Prince William: ‘I like a big challenge, I do like that, but I can’t do it on my own’

Prince William: We Can End Homelessness finally had an air date. The two-part documentary will air on ITV on October 30 and 31. Is Halloween not a thing over there? Won’t people be out trick-or-treating with their kids? I looked it up… trick-or-treating is seen as an American thing (???) but plenty of British people do it too. Basically, why would Kensington Palace want to program William’s boring, peg-centered homeless doc on the same night where most adults will be trick-or-treating with their kids or attending parties? Anyway, a new clip from the documentary has been released. It’s bad.

Prince William is speaking out about how he views his role as a public figure. Ahead of the release of his documentary Prince William: We Can End Homelessness, which tracks the first year of his his Homewards initiative, a new clip released Oct. 16 sees the Prince of Wales, 42, asked the question of what he’d say to people who wonder if he’s the right person to lead efforts to end homelessness.

William carefully considers the question and responds, “Everyone having a right to a safe and stable home benefits us all. I come with no other agenda than desperately trying to help people who are in need, and I see that as part of my role. Why else would I be here if I’m not using this role properly to influence and help people where I can?” he added, before concluding, “I like a big challenge, I do like that, but I can’t do it on my own.”

[From People]

“Why else would I be here if I’m not using this role properly to influence and help people where I can?” He’s a 42 year old man who spent most of his adult life avoiding every type of work at all costs. It was only last year when he came up with the big idea of “giving money to homeless shelters” might help the cause (and he promptly made a two-part documentary about this realization). William doesn’t influence or use his role properly or like big challenges. He would rather be watching TV or playing with his cars.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, ITV.

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45 Responses to “Prince William: ‘I like a big challenge, I do like that, but I can’t do it on my own’”

  1. Agnes says:

    He is truly a void.

    • Sam says:

      omg I had to hold myself back from laughing out loud at work when I read his response!!! he sounds like he just got caught and is now trying to distract from the truth.
      “I come with no other agenda…”, really?
      “Why else would I be here…?” For PR? And that people have to see your egg face on TV??

      Just hilarious 😂

      • Nanea says:

        “I come with no other agenda…”

        Reminds me of “The Day The Earth Stod Still”, the alien stepping off the spaceship, saying “I come in peace”.

        Empty, vacuous, hollow phrase.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      The scream I scrumpt!!!

  2. Em says:

    I don’t know who advised him to start this because it’s the worst cause to throw your weight behind. He thinks solving homelessness is building a bunch of flats and shoving people in them without addressing the various societal issues around homelessness, he can’t even lobby the government in his position. Just useless

    • ShazBot says:


      There are many many reasons for homelessness and just providing more rentable homes is a start but won’t address all the issues that cause it.

  3. Libra says:

    I can’t do it on my own means I’m using your money not mine.

    • seaflower says:

      And you’ll do the work, not me, but I will claim all the credit.

    • Lady Esther says:

      Yes @Libra and @seaflower: “I can’t do it on my own” versus what he originally said, which was “I alone can solve homelessness and I’m going to do it by raising awareness about homelessness. Surely if people knew, then homelessness would disappear!” This apparently didn’t go over well so now it’s cleanup on aisle 5.

      Now he’s all fake humble. “William carefully considers the question….” which means, “I’m trying to remember what my PR told me about how I have to avoid any questions about how much housing I could make available, not only through the Duchy but me personally. Make sure to respond in a caring manner as if I could actually give a shit about homeless people.”

      • BeanieBean says:

        I agree with your overall point, but really, he knew this question was coming. He knows every question that interviewer is going to ask him. It’s one person feeding lines to the other.

      • eos says:

        This is the standard question in a job interview: “Why are you the best person for the job?”
        He is being asked to summarize his qualification and leadership abilities but having never worked, “carefully considers the question”, (LOL) and answers….
        “I can’t do it on my own”!!
        Dude, we know you can’t do anything by yourself! That’s why you’re mad Harry left.

      • Random42 says:

        He can’t do it alone … what is he getting at? Wait, his wingman is missing … the one that was supposed to do all the heavy lifting.

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    Maybe he should actually “Do” something before he makes these puff piece documentaries saying he is going to “Do” something.. one of the largest platforms in the world and this man has accomplished nothing and it is glaringly obvious he doesn’t have the first clue on how to actually get anything done.

    • PC says:

      Precisely! Working behind the scenes and getting something done would be so much more effective. Once the mission is in motion and visible results can be substantiated, then make your announcement. William loves to put the cart before the horse because all he does is talk a big game. Him and Kate both.

      • Eurydice says:

        The thing is that he’s already been trained to do what the RF are supposed to do – support patronages. He can visit the organizations, showcase their work and encourage others to support them, too.

  5. Afken says:

    I can’t do it on my own, he says. As if plenty of organisations, charities and individuals haven’t been diligently working away for years WITHOUT him. Sir, you are JOINING the crusade against homelessness, not starting it. Humble yourself.

    • Becks1 says:

      Its like when he said in his one about the planet that “someone needs to stick their head above the parapet and say i care” like no one had ever said anything about climate change and the environment before, and especially no one royal even though his father is RIGHTTHERE.

    • MrsCope says:


      The tone is wrong: “Why else,” “I have no other agenda,” “I can’t do it on my own.” It is oddly defensive and disinterested at the same time. He doesn’t even hit the inflections right for words like “desperately” or “passionate.”

      • BeanieBean says:

        More wrong tone: sitting back, legs crossed, hands holding one knee. Totally relaxed, settling in for a good natter.

  6. Tessa says:

    So Peg is “desperately” trying. He showed no sign of it and he’s over 40 now. He had that one “sleeping in streets” event with bodyguards around. The man just needs to end this posturing and lecturing.

  7. Becks1 says:

    What stood out to me here was that he completely missed the point of the question. The person was trying to get at the notion that this man of immense privilege with multiple mansions might not be the best person to lead this cause in such a way and he instead tries to convince us that he likes a challenge and likes to work hard, lmao. He’s never worked hard a day in his life.

    And I dont think he intentionally missed the point either. I just think he wanted to ramble about how important he is and how other people think he’s important so hes going to make a documentary about this.

    someone really needs to get him to stop making documentaries, or at least stop centering himself in them. So far all the clips I’ve seen are just interviews with him, like that should be enough to get us to watch.

    • Nic919 says:

      He has no idea that his family and its hoarding of land and riches over generations is literally part of the problem and why homelessness exists today. He needs to be quiet on this issue because unless he starts giving out reparations for stolen land, he is part of the problem.

  8. He is only doing this to TRY to compete with Harry. He doesn’t need a documentary to help people. He could do fundraisers and pay for everything but no he wants big credit.

  9. Tessa says:

    The “big” challenge is getting William to do actual work and not just lecture people.

  10. Jennifer says:

    The straight up, bombastic side eye/probable eye roll the little girl is giving him is giving me LIFE!!! 🫠😏🤭🤭🤭 … seriously my guy, WHY ARE YOU THERE?!!? … the child is giving, “listen I just want my screen time, okay?”

    I love this for him.

  11. Dee(2) says:

    That last photo is disquieting. From his face, to the young girls discomfort, to the man observing in the background. He is so awkward like he doesn’t know how to interact with humans at all. And don’t the royals receive fairly extensive media training? Why does everything thing he say either sound combative, dismissive, or arrogant? It’s like he just can’t default to being kind and empathetic, that even saying the words that are considerate brings out the asshole in him.

  12. Maxine Branch says:

    William is not taken seriously by anyone.

  13. Where'sMyTiara says:

    “Everyone having a right to a safe and stable home benefits us all.”

    Uh huh. I’ll believe you believe that, Willileaks, when you confront your father about ripping Frogmore away from your brother & SIL.

    Huevo needs to sit tf down with a steaming hot mug full of STFU.

  14. ML says:

    When did they film this? William’s beard is missing. His shirt should have been pulled down before they started filming.

    Sigh. No one is against solving homelessness. However, it’s a complex problem, and considering that at one point William was a champion of mental health, he should know that. Is he ready poverty, mental health, addiction, loss of employment, bankruptcy, etc? He will need to get extremely political if he’s looking for solutions.

    • Becks1 says:

      *clutches pearls* excuse you @ML!!!! he’s making a DOCUMENTARY with his NAME in the title!!!

      what more do you want from this poor man?!?!?!?!

    • ShazBot says:

      For real, ML. The difference in his appearance here and now is jarring. I’d say this was filmed last summer before everything went down with Kate.
      He looks tanned, rested, and at a healthy weight. Very different from now.

  15. Tessa says:

    I hope he does not bring the children into the documentary with his walking across a field with them saying he wants homelessness ended before his children grow up.

  16. Linney says:

    Didn’t he say a while ago he was going to end homelessness in one year? I really believed that….

  17. Amy Bee says:

    He says he likes a big challenge but he can’t do it on his own. What does he mean?

  18. Chaine says:

    Whenever wealthy people like him take on the cause of homelessness, it always strikes me it’s not so much that they care about the homeless as that they want to warehouse them somewhere far away so that wealthy neighborhoods won’t have to look at or think about poor people.

  19. JR McGraw says:

    In this response, he

    1. Says “I” eight times
    2. Has zero prepared response for the most glaringly obvious question: Why should anyone entrust a multimillionaire prince with three lavish homes and zero public policy expertise with a housing initiative??

    Does his communications team hate him? Are they this terrible at their jobs? Does he just not listen to them? Some combo of the above? Because the lowliest unpaid PR intern would anticipate & prep an answer for this obvious question and make sure especially that AS HE’S BEING RECORDED he has a strong answer—but this is what we got:

    “When asked on camera how he would respond to those who might question whether he was the right person to lead the project, he replied: ‘I think everyone having a right to a safe and stable home benefits us all.

    I come with no other agenda than desperately trying to help people who are in need.

    And I see that as part of my role. Why else would I be here if I’m not using this role properly to influence and help people where I can?

    And I like a big challenge, I do like that, but I can’t do it on my own.’ “

  20. BeanieBean says:

    ‘…desperately trying to help people…’? Desperate is right, but not in the way he uses it. Nobody asked him to solve homelessness (NOTE: he won’t, he can’t), nobody looks to William to help with anything. And for crying out loud, it’s right there in front of you, William! You have four homes, at least! You can only live in one at a time! Choose one, open up the rest! That’ll be a good start!

    • Nanea says:

      When refugees arrived from Ukraine, the Dutch royal family supplied one of their castles and opened it up to house up to 30 people, while Harry’s brother and his wife had nothing else to offer than a handful of brownies (less brownies than people at the cultural center) and “the odd smile here and there”.

  21. Square2 says:

    He hoodwinked wealthy donors for the 10 yrs Earthsh!t project under his Royal Foundation umbrella. But some of those savvy donors saw the incompetence of the Royal Foundation staff & the financial mess regarding spending on 🌎 💩 after the first couple of yrs, they intervened & separated it as a independent charity.

    I doubt he can American donors for this very British project. And like many posts mentioned above, being homeless is very complicated, not simply having money or not having to buy one. It would be a BIGGEST joke if this William document get a BAFTA TV Awards or even nominated.

    P.S. Homelessness is a global problem happening in every country. What I meant here was that Willy’s project is focus on the situation in the UK.

  22. Pork Belly says:

    The young girl in the photo looks like she’s trying not to freak out as Pennywise sans makeup sidles up creepily beside her.

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