Tim Walz: Donald Trump’s ‘running mate’ Elon Musk was ‘skipping like a dipsh-t’

Governor Tim Walz was out on the campaign trail on Tuesday for some high-profile rallies alongside Barack Obama. I bet those two get along really well, and both men seem to enjoy going off-script. I’m not even sure Tim Walz has a script – reportedly, he had no idea how to use a Teleprompter when VP Harris chose him as her running mate, and I halfway believe that Walz has memorized some of his stump speech and then he just wings it on the fly. Maybe the campaign staffers give him one-liners to drop in. I suspect that’s how we got this excellent burn on Donald Trump’s real running mate:

Tim Walz issued his most blistering attacks against Elon Musk to date on Tuesday as the tech billionaire is increasingly wielding his influence to aid Donald Trump in the final campaign sprint.

“I’m gonna talk about his running mate — his running mate Elon Musk,” Walz told a rally crowd in Madison, Wisconsin, in a slight to the former president’s actual running mate JD Vance.

“Elon’s on that stage jumping around, skipping like a dipsh-t,” Walz said, referencing Musk leaping onstage during a campaign appearance with Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, earlier this month. “Seriously, where is JD Vance?”

Musk declared himself “dark MAGA” when he took the mic at that rally.

“Seriously, that guy is literally the richest man in the world, spending millions of dollars to help Donald Trump buy an election,” Walz continued. Walz also argued that “Donald Trump in front of the eye of the American public is promising corruption” since he’s “already promised” to put Musk in charge of government regulations that directly impact Tesla and his other businesses, and he stands to make “billions” in government contracts and other regulation cuts should Trump win.

[From Politico]

I’m sure some pearl-clutchers are going to scream “think of the children” because Walz called Musk a dipsh-t, but honestly, Donald Trump has been dropping all kinds of curses and crudeness throughout the campaign. The man was talking about Arnold Palmer’s schlong just a few days ago. Besides, Elon Musk IS a dipsh-t. He’s a loser, a dumbass, a con artist and more. Also: it’s really funny to me that Donald Trump keeps collecting these loser surrogate-sons. JD Vance and now Elon Musk. You could tell that Trump actually wished that Robert Kennedy was his running mate though – they could absolutely out-crazy each other, brain-worm for brain-worm.

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23 Responses to “Tim Walz: Donald Trump’s ‘running mate’ Elon Musk was ‘skipping like a dipsh-t’”

  1. girl_ninja says:

    I love him so much and President Obama is right, Coach Veep is the kind of person who SHOULD be running for office. Someone who is a public servant and who believes in liberty and justice for ALL.

  2. I love that he calls him what he is!! I can think of a few other names that are not suitable for print but Walz keeps it clean and gets his point across. Kamala picked a great running mate!!

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Ikr? Dipsh*t is probably the least offensive thing you can call “Leon”.

      • Becks1 says:

        I’m going to admit that I’m laughing here bc when I saw this last night, and even when I watched the clip, I thought he was calling him a “dipstick” and I thought well I don’t fully get it, is he saying Elon is trying to measure the oil level or saying he looks stupid?

        But dipshit makes a lot more sense lol.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Dipstick is a cleaned up version of dipsh*t. It’s not unusual to call a fool like Leon a dipstick here in the Midwest.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I love the UP/Minnesota swearing.. 🤬 it is the best🤣.. yes Elon is a dip sh*t.. I would have loved to hear him also call elon a “pecker head” which fits also. (My mothers favorite swear words are all contained in this post 🫣🤣😉)

  3. TN Democrat says:

    Gawd. I just love this man. I need 8 years of him as veep. The idea of Vance a step away from the presidency as unhinged as mango has become gives me reflux.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      And where the hell is JD anyway?! Something shady is going on behind the scenes and his complete disappearance has me worried about what he’s plotting.

      • lucy2 says:

        I assume he’s busy plotting how to oust trump if the worst happens and they get elected.

      • AMB says:

        He’s probably holed up working on Plan B: how to get Peter Thiel to bankroll his next career move.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        SussexWatcher, he’s probably helping with all of the plans to steal the election. I think they’re going to be surprised by the DOJ. I also think they’ll be surprised by the sheer number of people voting.

  4. Jas says:

    So many things about this election campaign are horrid, but Walz is not one of them. He’s a delight and that’s a brilliant burn on Musk.
    It’s refreshing to have such a regular kind and good man running for VP. Harris picked wisely when she chose him.

  5. ML says:

    I love how Walz called out Musk–that was funny–but more importantly, I love how he used Musk to call out Vance. Saying Leon is Trump’s skip happy running mate and questioning Vance’s long absence is great. Reminding everyone that Vance will not say that Trump lost in 2020 is fire!

  6. Miranda says:


    This is SO peak football coach. I almost expected him to order Leon to run extra wind sprints.

  7. Jais says:

    Oh Lordy. You just know that’s gonna hit Musky hard.

  8. Jks says:

    I’m so impressed and delighted with Tim and Gwen Waltz. They are both incredibly good at this- campaigning, connecting with people, speaking in front of the camera and to large crowds.

  9. Midnight@theOasis says:

    How is what Musk is doing not election interference? He’s using a social media platform against Harris, running racist ads, and buying votes and supporters.

    • Miranda says:

      Meanwhile, today in Republican projection news, Trump’s people are throwing a tantrum and crying “interference” over the UK Labour Party allegedly sending over volunteers (as in, no one’s getting paid) for Kamala.

      • Enza says:

        @Miranda, there are lots of volunteers from Canada too. Seasoned campaigners are down there for door knocking and phone banks, and e-day.

  10. Busybody says:

    Not me biding my time to call the appropriate person “dipshit” today, lol.

    • LadyMTL says:

      Add me to the list please hahaha. It’s such a perfect insult, and it needs to be used more often – especially when referring to people like Elno or the Old Orange.

  11. Whalesnark says:


    They are stupid, ignorant people who don’t understand – or deliberately misuse, dealer’s choice – basic words and phrases.

    I often say “Just tell me whether you’re dumb or lazy, so I know what I’m facing”. Same principle applies here.

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