Prince Harry made the ‘Hottest Men of All Time’ list, his brother did not

I saw some of you tweeting about Harper’s Bazaar’s “Hottest Men of All Time” list and I thought this was an old story! Given the write-up on Prince Harry – they say he’s engaged to Meghan, rather than married to her – it felt like this list was created in 2017 or 2018? But no, this was written and published this week by Bazaar: “The 50 Hottest Men Of All Time.” Prince Harry is listed at #25. Prince William is not listed at all. You can see the full list here. #1 is James Dean, #2 is Marlon Brando. Robert Redford is #8.

Prince Harry’s write-up is: “Now engaged to Meghan Markle, the younger of British princes has long remained one of the most covetable bachelors in the world.” Given the inclusion of Drake on this list… yeah, it feels like they’ve recycled something from six years ago. It also feels like they need better taste in men, because some of the guys included here are bizarre. Still, it’s funny as hell that scuzzy old Peggington never makes it onto these kinds of lists.

Meanwhile, Prince Harry’s Spare is officially out in paperback this week. By all accounts, nothing has been changed or added from the hardcover, despite the British media’s attempts to “fact-check” Harry’s stories and claim that he was lying about this or that.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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72 Responses to “Prince Harry made the ‘Hottest Men of All Time’ list, his brother did not”

  1. AlexandraS says:

    I imagine in a day or so, the royal rota will release a poll saying William is the handsomest royal ever, has the best beard, and that americans favor him over Harry (all lies). In any case, Harry being #25 will NOT go down well with William, who lost every single bit of his looks in one of the most furious glowdowns ever.

  2. Tessa says:

    William must be raging now. Time to make another appearance maybe going jogging for the cameras.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Nah… he’ll probably go out in Windsor, on his little scooter again, with the helmet balance on the pointy top of his shinning dome.

  3. Pinkosaurus says:

    Isn’t William on the hottest man in Britain list according to the tabloid “polls”, right behind Piers Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson? 🤢🤮

    I think the response to that poll was “Britain, are you okay?” 😆

  4. girl_ninja says:

    Harry deserves to be on this list, no doubt about it. Respecting and protecting your wife is quite sexy and he fits the bill.

    Man, oh man this list will may make the Lazy Prince go out of his mind! He’s likely to turn up shirtless and play Rugby with his ogre cousin-in-law! 😂😂😂

    • Seraphina says:

      I was think the exact same thing. A man being sexy isn’t just looks. It’s how he treats others and how he takes care of his wife/partner and family.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed. Prince Hot Ginge’s stellar good looks are at the bottom of the list that makes up his hotness. His endless compassion, the way he adores his wife and children, his love for humanity, the obvious joy in existing in the small moments, it’s all a part of why we love him.

      • bisynaptic says:

        Agreed. Harry truly is one of the hottest men of all time (in a list without recency- or Western bias); and this will continue, long into the future, when the glow of men like Paul Newman will have faded, because people will be taking a man’s character (eg, how he treats his wife) a lot more seriously. His attractiveness has caused a whole segment of the global population to go apeshit over Meghan (I don’t think it’s just misogynoir; I think it’s also envy), FFS.

        At any rate, any list that puts Ryan Phillippe ahead of Jeff Bridges is worthless.

      • windyriver says:

        @bisynaptic – understand the point you’re making but Paul Newman, also a veteran, will remain up there with Harry. Start with his Newman’s Own line, whose after tax profits all go to charity, including the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp for seriously ill children, and go from there re extensive philanthropy. His famous line re fidelity: “Why go out for hamburger when you have steak at home?” Anyway, there are much better examples of what you mean.

    • Jais says:

      Wish you could’ve had written the blurb as opposed to whatever AI crap had him still engaged to Meghan. Bc that’s what it comes down to. A man looking out for his wife and kids is sexy.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Love this for Prince Harry and love the timing of the publication. It’s not every Royal who could make a list like this and compare to Rock Hudson, Cary Grant, Paul Newman and Robert Redford. That’s a lot of hotness and beauty in one article.

      • StarWonderful says:

        No to Pharrell Williams, Heath Ledger, Justine Timberlake! Should have listed instead Sydney Poitier and Sean Connery, if they haven’t

  5. Tessa says:

    Or rant about why people magazine can’t give him sexiest man alive cover story.

  6. Oh poor Peg lol. I guess he will now have to come out and do something that his yes men will set up for him. It won’t matter that it might pull attention from Chuckles. Mr. Scruffy dirt face is probably having a major tantrum if you listen closely you can hear him yelling into the void “ not Harolddddd” lol.

  7. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    The polo, the surf, the sexy… 😂 William is incandescent, stomping and throwing fancy cushions everywhere and fisting the sky

    • Chrissy says:

      I don’t know …. has anyone seen in in the last two weeks? As we speak, he’s probably hiding away in some kind of stupor.

      • JudyB says:

        The word was that he and anyone in his family was not allowed to appear in public until after his dad returns from his Australia trip so there is no chance anyone will overshadow him.

        But this article about Harry certainly did, didn’t it? Wonder how long it will take William to go on a surfing holiday?

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    I agree that Prince Harry’s words and deeds coupled with his devotion to the family he created along with how fit he keeps himself warrants inclusion on this list.

  9. ML says:

    But William was number 3 of the sexiest men on this list a few months ago:
    After (chortle slash dry heave) Jeremy Clarkson and his disgusting teeth and poor Tom Holland who should have been protected from whoever voted here.

  10. Steph says:

    Am I the only one who never found pegs hot?
    A little background: outside of my blood I didn’t have a lot of exposure to white ppl in real life. So growing up my examples where tv/film (bc ew I’m not sitting here determining whether or not my family is hot). Hollywood has always had a formula so most white people looked like a copy paste to me. William fit right into that mold. He looked very typical to me. Nothing besides “Prince” made him stand out. And I knew even as a kid that I was never to be acceptable in that environment so I didn’t get the hoopla.

    • Eurydice says:

      I never did – but then I don’t get the appeal of boy bands, either. William was pretty for a while, in a baby-faced way, but he always seemed bland and boarding-school to me.

    • Christine says:

      I never did, he’s younger than me and it felt gross. Funny I didn’t also feel that for Harry. Once he was popping up in uniform on active duty, the hotness was undeniable.

      • Kittenmom says:

        Yes to all of that. And when Harry added the beard, it suddenly made him insanely attractive.

        Willy always had those big ass teeth, even when he was considered “hot.” (Not!)

    • Joy says:

      I feel like there were a couple of good pictures of him as a teen but in reality he’s always been fugly.

      • HeatherC says:

        He was able to hide most of his face under lush blonde hair that reminded everyone of his mother. Diana died when he was 15 or so, so his “hot years” were also combined with the “poor boy” era, fresh off his mom dying and at the time resembling her so (the hair and glancing up through his bangs).

      • Joy says:

        @HeatherC, yes, your comment exactly.

    • Nerd says:

      I’ve never really gotten into the whole premise that blonde hair and blue eyes makes someone attractive and I feel like that was what most people saw in him. I cringe when the description of someone uses those descriptors as if that automatically means that they are attractive. He always looked basic to me and nothing beyond those two things were ever really associated to his looks. He looks like the norm. It’s not that he was unattractive back then he was just average. I honestly saw Harry as the more attractive one because of the hair and his demeanor seemed more natural, inclusive and fun.

  11. Eurydice says:

    I suppose since it’s “Of All Time” it kind of makes sense that half of those listed are dead and more than half of the rest are anywhere from 50 to 94, but it’s definitely weird that they don’t know Harry’s been married for 6 years. Still, if this list inspires William to get rid of that horrible not-quite-a-beard, it won’t be completely useless.

    • North of Boston says:

      That list definitely comes off as pulled from an archive from years ago.

      It’s got a clump of middling white dudes of a certain era who absolutely don’t have the staying power to be sexiest of the decade, much less All Time:

      Leto, JT, Tatum, mcConaghey, Phillipe, Gyllenhaal, etc

      Plus several of them have shown their asses since (I’m guessing) this listicle was first written: Pitt, Gyllenhaal, Leto, JT and some others.

      Harry has only gotten hotter.
      Maybe someday media, society, men in general will wake up to the fact that the sexiest, hottest, most beautiful man is the one who thinks for himself, does something productive that uplifts others and respects, loves their SO and treats them as a peer, partner, equal (or other key people in their life if they happen to not have a SO)

      Nice eyes, great hair, athletic or whatever other physical feartures etc may be fine … but they don’t wallpaper over self-centered or shallow or asshole

    • Becks1 says:

      It’s 100% an old list, which is annoying – usually a site will say “originally published on X date.” I would say that some of the inclusions were out of date even when it was originally published, like Ryan Phillipe. Has anyone even thought of him as hot in years, and yet he’s in the top 15 on that list?

      In the blurb for Skarsgard, it references his appearance on Big Little Lies “last year” so this was probably 2018ish.

      That said, I”m not bothered by it because you know that Harry’s inclusion at all is sending his brother into a rage this morning, lol.

  12. SamuelWhiskers says:


  13. Inge says:

    I dare them to fake a poll again.

    He got dragged all over twitter for sexiest bald male lol

    Oooh the memories 🙂

  14. Jks says:

    You just know this and the surfing video will make William incandescent with rage for days.
    Harry is having all the fun!

  15. CM says:

    Prince Harry is hot as hell!! And while he is a good looking man overall, his confidence, SWAG, kindness, sense of humor, passion for giving back, and love for his wife and his kids, sets him apart and makes him even more charming. Love love love him!

  16. Swaz says:

    Prince Harry is hot 🤩🤩😍😍

  17. QuiteContrary says:

    Harry has just the right amount of swagger, so it doesn’t tip into arrogance. He’s hot as hell.

    William has always been an entitled jerk — a James Spader type.

    • Ennie says:

      Hey, please leave sexy James Spader out of this! I hate-loved him in that pink movie, and fell for his acting in sex lies and videotape , yeah, guilty. PWT cannot compare.

  18. Gracie says:

    Just no. They inherited the unfortunate side of the genes. None of the men in that fam are attractive.

    • Jaded says:

      I think you need your eyes checked, and Harry’s hotness doesn’t come from his looks per se, it comes from his compassion, his love of family, his humour, his integrity and his charisma.

      • sevenblue says:

        I agree. Some people online usually ask why Diana was so promoted as one of the most beautiful women, when they don’t find her so. I think, her beauty was also not just her physical attributes (which in my opinion, very traditionally beautiful), but how she carried herself, how empathetic she was to the people she was meeting with. She also had charisma, which Harry inherited. Both of them can light up a room.

      • Lulu says:

        Prince Philip in his day – yes he was hot.

    • Enny says:

      Harry is the exact spitting image of young Prince Philip. He got very little Windsor, a dash of Spencer, a big dash of Diana’s charisma. Dare I say he has his granddad’s looks with BDE (Big Diana Energy)?

      • CM says:

        LOL! Yep!!!

      • Giddy says:

        Harry amazes me because he is one of the few whose charisma is so strong that it transcends mere photos. Then, when we see him in videos, see his love and compassion, and his interest in others, he becomes a magnetic personality.

  19. Audrey says:

    So much for being the sexiest baldie in the UK.

  20. Nerd says:

    The mistake in the article of them referring to his engagement instead of his marriage to Meghan, is unfortunate, but his hotness has grown exponentially since their wedding. I’ll have to admit that when he stepped out of the van on his wedding day and walked with such swag, joy and excitement, I thought he looked hot. His continued support and obvious love for his wife and children has only made him even more gorgeous with that beautiful ginger beard and piercing blue eyes.

  21. yipyip says:

    I like Harry.
    But let’s be real here, the fact that William and Harry are born Princes into the biggest media Royal Family on the planet + extreme wealth and luxury gives them both an auto spot on the list.

    If JFK Jr. was still alive he’d still be in the HoF hot guy list.

    Hot/Sexiest man is a goofy list anyhow.
    Remember the Hot Felon guy? His looks got him about 8 minutes of fame. LOL
    Personal HoF: Keanu, Idris, Cavill, Bruce Lee.

  22. AMB says:

    Glancing through this clear retread from years back just made me feel how silly and meaningless such lists are.

    Sure, these guys were considered very attractive in their day, but what does “of all time” even mean? Consider Brando … anyone seen “Apocalypse Now”? And if it’s “of all time”, why no love for Lord Byron? Women went ape for him!

  23. mightymolly says:

    Harry is absolutely smokin’ no question. And it’s a very respectable list, but the absence of River Phoenix actually makes me a little ragey.

    • Enny says:

      I read somewhere once that the mathematically most perfect face (in terms of symmetry, etc.) for males was…

      Curt Cobain.

      But guys like him never make lists like this. 🤷🏼‍♀️

      • mightymolly says:

        Kurt Cobain is #12 on this list. But what really gets me is Health Ledger (#17). I really liked Heath, don’t get me wrong, but I always felt like his success was somewhat tied to him being the new River (and sadly they died in very similar ways). I don’t understand the omission of River.

  24. therese says:

    I think of the video clip in a recent CB article, and you see Harry’s face before he is to launch, and he is FIERCE. He has a keen, fierce look on his face before he takes on another challenge. Is his profile less than Greek? Maybe. Who is looking at that. That man is fierce inside. He is his own man, but he is also his mother’s son. They both were handed almost insurmountable obstacles and abuse, suffered from it, and pulled up their enormous inner resources to both seek help and overcome their obstacles, and turn their misfortunes into compassion for other people. I think they both were and are extraordinary people. Fierce warriors and gentle people. They love other people, and that is why people love them. I hope that one day Bill will have a change of heart and mind, seek help and reform. If he becomes loveable, he might become attractive, because it really is what’s inside that counts.

  25. Lau says:

    Even if it’s an old list, it’ll still make William seethe with anger and jealousy so that’s great !

  26. yipyip says:

    Looking at the list and I really truly do not agree on a lot of the men on the list.
    Attractive in their prime, yes.
    I’d go along with Cary Grant, not Leto.
    McQueen, Newman, Redford sure.
    But where is Valentino? Errol Flynn? Yul Brynner?
    This list is stacked with ’70’s-2000’s actors/heartthrobs.
    To me Cary Grant was the perfect facade of Tall, Dark and Handsome, Rock Hudson ditto.

    James Dean as the hottest man ever, #1. No.

  27. Jaded says:

    What about Chris Pine? Aaron Taylor-Johnson? Lucien Laviscount? Colin Firth? Jeffrey Dean Morgan? Mads Mikkelsen? Sean Bean? Ralph Fiennes? Charles Dance? Jason Statham? Liam Neeson? Keanu Reeves? Mark Ruffalo? Jason Isaacs?

  28. bisynaptic says:

    LOL Ryan Phillippe? Really??

  29. AC says:

    Glad that more of the US media (non-Murdoch owned) have been more positive about HM. I knew they would come around 😊
    Wonder if that means we’re going to see W trying to hang out with Americans or try to lure the US media 😀. Wasn’t he seen with an American football last week trying to get the NFL attention lol.

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