

      The only thing that can keep these palace racists from sinking is a sincere, public apology to Meghan. And they say the best apology for bad behaviour is changed behaviour – up to and including calling off the palaces’ tabloid dogs. I know H&M aren’t holding their breath for that anymore, which is healthy; but that doesn’t mean that the apology isn’t still overdue, even if the Sussexes have chosen to move on and not let the palaces’ unpardonable behaviour steal any more of their energy.

  2. Sam says:

    These two often do and say stupid things. But I haven’t seen anything as disgusting as that from them in a bit. William, Kate and Knauf are, in my opinion, responsible for the death of Meghan and Harry’s unborn child. Harry said that indirectly himself in the documentary series.
    When Meghan told us about her her horrible experience, they didn’t say a word. But now they act as if they care. What terrible people.

  3. Inge says:

    FFing hypocryte.

    Her sister in law lost a child thanks to her and her family’s actions and inactions!

  4. Enny says:

    Such a weird cause for “C” to start championing. After her in-laws lost a pregnancy due at least in part to the stress of media storm she largely orchestrated. Did she offer Meghan any kind of comfort in the wake of her miscarriage?

    ETA also her failure to use the Oxford comma is simply indefensible.

  5. JENNIFER says:

    I don’t have twitter, so I can’t read the comments. And so, I hope people reminded her that she had a hand in Meghan’s miscarriage.

    • Harla says:

      From what I saw yesterday, yes people are very much reminding Kate that she offered no such support to her SIL and was part of the reason for Meghan’s miscarriage. Pretty soon the only thing WandK will be able to post are silly cat videos, they expose their hypocrisy time and again.

    • Becks1 says:

      I took a quick glance at Instagram when this was posted and there were a great deal of comments asking about Meghan. The derangers responded rabidly of course with gross comments about how Meghan’s whole piece in the NYC was a lie ( because she’s never been pregnant etc) and of course those comments went unmoderated, even though KP can and does delete comments on their IG account.

      • Jais says:

        That’s just one of the many concrete examples of how the RF plays the game in smearing Meghan. Imagine letting comments remain that Meghan faked her pregnancies under a post about women who suffered the pain of a miscarriage. When Meghan publicly spoke about her miscarriage. And yet they’re able to delete comments about 🌹. It’s reprehensible. Like truly. It boggles my mind. There’s just no defending that.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I read somewhere… that the whole thing w/ the derangers taunting about “fake pregnancies” was actually a slur started by the racist tabloid media who were salty af that they weren’t being given frequent enough access/photos of “Harry’s kids” to monetize – again, cutting out the woman who actually built those babies and brought them into the world like she isn’t part of the family.

        The misogynoir is thicker than triangle trade molasses with these racist goblins.

      • Becks1 says:

        @WheresMyTiara I can’t remember the specific origins of that gross theory, but it started back when Meghan was pregnant with Archie, and we were seeing plenty of her, so it was well before the whole “Meghan refuses to present the baby on the hospital steps” tabloid narrative (that we now know was a complete lie because she wasn’t asked to do that.)

        So it was well before there were any pictures of the kids to monetize. I do think it was racist though in that derangers didn’t want a Black woman carrying an heir to the throne so they decided it wasn’t true.

      • Nic919 says:

        I will say that in the royal forums there were crazies that said Kate never gave birth to her kids either so this theme of fake pregnancy has been around for a while. But normally those comments got banned. Now with the same stuff against Meghan, that never happened.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    Do people actually believe that this a message from Kate and not a member of the KP comms team just because it’s signed with a C? Kate showed how she really feels about this issue when she smeared Meghan during her first pregnancy and when she remained silent after Meghan announced that she suffered a miscarrage in 2021.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      💯! Kate either had nothing to do with this or she is a massive hypocrite and hoped it would hurt Meghan.

    • Nic919 says:

      The way they act like it’s a personal message because it’s got the letter C is very dumb. Plus she’s thoughtless having said nothing once Meghan made her miscarriage public. As if she cares about any cause that doesn’t affect herself.

    • Nerd says:

      Can we stop pretending as if Kate has no autonomy. She is more than capable have having a hit piece in the Tatler that was used to attack Meghan about tights but specifically had the somewhat negative part of the article about her and her family removed because she has a voice and that voice has been used to abuse Meghan since the beginning. Tatler even made it public that they knew about the article way in advance and had been in talks with them prior to the publication. The only reason they had issues with the article after the fact was because people were laughing about the parts regarding how the aristos saw them and how William was basically sitting on Ma Midds lap like a baby. She has been allowed to be absent and lazy her entire time in this family because they allow her to continue to be who she has always been. She has a voice, it’s just the voice of a mean girl racist.

      • Becks1 says:

        The hit piece in Tatler has nothing to do with whether or not Kate sent this tweet.

        AmyBee’s point is that Kate probably doesn’t especially care about this issue so probably didn’t send the tweet.

  7. Caitlin says:

    Did she sign off with the letter C or did her team? I believe she is still “Kate” behind the scenes.

    • AMB says:

      My guess is, her team typed the message, presented the keyboard to her on a tasseled pillow, and she lifted her languid finger to press the “C” key (somebody else held the shift key).

      It’s probably recorded as a work engagement in the court circular.

      • BeanieBean says:

        OMG, that image! I can see Kate on her leopard-print fainting couch, silk jammies & robe, green smoothie at the ready, as they bring over that keyboard on its tasseled pillow.

  8. Ncboudicca says:

    Wow, incredibly written tweet – for a middle schooler.

  9. Tessa says:

    Kate ignored Archie and kept Louis from going to see him.

  10. Nerd says:

    I have for the longest time seen her to be the most evil and racists in that klan, and it was her willingness to allow her lie that Meghan made her cry that puts her on my top spot as the ultimate evil racists in that family. She was silent about her lie during Meghan’s entire pregnancy with Archie, even when Meghan became suicidal and was begging for help and the media were going on about her high risk pregnancy. As a woman who had experienced pregnancy and given all the grace imaginable, she said nothing. She at one point even pushed the lie even more with Tatler. She allowed that lie to continue through all of Meghan’s pregnancies with not an ounce of sympathy or concern other than than with what skin tone Meghan’s babies would have. I hold her responsible more than anyone else for Meghan’s miscarriage and this post is sickening.

    • Jais says:

      It’s true. The crying story was never corrected while Meghan was pregnant with Archie, her rainbow baby, and most of Lili. Megan was very visibly and beautifully pregnant in the Oprah interview and she had to do the work of correcting that lie. Meghan hasn’t talked about that family much since but it must have been a relief to say some of the things she said during that Oprah interview. Not talking in a vengeful way but just in a relief way. She didn’t need to carry their lies for them.

  11. Jjp says:

    I’m surprised they didn’t turn the comments off in this one. Lots of people pointing out the irony of this tweet, given their treatment of Meghan while she was pregnant and when they lost their child.

  12. Jensa says:

    A tweet. (Which she didn’t even write).

    Wow, I guess.

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    I believe these things are done very purposefully to hurt Meghan.. I find it unsettling and deeply disturbing that they have ignored Harry and Meghan’s pain and loss, then post something like this.

    • Thea says:

      I agree. I get the sense they released this tweet to “get back at Meghan” for daring to show up at a charity gala in her red dress. Whether it was Kkkate, MaMidds, Knauf or their lackies who authorized it, the purpose is to inflict as much pain and cruelty toward Meghan as they possibly can. They are heartless, terrible people. I hope karma comes swiftly and rips everything they’ve lied about to shreds.

  14. The gall of Can’t! She and her husband contributed to Meg’s loss and now she is taking up this cause? The unmitigated gall.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I guess “Catherine” will be the Tweet Queen and William the Zoom King. How much are the British taxpayers shelling out for this bunch again?

  16. QuiteContrary says:

    Stop the presses! Kate wrote a whole-ass tweet. How brave! The dedication! She is COMPLETELY worth the taxpayer money it takes to support her!

  17. Square2 says:

    KKKate (or CKKKatherine to her fans) is forever inferior to Madame Duchess Meghan, in every ways.

    In Meghan’s NYT article, she 1.) raised the awareness of miscarriage is not a rare event; 2.) reminded people that not just the expecting mother mourned the loss of a child, so did her partner; 3.) encouraged people to ask “Are you OK?”

    Here (many times lying) Miss England Rose or her staff only signed “c”. Everything is about “C” & only “C”. October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the USA, when will C support any cancer related causes? PR photo with ONE cancer patient was just PR for C.

  18. Knockout says:

    Going superficial-what is wrong with her eyes? Specifically her inside upper eyelids are incredibly swollen. Mine looked like that from anaphylaxis, but went back down after a few days. I just can’t unsee it. Something is wrong there.

    • Knockout says:

      Edit: google says it could be a sign of multiple diseases, including eating disorders….

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’ve wondered about that inner eye puffiness, too. My eyes have never done that, and I don’t think hers always have. Maybe this is her face aging? Maybe her mother’s eyes did this, too?

      • Jks says:

        I think her skin has lost all firmness and elasticity prematurely due to genetics and extreme diet, and the fat pads are protruding where the skin is loose. But it does look rather weird and prominent in the inner eyes.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Now I have to scroll back and reexamine those photos 😂

      Ok I scrolled, that’s not something I have ever seen before almost looks like there is a fluid pocket there. I will be looking for that every time I see a photo of her now🥴🫣

  19. Lorelei says:

    A whole tweet?? Whew, she’s going to need another vacation.

  20. Libra says:

    Kate (C) had nothing to do with this tweet. She has people for that. Is she even aware this has been sent?

  21. megs283 says:

    My guess… someone on her social team (?) had a miscarriage or is close to someone who did. They bought the candle and shared the tweet for that person. Sending hugs to the person on the social team, or their loved one.

    • sevenblue says:

      I read from the news that one month ago they found a mass unmarked grave of stillborn babies. James O’Brien (LBC radio) also did a segment on it a few days ago. So, since it is a recent issue in UK, that might be the reason for the tweet. Someone in the office is following the news, but I don’t think it is Kate.

  22. Oh come on. says:

    What the Hell possessed her to resume public life with this tweet.

    If she proposed it, any competent comms team would have suggested a different issue, given the guaranteed blowback reviving allegations that Kate participated in the lies and bullying that Meghan says led to her miscarriage.

    Or she didn’t write it, her comms team did–in which case, what on Earth possessed them to think this, and not cancer, was the right health cause for Kate to break her silence.

    Either way, the foolishness is astounding.

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