President Biden froze out Nancy Pelosi at Ethel Kennedy’s funeral service

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There were extraordinary scenes on Wednesday, as Democrats gathered at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington, DC, for the funeral service for Ethel Kennedy. Ethel Kennedy was Robert Kennedy’s widow, and Ethel was an activist and advocate in her own right, as well as the mother to a brood of eleven children. She was one of the last of that special generation of Kennedys. Because she was never an elected official, the Kennedy family didn’t have to play games and invite any Republican leaders. They put three Democratic presidents together in the front pew – President Biden, President Obama and President Clinton.

Nancy Pelosi was seated on Pres. Clinton’s left. Pelosi was apparently desperate to get Obama’s attention and Biden’s attention. Biden is still icing her out. Hard. He has every reason to. Pelosi just admitted this week that Biden still hadn’t spoken to her. Perhaps she could interpret his silence as evidence that she too needs to pass the torch.

It was nice to see Biden and Obama speaking though. Their relationship hit a rough patch this summer too, and Obama was absolutely one of the major Democrats pushing the “mini-primary” BS. They’ve hopefully buried the hatchet, or at least they’re working together to ensure that Kamala Harris wins the presidency.

The Kennedys absolutely love President Biden too.

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42 Responses to “President Biden froze out Nancy Pelosi at Ethel Kennedy’s funeral service”

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  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    Pelosi was so dumb and high on her own supply when she tried to shiv Biden. Does she not know who he is? He’s been one of the most effective legislators for so many decades and almost single-handedly wrangled Obama’s priorities through Congress. She completely underestimated him and is now trying to worm her way back in. I love that he doesn’t have a minute left for her.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      Yep. I want her to pass the torch and quit underminding freaking Jeffries.

    • Sarah says:

      Single handedly wrangled Obama’s priorities through Congress? Wow! Who was this? Because it wasn’t Biden. Say what you want about Pelosi and you people have, but she did a lot of the work to get Obamacare and other bills to pass. Schumer had to tell her to stay in her lane and unlike Biden she was never chided for not doing enough to help get it passed. She never had to tell press she did a lot behind the scenes like Biden did on multiple occasions after articles saying he was dismissive. It was obvious she did. She crossed the aisle on numerous occasions.

    • kay says:

      PREACH! Pinkosaurus

  2. I saw that and good for him!! She deserves what she did to him.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    Nancy was kinda begging for PJB’s attention…it was a tad cringe.

    There is a reason he absolutely has no problem speaking with PBO. Because he didn’t do President Biden dirty. Period.

    Rest In Peace Ethel Kennedy.

  4. TN Democrat says:

    Democrats, please unite and defeat as many Republicans in elections on all levels of government. The mango definitely needs defeated and gone from government, but the maga/q nutters at the local levels who are destroying public education and wrecking havoc on people’s daily lives need to go, too. Lort. Pelosi needs to put on a happy public face, not speak another bad word about another. Democrat and fade away. The young generations need to be allowed to step up and become the face of the party. The attention seeking and petty ego of Pelosi at this point is appalling. If Biden hadn’t backed Harris and outmaneuvered Pelosi, the election would have been a disaster for Democrats all the way down the ticket. She did what she did and she can deal quietly with the consequences.

    • Jacques says:

      @TN Democrat. This won’t stop, and it is sad and divisive to continue the attacks. It only makes the Democratic Party look ruthless, and how does that help Kamala in the election? Asking Biden to step down was necessary, as this article from Vanity Fair states;

      • Bamaborn says:

        @Jacques. Yes, yes, yes. As decent a man President Biden is, he has only himself to blame for his predicament. If I recall, there were questions about his age during the last run for president. He tamped some of that down by indicating he’d serve for one term and usher in the ” next generation.” It serves no purpose to debate all of this now, but, you can say what you want about NP…she knows how to count numbers and keep her caucus together. And being the female, the bulk of ire was directed, unfairly, at her.

    • girl_ninja says:

      I’m going to tell you that the Democrats ARE united. Those of us in the trenches are getting it done and making it happen. And are leaders are paving the way…from Governors in Kentucky, NC, Wisconsin, PA and more. We are united. PJB is doing everything in his power to get Madam Harris elected, as are all of the presidents in that header photo. We are you united. And like Madam Harris say — When we fight, we WIN.

  5. Plums says:

    I wonder if the prolonged iciness between Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden is a tone thing? Like, she wasn’t the only high up political operative pushing for him to drop out. Like you say, Obama was too. But she may have been way more dirty politics about it. I know there were those rumors she was threatening to push a Lady Macbeth narrative about Jill to pressure him to drop out, and I could see him holding a grudge over stuff like that.

    • lucy2 says:

      That’s what I’m thinking – she did something different than the others, or did it in a way that felt worse to him.
      I think he’s also totally out of fucks to give and has no desire to smooth things over with anyone he doesn’t want to.

  6. Baby Bella says:

    Imagine not only having not one, not two but three presidents at your memorial along with Stevie Wonder and Sting performing? How amazing.

    • Truthiness says:

      My God it was an epic funeral. 3 presidents gave eulogies, MLK lll spoke, a distinguished man from a coalition of farmworkers spoke. Stevie Wonder singing Isn’t She Lovely w the whole church clapping, anecdotes from RFK’s kids about being dragged to the anti racketeering hearings, %$#& about J Edgar Hoover and getting arrested protesting apartheid. AND not a peep allowed from RFK jr.

      Bill Clinton remembered her harmless flirting and RFK’s daughter (Kerry? ) laughed and said “get in line. I was in Europe and she asked me to bring home an Italian last week.” RIP Ethel Kennedy

  7. ML says:

    Joe Biden saved us from Trump2. Nancy Pelosi saved us from a coup d’état on January 6, 2021. They are both American heroes.
    I myself along with many other Democrats would have voted for Biden. However, I also know a lot of Democrats who considered not voting at all after that June debate. Joe Biden needs to be commended for his courage to step down. I disagree with Pelosi about his successor (it had to be Harris!), but Pelosi is not trying to get Trump elected now that she’s lost that battle. A lot of Democrats were onboard with her, and frankly they also aren’t trying to get Trump elected either. And Nancy Pelosi, like Biden, should step down to make way for future generations.
    Ethel Kennedy’s family asked Pelosi to speak at her funeral, and personally, it doesn’t speak for Joe Biden that he seemed to give Nancy Pelosi the stink eye at someone’s funeral. It would be nice if someone could get those two together and talk, but Biden should have more control over himself. He should also know that there are voters out there who want positivity (this isn’t that).

    • K.W. says:

      Whether I agree with every decision Pelosi makes or not, I think she is an American hero. Her legacy will not be tarnished one iota by what she did or did not do to Biden, especially if Harris wins.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        Disagree. Her legacy will be viewed with the clarity of time, which means she will be judged fairly. She’ll be given props for the good things she did (Jan 6) and will be critized for the not-so-good things she did (and there are many things, among them the way in which she pushed for Biden’s removal, not that she pushed for it…a nuance a lot of people don’t get).

      • Truthiness says:

        Pelosi’s CV will show that she carried the Affordable Care Act when Congress didn’t want it and it stood no chance. It’ll include the truly amazing quantity and size of the bills passed. And it’ll include her butting into Biden’s career with her @** showing when she should’ve been silent. Politics is a contact sport, it’s complicated and frequently ugly.

  8. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    *IF* Harris wins, I think Biden will let a lot of emotions go under the bridge. I think he will be relieved to be out of office and will have some emotional distance from the machinations. If Trump wins….different story.

  9. Agnes says:

    Scorpio Joe. She is dead to him.

  10. Tessa says:

    I don’t blame him

  11. Get Real says:

    Who could blame him. He’s allowed to be human.

  12. Jacques says:

    I am thankful that Democrats asked, then pressured, Biden to step down. This is politics, and more often than not, it isn’t pretty and it isn’t nice. Biden wouldn’t listen to reason, and he refused to step down. His decline was evident to those who saw him in months and weeks ahead of the debate, and they knew there was no chance of winning the election with Joe. This isn’t Hollywood Gossip. I really wish the people who say they are voting for Harris would stop the negativity toward their party and realize the damage this causes. This isn’t Ben and Jen, it is our survival!!

  13. Jess says:

    Obama and Biden had the same reaction to Pelosi saying “three great Presidents.” They didn’t react as you shouldn’t clap for yourself. Only Clinton slightly smiled.

    I think forcing Biden out was the best option. The timing was perfect. We actually have a real shot at winning. It completely caught Trump campaign off guard and they’ve been struggling ever since. I always thought our first woman President would be a Democrat and Kamala fits.

  14. Brassy Rebel says:

    Everything worked out in the end. I’m glad we have Kamala. I’m thankful to Joe. And I appreciate all the work Nancy did to get important legislation passed. Time to move on and win.

  15. Dara says:

    I have admired Nancy Pelosi for years, and will continue to do so, she will be counted among the best Speakers in the history books. But…this episode has tarnished my feelings for her.

    It’s not because she pressured Joe Biden to step aside. It was because she did it publicly, and I think encouraged others to do so – which made the Democrats look disorganized and messy, and completely disloyal. And it’s also because I think she was the driving force behind trying to bypass Vice President Harris with that whole cockamamie idea about an open convention. Which would have made us look even more disorganized and messy, and would have weakened whoever the candidate would have been before they even did a day of campaigning. Who in the ever loving f*ck thought that would be a good idea? It’s gets me steamed even thinking about now.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      For me it was the “Oh I never even made a phone call!” BS from her while she obviously backed a very public attempt to push Biden out while also bypassing Harris. I absolutely agree with the need to get Biden to step down, and I think he understood he needed to earlier than most (but was digging in due to the BS about the successor not being his VP). The whole “Biden had to go, Nancy was right” contingent overlook these nuances.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      She’s full of crap and she didn’t make the right call. I will say this until I am blue in the face. Nancy Pelosi did this because a bunch of rich white men went to her losing their crap and instead of her standing behind Biden like many did (AOC, Bernie Sanders, etc.) she did that drip drip drip crap. She underminded Jeffries as being minority leader to the point they stopped asking him anything. She wanted an open primary and refused to “crown” Kamala. Those were her words.

  16. CouldChangeTomorrow says:

    I am super petty, I hope he continues to look right through her. Like he did Trump at the 911 ceremony, ignore her.

  17. AG says:

    When the dust settles and everyone looks back on things people will realize Nancy Pelosi did the right thing. She did what no Republican would ever do; do what’s best for the country. I’ll add, I do not like how the woman (Pelosi) is being vilified. You think she did this all alone? You think all women democrats did this? It sounds very Daily Fail.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      She’s not the only one. Tester, Brown, Warner, and the rest of those cowards got smoke too. Adam Schiff is going to have to fight to hold that Senate seat after this election. She’s the only mess that refuses to stop talking about it.

      • Kitten says:

        Why would Schiff have to fight to keep his seat? He’s currently leading 55%- 33% and he will safely and easily be re-elected.

        The majority of Dem voters don’t apply The Biden Loyalty Test to their senators and reps–they vote for the candidate that best serves them and their community–as they should. Dems are not Republicans–they are not a cult of personality.

    • sevenblue says:

      It seems to me, it isn’t what she did, but how she did it. If Biden and Kamala didn’t act swiftly, organizing people behind Kamala, Democrats would have chaos on their hands that close to the election. If she showed the respect Biden deserved, she would be the part of the process gathering support behind VP. But, maybe that wasn’t what Pelosi wanted, she didn’t want a Kamala presidency for whatever reason, so that’s why she is shut out now.

      People should remember, during the primaries, Biden didn’t look like a winner until black people put their support behind him. If Kamala as VP was jumped over after making Biden quit, Trump presidency would be much closer.

  18. yipyip says:

    I still don’t like the way Biden was treated.
    Awful lotta knives out for Joe.

    The Dems should be grateful Joe cares about keeping Trump out.
    He took the high road publicly and is supporting KH.

    Trump throws Everyone under the bus. Everyone.