Donald Trump once said: ‘I need the kind of generals that Hitler had’

It’s every day now – every single day, there are like ten “this should be disqualifying for Donald Trump” stories. Some of the stories are old, some are new. If you ask me, almost none of these stories actually move the needle with MAGA cultists. The MAGA faithful will still vote for Trump even if he spit on them and slapped their mothers. Will these stories move “undecided voters” though? I have no idea. The Atlantic published a story on Tuesday about Trump’s behavior when he was in the White House. The two significant stories from this Atlantic piece:

In April 2020, Vanessa Guillén, a 20-year-old Army private, was bludgeoned to death by a fellow soldier at Fort Hood, in Texas. The killer, aided by his girlfriend, burned Guillén’s body. Guillén’s remains were discovered two months later, buried in a riverbank near the base, after a massive search. Guillén, the daughter of Mexican immigrants, grew up in Houston, and her murder sparked outrage across Texas and beyond. Fort Hood had become known as a particularly perilous assignment for female soldiers, and members of Congress took up the cause of reform. Shortly after her remains were discovered, President Donald Trump himself invited the Guillén family to the White House. With Guillén’s mother seated beside him, Trump spent 25 minutes with the family as television cameras recorded the scene.

In the meeting, Trump maintained a dignified posture and expressed sympathy to Guillén’s mother. “I saw what happened to your daughter Vanessa, who was a spectacular person, and respected and loved by everybody, including in the military,” Trump said. Later in the conversation, he made a promise: “If I can help you out with the funeral, I’ll help—I’ll help you with that,” he said. “I’ll help you out. Financially, I’ll help you.” Natalie Khawam, the family’s attorney, responded, “I think the military will be paying—taking care of it.” Trump replied, “Good. They’ll do a military. That’s good. If you need help, I’ll help you out.”

…In an Oval Office meeting on December 4, 2020, officials gathered to discuss a separate national-security issue. Toward the end of the discussion, Trump asked for an update on the McCarthy investigation. Christopher Miller, the acting secretary of defense (Trump had fired his predecessor, Mark Esper, three weeks earlier, writing in a tweet, “Mark Esper has been terminated”), was in attendance, along with Miller’s chief of staff, Kash Patel. At a certain point, according to two people present at the meeting, Trump asked, “Did they bill us for the funeral? What did it cost?” According to attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered: Yes, we received a bill; the funeral cost $60,000.

Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a f–king Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!” Later that day, he was still agitated. “Can you believe it?” he said, according to a witness. “F–king people, trying to rip me off.”

Khawam, the family attorney, told me she sent the bill to the White House, but no money was ever received by the family from Trump. Some of the costs, Khawam said, were covered by the Army (which offered, she said, to allow Guillén to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery) and some were covered by donations. Ultimately, Guillén was buried in Houston.

The personal qualities displayed by Trump in his reaction to the cost of the Guillén funeral—contempt, rage, parsimony, racism—hardly surprised his inner circle. Trump has frequently voiced his disdain for those who serve in the military and for their devotion to duty, honor, and sacrifice. Former generals who have worked for Trump say that the sole military virtue he prizes is obedience. As his presidency drew to a close, and in the years since, he has become more and more interested in the advantages of dictatorship, and the absolute control over the military that he believes it would deliver. “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had,” Trump said in a private conversation in the White House, according to two people who heard him say this. “People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders.” (“This is absolutely false,” Pfeiffer wrote in an email. “President Trump never said this.”)

[From The Atlantic]

“It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a f–king Mexican” and “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had.” Those two quotes would have ended any politician’s career forever. Not only that, no one in that politician’s family would even be able to run for office or be part of the political world at any point. There would be editorials and cable news would light a bonfire if a sitting senator or any other presidential candidate had made those two statements. But because it’s Trump, it’s like… yeah, he totally said that and it’s just another Tuesday.

More on Trump’s love of Hitler. Trump and Kanye West really are birds of a feather.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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18 Responses to “Donald Trump once said: ‘I need the kind of generals that Hitler had’”

  1. Of course he did because he wants to be a dictator like Hitler. We need to have the orange menace removed from this planet and all his minions too!!!!’n

    • the Robinsons says:

      ThisM_fers-days in the sun are almost done, as of Nov 5th 2024 his era is over. LikeGuilliani-losing all his to the poll workers he put inharms way.

  2. TN Democrat says:

    Vote blue and incarcerate this asshole and all his minions selling democracy to treasonous bastards like Muskrat. Trickle down economics is bullshit that has destroyed the American dream.

  3. yipyip says:

    Very well written.
    I agree completely that he has made statements that should have immediately ended his public career.
    Insanity! He should be in jail for his constant pro Hilter statements alone.
    Hate speech. Over and over and over.

  4. Brassy Rebel says:

    Everyone needs to remember that this is how he was in his one term. A second term would be orders of magnitude worse. He has been given a green light by SCOTUS and all institutionalists would be gone. It’s horrifying.

    And Hitler’s generals attempted to kill him several times. Trump doesn’t want Hitler’s generals. He wants sycophants.

    The story about the murdered soldier is heartbreaking. Trump makes everything he gets near worse.

    • Jay says:

      Came here to say exactly this – there were multiple assassination attempts that were planned by Hitler’s military officers.

      I remember a story about John Kelly (I think) telling him exactly that. Obviously that information didn’t take hold.

  5. Proud Mary says:

    What’s scary about this guy is that nothing attributed to him, no matter how awful, is surprising at all. And yet, his supporters will not budge. In fact this stuff is probably why they like him. I just saw someone on YouTube say that he’s leading in Georgia. Fact is, our general is not a national election. It’s a 7-state election, at most. Kamala will win my state easily, but it’s not one of the 7. Panic is creeping in for me.

    • lanne says:

      I live in Georgia. I’m hoping the early voting in the Atlanta metro area will pull us through. If all Kamala supporters vote, we should win be an even bigger margin than in 2020. I have to stay positive. And yes I already voted.

  6. Northernlala says:

    It’s social media- everyone is numb. Story after story after story. A constant barrage of headline breaking news doesn’t mean anything anymore. People just scroll on to the next one. We hear about every war, every natural disaster, every scandal, every damn thing from all over the world. Unless you’re directly affected, means nothing anymore- just a story on a screen that you can scroll past. It’s too much! He happens to have come up at the beginning of it and is benefiting from it like no other sociopath before him.

  7. AmyB says:

    I appreciate that military veteran Generals like John Kelley, Milley and Mathis historically tend to stay apolitical and making the kind of public statements that they have recently is unprecedented. THAT being said – WHY didn’t we hear about this four years ago?????? When perhaps more people would have been inclined to listen, especially in the immediate aftermath of Jan. 6th, where even MAGA sycophants like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy seemed ready to turn their back on that Orange rapist/felon. Nothing will change his cult’s mind at this point. He could LITERALLY shoot someone on 5th Avenue in NYC and they wouldn’t give AF. We all thought that was hyperbole at the time; turns out it wasn’t.

    I am so exhausted from career-ending information coming out every single day, and nothing moves the needle with his brainwashed, idiotic cult. For the love of everything good in this world, we need to defeat that criminal in two weeks!

  8. yipyip says:

    Imagine spending your career serving in the military, reaching the rank of General and having to put up with hearing this garbage from Trumo.

    #1. Trump committed Treason on Jan. 6
    #2. Everything else we know about Trump.
    #3. And he constantly talks about how much he loves America.
    He is absolutely, criminally, constantly insane.

    Retired General Kelly has my respect.
    Making a statement such as he did is very unusual. He should have been more crude, lay the truth on the table loudly.

  9. Veronica S. says:

    They’re voting for him because they want him to be their Hitler. Let’s not kid ourselves. No significant amount of people are motivated to vote because they’re listening to exactly what he’s saying – they’ll win and never have to vote again. The majority will be crushed by his new administration because they’ll destroy democracy altogether. They’ll have their fascist dream. Ethics don’t matter to these people. Having the right of it does.

    The “leftists” pulling “protest votes” the same way they did in 2016 can be prepared for me to consider them as dangerous as conservatives going forward if this election goes badly. If you can’t be trusted to sacrifice even a little bit of pride to protect women and minorities, then you’re not actually an ally or progressive. Your religion is the hashtag, and your fundamentalism reveals itself to me in the belief the whole of society as a whole must suffer for the perceived sin created by the powerful few. I know revamped Catholic guilt when I see it, and I am not your sacrificial lamb.

    • Miranda says:


      It makes me literally nauseous that half the country wants this, and a not insignificant number of others are petulant enough to let it happen.

  10. Elaine says:

    A lot of Nazi Generals were aristocracy, they absolutely hated Hilter.

  11. girl_ninja says:

    His base will not care because they are in a cult, but many republicans who are not in that cult will be disgusted and troubled by this. THAT is who we need to reach. DT is a place holder to slide in the hillbilly. All gas. NO. BRAKES.

  12. Kadie says:

    Confused? Didn’t his generals try to kill him or was Tom Cruise lying to us in 2008? Seriously, this man is walking evil, a serial predatory opportunist. If the TOP military are speaking out, PLEASE listen because they are trained into a code of silence for commanding officers.

  13. D says:

    I read the entire Atlantic article and felt like much of it was stuff we had already heard. Maybe not the specific quotes but “unnamed sources” were saying he was asking these types of questions and saying these types of things during the last election too, it’s just that some of those unnamed sources are now named. I think it was the NY Times that had op-eds written with unnamed people talking about this kind of thing. The problem is that just as it was back then, the media isn’t reacting to it like they would any other candidate. They mention it because it’s news but then move on as if it’s not that big of a deal.

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