Prince William claims that he & Kate sleep in the same bed, with their dog Orla

Before Prince William and Kate welcomed Prince George in 2013, they were already dog-parents to a cocker spaniel named Lupo. Lupo used to be featured in family photos and it definitely seemed like baby George adored the family dog. Then Lupo went to dog heaven in the fall of 2020, and we learned that Will and Kate had already adopted a new puppy, Orla. Another cocker spaniel from James Middleton, who is something of a dog breeder. Well, according to William, Orla sleeps with him. And Kate. In the same bed.

Prince William has revealed that he and the Princess of Wales let their little dog Orla sleep on the bed with them. Louise Harland, whose pup was fussed over by the royal, 42, after his visit to the Duchy College Stoke Climsland in Callington, Cornwall, today, said how the future King opened up about his own pet when chatting with her.

‘[He was] absolutely in love with my little dog,’ she told Hits Radio Cornwall. ‘Jacks came and met him. And he asked what breed he was and he’s never met one of those breeds – he’s a cockerjack – so he’s a little bit of a unique combination.’

She said William remarked on how ‘soft’ her pooch’s ears were, and ‘gave him lots of loving’.

‘[He] said that his little dog sleeps on the bed with them at night, with him and Kate,’ Louise also added.

Video shared by Greatest Hits Radio News showed a delighted William petting the sweet pup, and saying: ‘My dog is exactly like this… loves cuddles.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I also pay more attention to dogs than people when I’m outside. I wish I could pet every dog. But I also think William saying “our little dog sleeps with us every night” is a giant lie, a convenient fiction given all of the separation vibes coming from Will and Kate in the past three years. People have a hard time believing that Kate and William LIVE together, much less sleep in the same bed. Still, I believe that William genuinely loves dogs. And rose bushes.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Kensington Palace video.

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56 Responses to “Prince William claims that he & Kate sleep in the same bed, with their dog Orla”

  1. 😂😂😂. He doesn’t wear a wedding ring but sleeps in the same bed with Can’t. Well that’s probably true on three occasions.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol! We were also told they have separate bedrooms which is not uncommon to their station in life.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      We know this from the Lady William talked to at the event. So I’m not sure he said those exact words, maybe he said the dog sleeps in his bed and the rest is what the Lady wanted to hear.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Ah, true, or the DM filled in the blanks for her fulfilling their propaganda requirements for the event.

      • Mayp says:

        The way I read it William said that the dog sleeps with “him” at night and the woman was the one that added Kate. He didn’t say the dog sleeps with “us. “

    • the Robinsons says:

      Yeah, right.

      • Carmen says:

        I don’t think they sleep in the same house, let alone in the same bed. They must be getting unnerved by all the divorce rumors.

  2. Kynesgrove says:

    He should do more animals charities since he sucks at being around people.

    • ML says:

      *cough, cough* Meghan and Mayhew…he’s probably not going to do anything that sets him in a bad light.

      W doesn’t come across as someone who’s natural with animals. I don’t hold James Middleton in high esteem, but I do think he’s good with dogs. I’ do not get that vibe with William at all.

      • Chrissy says:

        William’s so narcissistic that he’d get upset if any animal attracted more attention than himself.

  3. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Yes he sleeps with kate and the dog. Even when he takes the helicopter to do some rosebushing, he sleeps with kate and the dog in the same bed. All makes sense

    • Libra says:

      The DM commentators cannot get H and M off their minds. Even with a story clearly not about them, yesterday a response was, “well Harry sleeps with a dog too” with many up votes on the double entendre. Sick.

      • Lili says:

        They misspelled, it was supposed to be Goddess!

      • Tessa says:

        The hatred of Meghan is creepy scary. I think the DM is allowing people to complain about posts. I don’t know if they would remove the offensive ones.

    • Nic919 says:

      So there may have been a Spanish woman as part of the mistress mix. Social media made mention of the posh people discussing Rose as well as a Spanish woman. Perhaps she was the source for the Spanish reporter?

      • Smart&Messy says:

        Perhaps he participates in the same hunting parties King Frederik does. Good catch about the Spanish tabloid source.

      • HeatherC says:

        Maybe a Spanish lady, the Russian lawyer….someone tell William that being an equal opportunity cad does not make him a global statesman.

  4. K8erade says:

    The lies that come out of Prince Peggy’s mouth are so exhausting.

    Honestly, Peg’s PR people are such idiots. There was such a missed opportunity a decade ago for the adorably awkward prince who adores animals way more than people. Can you imagine people would’ve eaten that up and it would’ve really helped him down the line to at least be seen as likable. Instead we get the PR akin to basically a lizard person or an alien pretending to be human and it falls flat every single time.

  5. Dee(2) says:

    The way it’s reported, it sounds like the person that they were speaking to were trying to assure us that he sleeps with Kate more than he was. Which in itself is very odd because why would you even need to add that qualifier? Whether it was him or someone else who said it. They look like they just met backstage before coming out to present at the Oscar’s when they are in public, so it’s weird to think about them jumping in their comfy bed and snuggling up with their dogs. The fact that they have to sell this, indicates to me that they realize that more and more people know that something’s just not right about their supposed super happy marriage.

    • Mayp says:

      Sorry, did not see your post before I made mine above. I think you are absolutely right. That is how I read it, that William said that the dog sleeps with him at night and the woman added Kate to the mix.

  6. First comment says:

    Did he specifically say “with me and Kate”(lol) or this was the interpretation of the student when he mentioned “us” ? Those two can’t stand each other for a few minutes during official engagements, I doubt they share the same house! There’s another video from their last visit where their true feelings for each other are pretty obvious…

  7. Kittenmom says:

    I’m curious to hear the actual words that came out of his mouth. Did he say “sleeps in bed with me and Waity” because “us” could really mean anything. 👀

  8. Proud Mary says:

    I recall a tabloid article that said William and Kate Sleep in different beds. I recall them pushing that story as yet another amazing thing about the Windsors. Charles and Cam too. I guess that’s been scrubbed from the interwebs now.

  9. Nanea says:

    If they only acted less than acquaintances and more like, if not a married couple, but at least like friends in public instead of co-workers… then I might be inclined to believe them.

    But that Summer’s Eve commercial left no doubt as to the true state of their marriage. Or, to quote Shakespeare’s As You Like It, I do desire we may be better strangers.

    • First comment says:

      The problem is that they don’t even act as simple co-workers or acquaintances…they literally can’t stand each other judging by multiple photos, videos etc…

      • Lady Digby says:

        The Southport event saw them privately meeting 3 bereaved parents who’d lost their daughters by violence. It is every parents nightmare. After such emotional meetings they met with 1st responders and Will stonewalled her despite her looking at him frequently. No reciprocating look : no reassurance or acknowledgement of her presence? They are parents of children of a similar age to the victims and had just witnessed the intense heartbreak of 3 sets of parents. Yet after such a poignant meeting with devastated parents, he ignores his own wife and mother of his children in public? No OTT PDAs are needed just common kindness and consideration for his wife who is recovering and making a phased return to work ? If Will wants to shut down the gossip about his marriage then icing her in public isn’t going to help!

      • Nic919 says:

        There is footage of Kate brushing by William at the Southport event and neither is remotely engaging with the other. It is ice cold.

        They can fool a bit more with still footage but it’s obvious on video. This charade can only last for so long.

    • VilleRose says:

      For me I could really see the tension in the pictures and videos of Kate and William at the Jordanian royal wedding. They both looked tense and the vibe was so off. They really did look like coworkers forced to attend a business trip together. William would barely glance at her and his “hurry up” motion while Kate was talking to the bride in the receiving line was so rude. Kate really didn’t talk to her for that long, it was maybe 20 seconds at most. They both looked so uncomfortable. I really don’t think we’ll see them do another overseas tour together again. Kate’s cancer journey is the perfect excuse for her to beg off forever. I’ve noticed the tension at plenty of other events too but that one was very stark to me.

      • Mayp says:

        Kate really did talk to the Jordanian Bride for way too long. It was pretty painful watching it, here’s Kate chatting away happily with the bride, and it seemed longer than 20 seconds, while there is a huge bottle neck behind them of people waiting to give the new couple their best wishes. If Kate wanted to chat with the bride she could have waited until the reception. They had also raced out so they could be the first in line with their best wishes for the couple. Gross.

        I will also remind you that that was when Kate brusquely pushed away the bride’s hand from her arm. How dare that Arab touch my arm! It was incredibly rude. It was all just a ruse for Kate to have the spotlight for a bit at someone else’s wedding.

  10. yipyip says:

    He has taken his “normal Bill” bit too far.
    A simple, “What a lovely dog” would have been better.

    What on Earth is going on with William?
    Has the man not been given media training his entire life?
    I swear William is secretly working to end the Monarchy from the inside. LOL

  11. SIde Eye says:

    They do sleep in the same bed! They each have a Posturepedic at their respective mansions..

  12. Tessa says:

    The desperation shows. The “trouble in paradise” rumors don’t go away. Odd that he has to say this or feels he has to. I remember a badly photoshopped picture by Kate of George holding out an ice cream cone for Lupo. I thought married royals generally had separate bedrooms. He looks like a villainous pirate with that scruff on his chin and his expressions

  13. Tessa says:

    I wonder if he’s scaring those poor dogs. They look uncomfortable around him.

  14. Tessa says:

    William grimacing and Kate giggles and shows PDA. In that photo.

  15. SarahCS says:

    Can I interest anyone in buying a bridge? I know of an excellent deal available for a short time only.

    Even if I believed they lived in the same mansion these days (I don’t) there’s no way they don’t have separate rooms.

  16. girl_ninja says:

    The Lazy Prince tryna get Orla some of that Pula of Montecito shine. Poor pup probably knows that her hooman is a tool.

  17. Tessa says:

    Next he’ll say he has to take the dogs out for a walk. As if. There are “people” to do that for him.

  18. Lily says:

    This is also second hand information. It could just be that William said that the dog sleeps with “us” on our bed but never mentioned Kate and this person presumed it was Kate.

  19. Matthew says:

    Is his deepening unattractiveness going to be a constitutional crisis over there?

  20. Bamaborn says:

    Ha, ha, ha, ha. Whew!!! Thanks Bill for my Friday morning comedic relief.

  21. Amy Bee says:

    I can believe this. The dog serves as a buffer between William and Kate in the bed.

  22. Beverley says:

    Sure Jan.
    And I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

  23. QuiteContrary says:

    Who knows what the truth is about W&K? I’m just a little worried about a drunk William rolling over their dog in bed.

  24. yipyip says:

    Prince William, the future King of England, etc.
    seems to have little to zero charm about him now for decades.

    Liz was correct, you need to stay in the shadows, once the sunlight shines, all the “Star” dust is gone.

    Liz famously said for decades that if Oz wanted to become a Republic, it is the will of the people.
    She was smart enough to know if she made any statement “declaring” otherwise it would Set.It.Off.

    I have been saying it and will again.
    William will be the Last King of England.
    Free the Big 3! George Wales, pizza baker to the stars! 👍

  25. Hypocrisy says:

    Funny but I just don’t believe this..

  26. yipyip says:

    William has built his entire adult public brand around he and Kate + kids being a normal happy family. The Fairy tale true love story Diana never got.

    Now at 40+, without Harry to fill in as a double act, Will is thrashing about like a fish outta water.
    Will & Harry together in public rode the “Dianas sons” popularity. Which was fine until Harry started giving BTS reality.

    William at middle age can no longer be sold as The Future” with KC being ill, William must do the job. Which is really stinks at doing. Really. He is so ill at ease in public!

  27. Ocean Girl says:

    Hey, I just figured it out! Big Blue is gone–they tossed it into the Thames and ended the curse! They are now blissfully happy!

    Right? Right??

  28. Linney says:

    The Golden Boy is long gone and William has the face he has always deserved. Everything about him seems so forced, even when he is trying to come across as happy. Then you have Harry who clearly enjoys people and enjoys life. Such a huge contrast. No matter how many disgusting Meghan and Harry articles there are, nothing can change the fact that William is a huge, nasty dud.

  29. Lau says:

    Well at least they got people to greet him for once.

  30. HeatherC says:

    My dad never wore a wedding ring. They also slept in different beds (Dad sounded like a foghorn). They had a happy marriage up until his death. So I won’t look sideways at any of that.

    What is worth a side eye is this constant instance “Of COURSE they sleep in the same bed! Of COURSE they’re happy!”

    To misquote Tywin Lannister: Any man who must say, “My wife and I are so happy and together” is not truly happy or together.

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