Queen Camilla was getting spa treatments in India for a week before the Oz tour

Last week, we noted the strangeness of King Charles setting off for his South Pacific tour alone. He flew out of Heathrow with his staff and without his wife. As it turned out, Camilla had quietly flown out of the UK the week before and no one had any idea. She was on vacation for a week before she met up with Charles in Singapore and they flew to Australia together from there. Some people suggested that I was lying or the Sun was lying. But People Magazine confirmed that Camilla enjoyed a “private vacation” ahead of the Australia tour, and the Mail ended up confirming that Camilla was at a spa in India for a week:

Queen Camilla indulged in a relaxing mini-break abroad ahead of her and King Charles’s tour in Australia and Samoa, reports have claimed.

The Queen spent a week at a famous Ayurvedic spa in India with close family and friends, according to the Mail on Sunday.

Soukya, a £3,000-a-week holistic retreat in Bangalore, is said to feature other big names in its clientele, including Dame Emma Thompson and the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The health retreat offers treatments for a variety of medical conditions including cardiac hypertension and diabetes. This is Camilla’s ninth visit to the spa, while some of them featured King Charles. In 2019, the monarch stayed at Soukya for his birthday.

[From The Daily Express]

As I said last week, it’s not the fact that Camilla travels poorly and she rarely travels with her husband on long-distance journeys. What bugs me is the selective secrecy and the press’s refusal to call it out. When Harry and Meghan traveled privately to Colombia, at the invitation of Colombia’s vice president, the British press barged into Colombia and demanded access, and the same press threw a very loud tantrum about the Sussexes’ travels and private tour. And yet, the whole-ass queen consort is regularly jetting off for spa weeks in India or hunting trips in Spain and no one blinks an eye or bothers to cover it.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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52 Responses to “Queen Camilla was getting spa treatments in India for a week before the Oz tour”

  1. Hypocrisy says:

    More like sent away to dry out for a few weeks, before the big trip.
    FYI it didn’t work from the way she was stumbling on that sad walk about.

    • Jaded says:

      She can dry out in the UK. I think her osteoporosis and vertigo from flying is getting worse and like Chuck, is getting holistic treatment for her issues as she’s probably on a shedload of meds already.

      • Jas says:

        Yes, my first thought when I read this is that she might be unwell too and is seeking treatment in private. They’re both in their mid 70s – people are usually easing back on their commitments at that stage of life but they’ve had to step them up instead.

      • Tessa says:

        She would not have to fly to India to get good spa treatment.

      • Mayp says:

        Camilla has never said that she has osteoporosis. It was her mother and, I believe, maternal grandmother that had severe osteoporosis.

    • Andy Dufresne says:

      If the Witch doesn’t travel well, then why the heck is she flying to India for a spa treatment when she can get the same in the UK? Please make that make sense.

      • Tessa says:

        It’s like Kate only being “well enough” to do trips to Wimbledon instead of working.. Camilla has no qualms flying to spa places.

      • Becks1 says:

        I said this last week but – if she has vertigo as reports claim (and I actually believe that because its been consistently reported for years now), there’s a big difference between flying to a spa for a week and flying for a week of public engagements. At the spa if she doesn’t feel well, does it matter? She’s at a very nice spa, if she gets dizzy she can go sit down. As we saw the other day in the walkabout video, that’s a little bit harder to do when she’s out in public.

        that said, my issue with this is what Kaiser said – the difference in coverage and also just the general hypocrisy. can you imagine if meghan went to a 3000/week spa in India on a semi regular basis??

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      They’ve been sending her to detox before foreign tours since 2013, if some of the tabloids are to be believed.

      I’m still waiting for photos to surface of her passed out, face down in a vineyard somewhere near Gundagai.

    • Advisor2U says:

      Camilla went to that same “Spa” in India at the beginning of this year, in between Charles’ balls operation and his cancer threatment.

      So the excuse that she hates (long distance)) flying is BS. She vacations multiple times a year outside of the UK, with her friends and without Charles.

      And she and Charles take multiple helicopters flights to their many residences many times in a week, like it’s their Uber transport.

    • BeanieBean says:

      That’s a whole lot of travel for someone who supposedly has vertigo problems that affect her ability to travel.

  2. Friendly Crow says:

    What on earth do they do there?!?

    Her 9th visit in two years??? Is it for health or relaxation or cosmetic purposes? Because …. She does not seem improved in any regard. That poor spa having her being their most famous face.

    Also. Can someone explain to me why the royals don’t travel to South Korea for beauty treatments? They are the absolute gold standard in skin treatments and cosmetic procedures.

    • Chrissy says:

      Maybe she has friends in India (it’s a former colony after all). Also, South Korea is full of those pesky Asians (snark) and, she’d probably start some international incident by saying something she shouldn’t, if she travelled there.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        I mean maybe?

        But these places are incredibly discrete and I highly doubt that they would risk their reputation to out a woman who is known world wide as being a pickled mistress.

        I also assume she travels to India because she thinks that being polished and bowed to by brown people is her right and it thrills her. More than say, being bowed to by a South Korean individual when politeness and bowing is very much a part of their culture. Not as fun.

    • Becks1 says:

      It’s not her 9th visit in 2 years. It’s her 9th visit overall, the article references Charles going in 2019 so she’s been going at least that long.

  3. Sunnylf says:

    It’s all about what their audiences want to see and it’s certainly not her!

  4. yipyip says:

    Cow-milla will never change.
    Idle, spa loving adulterer that she is, the nasty creature!

    On this 1 thing I will support future King William,
    If Chuck goes first, I want Team William to unleash a mighty fury on Cow-milla.
    Go historical on her, proclaim her to be the enemy of the Crown (something very Henry VIII, but not actual beheading)
    I’m talking William himself personally drags her out in the street, and throws her out!
    Toss her and all her bags out! Banished!
    “Out you vile hag! This is for my Mum!”
    In broad daylight with hundreds of paps to photo it.
    Dusts off his hands, strolls royally back inside BP.
    Seriously, I think he would ride a huge wave of popularity for this. LOL

    • Tessa says:

      Yet William censored his mother’s interview and called her paranoid. He does not seem particularly loyal to his late mother. He would not get any popularity until he apologized to Harry and Meghan. imo

    • Chrissy says:

      After years of belittling Diana memory by calling “paranoid”, I can’t see him defending his Mom’s memory at this stage. He’s lost all his Spencer looks and has been completely Windsorfied in word and deed. It’d just as well. I think Diana would be ashamed of what he’s become but would be close to Harry and his family IMO.

    • Tessa says:

      I think she knows too much for William to do that.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        I’ve actually had worries about William doing this to Harry if Harry is in the UK for his father’s final days.

        Harry’s best bet would be to fly out immediately or go to the American embassy for help.

        I do believe that William thinks that Harry wants the crown and the throne. I think he NEEDS to believe that. But that means, the second Charles breathes his last, Harry is (in William’s mind only) going to attempt a coup or to take William’s “power”. William thinks Harry is a traitor simply because he lives in another country.

        It’s all quite scary.

      • Tessa says:

        Harry should not go over for the funeral at all if William is that way. He seems to be getting worse. William had sneak attacks on harry.william is obsessed.

    • yipyip says:

      For some reason I keep expecting William to act like Peter O’Toole in The Lion in Winter, chewing scenery, loud, brash, dramatic = King-like. Young, strong, leader.

      Naturally, he does not.
      Too bad, IMO, the 1700’s was when Kings were in favor. LOL

      I write my own Royal stories bc IRL this bunch is no good or needed. LOL

  5. Miranda says:

    She’s constantly getting spa treatments, yet still looks like…that.

    I guess they’re not miracle workers.

    • Andy Dufresne says:


    • eve says:

      This is not a ‘spa’ for beauty treatments. It is known for its Ayurveda, so she probably goes to go dry , having massages and diet. Those place are very ‘one with nature’ so there are no facelifts or botox to be found

  6. I will say it again I don’t believe she has trouble traveling I believe she just doesn’t want to travel for “work”. She doesn’t have a problem getting away for things she likes just for “work”. I don’t care if they talked about her so called travel problems for years. I think she lies.

  7. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    I went and checked out the spa website. It seems nice, don’t get me wrong, but certainly the QC could go somewhere better? I’m wondering what the appeal is here

    • Jais says:

      Maybe she doesn’t go there and it’s a cover? Like a wellness spa that’s not overly luxurious doesn’t seem THAT bad. But maybe she’s really going to an Uber luxurious place with free drinks with her friends. Idk? Camila doesn’t strike me as spiritual, and while I can believe she’s been there before, she’s been 9 times, really??? She could be going anywhere for all we know. I wouldn’t trust them to tell the truth. Who’s gonna really check her? Just saying, clearly the king and the heir get the perks of having more privacy than the spare scapegoats. The system is rotted.

    • Henny Penny says:

      My guess, seeing as a strict caste system is still very much a thing in India, is there are “servants” there who “know their place” that treat her like the Queen she thinks she is.

  8. Wls198 says:

    Wasted money, she is still very hard to look at. Thank goodness for photo shop. Plus her ugly personality never changes. The spa does not use a magic wand. I remember when Madam Macron wanted to hold her hand and she would not allow it. They are probably the same age but you can see the work that Macron does.

  9. wolfmamma says:

    I’m sure it is an excellent center run by qualified Ayurvedic doctors. Bangladore is the seat of the Art of Living and its ashram. That adds to its credentials. I’m thinking cleansing treatments.

  10. LauraD says:

    For someone who doesn’t like flying she certainly takes a lot of long-haul flights. I would be interested to know which family members accompanied her on the trip to India and whether or not their expenses were costed to the taxpayer or the crown. I wonder if close family members include ex-husbands – just askin’ for a friend. 😉

    • Chrissy says:

      I though I read that her sister accompanies her on these trips, and I assume, it’s all on comped by the RF.

    • Lady Esther says:

      I’m sure Tom, Laura (her children), plus numerous friends all enjoyed their week-long spa treatments, flights on a private jet, the works…paid for by the UK taxpayer because it’s “work related.” I highly doubt that the RF would open up its own wallet for that!

      also, NINE TIMES. Holy cow!!

  11. AM says:

    Evidently the spa does not have a dental clinic. Imagine having all the money in the world and your teeth look like that.

  12. tamsin says:

    Seems like Camilla goes to this spa in India before every tour in Asia or Africa. I don’t think she goes to this spa for cosmetic reasons. Also, India is a Commonwealth country and I believe Charles is interested in the traditional cultural religious and health practises and philosophies of the country.

  13. Neeve says:

    She seems to really love this Indian spa,I am quite surprised as I thought she would stick up her nose at India.

  14. Eurydice says:

    And the BM aren’t screaming, crying and throwing up about the cost of the spa, who are the friends and family, who is paying for them, private or commercial flight, environmental impact of all those flights when she could go to a spa in the UK. Just crickets…

  15. QuiteContrary says:

    I get vertigo, too, and it sucks. But she still doesn’t get any sympathy from me. Flying to get vertigo treatments would be the dumbest idea ever.

    • Henny Penny says:

      As someone with occasional bouts of vertigo, I couldn’t agree more. No way would I want to get on a plane during an attack.

  16. Tuesday says:

    I don’t think she’s getting facials and massages. I think her treatment is for a medical condition.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    My question last week was why would Camilla travel to Singapore if she hates flying? I guess I got an answer. I don’t believe that Charles travelled by an commercial airline to Singapore though. But I’m with Kaiser, where’s the outrage that Camilla went on a luxury spa holiday in India at tax payers expense?

  18. fwiw says:

    I suspect she has a respiratory disease from a lifetime of heavy smoking and often uses an oxygen tank in private. For years now her upper lip has had a line turning upward as if a mask has pressed the skin below her nose. The line is particularly visible in the picture above with her hands on a desk (& hair sticking up in back).

  19. Gabby says:

    No spa in the world could fix what’s wrong with this creature, but she’s entitled I guess. Anything to delay her appointment with the great glue factory in the sky.

  20. Over it says:

    I guess when you share pillow talk with the British media, then you don’t ever have to worry about them protecting you and your schemes and lack of work. These people all make me sick . And o also want to say Camilla entire life is a vacation, why does she need to jet off on vacation from vacation? These people are all too much

  21. Proud Mary says:

    I always find it interesting when the British claim they never read the tabloids, or that they are never influenced by the tabloids. So, when the tabloids cherry pick the sovereign grant report to blanket the news with stories about the cost to renovate the delipidated Frogmore Cottage, you couldn’t walk past a news feed without the giant meltdown from folks on that island. But they never care then about the same sovereign grant that listed the cost to renovate Will and Kates driveway at over a million pounds, nor do they care now that the woman spends thousands to fly overseas for a “spa treatment.” The same press could, if they chose, blanket the news with stories of what a pampered lazy wench she is. It’s all a matter of how they chose to cover whom. It’s like in that documentary about Princess, wherein a rota member described Anne as the same awful person she always was, but the only difference is how the press chose to cover her. She use to be the rude, spoiled, ill-bred b*tch, back in the day. Now she’s the crowns greatest “secret weapon”, the “hardest working” royal. What she’s hard working at, or it’s impact on those she serves, is never discussed.

  22. KC says:

    She should get her money back.

  23. Lau says:

    She must really need these spa treatments from all the being lazy the rest of the year.

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