King Charles avoids all encounters, however polite, with anti-monarchy activists

There’s a great op-ed in i Newspaper this week, written by British republican activist Symon Hill: “I was arrested for heckling King Charles – and I’d do it again.” Hill piggybacks on Australian Senator Lidia Thorpe’s amazing protest in Canberra, Australia, a protest which became the defining moment of Charles and Camilla’s tour. Hill points out something interesting, which I never realized: Charles has never met a republican (or anti-monarchist) advocate or activist face to face. Various republican groups have politely requested meetings with Charles over the years, only to be turned down flat. As a reminder, Lidia Thorpe also asked for a private meeting with Charles to discuss First Nations rights and she was turned down too. Hill also blasts the argument that protests are “disrespectful.”

The King gave no answer. He never does. As he finished his speech to the Australian Parliament, Senator Lidia Thorpe walked towards Charles, calling out that he was not her king and challenging him over his family’s treatment of First Nations people in Australia. The unelected head of state did not respond. He simply waited for the elected senator to be forcibly removed from her own Parliament.

On social media, Thorpe was immediately accused of being “disrespectful”. But how else is Thorpe to express her views to Charles? She cannot stand against him in an election – he is elected by nobody. She cannot debate him on television – he rarely gives serious interviews and is never properly challenged.

I was one of several people in the UK who was arrested for voicing opposition to monarchy when Charles was declared king in September 2022. I was charged with a breach of the Public Order Act, charges which were dropped two weeks later with little explanation. Alongside hundreds of supportive messages and a few death threats, I received messages saying that I was “disrespectful”. It seems to be royalists’ favourite accusation.

In reality, it is not democratic republicans such as Ms Thorpe and me who are disrespectful. It is Charles and his allies. Charles showed his disrespect for democracy and debate in Australia before the royal tour had even begun, when he turned down a polite request to meet with the Australian Republican Movement (ARM). Rejecting the invitation, the monarch’s spokespeople said that he respected the Australian people’s right to decide for themselves whether to keep the monarchy. This is disingenuous. Charles and Camilla have travelled to Australia just as support for a republic is growing there. While ARM compare the Royal visit to a farewell tour by ageing rock stars, Australian royalists are making no secret of their hope that the visit will whip up support for monarchy. At present no referendum on the issue is planned.

Members of the Windsor family consistently avoid any encounter, however calm and polite, with opponents of monarchy. Charles has never met any republican group. He does not appear on Newsnight or the Today programme to answer difficult questions. When meeting members of the public in Cardiff in 2022, he could not even bring himself to respond to someone who calmly asked him about the cost of the coronation. But it is people who object to this sort of behaviour who are described as “disrespectful”.

The police routinely go to ludicrous lengths to protect the Royals from even having to see or hear republicans. In Bolton last year, a 16-year-old with a republican placard was threatened with a dispersal notice and arrest if he did not leave the area in which Charles was due to arrive. Of course it is the police and the government, not the Windsor family, who must bear most of the blame for this sort of behaviour. But the Royals cannot wash their hands of it. An intervention from Charles, let alone a public comment, would make a considerable difference to police behaviour.

Like many people, I will continue to challenge monarchy not because I am disrespectful but because I believe that all human beings are entitled to dignity and respect. This can only really happen in a society in which we treat each other as equals and make decisions democratically – whether in communities, in workplaces or in the appointment of a head of state. Bowing down to your equal human being is what really shows disrespect for humanity.

[From i Newspaper]

I agree with all of this. It was infuriating to see how many British and Australian media outlets and political figures refuse to acknowledge Lidia Thorpe’s fundamental right to protest the king and the crown, much less acknowledge that Thorpe spoke truth to power. The “it’s disrespectful” argument needs to end too – Charles is a coddled 75-year-old man who lives in a dozen castles and palaces and sits on a vast, tax-free fortune. It’s 2024 – no one should shield this rotten old man from republican placards, or protect him from someone daring to protest him in person.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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24 Responses to “King Charles avoids all encounters, however polite, with anti-monarchy activists”

  1. Dee(2) says:

    It’s never the right time, place, or way to protest according to those who want to protect the status quo. She tried to meet him and was ignored. Other’s have tried to meet him and are ignored. Pretending people don’t have an issue won’t make it go away. What’s actually incredibly disrespectful is to treat people with legitimate concerns, complaints, and issues with you and your unelected privilege as annoyances. This is going to be their downfall they are ignoring people like Lidia Thorpe to obsess over whether the Beckham’s speak to the Sussexes, when a vast majority of the people of Britain and the Commonwealth have different concerns.

  2. Meredith says:

    Hasn’t he been faced with anti-monarchy activists on tour his whole life? Like, during his tours of India as a young prince I think there were huge protests? Why are his people acting like this is a shocking new development?

  3. ML says:

    You know, it’s also gross how many people stood there quietly and watched Lidia Thorpe give her message.

    • mblates says:

      @ML-why is this gross? i read in another comment that in british parliament, jeers, claps, etc. would have been made to drown out her message. while it would have been nice if she had vocal support from other members of parliament, the fact that they remained quiet during her speech until she was removed ensured that her every word was heard, recorded and later shared.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        @mblates, that’s so true! I wasn’t looking at it from your perspective! The utter silence and the focus on her being physically removed from the chamber is, and will be, epically engraved on film for decades.

        What’s terribly disrespectful is that Chuckles and his side chick didn’t properly shake hands or even look at their supporters who came out to see them. What utter dopes.

    • Jaded says:

      They wanted to hear her message, that’s why.

  4. MY3CENTS says:

    Well it’s a lot more disrespectful what his institution has inflicted on people and nations throughout the years.
    Deaths, slavery plundering, not very respectful .

    • Jais says:

      Not very respectful at all.

    • AMB says:

      Hmm, they use the word “disrespect” and what I hear in my head is “take your place beneath me, peasant”.

      It’s people who haven’t earned it who seem to be most fixated on this notion of “respect/disrespect”.

      Also: it goes two ways. Live with humility and respect toward others and you’ll get it back, my friend.

  5. Sarah says:

    Wait until William becomes King. It’s going to be far worse. He will be actively making sure that no anti-Monarchist is in his sight.

    • Jais says:

      I’m actually curious about how that will go. Bc even more than Charles, William tries to avoid protestors or any photos or situations with them from what I can tell. It’s just one of the reasons he wants to be a Zoom king. My guess is he’ll have George accompany him even more once he’s king to try and quell the criticism and gain sympathy. As in how can you protest while my young son is by my side?

  6. Eurydice says:

    Charles is the King of Avoidance. He fled to Romania to see the mushrooms rather than face Harry, who actually loves him – how could he possibly face an anti-monarchist?

    But, that’s ok. As Eliza Doolittle sang “Without your twirling it the earth still spins.” Time marches on and the idea of monarchy is rapidly receding into the past.

  7. Gail Hirst says:

    I thought the Senator was VERY respectful…she waited till Charlie boy had Finished His Speech. She heard him out. He was so completely disrespectful to the entire constituency by avoiding/ignoring and having her kicked out of her own Parliament…AN ELECTED OFFICIAL!! She spoke in the language of anguish, deep frustration and generational pain. Meanwhile, he and his queen (consort) snickered. I was disgusted.
    We need to rephrase our protests. Stop arguing to abolish the monarchy and start demanding we defund the monarchy. If we all pull in the same direction, we can defund the monarchy much faster with more impactful and immediate results. Abolishing it…well, yes, in a perfect world, but that’s not where we live. Defunding it is doable. Defunding the monarchy would also defang it in many arenas.

  8. Salbei says:

    He laughs with his neighbour as she is taken out. This has nothing to do with his cancer. That’s a terrible, really terrible personality.

  9. Nanea says:

    Charles is not doing the survial of the monarchy any favors, the way he ducks and hides. What a pathetic coward.

    Ignoring the plight of indigenous peoples that were colonized by the crown and the upper classes in the UK doesn’t make the problem go away.

    The consequences of colonialism are an ongoing issue for the people in the Global South. Be it that their (natural, mineral) resources were taken away without compensation, or their jewels and their movable cultural history stolen, or, worse, human remains — be it to gawped at or for “studying”

    Another ongoing problem, one that goes hand in hand with colonialism, is the refusal of the crown and the ruling classes in the UK to deal with the fallout of slavery. Refusing to open archives, not asking for forgiveness and not even starting to make a feasible plan for paying reparations — all of this shows that the BRF still see themselves as superior beings who shan’t be touched by the suffering of millions of people living today caused by their royal ancestors.
    The Guardian had an opinion piece today about the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and his ties to slavery through his biological father, and one photo accompanying the article was captioned ‘The man the archbishop crowned last year is the most significant heir of slavery of all.’

    Charles can continue to try to sit out the consequences of colonialism and slavery, but he won’t be able to hide.

    I hope the age of accountability for the RF starts now — with people like Lidia Thorpe reminding the world what a “class act” these royals are.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      This man travels with a propaganda press team, he isn’t going to ever step out of his bubble and I don’t think he cares one bit. The Monarchy needs to go and the money to support them should be used to pay restitution for the damage they caused. Half a billion dollars a year can be an installment plan for the next 1000 years.

  10. sunnyside up says:

    I suspect that the King is fully aware that the system of Monarchy makes no sense, perhaps he is wise to ignore the protesters because he has no sensible response for them.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    Ignoring requests from his “subjects” is disrespectful. If he refuses to listen or meet with republicans then he will be protested.

  12. Becks1 says:

    So, weirdly, I kind of understand this. Charles’ whole life has been about being king, right? His whole life has centered around the monarchy and the idea that the monarchy is something from God and that he’s anointed and so on and so forth. The system/bubble is very very strong. It is so entrenched that even Harry, who walked away, still refers to himself as a monarchist.

    So I can see how Charles isn’t even going to bother with republicans. Why would he bother with someone who is challenging the very basis of Charles’ entire life – that he is special, that his bloodline is superior, that he is chosen by God to be king – he’s not going to be able to even acknowledge them because the republican movement goes against everything Charles has built his life around – namely, his role as king.

    What do people think, Charles is going to meet with a republican protestor and then say “oh you’re right, I should give back some of my palaces” or “oh you’re right, I don’t deserve these diamonds on this crown.” Charles’ life is based on the notion that those palaces and those diamonds are HIS, full stop.

    Do I think he “should” meet with republicans? Do I think someone in the British government should seriously acknowledge the concerns of the republican movement and acknowledge that the whole “the royal family brings in more in tourism than they cost” thing is a lie? Yes.

    But I think we are a long way from that happening. And I dont think William is going to be any better or any more willing to meet with them.

    • Eurydice says:

      The anointed by God thing is really the crux of it. That transforms anti-monarchists into heretics. It puts them at the top “thou shalt” of the 10 commandments. That’s why Harry’s defection is so much worse than sex trafficking, influence peddling, bribery, greed, racism, etc., etc.

  13. tamsin says:

    It is ludicrous in this century for the British monarch to reign outside of the United Kingdom. If they had any political smarts, they would listen, and in time help facilitate the removal of the crown from all the “realms.” I don’t see this ridiculous Australian tour as anything but embarrassing for the monarchy. They should realize this sort of tour is outdated and meaningless. It is a waste of time and money. The royals should not make any foreign visits except to accompany the government of the day who are doing real diplomacy/trade/economic negotiations or functions.

  14. Aerie says:

    I’m in the minority on this one but I fully understand why Charles doesn’t meet with anti-monarchists. They hold an opinion that Charles simply can’t and won’t agree with. Without the support of the government and the people, no one group (or even multiple groups) is going to change the constitution and any meeting would be just that: a meeting. Other than listen, there are no shared goals or objectives that Charles could agree to and if he granted anyone an audience it would a symbolic gesture micro-managed down to the coordination of Camilla’s brooch with the tea cups.

  15. Henny Penny says:

    The real issue is that Charles isn’t educated or bright enough to engage in real conversations.

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