Tom Holland launches a non-alcoholic beer line, Bero, after a year of sobriety

In January 2022, Tom Holland decided to participate in Dry January. Because that month was so difficult to get through, Tom decided to keep his newfound sobriety going, eventually challenging himself to not drink until his birthday on June 1. During this time period, his doctor had also raised concerns about his liver, and Tom began to cone to terms with the realization that he had drinking problem. June 1 came and went, and after a year of sobriety, Tom decided to give up alcohol for good. To celebrate two years of sobriety, Tom decided to launch his own non-alcoholic beer line, called Bero. Right now, Bero has three types of NA beer: Edge Hill Hazy IPA, Kingston Golden Pils, and Noon Wheat.

In an announcement, the Spider-Man star, 28, said that he had aimed to create a drink that “reflected my lifestyle and values”.

There are currently three drinks available in Holland’s Bero brand: Kingston Golden Pils, Edge Hill Hazy IPA and Noon Wheat. Each of the product names features a reference to the actor’s life, with several nods to his UK roots. Kingston Golden Pils is a nod to his hometown, while Edge Hill name checks his primary school. Noon Wheat is named after his dog, Noon.

Bero currently “ships to most US states” according to an Instagram post, and UK distribution is “in the works”, with the brand promising that British fans “should be able to get your hands on Bero before the end of the year”.

In an interview with Forbes, the Marvel star revealed that he had found his first year of sobriety “really difficult”, and suggested that he might have found the transition to an alcohol-free life “easier” if he’d been able to drink products like these.

He also opened up about his decision to quit drinking, noting that he was previously “the type of person that, when I’d had one beer, I couldn’t just have one beer” and admitting: “I knew I’d had a bit of a problem for a while”.

He initially decided to take part in Dry January, the health initiative that encourages the public to give up alcohol for the first month of the year, in 2022. After finding the experience “really tough”, he decided to stick to this new regime into February and March. Then he promised himself that he wouldn’t drink until 1 June, his birthday. However, he started to notice the benefits and “feel great”, and hasn’t drunk alcohol since.

“It was very difficult, it has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and arguably the greatest achievement of my life,” he said. “I’m very proud to be sober today.”

In an interview with Jay Shetty’s On Purpose podcast last year, the Uncharted star revealed that when he first embarked on Dry January, he struggled to socialise without alcohol.

“I felt like I couldn’t go to the pub and have a lime soda,” he said. “I couldn’t go out for dinner. I was really, really struggling and I started to really worry that maybe I had an alcohol problem.”

Quitting alcohol, he added, left him able to “sleep better” and “handle problems better”.

“Things that would go wrong on set that would normally set me off, I could take in my stride,” he explained. “I had such better mental clarity. I felt healthier, I felt fitter.”

[From The Independent]

I’ve read Tom’s story a few times over the past few years, and I think it’s so relatable for so many people. I’m always impressed by his willpower and determination, especially that he quit drinking on his own. That must have been really difficult and I hope he had some support from family and friends. It’s great that he’s bringing more attention to a sober lifestyle through Bero. My husband and I do Dry January every year. NA beverages have come a long way since I was pregnant 11 years ago and tried some absolutely gross alcohol-free wine that my friend recommended. I like the Athletic beer brand. It’s good for hitting the spot when you don’t want to drink alcohol, but still want to feel like you’re having a “drink.” They sell it at a lot of restaurants near me, too, which I appreciate. I will absolutely try Bero when it comes out.

If you’re struggling to moderate your alcohol intake like Tom was, please know that you aren’t alone. So many people are struggling with alcohol abuse. Over the years, CB has given a lot of really great resources, including Smart Recovery.

Photos via social media/Bero

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12 Responses to “Tom Holland launches a non-alcoholic beer line, Bero, after a year of sobriety”

  1. LOL says:

    I’m happy for Tom Holland he took ownership of his alcoholism & he worked hard on his sobriety & so good to see him healthy & by sounds if things he’s mentally healthy too. Good on him .

    Shame Brad Pitt couldn’t own up to his alcoholism and addiction issues that lead to him abusing Angelina Jolie and their 6 children. He still sells hardcore alchol with no shame, yet pretends he doesn’t drink, bug we’ve seen him drinking in last few years . Just annoying he’s never held accountable

    • nutella toast says:

      As someone who lived with an abusive alcoholic for years, I would say alcohol doesn’t cause someone to be abusive – it just makes the barriers to doing so much lower. There’s always a root cause that isn’t about the alcohol. Alcohol just drops the inhibition against hurting other people.

    • Ella says:

      So glad Alcohol is dwindling in use and that Tom is helping wean society off this stuff. Looking forward to more non-alcoholic beverages flooding the market, bars., and restaurants.
      I never developed an interest in drinking , thankfully.

      Alcohol is finally shown to be what it truly is: a dangerous substance that requires all kinds of rules around it due to the havoc it wreaks on anyone in its headlights.

      Not to mention the new research linking alcohol to every modern disease imaginable.

      Good riddance , cause all those daily drinkers were actually functioning alcoholics all along.

  2. Mcmmom says:

    I stopped drinking during dry January at the tail end of Covid. While I wouldn’t say I had a drinking problem, I realized I was drinking too much during Covid and that I was healthier without alcohol. I really appreciate those restaurants that provide a thoughtful selection of zero-proof drinks and I too drink Athletic Brewing Company beers – I actually had one last night at dinner.

    JLo missed an opportunity to do quality zero proof alcohol – the market will only continue to grow.

    • jenepooh says:

      I LOVE Athletic. Especially the new Octoberfest that came out last month.

      I started my alcohol reduction just this January because I realized that I was becoming dependent on beer/wine to “wind down” at the end of the day. That, and I was feeling absolutely awful every morning. Now I’m down to 1 glass of wine a week (I have a standing “wine night” with my bestie) and feel no need to ever go back to consuming any more than that! Bring on all the NA beers!!!!

  3. lgtrent says:

    Yes! I’ve cut way back (especially after Covid), especially since the older I get the more alcohol affects my sleep, and I prefer sleep!

    On that note…anyone find any decent alcohol free red wine?

    • R says:

      Navarro Vinyards has some really wonderful varietal grape juices. I’ve given them out to pregnant and alcohol abstaining friends, and have gotten mostly positive reviews. The one complaint I’ve heard is that they are to sweet, from friends that have a more dry palette.

  4. Nanea says:

    I don’t drink, other than maybe a glass of champagne, or a good red for a special occasion, as long as there are no good alternatives out. No reason other than experiencing too many uninhibited, agressive, misogynoir drunks in my life — luckily not among family members. But friends with an alcohol problem are former friends, unless they changed.

    So it’s great to see more and more brands coming up with non-alcoholic alternatives, like e.g. Martini Vibrante or Gordon’s 0% gin that are good bases for cocktails. Or 0% (sparkling) wines.

    Or beer. Great to see TH admit to having a problem, good for him to address it and make the best of it. May he be successful!

    Noon Coleman is Z’s dog.

    • NikkiK says:

      Sounds like Noon is their dog now. So it makes sense for him to refer to it as his dog in this context.

      • pme says:

        Tom and Zendaya have been together about 6.5 of the last 8 years, so it is no surprise that they consider Noon theirs. And if it bothered Zendaya, she would have said something.

  5. SarahCS says:

    I’m currently on a train cross-country to visit my friend and be her +1 at the hospital tomorrow to to get the full pathology results of the tumour they took out of her last month (‘Trump the lump’ as she christened it, here’s hoping we’re well shot of both of them before too long) and in my suitcase I have a bottle of Nozeco alcohol free sparkling ‘wine’, hopefully for celebrations. She stopped drinking about two years ago and says its the best choice she ever made. In her words alcohol ‘didn’t agree with me’ and she’s so much happier now.

    I drink but not much/often and I really like a few alcohol-free gins for a G&T and the Nozeco was a pleasant surprise. I got a few last Christmas to alternate with the boozy stuff. My boyfriend does the same and his favourite beer is Lucky Saint (??) that’s out in the UK and I think has maybe 0.5% alcohol which he says makes the difference.

  6. Chloeee says:

    I work in the alcohol industry and this is a smart move. All these celebs starting alcohol lines is kinda weird and there’s a huge push for NA beverages. there’s been a steady decline in the craft beer sector for a bit. Bonus points that it actually aligns with his own habits or beliefs (unlike sober celebs pushing alcohol brands)

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